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1、高考英语浙江专用精准提分练考前冲刺卷含答案1考前冲刺卷(一)选择题部分第一部分听力(略)第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWalter Fuller awakens at 4:30 am. every day to unlock the parking lot at Ormond Beach,where he has served as its unpaid security guard and tour guide for 18 years.For Fuller,the w

2、ork has its own rewards:Fishers,surfers,and fellow birders greet him as he keeps an account of their comings and goings for his daily report;children become amazed when he shows them their first upclose view of the Pacific Ocean;and whitecrowned sparrows followed him while he refills their feeders.W

3、ith about 250 bird species flying through every year,the twomile strip of wetlands is a birders dreamland.But it wasnt like that when Fuller found it.As a lifelong bird lover,he first visited Ormond Beach in 1996 on a lunch break from his job at the nearby navy base.He saw all kinds of birdsmallard

4、ducks,finches,and hawksbut barely any people around to enjoy them.The beach had become a wasteland and a place of drug deals and gang activity.He began going there after work,clearing old tires,mattresses,and sludge(烂泥) and patrolling(巡逻) the parking lot.After he retired from the navy base,he went t

5、o the beach every day,often sleeping in his truck in the parking lot to persuade troublemakers not to come at night.The beach became a safe place and human visitors gradually began returning.In 2008,Oxnard city officials took notice of the lonely man and provided him with a metal shipping container

6、to sleep in.“In 1996,nobody felt dangerous out here,” Fuller says.“Now we get up to a hundred visitors a day.They say,Were coming back because youre here. That makes my heart grow.”语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。退役的海军老兵沃尔特富勒自愿守护奥蒙德海滩,将原来几乎是垃圾场以及犯罪分子活动区域的奥蒙德海滩变成了爱鸟人和旅游者的天堂。1Walter Fuller chose to stay at the Ormond Be

7、ach after retirement mainly because .Ahe didnt have a job or a place to live inBhe felt he was responsible for the safety of visitorsChe loved birds and felt satisfied working thereDhe was appointed as the beach caretaker by the city officials答案C解+析细节理解题。通读第一段可知,作为一个管理沙滩的志愿者,来访者的问候、孩子们的兴奋,还有那些他热爱的鸟类

8、等都能给沃尔特富勒带来巨大的满足感和无穷的乐趣,这些也是他退休后选择留在奥蒙德海滩的原因。故选C。2Which of the following can be the frequent visitors to the beach now?ANavy soldiers.BBird lovers.CCity officials.DHomeless people.答案B解+析细节理解题。根据第一段倒数第二句可知,这片沙滩有各种各样的鸟,是观鸟者的梦想之地,所以喜欢鸟的人会成为这里的常客。故选B。3From the last paragraph,we can infer that Walter Ful

9、ler .Afeels that his job is rewarding and he is delightedBis becoming younger and strongerCis proud that he has a metal ship nowDis very important to the birds and the beach答案A解+析推理判断题。根据最后一段富勒所说的话可知,现在这片沙滩每天都有上百名来访者,并且变成了一个安全的地方。由此可推知,沃尔特富勒为自己用汗水成功改造了这片沙滩感到开心和自豪。故选A。BMy mom said she never liked to

10、use the drivethrough at the bank because it was so indifferent.She wanted to be able to go inside and give people a hug.Thats why it was only halfway surprising to see her hugging the bank teller one Christmas.We planned my dads funeral(葬礼) sitting beside the Christmas tree,my mom and me.My brother

11、had left to collect his family.My husband had gone back to our home to pick up our clothes.Dad had died suddenly,so we were unsure if what was happening was just a dream.So,on that December day,my mom and I sat with Dads favorite Perry Como Christmas Album playing and decided who we would ask to be

12、pallbearers(抬棺人) and readers.The doorbell and the phone had been ringing almost constantly with people asking what we needed.My mom kept telling me how grateful she was for what the kindness people offered.The street I grew up on is a dead end with only five houses,so,of course,we knew our neighbors

13、 well.We were comforted when all of them,along with some of their kids,and so many of our relatives came to Dads wake(守夜) and funeral.But what surprised me most was a host of other people who came to pay their respect:his American Legion friends,the bartender from my parents favorite restaurant,the

14、postal workers,the woman who cut his hair,his dentist and the tax collector,and,of course,the bank teller.It was a hard Christmas,but I learned that neighbors are not just the people who happen to live on the same street.Neighbors are those people who are part of your life and give you a sense of be

15、longing.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了作者的父亲在圣诞节期间突然去世,邻居们来参加守夜和葬礼,为作者一家提供帮助。作者为此十分感激,从而感悟到:邻居是你生活不可或缺的一部分,是给你归宿感的人。4Why did so many other people attend the wake and funeral of the authors father?ABecause her parents were sociable.BBecause they were invited by her brother.CBecause her parents behavior won their

16、respect.DBecause they wanted to ask what her family needed.答案C解+析细节理解题。根据第一段的内容,再结合第四段中的“what surprised me most was a host of other people who came to pay their respect”可知,有很多人来参加作者的父亲的守夜和葬礼,来对作者的父亲表达敬意,由此可知,作者的父母平时友好的言行赢得了大家的尊重。故选C项。5Which words can best describe the neighbors?AIntelligent and poli

17、te.BKindhearted and helpful.CEasygoing and generous.DConsiderate and positive.答案B解+析推理判断题。根据第三段第二、三句和第四段第二句可以看出,作者的邻居们是善良且乐于助人的。6What does the story convey?AA friend in need is a friend indeed.BA trouble shared is a trouble halved.CWe can live without a brother,but not without a friend.DKindness is

18、the golden chain by which society is bound together.答案D解+析推理判断题。根据文章前四段的描述可知,作者的父母以善行对待他人,而在作者的父亲去世后,人们纷纷前来吊唁并积极提供帮助,故D项“善良是联结社会的金链”是本文所要传达的信息。7Whats the best title of the passage?ABad News,Good ParentsBOld Street,Good PeopleCBad Christmas,Good NeighborsDGood Parents,Kind Neighbors答案C解+析标题归纳题。通读全文,尤

19、其是最后一段的内容可知,在圣诞节期间作者的父亲去世了,作者及家人十分悲痛,但邻居们的行为令作者一家人暖心,因此这是一个令人悲伤又暖心的圣诞节,故C项作标题最佳。CYou might think youre doing yourself a favor if you leave your phone behind when you head to an important meeting,but a new study suggests just the opposite is true.According to new research,being separated from your iP

20、hone can lead to “physiological(生理的) anxiety” and “poor cognitive(认知的) performance”The study,“The Extended iSelf:The Impact of iPhone Separation on Cognition,Emotion,and Physiology”,was published online on Thursday in the Journal of ComputerMediated Communication.Researchers invited 40 iPhoneusing p

21、articipants.First,participants were told to sit in a small room and complete a puzzle while in possession of their phones;then,they were asked to complete another puzzle,but they were told that their phones were causing “Bluetooth interference” and that they needed to be moved elsewhere in the room.

22、Researchers then called the phones,study participants could see and hear them ringing,but were unable to get up to answer them.In each state,researchers kept track of participants heart rate and blood pressure.You can probably see where this is going:When the puzzlesolvers were separated from their

23、phones but able to see and hear them ringing,they experienced “significant” rises in anxiety,heart rates and blood pressure.They also got worse at completing the puzzle.In a news release,the researchers suggested that “iPhone users avoid parting with their phones during daily situations that involve

24、 a great deal of attention”,saying that being apart from phones can make individuals feel “a lessening of self”语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。新的研究表明,不带手机会导致人们出现生理焦虑和认知表现不佳的状况。8In which situation did participants perform worst in a puzzle in the research?ATheir phones were power off.BTheir phones were in their hands.C

25、Their ringing phones were parted from them.DTheir phones were taken away by researchers.答案C解+析细节理解题。根据第四段内容可知,在这项实验中,参与者在离开他们的手机但是能看到和听到手机来电时,其焦虑感、心率、血压都会明显上升,而且他们在完成智力游戏时的表现也很差。故选C。9According to the study,whats the effect of phone separation?AIt decreases peoples heart rate.BIt makes people absentm

26、inded.CIt relieves psychological pressures.DIt reduces peoples intelligence.答案B解+析推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容可知,与手机分离会让人们感到“自我的减弱”。再结合该段中的“iPhone users avoid parting with their phones during daily situations that involve a great deal of attention”可推断出,与手机分离会导致人们心不在焉,故选B。10What is the authors purpose in writing

27、the text?ATo introduce a new research.BTo state the benefits of phones.CTo discuss the effect of phones.DTo suggest how to keep attention.答案A解+析写作意图题。通读全文,尤其是文中出现的“a new study” “new research” “researchers”等关键词可知,本文主要介绍了一项新的研究结果,即人们与自己的手机分离可能会导致生理焦虑和认知表现不佳,进而具体阐述了其研究方法、研究结果等,故作者写作本文的目的在于介绍该项新的研究。第二节(

28、共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Its absolutely a good opportunity to have an exchange student stay at your home. 11 After all,cultural differences really exist between her and your family.As a consequence,I would like to give you some advice which might help you in some way

29、.12Youd better relax yourself because foreigners dont like to communicate with those who dont speak out their real intention.I hear that you are a little nervous about accommodating(为提供住处) her but I personally think its really unnecessary.If you are too stressed,she will feel uneasy as well.Prepare

30、your home for her arrival.Some necessary preparations should be made in advance in order to make her stay as comfortable as possible.For instance,her bedroom should be cleaned thoroughly and your clothes and shoes should be removed to make room for hers. 13 Hold a party to welcome her.In order to ma

31、ke her adapt to your home atmosphere as soon as possible,you can hold a welcoming party for her,inviting some of your friends and some other exchange students to your home. 14 Besides,you can know what she is like by means of it,too.Learn some Chinese traditional skills.China is a great country with

32、 a long history. 15 Thus,trying some of them,such as papercutting and calligraphy will possibly be a wonderful idea to her.If you have time,it is advisable to make her study some of them and I am convinced that she will fall in love with them.ABehave yourself as naturally as possible.BTry to communicate with her frequently.CShe will mi

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