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i want i do i get relaxing.docx

1、i want i do i get relaxingTheres a great song out there by Jimmy Cliff, one of reggaes top artists, that in six words summarizes just how you succeed in life: I want! I do! I get! These six words are a very powerful way of connecting what you want with what you will achieve.世界顶尖的雷鬼音乐家吉米.克里夫(Jimmy Cl

2、iff)曾创作了这样一首了不起的歌曲,其歌名为我想!我做!我得到!。这六个字则把一个人怎样在一生中取的成功的经过进行了概括。这六个字是十分强有力的,它将“所想”与“所成”串在了一条线上。First comes wanting somethinga better life for yourself, your family, more money, a better job, whatever it is you dream about and long for. You desire it, you dream about it, you daydream about it, you year

3、n for it.首先要做的就是要去想,想想让你和你的家人有更好的生活,赚更多的钱,找到更好的工作.无论这是你的梦想还是渴望,你想要得到这些,你梦想得到这些,你幻想会得到这些,并且你对此也充满了向往。But thats not enough. Next and this the part too many people forget aboutcomes the doing. All of the wanting in the world is not going to move you one inch closer to what you want: you have to do. You

4、 have to find a better job, change jobs, take risks, write software, try new things, stop doing old things, go to college, work, act, do. The doing is the absolutely indispensable connection between what you want and what you get.但光想还不够,下一步,往往也是大部分人忽视掉的这一步-付诸于行动。世上最遗憾的事莫过于梦想自己 不会向你的方向多靠近哪怕一英寸,因此你必须主

5、动去接近梦想。于是你不得不去找一份更好的工作、经历跳槽、承担风险、编写软件、尝试新鲜事物、不再走老 路、去上学、去工作、去做事.从梦想到获得的路途中,行动是一座必经的桥梁。Finally, if you keep doing what needs to be done, if you keep adjusting what you do to move you closer to what you want, you get. Maybe not easily, maybe not as quickly as movies and television portray, but it will

6、 come.如果你始终在做需要做的事;如果你一直在调整你的方向,去做一些能让你更靠近梦想的事;那么最终,你就会圆梦。这或许不那么简单,这又或许没有电影电视中演得那么快,但这终究还是会成为现实。One final philosophical note about these six words: notice that I is three of them? Not what others want, not what others say you are supposed or should do. Whats more, no one is going to do it for you.最后

7、,让我们从哲学角度来审视一下这六个字:注意了,三个动作的主语都是 “我”。这是因为,梦想并不是他人的梦想;也不会有其他人对你说你“要去”或“该去”做什么。此外,也没有人会代替你去做什么。You are the key to making these six words work.因此,让这六个字发挥作用的人,只有你自己。When you hear the word “yoga,” do you think of a person with his legs twisted up like a pretzel? If so, it may seem like yoga is very compl

8、icated or just for adults. Not true! Kids and teens can do yoga for the same reasons grown-ups do: because it feels good to stretch out your body, slow down your breathing, and relax your mind. Yoga can help you feel calmer when life is busy and stressful.一听到“瑜伽”这个词,你是否就会联想到一个人将自己的腿扭成椒盐卷饼那样呢?这样想来,瑜伽

9、似乎很复杂,更像是专门给大人练习的。其实并不是这样!儿童和青少年也有和大人们一样的练习瑜伽的理由:因为伸展身体、放缓呼吸以及放松精神的感觉很棒。当你感觉生活紧张、压力重重的时候,瑜伽可以让你平静下来。What You Need 你需要Any time you start a new exercise routine its a good idea to check with a parent. A yoga class can be a great way to get started because the instructor can teach you how to get into t

10、he poses. Find a large enough space with few distractions. No TV or people, if possible. Wear comfortable workout clothes and no shoes or socks. A yoga mat can be helpful because it cushions a bit and keeps your feet from slipping. Yoga should not hurt, so go slow and ease into position. Go only as

11、far as you comfortably can.无论任何时候,当你要开始一项新的锻炼安排,和父母谈谈总是好的。上瑜伽课程是个不错的开始,因为导师会教你怎样做动作。找一个足够大而且没有什么干扰的地方,最好没有电视或人。穿上舒适的健身服,不要穿鞋袜。瑜伽垫很有用,因为它起到一定的缓冲作用,并防止脚部滑动。瑜伽不应该让你感到疼痛,所以你要慢慢地、舒服地摆姿势。尽量做,舒服就行。Why Yoga for Stress? 为什么选择瑜伽减压?When you get stressed or nervous, many things can help you feel better. Talking

12、 with someonea parent or friendis a great idea because they can help you figure out whats wrong and start coming up with solutions. In addition, you can ease stress through exercise. You probably know exercise is good for your health, but its also a proven way to put you in a better mood. So it make

13、s sense that yoga is a favorite activity among people who want to feel stronger and more relaxed. Yoga includes a lot of stretching, but thats not allyoga also focuses on breathing and meditation, which means thinking calm thoughts. Practicing yoga is a chance to learn stretching/breathing/thinking

14、skills that you can use to calm yourself down the next time you feel worried. In other words, yoga can help your body stay loose and relaxed when things heat up!感到有压力或紧张的时候,很多事情可以让你放松下来。跟家长或朋友聊聊就是一个不错的方法,因为他们可以帮你发现问题所在,找出解决办法。另外,你还可以通过体育锻炼减轻压力。你也许知道体育锻炼对身体有好处,但人们已经证实运动还可以令人心情更加舒畅。顺理成章,瑜伽备受那些希望变得更强壮和

15、放松下来的人士喜爱。瑜伽包含大量伸展动作,但它远不止如此瑜伽还注重呼吸和冥想,也就是冷静思考。练习瑜伽让你有机会学习伸展、呼吸以及思考的技巧。下次当你感到忧虑的时候,便可以通过这些技巧使自己镇静下来。换句话说,在事情一团糟的时候,瑜伽能够让你的身体保持舒展放松。Think Good Thoughts积极的想法Meditation is the first part of a stress-relieving yoga routine. Meditation means being calm, quiet, and focused. Some people call this “feeling

16、centered.” When youre feeling centered, you can do your best in stressful situations such as taking a test or working through a disagreement with a friend. Try these meditation exercises: Take a yoga vacation: Find a quiet, private place, like your bedroom. Sit in a comfortable position and close yo

17、ur eyes. Imagine a place where you feel safe and relaxed. Is it your best friends backyard? Your grandmas house? Camping in the woods? Imagine yourself in this place for three to five minutes. Youll feel much calmer after your “yoga vacation.” Positive pictures: When youre feeling stressed about a b

18、ig test or game, it can help to imagine it going really well. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Picture yourself feeling prepared for your test or kicking the winning goal in soccer. Of course, positive pictures cant take the place of actual preparation, but they can help you feel m

19、ore confident.冥想是减压瑜伽练习的第一部分。冥想就是保持镇静、平静和专注。有些人称之为“感受中心”。当你感受到自己的中心,在受压情况下如进行测验或处理与朋友的分歧等就能发挥最好状态。试试以下冥想练习:进行一次瑜伽旅行:找一个安静、私密的地方,比如卧室。以舒服的姿势坐下来,闭上双眼。想象一个让你感到安全放松的地方是挚友的后院、奶奶的房子,还是林中露营?用三到五分钟想象自己身处这个地方。完成“瑜伽旅行”之后,你会感觉平静多了。积极画面:当你为一场大考或比赛临近感到紧张时,想象它们进展得很顺利,这很有用哦。舒服地坐下,闭上眼睛,想象自己已经准备好去应考,或者有信心在足球赛中踢入致胜一球

20、。当然,想象积极画面代替不了真正的准备工作,但它们能让你更加自信。Breathe Deep深呼吸On one hand, you already know how to breathe. Youre doing it right now! But learning how to breathe in yoga practice can help you notice how your breathing changes when youre anxious or upset. Often, when you start to feel nervous or uncomfortable, you

21、r breathing may get faster and you might not breathe as deeply. Once you tune in to your breath, you can try belly breathing.一方面,你已经知道如何呼吸,因为你此刻就在呼吸!但学习如何在瑜伽练习中呼吸能助你在焦虑烦躁时察觉呼吸的变化。当人开始感到紧张不安时,其呼吸往往会急促起来,而且呼吸的深度不够。一旦了解自己的呼吸变化,你可以试着用腹部呼吸。Get Up and Move! 动起来!There are many different yoga poses. Some ca

22、n help you stretch the neck, shoulders and back, which are most likely to get tense when you are nervous or stressed. Try these two yoga poses when you want to de-stress yourself: Surprise/Sourpuss: Open your mouth wide and bug out your eyes, then close your eyes very tightly and pucker your lips. A

23、lternate back and forth between “surprise” and “sourpuss.” Do this while youre studying to help loosen up your face and jaw, which can get really tense while youre studying. If you have a study partner, make a game of it! Who can make the silliest face? Shoulder gymnastics: Do a few gentle shoulder

24、and neck rolls right before a test to keep your shoulders nice and loose. You can even do them during a test if you need a refreshing break.瑜伽有很多不同的姿势,有些可以让你伸展颈部、肩膀和背部,这些部位在你紧张或感到压力时通常会绷得很紧。当你想减压的时候,试试以下两个瑜伽姿势:惊讶/怒容:张开嘴巴,瞪大双眼;然后紧紧地合上眼睛,噘起嘴唇。交替做“惊讶”和“怒容”这两个动作。我们学习时,脸部和下颚会绷紧,这套动作能帮你放松这两个部位。如果你跟同伴一起学习,

25、还可以当游戏玩呢!谁的鬼脸更傻呢?肩操:测验前适当摆动肩颈能让你的肩部舒适放松。如果想休息一下,让自己头脑清醒,你甚至可以在测验中途做一下这个动作。Have Fun with Yoga 开心自在玩瑜伽Yoga can help you in serious ways, but it also can be a lot of fun. You can smile during yoga, and even laugh, which is a great stress reliever too. Yoga can be done alone or with friends. And you can

26、 do it at home, at a yoga studio, or in the park. Well end with a special Sanskrit greeting“namaste.” Its traditionally said at the end of a yoga practice and it means the light inside of me bows to the light inside of you. Namaste.瑜伽既可以严肃对待,也可以趣味横生。练习瑜伽时你可以面带笑容,甚至放声大笑,这也是减压的好方式哦。你可以独自练习瑜伽,也可以结伴练习;瑜伽可以在家、瑜伽室或公园里进行。我们将以一句特别的梵文问候语结束“双手合十”。瑜伽练习结束时一般都会说这句话,意思是我体内的灵光向你体内的灵光鞠躬。双手合十。 From:

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