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1、LanguagePoints第四册LanguagePoints(第四册)Unit 3Section A. Language Point 1Longing for a New Welfare System (Title) 渴望新的福利救济制度long for: have an intense desire for; want very much 渴望The children are always longing for the holidays. 孩子们总是盼着放假。理解类似短语look forward to: They were looking forward to the summer vo

2、cation. 他们盼着放暑假。be hungry for: He is hungry for a long period of rest after working for a whole year. 工作了整整一年,他盼着能休息一段时间。Language Point 2A welfare client is supposed to cheat. (Para.1) be supposed to:1) be generally believed or expected to be or do 期望是,据说是 I havent seen it myself, but its supposed t

3、o be a good book. 我还没有看过这本书,但据说它挺不错的。2) be expected or required to do or be sth. according to a rule, a custom, an arrangement, 应该是Youre supposed to ask for leave if you want to go home. 假如你要回家,你得请假。Language Point 3bleed the system(Para.1) bleed: v.1) (infml) force sb. to pay a lot of money over a p

4、eriod of time 榨干He is bleeding me for every penny I have. 他要榨干我的钱。2) lose blood, esp. from a wound or an injury 流血Your leg is bleeding. 你的腿在流血。 Language Point 4I have opted to live a life of complete honesty. (Para. 2) opt to do sth: choose to do sth.; decide to do sth. in preference to anything els

5、e 选择When he left the college, he opted to go to be a teacher.大学毕业后他选择了当老师。 Language Point 5in some sticky situation. (Para.2) sticky: a.1) (informal) difficult or unpleasant a sticky problem 一个棘手的问题 2) made of or covered in a substance that sticks to things that touch it Her hands were sticky from t

6、he ice cream. 她的手沾上了冰淇淋粘糊糊的。 3) (informal) (of the weather) hot and damp a sticky, humid 一个又热又潮的傍晚 Language Point 6Deep down, caseworkers know that (Para.3)deep down: in sb.s true feeling; in fact rather than by appearance 从内心深处,深深的He knew, deep down, that he would have to admit everything. 他内心明白他将不

7、得不承认一切。 Language Point 7 they are being made fools of by many of their clients (Para. 3) make a fool of sb: trick sb. into behaving foolishlyHed been made a fool of by his best friend. 他被最好的朋友骗了。 Your friend is making a fool of you. 你在朋友愚弄你。make a fool of oneself: When he was feasting he made a fool

8、 of himself.他赴宴时出尽了洋相。 Language Point 8feel they are entitled to have clients (Para.3) be entitled to: have the right to have or do sth. Everyones entitled to his or her own opinion.每个人都有权发表自己的意见。 Entitle sb to do sth His words can not entitle you to go to this class without register. 他的话不能使你不用注册就能够

9、来上课。 Language Point 9Im not being bitter. (Para. 3)be being + adjective / noun: to talk about action and behavior. 表示动作或行为Youre being stupid. (= Youre doing stupid things.) This structure can not talk about feelings. 一般不用来表示情感Im happy just now. (Not Im being happy just now.) Language Point 10begin a

10、s college-educated liberals(Para.3)liberal: n.开明人士 He liked to think of himself as a liberal. 他喜爱把自己想象成开明人士。 a.1)思想开明的Her parents are very liberal and allow her a lot of freedom. 她的父母很开明给她许多自由。 2) generousShe is very liberal with her money. 她花钱很大方。3) concerned with increasing sb.s general knowledge

11、and experience rather than particular skills a liberal education一般教育 Language Point a system that practically requires people to lie(Para.3) practically: ad.1) (esp. spoken) almost; very nearly With that crack in it, the vase is worth practically nothing. 因为有那道裂纹,这花瓶实际上不值多少钱。 2) in a realistic

12、 or sensible way; in real situations Practically speaking, we cant afford this car. 说实在的,我们负担不起这辆车。 Language Point 12Suzanne tries to lecture me about repairs(Pa.9) lecture:v. criticize 教训,说教Don lecture me! 少教训我! He always lectures me about the way I dress, which made me very angry. 他老说我穿着不得体, 这是我很生

13、气。 n. a long angry talk 长篇大论I know I should stop smoking dont give me a lecture about it. 我明白我应该戒烟别跟我长篇大论。 Language Point 13Im an active worker, not a vegetable. (Para.10) vegetable: n.1) (figurative)植物人Severe brain damage turned him into a vegetable. 严峻的大脑损伤使他变成了植物人。 2) a person who has a boring li

14、fe Since losing my job Ive felt like a vegetable. 丢了工作后,我觉得人都变得呆了。Language Point 14 to get the cheapest bid. (Para.12) bid: n.1)出价What was the highest bid for the antique? 那个古董的最高竞价是多少? 2)an attempt He failed in his bid to enter the castle. 他没进入城堡。 v.1)出价, 投标A French firm will be bidding for the con

15、tract.一家法国公司将竞标这份合同.2) an attempt They are bidding for the same document. 他们企图得到同一份文件。 Language Point 15Then the medical worker alerted the main welfare office (Para.12) alert:v. warn sb. Neighbors quickly alerted the emergency services. 邻居们很快向急救中心发出了警报。 a.1)头脑清醒的 Try to stay alert while driving. 开车

16、时头脑一定要清醒.2)警惕的We must be alert to face danger. 面对危险我们必须保持清醒的头脑。Language Point 16There needs to be a lawyer who can act as a champion for the rights of welfare clients, (Para.15)Some verbs can be used in this way. For example: There seems to be some problems. There happens to be a lecture going on. T

17、here tends to be some doubt.the passive structure is possible with “there”. There was said to be disagreement between them. Language Point 17who can act as a champion for the rights of (Para.15)champion: n.1)拥护者, 斗士a champion for justice 正义的维护者 2)冠军the world basketball champions 世界篮球冠军 v. fight for

18、or speak in support of people or a belief He has always championed the cause of peace. 他一直在支持争取和平的事业。 Language Point 18Would I sit on the governors committee (Pa.16)sit on: be an official member of a group She sat on the companys board for many years. 她在公司的董事会当了多年董事。He sits on a number of committees

19、. 他是好几个委员会的委员。Language Point 19 not seek to convict them of cheating. (Pa.17) convict: v. 证明有罪He is a convicted murderer. 他是个已定罪的杀人犯。 n.罪犯an escaped convict 一名逃犯 Here we should learn to distinguish “accuse”, “charge” accuse sb of doing sth 控告 charge sb with sth 有证据的控告(fml)John was accused of being d

20、ishonest. John was charged with being dishonest. Language Point 20will thrive under a new system(Para.17) thrive: v. become and continue to be successful, strong, healthy, etc. 兴旺发达New businesses thrive in this street.这条街上新开张的生意都很兴隆。 a thriving city 一个欣欣向荣的城市 Section B. Language Point 1I would leave

21、 the next day to accompany an important Chinese businessman (Para。1) accompany: v.伴随 I must ask you to accompany me to the post office. 我得要求你陪我去一趟邮局。Her anger was accompanied by anxiety. 她的愤慨中夹杂着焦虑Can you use flute to accompany me? 你能用长笛为我伴奏吗?Language Point 2The stacks of paper bore witness to a hug

22、e amount of work (Para.1)stack: n.1) C a pile of sth a stack of hay 一个干草堆 a stack of dishes 一摞盘子2) C an amount of sth stacks of / a stack of work 许多工作Language Point 3How will I ever catch up? (Para.1) catch up:赶着要做I have to catch up on my work tonight, so I cant come out to see the movie. 我今晚有许多工作赶着

23、要做,因此不能出来看电影了。 赶上:He spent six months catching up with the rest of the class. 他用半年的时间赶上班上的其他同学。Language Point 4we spent the day visiting attractions(Pa.2) attraction: n.1) C an interesting place to go or thing to do Great Wall is a major tourist attraction. 长城是一个要紧的旅游胜地。2) U (sing.) a feeling of lik

24、ing sbShe felt an immediate attraction for his decency. 她一下子就被他的风光吸引住了。3) C, U a feature or quality that makes sth. seem interesting I cant see the attraction of sitting on a beach all day. 我不觉得整天坐在海滩上有什么吸引人之处。Language Point 5most of them loaded with cameras and small gifts. (Para.2) load with: carr

25、y The cart was loaded with fresh vegetables. 马车上装满了新奇蔬菜。 Language Point 6My hand held his elbow to steer him (Para.6) steer: v.引He steered the boat into the harbor. 他将船驶入了港口。 He managed to steer the conversation away from his wife. 他设法把话题从他的妻子引开了。Language Point 7with no sign of hesitation or stoop,(

26、Para.6) stoop: n. 1)驼背 The old man walked with a stoop. 那个老人驼着背走路。 2)门廊We sat talking on the stoop until midnight. 我们坐在门廊上一直谈到半夜。 v.弯腰, 弓背 She stooped down to pick up the child. 她弯下腰把孩子抱了起来。Language Point 8The music seems out of tune to our Western ears, Para.7 (be / seem) out of tune:走调,跑调 反: in tu

27、neSomeone in the choir is singing out of tune. 合唱团里有人唱歌跑调了。None of them could sing in tune. 他们每个人唱歌都走调。Language Point 9the blind man leaned his head eagerly toward me. (Para.11) lean toward : 1、凑近, 靠近 He leaned toward me and told me his secret. 他把身子凑近我,告诉了我他的隐秘。2、倾向于 I rather lean towards your view.

28、 我倒比较倾向于你的意见。Language Point 10 with such intensity. (Para.11)intensity: n. 强烈, 强度intensity of light 强烈的光线intense: a. very great, serious 剧烈的, 激烈的 intense heat 酷热intense pain 剧痛 intense competition 激烈的竞争 Language Point 11 and gold-colored hats like small crowns, (Para.14)crown: n. 1) C王冠 2) C 冠军称号 v.

29、 1)加冕 2) cover the top of sth 覆盖, 笼罩 Mist crowned the mountains, what a beautiful picture. 薄雾笼罩着群山, 多么漂亮的景色。Language Point 12The nails highlight each elegant movement (Para.14) highlight: v. emphasize, 强调The report highlights the major problems facing society today.报告强调了当今社会所面临的要紧问题。n. the best, mos

30、t interesting part One of the highlights of the trip was seeing the Taj Mahal.游览泰姬陵是这次旅行最精彩的部分之一。Language Point 13 and I excused myself (Para.16) excuse oneself / sb.: say in a polite way that one is leaving 失陪I excused myself from the dinner table to make a phone call. Language Point 14 in the over

31、head light. (Para.17) overhead: a, ad.overhead ceiling 头顶上方的天花板 fly overhead 在头顶飞旋 n. (pl. BrE. U AmE.) regular costs to keep a business running 治理费用 our overhead(s) was cut in half. 我们的治理费用减少了一半。 Language Point 15 merely skimming the surface (Para.19) skim the surface:触及表面Weve only skimmed the surface of the problem. 我们只是触及了问题的表面。skim: v.1) move quickly

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