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on differences between chinese and westerndietarycultures商英本科学位论文.docx

1、on differences between chinese and western dietary cultures商英本科学位论文中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目 :On Differences between Chinese and Western Dietary Cultures 姓 名 : 0000 班级、学号 : 0000000000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 000000 开题时间 : 2008-4-10 完成时间 : 2009-11-10 2009 年 11月 10 日目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-

2、5正文6-20答辩委员会表决意见21答辩过程记录表22课 题 On Differences between Chinese and Western Dietary Cultures 一、课题(论文)提纲0.引言1. 中西饮食观念的差异1.1泛食主义者与实用主义者1.2讲排场和随意简单2. 中西宴会礼仪的差异2.1出席时间的差异2.2餐具的差异3. 中西饮食内容的差异3.1美味与营养3.2菜名的差异4. 饮食文化差异表现方面4.1观念方面4.2对象方面4.3方式方面4.4归属方面4.5性质方面二、内容摘要饮食是人类生活、生存与发展的必需,可是由于中西方文化传统的差异,导致了中西方饮食文化在观念、

3、对象、方式、归属与性质方面产生了差异,研究这些差异,找出可以融会贯通的地方,促进中西文化交流。通过对中西饮食文化差异的分析,我们可以了解中西方各自的文化传统;同时能对中国文化进行改善与创新。饮食文化的差异也是跨文化交际中影响交际结果的因素之一,从饮食观念、晏会礼仪、饮食内容等方面寻找中西方饮食文化的差异.饮食文化通过跨文化的交流,将会博采众长,不断完善发展,并实现中西文化的交融.三、参考文献1 林语堂.生活的艺术M.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1998. 论中西饮食文化差异 2 毕继万.跨文化非语言交际M.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999. 3 Edward T Hall. The Sil

4、ent LanguageM.New York: Anchor Books,1990.4 卞浩宇.论中西饮食文化的差异J.南京林业大学学报:人文社会科学版,2004(2).5网址: On Differences between Chinese and Western Dietary Cultures00000Abstract: Diet is absolutely necessary in the daily life. Because of the differences between Chinese and western cultural traditions, Chinese and

5、western diet cultures are different in concept、target、pattern、attribution and nature. We study these differences and find out the points that can be digested, in order to facilitate the cultural communication between China and the west. By analyzing cultural differences between Chinese and Western f

6、ood, we can understand their own cultural traditions; at the same time, carry out improvement and innovation of Chinese culture. Differences in diet culture are also one of the factors affecting the result of communication in cross-cultural communication. We should find differences between Chinese a

7、nd Western food culture from the food concept、banquet and etiquette、dietary content etc. Diet culture will constantly improve itself and achieve a blend of Eastern and Western cultures through cross-cultural communication.Key Words:Diet culture; cultural tradition; differences;Cross-cultural communi

8、cation0. IntroductionThere is a saying that people regard food as the sky”. Thats to say, food is an indispensable condition for the survival and development of human beings. There are two desires in life: one is feasting themselves to survive; and the other is the lust of men and women, which helps

9、 the mankind to carry on the family line. Facing the two desires, Chinese pay more attention to the former, while the westerners tend to the latter. Such phenomenon affects the cultural trend. Diet is actually the contents of our daily lives, but why we call it culture? That is because the diet has

10、special status in the Chinese culture, and there is a great diet distinction between China and the west. As one of the worlds ancient nations, China has a history of diet almost as long as that of Chinese civilization. But in western countries, ancient thinkers devoted less attention to food problem

11、 than the Chinese philosophers did, and there is even no aware of it to the heaven degree. On the contrary, they recognized and interpreted the world in the perspective of the lust or love of men and women more. Whether the awareness of original sin of Christianity, Adam and Eve legend, or ancient G

12、reek philosophy (such as Platos dialogue) who considered the personal relationships “love” as the love of ontology of beauty, and regarded it as a reality thinking of philosophy, all these ideas become the basis of western philosophers cultural thoughts. All these had potential effects on the develo

13、pment of western culture and westerners characters. Receiving the influence of respective cultural tradition, the Chinese and western dietary culture has had different characteristic. The differences in concepts, targets, patterns, attribution and nature had reflected the different dietary cultures

14、in different state characteristic; such characteristic has enriched the research value of dietary culture. Studying these cultural differences, we can find out a joint enhancing the communication between China and the west through a comprehensive study of the subject. It may be a great help to the c

15、ommunication of the Chinese and western cultures. 1. Differences between Chinese and Western diet concepts Western diet tends to be scientific and rational, but the Chinese diet tends to be art and sentimental. Cooking is from diet; the origin of food is a life-sustaining nutrition. Therefore, the f

16、ocus of western diet is only the extension of the original diet practicality. The emphasis on the flavor of Chinese cuisine caters the diet to the arts field.1.1 Pan-food activists and pragmatistsIn China, The form of eating implies a rich psychological and cultural significance as well as peoples a

17、wareness and understanding to gain a more profound social significance, has already evolved into a kind of social and psychological adjustment. There are many scholars of the Chinese people of this unique Hunger breeds discontent concept called the pan-food-ism cultural inclinations. Language is the

18、 carrier of culture and mirror that reflects culture. This pan-food-ism tendency in Chinese culture has been most fully reflected.Chinese people focus on Heaven and Man, and Westerners focus on people-oriented. Chinese people believe that cooking is an art, while the Westerners insist on cooking the

19、 meals throughout the usefulness of features, from a nutritional point of view, the importance of food on human health. Lin Yutang once said: the concept of a Westerners diet is different from that of a Chinese. The Anglo-American people eat only to fill the biological machine with fuel, to ensure i

20、ts normal operation. As long as they can maintain good health、be strong enough to fight against bacteria or disease attacks, the other aspects are insignificant. 1.2 Pomp and arbitrary simpleBy be thrifty on housekeeping and hospitality on treating guest, the Chinese are very particular about the po

21、mp, usually a formal dinner has at least 7or 8 dishes, not including the cold、 snacks at the beginning, the dessert in the middle and the staple food at the end (noodles, rice, etc.). The more valuable the dishes are, the more they can reflect the hosts hospitality. Western grand feast is usually no

22、thing but six dishes, in which only two can be regarded as food, the rest is foil. General banquets、meals are easier. It can be seen that the West dont emphasize the variety or quantity of food much, instead they tend to create a diverse and free form. The owner must do everything possible to create

23、 a relaxed, harmonious and joyful atmosphere, so that guests can enjoy the freedom of the good time. They will gather and share a meal as an opportunity to communicate. Food, of course, is essential, but not the most important thing, the same with pomp.2. Differences between Chinese and Westerns in

24、banquet etiquetteChina and the West are fastidious about dinner etiquette; cultural differences arise because of their different party etiquette. More attention should be paid to differences in party etiquette that make cross-cultural communication better.2.1Tableware differenceThere are differences

25、 in the choice of eating utensils under the influence of different cultures, ethnic groups. The Chinese people use chopsticks while Westerners use knives and forks. Chinese like peaceful and stable life and are against aggression because of the long term impact of farming culture. Western countries,

26、 due to the impact of hunting culture, are assertive or aggressive and willing to take risks. Chinese people like to use a round-table 、chopsticks for meal, reflecting the Harmony; Westerners generally use square table,and the knife and fork is portrayed as a sense of the brutal killing furious. But

27、 with the development of economic exchanges between Chinese and Western ,there is not so much significant difference between the uses of tableware. There are more and more westerners who learned to use chopsticks to eat Chinese food.2.2 On the time differenceEdward Hall, a well-known American anthro

28、pologist and one of the founders of Intercultural Communication, proposed the concept of human time. there are two kinds of cultural patterns, namely, unity of time (Monochronic2time or M2time) and the time diversification (Polychronic2time或P2time)3. Differences in the content of Chinese and Western

29、 food3.1 Taste and nutritionThe Chinese people regard the pursuit of delicious enshrined as the primary purpose of eating. The Chinese people attach too much importance to the taste, but pay no attention to nutrition. While the westerners neglect cooking flavor, or at least dont regard it as the pri

30、mary purpose. As the Western thinking is different from that of Chinese, western diet has heavy emphasis on science and nutrition, and nutrition acts as the supreme criterion. Eating is to a man what fueling is to a machine. Such thing as follow are just right: considering protein、fat、carbohydrate、v

31、itamins and all kinds of inorganic elements and the supply of calories, whether or not their consumption of nutrients is able to be fully absorbed without side effects.All these matter a lot while cooking, while the color、smell and taste of the dishes is junior. France,which is second to none in the

32、 Western on diet, has a food culture that is in many ways similar to ours, but when exposed to nutritional problems, the two sides are opposite.3.2 Differences in names of dishesMany Chinese name of the dish often contains much historical and cultural information. Dongpo Meat, for example, it is cooked

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