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Unit 6 英语导学案.docx

1、Unit 6 英语导学案Unit 6 How often do you exercise?Grade 7 Unit 6 Period 1 导学案 主备人: 崔媛媛 审核人: 课题Section A 1a 2c 课 型听读学习目标1. 能够谈论课余时间的活动并谈论做事情的频率。2. 学习完成任务所需要的语言:1) 词汇:how often; exercise; housework; hardly; ever; full; once; twice; time; surf; Internet; program; wing dance; maybe; least2) 句子: What do you u

2、sually do on weekends? I often go to the movies.What does she do on weekends? She sometimes goes shopping.How often do you exercise? I exercise every day/once a week. I hardly ever exercise.3通过听力训练,同学们能听懂有关活动频率的对话。学习重难点1.频率词汇及询问活动频率。2.一般现在时态的熟练运用。过程内 容反思与收获自学反馈英汉互译1. 在周末_ 2. 每天_3. once a week _ 4. 去

3、看电影_5. read English books_ 6. hardly ever_(学法指导:翻译出每个短语的意思 在课本中找出这些单词并做好标记默写每一个短语)探究新知1. 展示图片,回顾有关活动的单词、短语,利用百分比形象展示学习频率副词。2. 1a 看图写出有关周末活动的短语。3. 听录音,将先关活动写在对应频率副词之后。4Pair work 结合自己周末活动安排及活动频率与同桌展开对话。5. 听录音,为Cheng Tao 周末活动排序并将活动与对应频率副词连线。展示点拨1. 写出下列频率副词 (100%)_ (80%)_ (30-50%)_ (20%)_ (5%)_ (0%)_2.

4、How often do you exercise?exercise 动词 锻炼运动 可数名词 体操练习do morning exercises, do eye exercises不可数名词 锻炼运动 take enough/more exercise3. How often do you watch TV? Twice a week.How often 表频率,多久一次,对every day, always, usually, sometimes, often once a week 等表示频率的副词或短语提问。How often 多久一次,指动作频率 how soon多久,一般用于一般将来

5、时,回答“in”短语How long 多长时间 回答for或since短语 how far 多远 用于对距离提问。4. 2c 结合表格,完成填空,并组成对话。学以致用1 He hardly takes _, so the doctor asks him to do some running and morning _.2 My father _ every day. 3 Lucy is doing eye _.4 People usually take _ in the morning5 _ _ does she go to the movies? Once a month.达标检测I、用所给

6、词的适当形式填空。1. They go to the movies (one) a week. 2. My cousin (watch) TV twice a week.3. My friends like different weekend (activity).4. Here (be) some students homework. 5. She likes (surf) the Internet a lot.II、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1. Jim is n late for school. He is a good boy. 2. My uncle likes the TV p

7、 on CCTV-5.3.The lazy(懒的) boy h ever helps others. 4. My brother a goes to school early, so hes never late. 5. The running star e every day.III根据提示完成句子1. _ _(多久一次)do you exercise? Every day.2. He often _ _ (去玩滑板)on weekends.3. She _ _ (几乎从没有)plays computer games.4. Her mother goes shopping _ _ _(一周两

8、次).5. Kates mother _ _ (看电视) every night. Unit 6 How often do you exercise?Grade 7 Unit 6 Period 2 导学案 主备人: 崔媛媛 审核人: 课题Section A 3a 3c Grammar focus 课 型听读学习目标Key words: maybe, least, Key phrases: at least,three or four times a week,once or twice a week学习重难点1.能运用本课词汇 及句型进行自由对话,完成相关练习。2.一般现在时态的熟练运用过程内

9、 容反思与收获自学反馈. 英汉互译1. 看电视 _ 2. 每周一两次_3. 帮忙做家务_ 4. hardly ever_5. stay up _(学法指导:写出汉语或英语意思 在课本中找出这些单词并做好标记准确读写出每一个单词和短语).根据首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1. I usually play _(足球).2. He plays basketball at l_ three times a week.3. _(或许) you should get a small pet, like a goldfish.4. I often go to the m_ with my friends on

10、 weekends.5. I watch TV _(两次) a week.探究新知1. A: How often do you watch TV? B: Twice a week.这是询问别人做某事_的句型,常用于一般疑问句中。答语用频率副词表示频率的短语来回答。如:_ _ does he play basketball? Once a week.A: What do you usually do on weekends? B: I often go to the movies.A: What does he usually do on weekends? B: He often goes s

11、kateboarding.这是一句用来询问和回答人们日常生活中经常从事什么活动的交际用语。如:_ does your mother usually do on Sundays? She often does housework.(注意:以What 和how often等疑问词开头的疑问句,是本单元重要句型。)基本句式是:_+助动词+_+谓语动词+其他?区别下列有关how的短语how many _ how much _ how often _ how old _ how long_ how far _我型我秀2. 2d 分角色表演对话。火眼金睛3. 3a. 用do或does 完成句子,并将问题与

12、回答进行匹对。4. 3b. 用所给单词完成问句并与同桌互相问答。展示点拨1. maybe为副词,意为“_”,相当于perhaps。例如:Maybe he is right. 也许他是对的。辨析:maybe与may be_ 为副词,在句中作状语,可置于句首或句末。例如:Maybe she is a student. _ 为“情态动词+ 连系动词”,在_(句首;句中;句尾)一起构成谓语动词。例如:She may be a student.2. 3c. 寻找提高英语学习效率的最好途径学以致用1.Ann hasnt come to school today. I think she _ be ill.

13、A. can B. has to C. may D. should 达标检测I、单项选择1、 do you read? I read every day.A、How many B、How often C、How long 2、My aunt goes shopping two three times a week.A、with B、or C、and 3、It is raining outside. We can go out.A、hard、hard B、hard、hardly C、hardly、hard 4、I want to know the results the homework sur

14、vey at Yu Ying School.A. about B. for C. of 5、 students (75%) do homework 3 or 4 times a week. A、Some B、Most C、All II、用所给词的适当形式或根据汉语提示填空。1、Here (be) the results (介词)“watch TV”2、My cousin (有时)goes out for a walk after dinner. She usually plays in the park for (一段时间).3、After school, he is very (activi

15、ty) in (play) sports.4、 (多少次)does she visit her grandparents a month?5、Look! Jim (read) a newspaper over there.6、Li Lei never (get) up early on weekends.III 根据提示完成短文。45 students read English books every morning 20 students play sports every day 56 students do homework every evening 15 students watch

16、 TV once a week There are 56 students in Class One, Grade Eight in Shuang Long Middle School. Here are the results of the student activity _ at Shuang Long Middle School. _ students read English books every morning. _ students play sports _ day. _ _ homework, _ the students do it _ _ and some studen

17、ts _ TV _ a _. Unit 6 How often do you exercise?Grade Two Unit 6 Period 3 导学案 主备人: 张小强 审核人: 裴春媛 课题Section B 1a 1e 课 型听读写学习目标1. 会认读、拼写本课的单词和短语;2. 正确运用How often 引导的疑问句进行交际。3、完成听力练习,并就听力内容进行问答学习重难点1、会认读、拼写本课的单词和短语;2、正确运用How often 引导的疑问句进行交际。过程内 容反思与收获自学反馈导入(启发探究 3分钟)操练下列句子-What do you usually do on wee

18、kends? -I always exercise.-What do they do on weekends? -They often help with housework.-What does she do on weekends? - She sometimes goes shopping.-How often do you go to the movies? -I go to the movies maybe once a month.-How often does he watch TV? - He hardly ever watches TV.-Do you go shopping

19、? -No, I never go shopping.探究新知学习1a,会读写单词及短语(1)个人记读单词3分钟 (2)展示,写在学案上垃圾食品 _ 牛奶_ 咖啡_ 睡眠_ 蔬菜_ 水果 (3) 将单词和图画配对学习1b对话,谈论某人做某事的频率 1、个人迅速朗读对话,注意语音、语调、句群停顿。 2、再次朗读对话,准确理解意思 3、两人一组练习对话,向全班展示 4、用1a的单词,模仿1b编对话,并在组内交流 A: How often do you drink milk, Liu Fang ? B: I drink milk every day. A: Do you like it? B: No

20、. But my mother wants me to drink it. She says its good for my health.交流(合作探究 10分钟)1c 1d 听力训练(1)放录音,完成1c (2) 听第二遍,回答1d的7个问题,把答案写在课本上(3)听第三遍,检查答案,并进一步理解听力原文.(4)听全文,跟读材料,注意模仿语音、语调、句群停顿。(5)根据1d内容,进行采访问答A: How often do you exercise?B: I exercise every day.A: How often does Bill exercise?B: He hardly eve

21、r exercises.展示点拨重点词组练习:(1)want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事 My mother wants me to drink it.我妈妈想要我喝。want to do sth. 想要做某事want sb. to do sth. 想要某人干某事Do you want to go to the movies with me?你想和我一起去看电影吗?I want you to help me with my math.我想要你帮我学数学。有很多动词后面用这种结构做动词的复合宾语:ask sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事tell sb. to do sth

22、. 告诉某人去做某事help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 (2) be good/bad for 对-有好/坏处be good for 表示“对有益(有好处)”其反义为:be bad for 对有害/无益Its good for us to do more reading.多读书对我们有好处。Drinking milk is good for your health.喝牛奶对你的健康有益。Reading English is good for studying English.对英语对学习英语有益/有帮助。Reading in bed is bad for your ey

23、es.在床上读书对你的眼睛有害。学以致用1)_do you drink coffee? -Twice a day.A. How many B. How long C. How soon D. How often2) My teacher wants me _ hard.A. study B. studying C. to study D. studies3) Eating fruit and vegetables _ our health.A. is good to B. is good C. is good for D. is well for达标检测.Dont read in bed. I

24、ts bad _ your eyes. A. for B. of C. with2. I try to eat junk food once a week _ I love it very much.A. although B. through C. but3. Jenny _ lifestyle. A. has a healthy B. have a healthy C. has a health4. If you want to be healthier, you must eat _ junk food, I think.A. more B. less C. fewer5. I try

25、_ vegetables eleven times a week.A. eat B. eating C. to eat6. Eating more vegetables helps you to keep _ good health. A. for B. in C. to7.Is Katrinas life the same _ (和同)yours? A. as B. to C. withFruit is good for people. Many people eat some fruit every day. Mr and Mrs Green like fruit very much an

26、d every Monday. Mrs Green goes to buy some fruit in the shop near her house. The man in the shop knows her well and helps a lot. She can buy all kinds of fruit there, apples, pears, oranges and bananas. In different time of the year, the price of each kind of fruit is not the same, sometimes high, s

27、ometimes low. Mrs Green wants to buy cheap fruit. But Mr Green only likes bananas. She buys bananas for him every week. She only buys cheap fruit for herself.( )l. When does Mrs Green go to buy some fruit?A. Saturday B. Monday. C. Thursday.( )2. Where does Mrs Green buy fruit?A. ln the shop near her

28、 house. B. In the town. C. Near the shop( )3. Mrs Green buys _for Mr Green.A. pears B. apples C. bananas( )4. Which of following is not right?A. Fruit is good for peopIe. B. Mrs Green buys apples for herselfC. Mrs Green can buy all kinds of fruit.( )5. ln different time of the year,the price of each kind of fruit is_.A. the same B. not the same C. high Unit 6 How often do you exercise?Grade Two Unit 6 Period Four 导学案 主备人: 张小强 审核人: 裴春媛 课题Section B 2a 2c 课 型读写练学习目标1. 识记并准确运用课文中相关饮食的词。2. 学会询问和回答别人饮食、锻炼的频率、休息的时间及选择不同频率的理由。3. 提升自

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