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1、餐饮英语酒店餐饮服务用语(一) 基本常用语问候语1、早上好,先生. Good morning, Sir.2、您好! Hello. How do you do?3、很高兴见到您 Glad to meet you.4、欢迎到我们酒店来 Welcome to our hotel.5、愿您在我们酒店过得愉快 I hope youll enjoy your stay with us.祝贺语6、祝贺您! Congratulations!7、生日快乐 Happy birthday!8、新年快乐 Happy New Year!9、圣诞快乐 Merry Christmas!10、祝您好运 Good luck t

2、o you!11、祝您成功 Wish you every success!12、祝您旅途愉快 A pleasant journey!答谢和答应语13、谢谢您 Thank you (very much)!14、谢谢您的帮助 Thank you for your help.15、太感谢您了 Its very kind of you.16、别客气不用谢 You are welcome./ Not at all. / Dont mention it.17、很高兴为您服务 Its my pleasure.道歉语18、很抱歉 Im sorry.19、对不起 Excuse me.20、对不起,让您久等了 S

3、orry to have kept you waiting.21、我为此道歉 I apologize for this.征询语22、我能帮您什么吗? Can I help you? /What can I do for you?23、有什么能为您效劳的? Is there anything I can do for you?24、我能借用您的电话吗? May I use your phone?25、我可以知道您的名字吗? May I have your name please?26、您可以把名字签在这儿吗? Can you sign here, Sir?27、先生,您想要点什么? What w

4、ould you like, Sir?指路用语28、上楼 Go upstairs 下楼 Go downstairs. 在二楼 Its on the second floor.29、请这边走 This way, please.30、往右转 Turn right, please.31、在大厅靠近大门 Its in the lobby near the main entrance.32、在走廊尽头 Its at the end of the corridor.提醒用语33、请走好 Mind your step.34、请当心 Be careful, please.35、请别遗忘您的东西 Please

5、do not leave anything behind.36、请不要在这里抽烟 Do not smoke here, please.告别语37、等会儿见 See you later.38、明天见 See you tomorrow.39、再见,谢谢您的光临 Good bye and thank you for your coming.40、再见,希望再见到您 Good bye and hope to see you again.41、一路平安! Have a nice trip.情景应对42、听见或遇到对客人不利的事时:Im sorry to hear that. I hope youll g

6、et better soon.Im sorry to hear that. Have a good rest.Im sorry to hear that. But take it easy.43、客人碰到意外时:I hope you did not hurt yourselfAre you hurt?Did you hurt yourself?44、当客人要什么东西时:Certainly, Sir. Ill fetch it.Yes, Sir. Its no problem.Here you are, Sir.Here is your change, Madam.45、必须离开客人去拿他们所要

7、的东西时:Just a moment, please, Miss. Ill go and get it right now.Immediately, Madam.Sorry to have kept you waiting.46、给客人让路时:After you, Madam.You first, Sir.47、推小车或提重物经过客人身旁时:Excuse me, Madam?Could you please make way, Madam?May I come through, please?48、上菜或斟酒时不得不向客人俯身时或不得不在外宾面前通过时:Excuse me, please.I

8、beg your pardon.49、当客人询问是不是可以拿某物时:By all means, Sir. Let me help you.Certainly, Madam. Let me help you.Go ahead, please. You are welcome.50、看见客人在搬椅子或包裹需要帮助时:Let me take that, Sir.What can I do for you?51当客人送东西给你时:Its very kind of you.No, thank you. We are not allowed to drink on duty.52、当中断和客人交谈时:Ex

9、cuse me. I must serve that client.Im sorry, Sir. I must go. Nice talking with you.Will you excuse me, please?53、当外宾对您解释什么事情时:Yes, I see.Thats true.Really? How interesting!54、当客人因为自己动作慢,手脚不灵或残疾而感到困窘时:Please take your time, Sir. There is no hurry.Dont worry, Madam. Well see to it.Dont worry, Sir. Well

10、 clean it up.55、当要求客人折回来或请他签字或要打断他谈话时:Excuse me, Sir. May I have your room number?Sorry for interrupting.May I take up a few moments of your time?Would you be so kind as to sign it?56、当人手短缺,外宾需要服务时:Ill be with you as soon as possible.57、领路的时候:Follow me, please Sir.Would you please come this way?Mind

11、 your step, Sir.58、如果客人有跌到的危险时:May I suggest you hold the rail? Its very slippery, Sir.59、当领到客人到达目的地时:Here we are, Room 2608.60、当服务员离开客人的房间或餐桌时:Will that be all, Madam / Sir?Is there anything else I can do for you?Is there anything else I can get for you(二) 餐厅服务中常见用语预订1、 Good morning/afternoon/eveni

12、ng.(The name of the restaurant and your name)May I help you?早上/下午/晚上好,某某餐厅,我能为您做些什么?2、 How many people ,please?请问共有多少人用餐?迎宾3、 Good morning/afternoon/evening. Welcome to our restaurant.早上(中午、晚上)好,欢迎光临。4、 May I help you, sir/madam?我能为您做什么,先生/女士?5、 Do you have a reservation, sir/madam?请问您有预订吗,先生/女士?6、w

13、ould you like to sit here?您喜欢坐这里吗?7、Excuse me ,would you share the table with that gentleman(lady)?对不起,您跟那位先生(小姐)合用一张台好吗?点菜8、 Are you ready to order now?请问可以为您点菜了吗?9、 May I take your order now?请问可以为您点菜了吗?10、 What would you like to start?请问先给您上些什么?11、Please wait a minute ,Ill arrange it for you .请稍等,

14、我马上给您安排。12. Please look ate the menu first.请先看看菜牌。13、What wines would you like to drink ?We have您喜欢喝点什么酒?我们有14、What would you like to eat?您喜欢吃点什么?15、Would you like some dessert?饭后您喜欢吃点甜品吗?16、All right .Ill make contact with the cook and make you satisfied.好的,我跟厨师联系一下,会使您满意的。17、Can I arrange a snack

15、for you if you are pressed for time?如果您赶时间的话,我给您安排一些快餐饭菜好吗?18、Sorry ,Ill let you know when I make sure.对不起,我问准确便马上告诉您。征询意见19、Excuse me ,May I take this chair?对不起,我可以用这张椅子吗?20、Is everything to your satisfaction?请问您对一切还满意吗?21、Is everything all right with your meal?请问您对用餐还满意吗?22、 Would you care for ano

16、ther drink?请问您还需要一杯饮料吗?23、Is it enough?您的菜够吗?24、May I take away this dish?我可以撤掉这个盘子吗?致歉25、Im terribly sorry for such a mistake.我为这样的鲁莽向您道歉。26、Im terribly sorry, sir/madam. I must apologize.实在对不起,先生/女士,我很抱歉。27、Is there anything else I can do?我还能为您做些什么?解决抱怨28、Do you have any criticism on our service o

17、r dishes?您对我们的服务和菜肴有什么意见吗?29、Im sorry. I should have asked if you care for sour food.真抱歉,我该事先问一问您是否喜欢酸味菜。30、Would you kindly tell us if there is anything in the dishes and other respects that needs improvement?请您告诉我们在菜和其它方面是否需要改进?31、Please do accept our apologies and be assured that well do our best

18、 to improve our work.请一定接受我们的歉意。请相信我们将一定尽力改进我们的工作。32、Thank you for your good words and suggestions .Well try our best to improve our service.谢谢您的夸奖和建议。我们将一定尽力改进我们的服务。33、Im very sorry, sir. Ill return the chef.非常对不起我会把您点的退回厨房34、Im very sorry, sir. Ill bring you another one/bottle.非常对不起,先生我会替您

19、送来另一份(瓶)35、Im very sorry, sir. Ill bring you son more.非常对不起,先生我会帮您多取一些来36、Is there anything wrong with your order, sir?您点的菜哪里不对,先生?37、What would you like me to do?您要我做些什么?38、There will be no charge for this. This is the compliments of the manager. This is on the house.这不用付费这是经理免费附赠的这由公司请客39、Im very

20、sorry for my mistake (clumsiness).我为我的错误(笨拙)道歉40、Im very sorry to have spoilt (ruined) your evening.我很抱歉破坏(毁坏)了您今晚的兴致41、 Id like to apologize for our carelessness. May I clean it up for you?我为我的粗心道歉我可以替您清理吗?42、Were very sorry for the delay. Please enjoy your lunch.抱歉耽搁了请享用您的午餐送餐服务Room service43、Good

21、 morning. Its room service here.早晨好,我是送餐部的44、Would you like to have something more beside the continental breakfast, sir?先生,除了大陆式早餐,您还要别的吗?45、Yours is a very wise choice, sir?您真会选择,先生46、Just feel free to call the Room Service. Were always at you service.请随时打电话到送餐部我们乐于为您服务47、Whats the problem, sir? C

22、an I be of some assistance?先生,出了什么事?我能替您做点什么?48、You have to pay twenty percent service charge if you want to have the meal sent to your room.假如您要送餐进房的话,得付20的服务费49、Id like to have a snack sent up to my room.我想请人把快餐送进我的房间50、Would you bring the supper to my room?能将晚餐送进我的房间吗?51、What would you like to ha

23、ve for breakfast?早餐要点什么?宴会服务Banquet service52、When would you like your banquet?请问宴会什么时候举行?53、How much would you like each table at?请问每桌标准是多少?54、May I know what the banquet is for?请问这个宴会是什么类型的?55、Is there anything special youd like to have on the menu?您对菜单有什么特殊的要求?56、Banquet of two tables for twenty-

24、four at 1500 Yuan a table, drinks and fruit extra, at 6:30 this Saturday evening. Am I correct?这个星期六晚上6点30分的两桌宴会,人数24人,每桌标准人民币1500元,酒水、水果另算,对吗?57、You have to pay extra fee for a sitting room.客人在预订宴会时,应问明是否要安排休息室并要讲明休息室是要额外付费的58、Are there any drivers coming?预订宴会,还应问清其他有关情况,例如:驾驶员有几位和用餐的标准、停车地点等59、How

25、 much would you like to pay for each person?按西方的习惯,一桌酒席是按每位客人的平均支出计算,我国一般则按酒席总价计算所以,如果服务员问:60、How much do you want to pay for the dinner?客人有可能不知如何回答是好服务员应向客人解释61、Im afraid weve been fully booked there. Anyway, I can arrange another restaurant for you.不能按客人要求安排餐厅时,应表示歉意,并稍作解释,尽量安排其他餐厅并对另一个餐厅的服务设施作一番介

26、绍以使客人放心例如:62、Could I suggest the Meiyuan Room on the Tenth Floor? This room is a deluxe one which is newly decorated and well equipped. It also has a good front view of the city.63、I hope youll enjoy it.希望您会满意64、Im sorry, sir. Its a bit too late. Im afraid all the bookings must be made at least 2 da

27、ys in advance. Will the day after tomorrow be all right?有时客人订餐太迟,不能办到,应向他们表示歉意,并作解释失物招领lost and Found65、Im afraid we are closed today.对不起我们今天关门66、We are closed on Sundays and national holidays.我们星期日和国家规定假日不营业67、Where were you sitting?你们坐在哪儿?68、Do you remember where you lift it?您能记得丢失在哪儿了吗?69、Im afra

28、id that they were not found in restaurant. Could you call the lost and Found Department on? extension 2157, please?对不起,餐厅没找到,请打电话到失物招领部好吗?分机号是2157.70、We found your spectacles, but they have been talked to the lost and Found Department. Could you call them on extension 2157, please?我们已找到了您的眼镜,但已被送到失物

29、招领部,请打分机电话2157好吗?71、They have been transferred to the lost Property Section. Could you come here in 15 minutes, please?他们已被转交到丢失财务部,您能15分钟后来一下吗?72、If we do find it (them) we will contact you immediately. May I have your forwarding address, please?假如我们能找到的话,会马上与您取得联系,您能告诉我您以后的地址吗?结账73、Would you like

30、to have the bill now?请问您是现在结账吗?74、 Would you like to pay cash or by credit card?请问您是付现金还是用信用卡?75、Sorry you cant sign the bill here. Cash only, if you please.对不起,我们这里不可以签单,请付现款吧。送客76、 Thank you, sir/madam. We hope to see you again.感谢光临,先生/女士,希望再次为您服务。77、Glad you enjoyed your meal. Goodbye.很高兴您用餐愉快,再见。中餐餐具用品筷子Chopsticks 古典杯Old Fashion Glass 筷架Chopsticks Rack烈性酒杯Mao-tai Glass 筷套Chopsticks Bag 鸡尾酒杯Cocktail Glass调味碟Soy Sauce Dish 冰桶Ice Bucket 汤碗Soup Bowl酒篮Wine Basket中餐常见原料猪肉Pork 肝liver 鸡肉chicken 小虾shrimps凤尾鱼Longtailed Anchovy 鸽子 pigeon 蟹crab

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