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1、课标版高考英语二轮复习 突破提升练八突破提升练(八).阅读理解(2018吉林省吉林市第三次调研,C)In English the sky is blue, and the grass is green. But in Vietnamese there is just one color category for both sky and grass:xanh. For decades cognitive (认知) scientists have pointed to such examples as evidence that language largely determines how w

2、e see colors. But new research with four-to six-month-old babies indicates that long before we learn language, we see up to five basic categories of colorsa finding that suggests a stronger biological element to perceive (感知) color than previously thought.The study, published recently in the Proceed

3、ings of the National Academy of Sciences, tested the color-discrimination abilities of more than 170 British babies. Researchers at the University of Sussex in England measured how long babies spent staring at color swatches, a system known as looking time. First babies were showed one swatch repeat

4、edly until their looking time decreaseda sign they had grown bored with it. Then the researchers showed them a different sample and noted their reaction. Longer looking times were explained to mean the babies considered the second sample to be a new color. Their increasing responses showed that they

5、 distinguished among five colors: red, green, blue, purple and yellow.“The finding suggests you come by nature to make color distinctions, but given your culture and language, certain distinctions may or may not be used.” explains the lead author Alice Skelton, a doctoral student at Sussex.“The stud

6、y systematically explored babies color perception, showing how we perceive colors before we have the words to describe them,” says Angela M. Brown, an experimental psychologist at the Ohio State Universitys College of Optometry, who was not involved with the new research. The results add a new chall

7、enge to the long nature-versus-nurture(先天与后天) debate and the so-called SapirWhorf hypothesis (假设) the idea that the way we see the world is shaped by language.In future work, Skelton and her colleagues are interested in testing babies from other cultures. “The way language and culture interact is a

8、really interesting question,” she says. “We dont yet know the exact systems, but we do know how we start off.”1.Whats the finding of the new research?A.It clarifies what makes babies perceive colors.B.It proves humans color recognition is inborn.C.It finds how many colors babies can perceive.D.It sh

9、ows the color culture is shaped by language.2.According to the new research, we can learn that.A.swatches affect babies in memory and attentionB.longer looking times are based on the psychologyC.researchers determine babies color perceptionD.babies can tell the differences of some colors3.In Paragra

10、ph 5, the word “interact” probably means.A.experience B.introduceC.influence D.imagine 4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A.Rainbow in the Babys WorldB.A Journey to the World of ColorsC.A New Challenge: Language VS CultureD.Different Babies, Different Color Perception.七选五

11、(2018广东广州二模)Mary went through a personal experience 40 years ago that changed her life path and established her connection with Chinese herbal medicines.Still childless after 13 years of marriage, Mary longed to become a mother. For years she travelled from country to country and visited top experts

12、 in the field, but without success.1However, her Chinese herbalist grandmother gave her hope through herbal treatment.After three and a half years she became pregnant.2The expectant mothers delight was shared by the rest of her family, too. This was the point when she made up her mind to carry on he

13、r grandmothers work and devote her life to herbal medicine research, development and promotion. To this end, she invested in a large herbal garden in the suburbs of Jakarta, where more than 30,000 plants are grown.3Through the application of great effort and resources over many, many years, Marys ca

14、reer has developed vigorously, as has her garden.4When she was asked whether it was worthwhile to have devoted so much of her life to this research, she firmly responded, “What I have done is to fulfill a promise I once made. More importantly, I want to bring Chinese herbal medicines to all those in

15、 need.5”A.More than 7,000 of these can be used as medicines.B.The moment the news was confirmed, she burst into tears of happiness.C.I believe they can help relieve pain and enable the sick to regain their hope of life.D.Mary decided to make great contributions to the development of Chinese medicine

16、.E.The heartbreak and disappointment was so great that she came close to giving up.F.Im so happy that the local people like to use Chinese medicine for treatment.G.Although she is now 80 years old, she is still committed to the study of Chinese herbal medicines.1. 2. 3. 4. 5.完形填空(2018东北三省三校一模)It hap

17、pened to Susan Black in a cold winter. Everything seemed in a 1 those days. Both her parents suffering from depression, sending for a 2 became a common practice. As a woman in her 40s, it was a 3 job to be a teacher of 30 first-graders, who were always 4, and shed tried all sorts of methods, but 5 t

18、o get them quiet in class.Misfortunes were 6 one after another. After a long and tiring day at work, Susan dragged herself along, 7 towards the parking lot. She came to the car, only to find she had locked her keys and cell phone inside. 8 kicking the tyre of the car, she sensed tears 9 her cheeks.“

19、Whats wrong?”a voice was heard. Susan looked up, and saw a young man with a 10at his side. Susan stopped weeping and explained her situation, adding that 11 she called her husband, he wouldnt bring her the spare car key, since he was working at the 12 end of the town and it was still not time to 13

20、the days work. “Call your 14 and tell him Im coming to get the key,”the young man handed Susan his phone. “But thats nine miles round trip.”said Susan. “Theres no time for 15. Ill be back as soon as possible.”Two hours later, the motorbike rider returned with a big smile and 16face, key in hand. Sus

21、an 17 some money, but he refused. “Lets just say I needed the 18.”With those words, like a 19 in the movies, he rode off into the sunset.For Susan, the “cowboy”not only picked the key, but 20 her day, or rather, warmed the long and cold winter days.1.A.battle B.row C.mess D.hurry2.A.worker B.psychol

22、ogist C.policeman D.lawyer3.A.tough B.rare C.boring D.rewarding4.A.kind B.quick C.happy heart vain C.on purpose D.with ease6.A.coming true B.piling upC.going well D.running out7.A.looking B.marching C.yelling D.heading8.A.Mildly B.Randomly C.Suddenly D.Wildly9.A.streaming down B.f

23、lowing past C.showing up D.casting away10.A.bicycle C.motorbike D.taxi11.A.even if B.unless C.just as D.whenever12.A.wide B.deep C.far D.long13.A.end B.forget C.give up D.put off14.A.friend C.daughter D.husband15.A.waiting B.hesitation C.traveling D.delivery16.A.charming B.sweating C.

24、worrying D.encouraging17.A.received B.shared C.offered D.loaded18.A.exercise C.reward D.lesson19.A.young man B.stranger C.motor rider D.cowboy20.A.kept B.burnt C.fixed D.built.语法填空(2018广东佛山高三教学质检二)Red is a particularly popular color in China. A pair of red shoes 1 they are for sports, dances

25、or just fashion is a must-have for every Chinese womans shoe collection. For most Chinese brides, red shoes should also be worn 2 their big day.As womens feet3(connect) with female attraction, red shoes often emphasize this aspect 4 convey a special beauty. In some classic Chinese novels, there are

26、5(describe) of charming women in red silk shoes.If you wear a dark dress in cold6(season), a pair of red shoes can raise your ensemble(整套服装)to a 7(high) level. They can also go with different levels of red color, 8 (give) the wearer a lively and joyful look.9(sure) red will always be a beloved color

27、 for designers, and red shoes have also become a choice for many supermodels. If you are also a fan of this 10(energy) color, consider wearing a pair of red shoes for every Chinese Lunar New Year!1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.书面表达(2018黑龙江高三仿真模拟七)随着手机和电脑的普及,年轻人给家人和朋友写信的机会越来越少。最近,某英语学习网站邀请网友针对这个现象展开讨论。

28、你打算参与讨论,请根据下面的提示,写一篇发言稿。1.现代通信工具的弊端;2.写信的好处;3.发出几点倡议。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_答案全解全析.阅读理解语篇解读一项研究表明,孩子在学习语言之前就具备了认知颜色的能力,这种能力是天生就有的。未来研究人员还将检测不同文化下的婴儿对颜色的认知能力。1.B细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句But new research with four-to six-month-old babies indicates that long before we learn language, we see up to five b

29、asic categories of colors.可知,研究发现婴儿在学习语言前就能够识别五种基本颜色,这种感知能力是生来就有的,故B项正确。2.D推理判断题。根据第二段的试验可发现,婴儿每看到一种新颜色,就会做出不同的反应,看的时间会有所不同,最后一句Their increasing responses showed that they distinguished among five colors: red, green, blue, purple and yellow.为试验得出的结论,婴儿可以识别五种颜色,故D项正确。3.C词义猜测题。 上文提到了语言对颜色感知能力的影响,本段提到未

30、来还要用来自不同文化的婴儿进行检测,由此可知此处意为“语言和文化交织到一起对颜色识别能力的影响”,故C项正确。4.A主旨大意题。通读全文可概括得知,文章主要介绍了最新研究发现婴儿天生具备颜色感知能力,A项意为“婴儿世界的彩虹”,形象地表达了文章主题。.七选五语篇解读本文为记叙文。40年前,已经结婚13年的玛丽一直没有孩子,她去许多国家拜访名医,然而均无结果。但她的中医奶奶让她用中草药治疗,这使她如愿以偿。从此,玛丽就和中草药结下了不解之缘。1.E细节句。根据下句(然而,她奶奶,一位老中医,用中药治疗给了她希望。)可知本句应为玛丽在治疗前的痛苦经历,故答案为E项(她如此伤心、失望以至于她几乎要放弃了)。2.B细节句。上句意为:3年半后她怀孕了。下句意为:其他家庭成员也分享了这位孕妇的喜悦。B项中的the news指上句中的“she became pregnant”;“burst into tears of happiness”与下句中的“The expectant mothers delight”相对应,故答案为B项(那个消息被确定的那一刻,她突然流下了幸福的泪水)。3.A细节

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