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1、大学英语全新版第三册电子教案大学英语(全新版)第三册电子教案Unit Four THE WATERY PLACEI. Teaching objectivesStudents will be able to :1. understand the main idea ( to be found in Part I) and structure of the text ( narration in time sequence);2. appreciate the difference between formal speech and information speech;3. grasp the

2、key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking, and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.II. Text Summary The text tells of a stupid error which results in a discouraging thing that no extraterrestrials will ever land on

3、 the Earth. The story begins with the introduction of he character of Bart Cameron, the Sheriff at Twin Gulch, Idacho, who is a quick-tempered and impatient person. On that special day, April 14, 1956, the author sees the flying saucer. But just because of the extraterrestrials too formal English an

4、d Barts too bad mood that day, Bart Cameron misunderstands the extraterrestrials once and time again . Finally , they fly back to Venus. Therefore we are never going to have visitors from space课文概述 文章讲述了由于一个愚蠢的错误导致再无外星人光顾地球的故事。故事开始介绍了爱达荷州温加尔奇的 治安官巴特卡默伦的性格,他是一个脾气暴躁,没有耐心的人。在1956年4月14日那个特殊的 一天,作者亲眼目睹了飞

5、碟。但仅仅因为外星人过于正式的英语和巴特那天过于糟糕的心情,使得巴特卡默伦对外星人一而再、再而三地误解。最终外星人飞回了金星。正因为此,再也没有来自外星的访问者。III. Cultural Notes1. Isaac Asimov (1920-1992) : Russian-born American writer and scientist . He was a distinguished biochemist, but is more widely known as the author of many works of science fiction, books on science

6、for non-scientists, and essays on a wide variety of subjects. Among his best-known science fiction are I, Robot(1950) and the Foundation trilogy(1951-1953). Building on Karel Capeks concept of the robot, in 1941 Asimov coined the term robotics.2. Venus: the second major planet in order of distance f

7、rom the Sun. Also known as Hesperus, The evening star(黄昏星), or Phosphorus, the morning star(启明星), Venus can be the brightest object in the sky after the Sun and Moon and follows a near-circular path some 106 million kilometers from the Sun, taking 225 days to complete one orbit.金星也叫常庚星或昏星,也有人叫它启明星或晨

8、星。金星是太空中除太阳和月亮以外最亮的 星体,沿着离太阳约一亿六百万公里的椭圆轨道运行,运行一周约需225天。 金星表面的平均温度约475oC,其中约95的 大气是二氧化碳。金星上几乎没有氧气。这使得金星上几乎不可能有我们所知的生命。 除金星和地球外,太阳还有七个行星,它们是:水星(the Mercury),火星(the Mars),木星(the Jupiter),土星(the Saturn),天王星(the Uranus),海王星(the Neptune 和冥王星(the Pluto) 。3. extraterrestrial life: life-forms that may have e

9、volved on other planets. There is no hard evidence at present that life exists other than on the Earth. Most UFOs have been satisfactorily explained as being natural or man-made, and the Viking missions to Mars were inconclusive in testing for the existence of life on that planet. Nevertheless, sear

10、ches have been and are being made for signs that life has arisen in other parts of the universe. Certain knowledge either that life is confined to planet Earth or has been found elsewhere would have the profoundest philosophical implications for mankind. Factors contributing to any assessment of the

11、 probability that life exists elsewhere must include the size, age, and structure of the universe, and the conditions under which life as we know it can originate and evolve. Other factors of relevance in the search for extraterrestrial life include an assessment of the probability that intelligence

12、 leading to scientific and technological civilizations similar to our own may arise.4. space exploration: In 1903 the Russian physicist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky was developing ideas for space rockets fuelled by liquefied gas and by 1926 Robert Goddard in the USA had successfully designed the first liq

13、uid fuelled rocket. There followed considerable German research into rockets, culminating in the launch of the V-2 rocket in 1944. In 1957 the Soviet Union surprised the USA by putting the first artificial satellite , Sputnik I, in orbit. This was followed by the US Explore I in 1958. Yuri Gagarin w

14、as the first man in space in 1961, followed by John Glenn in 1962. In 1961 President Kennedy proposed the Apollo programme to achieve a manned lunar landing by 1970, and in 1969 Neil Armstrong and Edwin(“Buzz”) Aldrin landed on the moon. The Soviet Union concentrated on unmanned flights, Luna IX ach

15、ieving a soft landing on the moon in 1966.In the early 1970s space stations were launched by both the USA and the Soviet Union, and in 1975 an Apollo capsule linked up with a Soviet Soyuz capsule. Unmanned flights have been made to Venus and Mars, while the US probe, Voyager 2, launched in 1977, rea

16、ched Neptune in 1989. In 1981 the USA launched a space shuttle , the first reusable space craft, but its commercial and scientific programme was interrupted for two years by the explosion of the shuttle, Challenger, on life-off in 1986. In 1986 the giant Soviet modular space station, Mir, was launch

17、ed with astronauts being ferried to the station by Soyuz spacecraft, followed in 1987 by the placing in space of the powerful Energiya station. In 1987, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Romanenko set a space endurance record of 326 days in orbit. The Hubble space telescope,which can produce images of other sol

18、ar systems, was launched from US shuttle in 1990. Its faulty mirror limited observations until it was repaired by astronauts in the space shuttle Endeavor in 1993. An international space station , Freedom, conceived by the USA in1984, became operational in the 1990s. Space technology has resulted in

19、 numerous applications , and telecommunication satellites have greatly improved global communications; while meteorological satellites provide advance weather information, and reconnaissance satellites register the earths resources and military information.Our knowledge of the Sun, planets, natural

20、satellites , and comets in the solar system, as well as the interplanetary medium, has been greatly advanced in recent years by the Mariner, Venera, Pioneer, and Voyager series of spacecraft. More recently, space exploration is being extended by the launching of artificial satellites into Earth orbi

21、t carrying advanced technological packages to further our astronomical knowledge of the wider universe.5. the Congress: The Congress is one of the three branches of the US federal government , the legislative branch. Congress has two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives . The main job

22、 of Congress is making laws. Before a new law can be made , both houses have to pass it, and it must then have the approval of the President . In a system of government based on a series of checks and balances, the two houses of congress act as a check on each other, as well as together forming a ch

23、eck on the powers of the executive branch, especially the President.6. the Supreme Court: The judicial branch is one of the three branches of US federal government and operates the system of law courts. The Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. is the highest court in the US, and is very powerful . It h

24、as nice judges, called justices. Traditionally , they are called the mine old men ,although there has been one woman justice. The head of the court has the title of Chief Justice of the United States. Justices are by the President, although the Senate must give its approval to the choice. There has

25、been only one African-American justice.7. income tax: a tax paid according to a persons level of income, with people on higher incomes paying higher rates of tax. It is used by the government to help pay for things like health care and education. It is collected in Britain by Inland Revenue and in t

26、he US by the Internal Revenue Service.IV. Language Study1. Im not being a pessimist. 我不是故意要显得悲观。在系表结果中,通常不用进行时态的形容词或名词出现进行时态中,常表示“暂时的”,“假装的”,“故意的”e.g.He is being slow. 他故意慢吞吞的。David is a smart guy,but he is being stupid.大卫是个聪明人,但他假装糊涂.2. on account of: (fml) because of e.g. The house isnt really sui

27、table for an old person on account of all those stairs.The president declined to deliver the speech himself on account of a sore throat.Shes angry on account of what you said over lunch about her husband.3. deputy: the second most important person in a particular organization副职,副手 e.g. A deputy was

28、appointed in case the manager became ill.Shes deputy head of a large North London school.4. work up: spend time and effort preparing; produce or develop gradually 准备;整理; 逐步发展 e.g. The head of the department asked me to work up some sample compositions and give them to the students. Lets go for a wal

29、k to work up an appetite . (to make ourselves hungry) We hope to work up the data weve collected into a series reports. 我们希望把收集到的数据整理成一个系列的报告. With the wind behind us we managed to work up some speed. 由于顺风,我们逐渐加快了速度.5. pension: an amount of money paid regular to someone who can no longer earn(enough

30、) money by working 退职金; 养老金; 抚恤金 e.g. The employees in many companies put aside money for their retirement pensions. When added to Social Security payments, pensions enable many retired Americans to live comfortably. 靠养老金加上社会保险金,许多美国的老人生活舒适.6. disable: make ( a person) unable to use his /her body pr

31、operly 残废,残疾 e.g. In that country , the poor and disabled are left to starve on city streets.There are few facilities for the disabled in some cities .Peter became disabled in World War II.These guns will destroy or disable may incoming missile.这些炮能摧毁或破坏任何袭来的导弹。7. veteran: person with much or long e

32、xperience , esp. as a soldier退伍军人;富有经验的人 e.g. By 1955 more than 2 million veterans of World War II had used the government financial aid to go to college. Veterans Day was originally established to honor Americans who had served in World War I. Hes a 20-year veteran of the New York Police Department. 他在警察局干了20年,经验丰富.8. complicated: difficult to understand or deal with e.g. The new computer is too complicated even for a skilled operator to handle. The situation if Afghanistan is so complicated that many people are uncertain what will happen next.9.

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