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1、新目标八年级上期末专题复习张新目标八年级上期末专题复习(一)八年级上册同、近义词归纳a lot of = lots of/many/much大量;许多 look after = take care of= babysit照顾of course=certainly/sure 当然 most of the students=most students大多数学生stay / keep healthy = keep fit= keep/be in good health保持健康 well=fine 身体健康的at the moment = now 现在、目前 once a week= every we

2、ek 一周一次exercise=take(much)exercise=do sports锻炼 hardly=not nearly / almost not几乎不shop=go shopping=do some shopping 购物 I have no idea = I dont know 我不知道sometimes= at times有时 how about=what about 怎么样?get back( to + 某地)=Come back = return ( to + 某地) 回来;回(到)have a good time = have fun= have a nice / grea

3、t/ wonderful time= enjoy oneself 玩得高兴take the bus = by bus 乘公共汽车 neednt = not have to 不需要;不必show sb sth出示某人某物= show sth to do = 把某物给某人出示get to=reach =arrive in/at 到达 take walks = go for walks 去散步 think about 考虑、思考 = think of 想起、认为 leave for=go to 到去;动身去 leave离开 = go away / be away 离开 walk = on foot步

4、行 take a boat = by boat乘船ride a bike = by bike 骑自行车 take the train = by train 乘火车take the plane = by air = by plane 乘飞机 take the subway = by subway 乘地铁although = though 虽然、既使 a number of 许多=many(修饰可数名词复数) doing sth. takes sb. Some time/ money=It takes sb. some time/money to do sth.=sb. spends some t

5、ime/money (on sth.)=sb. spends some time/money (in) doing sth.=sth. costs sb. some time/money=sb. pay some money for sth.花费某人多少时间/金钱做某事/某人花费多少金钱/时间做某事match 比赛 = game比赛;游戏 lesson课、功课= class课,一堂课till=until(直到时)(until放句首) the whole day=all day 整天why not do sth? = why dont you do sth have to = must have

6、 a lesson = take a lesson 上一节课 take part in = join in加入、参加给某人打电话:call sb. Up=call sb= phone sb.= telephone sb= ring sb. Up=give sb. a ring=give sb. a phone=make a telephone call to good at = do well in 在方面做得好 athletic = strong 强健的be different from = be not the same as 与不完全一样 enjoy = like 喜欢 en

7、joy 喜欢 + doing sth = like 喜欢like doing sth more than = over 超过 smart = clever 聪明的 quite a few=many 相当多;不少take photos=take a photo=take pictures=take a picture照相 be able to=can 能;会过关训练选出意思与划线部分相同的选项。( )1、What do you usually do on Saturdays and Sundays? A、weekdays B、weekends C、weeks D、work( )2、I often

8、 go to the movies on Sundays. A、 go to the cinema B、go to the film C、see the cinema D、watch the film( )3、He is pretty healthy.A、much B、very C、very much D、too much( )4、I go to see my grandfather four times a month. A、four times a week B、one time a week C、once a week D、once a month( )5、They got there

9、not more than ten minutes.A、less than B、no more than C、no less than D、not less than( )6、How do your classmates get to school? A、reach to B、arrive C、arrive at D、get( )7、It takes me two hours to do my homework every day. A、I takes two hours to do B、I spend two hours doingC、I cost two hour to do D、I pa

10、y two hours for do( )8、Lilei rides his bike to school every morning. A、goes to school by bike B、by bike to schoolC、goes to school on foot D、goes to school by bus( )9、Turn your ears to me, please. A、Listen to me B、Turn back me C、turn to left D、turn to right( )10、This city is different from that one.

11、A、the same B、not the same C、not the same as D、difference( )11、-Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow, Lisa?-Oh, Im sorry. Im babysitting my little sister the whole day.A、all the time B、all day C、every day D、another time( )12、I watched about twenty football matches during the 17th World Cup.A、su

12、bjects B、lessons C、concerts D、games( )13、Its five minutes past nine.A、8:55 B、5:09 C、9:05 D、9:55( )14、Whats her mothers job?A、Whats her mother doing? B、What does her mother do?C、Wheres her mother from? D、Where does her mother work?( )15、Well have a great time after the exam.A、large B、unhappy C、big D、

13、nice( )16、Im sorry I have to go to the doctor.A、look at the doctor B、look after the doctor C、see the doctor D、come to the doctor( )17、She often visits her aunt on vacation.A、see B、look C、sightseeing D、sees( )18、Boys and girl, Lets have our lesson.A、class B、maths C、school D、a party( )19、my parents an

14、d I went to Dali on vacation, and we took quite a few photos.A、any B、a little C、really D、many( )20、The girl never exercises . She is lazy and unhealthy.A、does housework B、does her homework C、does any sports D、does anything( )21、Zhang Xuan showed me her photos and gave me one yesterday.A、passed me B、

15、brought me C、let me D、made me take( )22、She was able to drive a car last year.A、can B、may C、must D、could( )23、The girl wears her school uniform at school every day.A、is in B、put on C、dresses D、dresses in新目标八年级上期末专题复习(二)八年级上册同、近义词归纳would like to do sth =want to do sth想要去做某事 finally =at lastin the end

16、最后,最终first首先=to begin with=at first开始;首先 I guess so我想是这样I think so我想是这样again又一次;再一次once more又一次over and over again= time and time again 反复的 about关于on关于 in future在今后from now on今后;从今以后 no = not a/ any nothing = not anything turn down = refuse to accept 拒绝what else= what other things why = whatforbe fr

17、ee = have time= be available 有空的well-known 出名的;众所周知的=famous 有名的 unusual不寻常的;独特的special特别的;不寻常的 alive活着的= living活着的;有生命的 agree with= say “yes” to 同意start开始begin开始 disagree with= say “no” to 不同意athlete运动员;运动选手= player运动员 one by one = one after another 逐步的become变;成为= get/turn变 be filled with =be full o

18、f 充满了loving慈爱的= kind和蔼的;仁慈的 advice = suggestions 建议at the age of在岁的when sbbeyears old当某人岁时fit强健的;健康的healthy 健康的 large 大的big 大的 look for 寻找try to find 寻找 invite sb. to do sth. = ask sb. to do hour or two=one or two hours一两个小时 a day or two=one or two days一两天 in ten years = ten years from now 十年

19、后talk to with 跟(某人)交谈speak to 跟某人讲话 after high school=leave school中学毕业后 grow up 长大become mature or adult 长大成人;变得成熟all over the world 遍及世界around /in the world 在世界范围get a letter from sb = receive a letter from sb =hear from sb 收到某人的来信lend sb. sth.=lend sth. to sb.借给某人某物(借出) feed 喂养;饲养keep饲养 take good

20、care of=look afterwell 好好照顾do the laundry=do some washing=wash clothes洗衣服remember to do sth. 记着去做某事dont forget to do sth. 不要忘记去做某事 be in 在家be at home在家 do chores 做家务事;处理琐事do the housework 做家务事go shopping 去购物go to buy sth. 去买东西 invite 邀请ask sb. to come 邀请near 近的;在附近close( to) = not far from近的;接近teen

21、(1319岁的)青少年teenager (1319岁的)青少年cinema电影院movie theater电影院trendy 时髦的;赶时髦的fashionable 时尚的;赶时髦的get success 获得成功become successful成功; 获得成功take a seat 就坐;入座sit down 坐下( )1、A: Can you come to my party on Wednesday?B: Sure, Id love to.A、had like to B、would like to C、had love to D、like to ( )2、Hey. Dave Can y

22、ou go to the movies on Saturday evening?A、see a film B、see a movies C、see a cinema D、cinemas( )3、The little girl is smart. When you ask her some questions, he always can get the answers very soon.A、wild B、calm C、clever D、cute( )4、Both of the teachers watched the football match between Brazil and Ger

23、many.A、The two teachers B、The teachers allC、Two of the teachers D、All of the teachers( )5、In some ways my twin brother is different from me.A、has different views from B、has the same views asC、isnt the same as D、doesnt look like( )6、The engineer is going to travel all over the world after he retires.

24、 A、around B、above C、somewhere in D、to study( )7、This new student is good at English and maths.A、do well in B、does well in C、is good for D、is good to( )8They stayed in Beijing during the holiday Ain Bon Cfrom Dat ( )9 In the end,they got to the island AAfter that BFinally CLater Din future ( )10-Doct

25、or, how can we keep fit in winter?-Do much exercise in the morning and eat some vegetables and fruit every day.A、keep calm B、keep balanced C、stay healthy D、stay strong( )11Who is more famous,Zhang Ziyi or Liu Xiang? Amore creative Bmore important Cgreater Dbetter-known ( )12The girl started to learn

26、 the piano when she was four years old Astopped Bbegan Cwanted D。decided( )13They are lucky to have a kind Chinese teacher this term Aloving B1iving Cenjoyable D、(an) unusual ( )14Ai Ping is too short to join the school basketball team Adoesnt want to Bisnt short enough to Cisnt tall enough to Disnt

27、 good enough to ( )15Did you start to play for the notional football team at the age of nineteen? Anineteen years ago Bfor nineteen years Cwhen you were nineteen years old Dwhen you were No( )16、The boy is going to be a pilot when he grows up.A、gets up B、leaves school C、becomes an adult D、becomes a

28、teenager新目标八年级上期末专题复习(三)语法归纳一、一般过去时1. 概念: 表示过去发生的动作,常与过去的时间状语连用。例如:yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, last month, in 2008等。2. 谓语构成:(1)动词的过去式(2)was/were3. 句式 主+动词的过去式例如:He went to the zoo yesterday. (1)肯定句新 主+was/were例如:Mary was born in Beijing. 玛丽在北京出生。 主+didnt否定句:He didnt go to the zoo

29、 yesterday. (2) 否定句 主+wasnt/werent否定句:Mary wasnt born in Beijing. Did+主? 一般疑问句:Did he go to the zoo yesterday?(3) 一般疑问句 Was/Were+主?一般疑问句:Was Mary born in Beijing?肯定或否定回答Yes, 主+did./ No, 主+didnt. 肯定回答:Yes, he did. 否定回答:No, he didnt.Yes, 主+was/were./ No, 主+wasnt/werent肯定回答:Yes, she was.否定回答:No, she wa

30、snt. (4)特殊疑问句由“疑问词+一般疑问句”构成,例如:He was born in 1985.When was he born? 练习题( )1. When _ you _ the bike? Last month.A. have,bought B. had, bought C. do, buy D. did, buy( )2. Who _ on the school trip last week?A. had a great fun B. had very good time C. had great fun D. enjoy themselves( )3Mike put on his coat and Ato out Bout Cis going out Dwent out( )4一How many gifts you in the shop?一I bought only one Adid:bought Bdoes;buy Cdid;buy Ddoes;bought( ) 5、Some students (make)their New Years resolutions yesterday.( ) 6.The boy off the horse two minute ago.A. fall B. falls C. fell D. felt二、 一般将来时1

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