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上海高考概要写作summary writing510篇有解析.docx

1、上海高考概要写作summary writing510篇有解析Exercise 1A fathers relationship to his childs current and future academic success and the level of his or her development in academic potential and scholastic achievement are both factors with some rather interesting implications that educators are beginning to study.

2、As a matter of fact, “life with father” has been discovered to be a very important factor in determining a childs progress or lack of progress in school.A recent survey of over 16,000 children made by the National Child Development Study in London revealed that children whose fathers came to school

3、conferences and accompanied their children on outings did better in school than those children whose fathers were not involved in those activities. The study, which monitored children born during a week in March, 1992,from the time of their birth through the years of their early schooling, further r

4、evealed that the children of actively involved fathers scored much higher in reading and math than those children whose only involved parent was the mother. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the role played by fathers in the raising of a child. It indicated a much higher level of parental inv

5、olvement by the father than had been anticipated. Over 66% of the fathers were said to have played a major role in parental responsibility.The study also suggested that the greatest level of parenting took place in the families of only child. As the number of children and financial expenses increase

6、s, the fathers apparent interest and involvement with the children decreased. However, no matter what the size or financial condition of the family,a fathers active participation in the childs development made a definite difference in the childs progress.The study further revealed that while the fre

7、quency of overnight absences reflected a corresponding deficiency of the childs level in math and reading, a fathers employment on night shifts appeared to have little effect on the childs academic progress. The information evaluating the level of the fathers parenting performance was taken primaril

8、y from the admittedly subjective observations of their wives.参考答案:A recent study discovered that a father influence played a significant role in the level of the childs academic progress.(要点 1) As is suggested, the fathers involvement with children was affected by the size of the family and its fina

9、ncial expenses.(要点 2) So children who tended to progress academically were those only children.(要点 3) Moreover, a fathers frequent overnight absence had a bad effect on the childs progress.(要点 4)分析过程:试题详解1.核心内容本文是一篇说明文,共四段。第一段讲的是父亲与孩子当前和今后学业成功与孩子学术潜力的发 展程度这两个因素有着有趣的关系,教育者们正开始对它们进行研究和评价。第二段讲的是该研究表明父亲

10、参加家长会并陪同郊游的孩子在学校的表现要比父亲不参加这些活动的孩子好。第三段讲的 是研究还表明父亲对孩子活动的参与与家中孩子的多少和家庭财务有关。最后一段指出,父亲经常夜 不归宿也会对孩子的学业带来不好的影响,除非是因为父亲上夜班。2.写作思路找主题句,概括段落大意。找主题句、概括段落大意能帮助学生理清文章脉络,以便找出文章的 要点。第一段的主题句是最后一句“As a matter of fact, life with father,has been discovered to be a very important factor in determining a childs progres

11、s or lack of progress in school. ”。事实上这也是 本文所提出的观点。第二段的主题句是段落的第一句。该段以近期的一个调查所得出的数据来论述父 亲对孩子学业发展的影响。第三、四段的主题句都是该段第一句。内容仍是调查的另外两个结果。这 两个方面分别用“also suggested”和“further revealed”来表述调查内容。确定表达要点。本文的概要把第一段的末句作为一个要点,因为它是全文的主要观点,也是文 章的起点。在确定表达要点后要思考如何准确地表达,这是难点。因为评分标准要求学生用自己的语 言组织,因此学生需要灵活地表达以对原文的语言进行替换。范文解析

12、:范文结合第一、二段的内容,用一句话来表述文章的观点,即要点1。要点2和3是因果关系,是第 三段的内容。再从“revealed, also suggested, further revealed”三词可以看出第三、四段与第二段是并 列关系,同是调查的结果。所以用moreover连接要点4。这样概要的内容全面而且能避免重复。归纳总结:语义转换因为概要写作要求学生用自己的语言组织内容,因此语义转换是概要写作中很重要的一项基本技 能。例如范文中我们将“a very important factor”替换为“played a significant role”。第三段“greatest level o

13、f parenting took place in the families of only child ” 用 “ children who tended to progress academically were those only children”替换。最后一个要点用“had a bad effect on”来表达夜不归宿的父亲对孩子会有影响这个概念。要点整合本说明文的主题句即要说明的一个观点一一父亲对孩子学业成就有影响。支撑句是对这个观点 的分述,即第二、三、四段调查的结果对第一段提出的观点的分述。要点1就是对第一、二段内容的整 合。第三段提到父亲对孩子活动的参与与家中孩子的多少和

14、家庭财务有关,而父亲的参与对孩子学业 有影响,因此将要点2和3用因果关系连接起来。Exercise 2Taxes may well be discussed by your parents or government officials, but they are by no means only relevant to adults. You may not know it, but you are also paying them. For example, if you buy a movie ticket, 5 percent of your money goes to the gov

15、ernment.Taxes are fees charged by the government for a product, income, or activity. People around the world have to pay all kinds of taxes. In fact, the government takes taxes out of every paycheck(收人) people receive.In China, people have to pay income tax if they earn over 3, 500 yuan per month. T

16、he government takes taxes out of their paychecks every month. Working people in China can ask for a receipt at local taxation bureaus(税务局)for the income tax they have paid.Sales taxes are taxes that you have to pay when you buy things at a store. You get an invoice(发票) to prove that you have paid th

17、e tax.Taxes are also part of owning homes or businesses. People who own buildings pay taxes on the land that the buildings occupy. Taxes are taken from gifts and awards, too. If you win the lottery, you pay taxes on what you receive.What is the money used for?Taxes are used to pay for government exp

18、enditures (开支))Last year, about 85 percent of government income in China came from taxing enterprises and individuals.The money collected pays for things that benefit everybody in the country. Taxes are used to build roads and pay the salaries of police officers, firefighters, and public school teac

19、hers.Last year, the central government spent about 2.3 trillion yuan on education and about 1 trillion on public health care, according to Peoples Daily.Your tuition fees in elementary school and junior high school are also paid by the government. In this sense, your education is supported by taxes.

20、参考答案:Nearly everyone pays fees to the government for products, incomes or activities. The fees are called taxes.(要点 1) In China people have to pay income taxes,sales taxes,land taxes, and more.(要 点 2) Taxes are used by the government to benefit everybody in the country, including building roads, pay

21、ing salaries of civil servants,health care and schools.(要点 3)分析过程试题详解核心内容本文是一篇说明文,全文共分十段。第一段引人话题,第二段主要讲税收的概念。第三至五段具体 介绍了税收的各种形式和内容。第六至十段介绍税收的使用情况。写作思路(1)理清文章脉络,概括段落大意。理清文章脉络、概括段落大意是写摘要的基础,同学们可以通过找主题句、分析段落的逻辑关系来梳理文章的脉络,概括大意。该文第一段引入话题,第二段的主题句 是“Taxes are fees charged by the government for a product,in

22、come, or activity. ”0 第三、四、五段具体 讲述了税收的类型,如“income taxes,sales taxes,home-owning taxes”等,第六段“What is the money used for?”是下面几段的主题段,第七、八、九、十段都是围绕这个话题展开的。(2)确定表达要点,灵活准确表达。这篇文章结构清晰,思路明确。只要抓住三个要点就可以全面 并且准确表达本文的概要。要点1,税收的定义,主题句是“Taxes are fees charged by the government for a product,income,or activity.”;要

23、点2,税收的种类,可以概括三、四、五段得出;要点3,税收的具 体使用,从第六段到最后,都涉及了使用。范文分析范文把文本开头的导人和税收的定义连接在一起,主要是为了用不同的方式表达税收的定义。范 文的开头用“nearly everyone”概括了文本的第一段“by no means only relevant to.,you may.,but you are also”等内容。要点2用more表示了未点明的其他内容,要点3中的including连接了诸多并列 的内容,这样整篇摘要就显得紧凑。归纳总结关注文本中人称的使用第一段使用了“you, your parents”导人,目的是为了拉近文本与读

24、者的关系,吸引读者继续进行 阅读。关注文本中的疑问句本文的第六段是一个疑问句:“What is the money used for?”,在说明性的文章中出现了疑问句,就 很有可能出现它的回答。疑问句的使用,也是为了增加对读者的吸引力。本文的后四段就是在回答这 个问题。Exercise 3The language we use affects the decisions we make, according to a new study. People who participated in the study made more reasonable decisions when money

25、-related choices were given in a foreign language that they had learned in a classroom setting than when they were asked in a native tongue.To study how language affects reasoning, University of Chicago psychologists looked at a well- known phenomenon: people are more likely to avoid risks when an i

26、mpersonal decision (such as which vaccine to administer to a population) is presented in terms of a potential gain than when it is given as a potential loss even when the outcomes are almost the same. In the study, native English speakers who had learned Japanese, native Korean speakers who had lear

27、ned English and native English speakers studying French in Paris all followed the expected prejudice when they were given the question in their native tongue. In their foreign language, however, the prejudice disappeared.A second set of experiments tested another kind of mind prejudicewe expect a pe

28、rsonal loss will be more painful than the same gain will be pleasant, so the benefit of winning must be much larger for us to take a bet (such as gambling with our own money). Again, the foreign language effect happened in two different experiments, one with native Korean speakers and one with nativ

29、e English speakers. The Koreans took more imagined bets in English than Korean, and the native English speakers took more real bets in Spanish than they did in English.“When people use a foreign language, their decisions tend to show less prejudice. Obviously people are more analytic and more system

30、atic when people think in a foreign language. The reason we find is that the foreign language provides psychological distance,” lead author Boaz Keysar suggests. Mind prejudices are rooted in emotional reactions, and thinking in a foreign language helps us disconnect from these emotions and make dec

31、isions in a more economically reasonable way.参考答案:Thinking in a foreign language will help people make more logical decisions about finance.(要点 1) Two sets of experiments conducted by psychologists show that people will more probably balance the gain and loss in decisions whether they are related wi

32、th their own interest or not.(要点 2、3) The reason is that thinking in a foreign language will leave peoples emotion out when they are making up their minds.(要点 4)分析过程:1,核心内容本文是一篇说明文,全文共分四段。第一段主要介绍用外语思考能够让人们做出更加理智的决定, 尤其是与金钱相关的决定。第二段讲心理学家研究了一个现象:当人们在做一个与个人无关的决定时, 如果测试题是以潜在的获益而不是潜在的损失来陈述,人们更倾向于选择规避风险,尽管最终结果损 益程度相当。但是如果用他们所学的外语提问,则偏见消失。第三段介绍了第二个实验人们对个 人损失感觉到痛苦的程度要高于因个人获益而感受到快乐的程度。因此,获益必须相当大,我们才会去 冒险。当用非母语提问时,受试者会投下更多的赌注。第四段对以上的现象进行了解释,认为用外语思 维会帮助我们脱离情绪的羁绊,让我们以经济上更为理智的方式做出决定。2,写作思路 理清文章脉络,概括段落大意。该文第一段的主题句是“People who participated in

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