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1、throw的详细用法throw 下载 纠错 下载离线词库以备不时之需 英 r 美 rovt. 投;抛;掷vi. 抛;投掷n. 投掷;冒险过去式 threw过去分词 thrown现在分词 throwing广告扫地机器人买一送一词条图片朗文词典 柯林斯词典 21世纪词典throw 1 /r,ro/ v. S1 W1英 r pt: threw pp: thrown MEANINGS 义项1.THROW A BALL/STONE ETC 扔球/石头等I,T to make an object such as a ball move quickly through the air by pushing

2、your hand forward quickly and letting the object go投,扔,抛,掷 see picture at 见 baseballYou throw something to someone when you want them to catch it. You throw something at someone when you want to hit them. 扔东西给某人用,朝某人扔东西用。throw sth to sbHe threw his shirt to someone in the crowd. 他把

3、他的衬衫扔给了人群中的一个人。throw sth at sb/sthSomeone threw a stone at the car. 有人朝汽车扔了一块石头。a crowd of boys throwing snowballs at each other 互扔雪球的一群男孩throw sb sthThrow me that towel, would you. 请把那块毛巾扔给我吧。2.PUT STH CARELESSLY 随意放置某物T always + adv/prep to put something somewhere quickly and carelessly随手扔下某物He th

4、rew a handful of money onto the table. 他把一把钱扔到了桌子上。Dont just throw your clothes on the floor pick them up! 不要把衣服扔在地板上捡起来!3.PUSH ROUGHLY/VIOLENTLY 粗鲁地/猛烈地推T always + adv/prep to push someone or something roughly and violently粗暴地推,抛The bus stopped suddenly and we were all thrown forwards. 公共汽车猛地停住,我们都

5、往前栽。The guards threw Biko to the ground and started kicking him. 卫兵们把比科推倒在地,开始踢打他。The bomb exploded, throwing bricks and debris into the air . 炸弹爆炸了,碎砖瓦砾四处横飞。She drew the curtains and threw open the windows. 她拉开窗帘,一把推开窗户。4.MAKE SB FALL 使某人倒下Tto make your opponent fall to the ground in a sport in whi

6、ch you fight 比赛中把对手摔倒在地if a horse throws its rider, it makes them fall onto the ground 马把骑手掀翻在地5.MOVE HANDS/HEAD ETC 移动手/头等T always + adv/prep to suddenly and quickly move your hands, arms, head etc into a new position急伸,猛动手、臂、头等I threw my arms around her and kissed her. 我一把把她抱住,亲吻她。He threw his hea

7、d back and laughed. 他仰头大笑。6.CONFUSE SB 使某人困惑T to make someone feel very confused使困惑It threw me completely when she said she was coming to stay with us. 她说她要来和我们一起住,把我弄得不知所措。7.throw yourself at/on/into/down etcto move or jump somewhere suddenly and with a lot of force突然猛力地扑向/跳到/冲进/扑倒等He threw himself

8、 down onto the bed. 他一头倒在床上。She committed suicide by throwing herself out of a tenth floor window. 她从十楼窗户跳下去自杀了。8.throw sb in/into prison/jailto put someone in prison把某人投进监狱Anyone who opposes the regime is thrown in jail. 凡是反对这个政权的人都被投进监狱。9.throw sb out of work/office etcto suddenly take away someon

9、es job or position of authority突然把某人解雇/解职等Hundreds of men were thrown out of work when the mine closed down. 矿井关闭,数百人一下子都失去了工作。Elections were held, and the government was thrown out of office. 选举举行后,政府被赶下台。10.throw sb/sth into confusion/chaos/disarray etcto make people feel very confused and not cer

10、tain about what they should do使某人/某事陷入困惑/混乱/凌乱等中Everyone was thrown into confusion by this news. 人人都被这个消息弄得不知所措。The transport industry has been thrown into chaos by the strike. 运输业因为这次罢工陷入了一片混乱。11.throw doubt on sthto make people think that something is probably not true使人们对某事产生怀疑Fresh evidence has

11、thrown doubt on her story. 新的证据让人对她的说法产生了怀疑。12.throw suspicion on sbto make people think that someone is probably guilty使人们对某人产生怀疑This latest document throws suspicion on the company chairman. 这份最新的文件使人们开始对公司的董事长产生了怀疑。13.throw sb a look/glance/smile etcto quickly look at someone with a particular ex

12、pression that shows how you are feeling朝某人看了看/瞥了一眼/笑了笑等He threw Anna a big smile. 他对安娜粲然一笑。He threw a glance at Connor. 他瞥了康纳一眼。14.throw a fit/tantrumto react in a very angry way大发一通脾气I cant tell my parents theyd throw a fit! 我不能告诉父母他们会大发雷霆的!15.throw a question/remark etc (at sb)to say something to

13、someone or ask them something roughly粗鲁地(对某人)提问题/说话等They threw a few awkward questions at me. 他们问了我几个令人尴尬的问题。Youre early! she threw at him accusingly. “你来早啦!”她责怪他。16.throw sth opento allow people to go into a place that is usually kept private 开放某地 + toPlans have been announced to throw the Palace o

14、pen to the public. 宣布了向公众开放宫殿的计划。to allow anyone to take part in a competition or a discussion 允许参加竞赛或讨论 + toI would now like to throw the debate open to our audience. 我现在想让观众加入我们的讨论。17.throw a switch/handle/leverto make something start or stop working by moving a control扳动开关/把手/控制杆使设备启动或停止He threw

15、a switch and the lights all went out. 他按了一下开关,所有的灯都熄灭了。18.throw a partyto organize a party and invite people举办一次聚会19.throw money at sthinformal to try to solve a problem by spending a lot of money but without really thinking about the problem大量花钱以解决某个问题,但没经过深思熟虑The problem cannot be solved by throwi

16、ng money at it. 这个问题靠砸钱是解决不了的。 thrown back on sthto be forced to have to depend on your own skills, knowledge etc只得依赖自己的技能、知识等Once again, we were thrown back on our own resources. 我们不得不再次自力更生。21.throw yourself into sthto start doing an activity with a lot of effort and energy积极投入到某事中去Since her

17、husband died, shes thrown herself into her work. 自从丈夫去世后,她就全心投入工作。22.throw your weight aroundto use your position of authority to tell people what to do in an unreasonable way耀武扬威,作威作福Hes the sort of insensitive bully who enjoys throwing his weight around. 他是个冷漠无情、仗势欺人的家伙,就爱到处横行霸道。23.throw your weig

18、ht behind sb/sthto support a plan, person etc and use your power to make sure they succeed支持某人/某事,作为某人/某事的后盾The party leadership is throwing its weight behind the campaign. 党的领导层鼎力支持这项活动。24.throw light on sthto make something easier to understand by providing new information提供新资料使某事更易理解Recent invest

19、igations have thrown new light on how the two men died. 最近的调查为这两名男子的死因提供了新的解释。25.throw a light/shadowto make light or shadow fall on a particular place投下光线/影子The trees threw long, dark shadows across the cornfield. 树木在玉米地里投下长长的、黑乎乎的影子。26.throw the book at sbinformal to punish someone as severely as

20、possible or charge them with as many offences as possible从严惩罚某人;从严起诉某人If you get caught theyll throw the book at you! 如果你被抓住,他们决不会轻饶你!27.throw sth (back) in sbs faceto be unkind to someone after they have been kind to you or helped you以怨报德;忘恩负义I felt that everything Id done for them was thrown back

21、in my face. 我感到我为他们做的一切都是好心没好报。28.throw up your hands (in horror/dismay etc)to do something that shows you think something is not good but feel you cannot do anything to change it(惊恐/沮丧等地)扬起双手表示你认为某事不好,却又无可奈何Ted threw up his hands in disgust. Cant you make her change her mind? he asked. 特德反感地扬了扬手。“你

22、不能让她改变主意吗?”他问道。29.throw in your handto stop trying to do something停止做某事SYN GIVE UP 30.throw yourself at sbinformal to try very hard to attract someones attention because you want to have a sexual relationship with them勾引某人,向某人投怀送抱31.throw a punchto try to hit someone with your hand in a fight打出一拳We

23、need to sort this out before people start throwing punches. 我们要在人们开始动武之前把这件事处理好。32.throw a match/game/fightto deliberately lose a fight or sports game that you could have won故意输掉比赛He was allegedly offered 20,000 to throw the match. 据称有人给他两万英镑让他故意输掉比赛。33.throw dice/a six/a four etcto roll dice or to

24、get a particular number by rolling dice掷骰子/掷了六点/掷出四点等You have to throw a six to start. 你必须掷一个六点才能开始。34.throw a potto make a pot by shaping clay as it turns round on a special wheel拉坯做罐35.throw your voiceto use a special trick to make your voice seem to be coming from a different place from the place

25、 you are standing说腹语利用特别方法让你的声音听起来像是来自别处36.throw caution to the wind(s)to ignore the risks and deliberately behave in a way that may cause trouble or problems不顾一切I threw caution to the winds and followed him. 我不顾一切跟随他。37.throw the baby out with the bath waterto get rid of good useful parts of a syst

26、em, organization etc when you are changing it in order to try and make it better把婴儿和洗澡水一起倒掉,不分良莠一起抛弃收起THESAURUS 词语辨析1.throw 投,扔to make something such as a ball or stone move quickly through the air using your handI threw the ball back to him. 我把球扔还给他。Protestors began throwing stones at the police. 抗

27、议者开始向警察投掷石块。I just threw the letter in the bin. 我刚把信扔进垃圾桶。2.toss 轻抛to throw something, especially in a careless way without using much effortShe tossed her coat onto the bed. 她把外套往床上一抛。Can you chuck me the remote control? 把遥控器扔过来给我好吗?3.hurl 用力投掷to throw something with a lot of forceSomeone hurled a

28、brick through his window. 有人把砖头砸进他家窗户。4.fling 生气地(用力)扔;随意抛to angrily throw something somewhere with a lot of force, or to carelessly throw something somewhere because you have very little timeHe flung her keys into the river. 他把她的钥匙猛地扔进河里。I flung a few things into a suitcase. 我随手把几样东西扔进手提箱。5.heave 用

29、力扔重物to throw something heavy using a lot of effortThey heaved the log into the river. 他们把圆木抛进河里。6.lob 高高抛出to throw something high into the air over someone or somethingThe police lobbed tear gas canisters over the heads of the demonstrators. 警察向示威者头顶上空抛掷催泪弹。收起to throw a ball in a sport 体育比赛中掷球1.pass

30、 传球to throw the ball to another member of your teamHe passed the ball to Wilkinson, who kicked the ball over the goalposts. 他把球传给威尔金森,威尔金森射高了。2.pitch 棒球运动中投球to throw the ball to the batter in a game of baseballStoddard pitched for the Chicago White Sox. 斯托达德在芝加哥白袜队任投手。at 见 lot throw in/cast your lot with sb at 见 lot8PHRVB 短语动词throw sth awayphr get rid of something that you do not want or need扔掉,丢弃I never throw clothes away. 我从不丢弃衣服。I shouldnt have thrown away the receipt. 我

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