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1、狮子王中英文台词对照超全的完整版英语口语练习必备狮子王中英文台词(完整版)From the day we arrive on the planet 从我们出生的那一刻 And,blinking,step into the sun 睁开眼睛走入阳光 Theres more to see than can ever be seen 那儿有你看不完的东西 More to do than can ever be done 有你做不完的事Theres far too much to take in here 有数不尽你无法体会经验的事 More to find than can ever be foun

2、d 有找不完的宝藏 But the sun rolling high 可是太阳高挂在天空 Through the sapphire sky 在那色彩多变的天空中 Keeps great and small on the endless round 不论伟大与渺小都保存下来 Its the circle of life 那是生生不息 And it moves us all 而那感动了你我 Through despair and hope 历经绝望与希望Through faith and love 历经信心与爱 Till we find our place 直到我们找到归属之地 On the pa

3、th unwinding 在我们已知的种种之中In the circle 在那生生不息之中The circle of life 生生不息 Its the circle of life 生生不息 And it moves us all 而那令我们感动 Through despair and hope 历经绝望与希望 Through faith and love 历经信心与爱Till we find our place 直到我们找到归属之地 On the path unwinding 在我们已知的种种之中 In the circle 在那生生不息之中 The circle of life 生生不息

4、Scar: Lifes not fair; is it? You see I. Well, I shall never be king. And you shall never see the light of another day. Adieu.生活是不公平的,对不对?比如:我,国王永远不是我。还有你,永远见不到明天的阳光。再见。Zazu : Didnt your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?你妈妈没有告诉过你不要拿食物玩吗?Scar: What do you want?你来做什么?Zazu: Im here to ann

5、ounce that King Mufasa is on his way. So youd better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning.我来通知国王穆法沙即将驾临,你最好为自己没有参加早上的庆典找个好借口。Scar: Oh now look Zazu, you made me lose my lunch.噢,Zazu,你弄丢了我的午餐Zazu: Hah! Youll lose more than that when the king gets through with you. Hes as mad as a

6、Hippo with a Hernia.哈,如果国王来了,你失去的就不止是那个。他像一头发狂的河马。Scar: Ohhh.I quiver with FEAR!我怕得发抖。Zazu: Now Scar, dont look at me that way.HELP!Scar,别那样子看我。救救我!Mufasa: Scar! . Drop him. 放下它。Scar: Mmm-Mmm-Hmmm?Zazu: Impeccable timing your majesty. 来得正是时候,陛下。Scar: Why! if it isnt my big brother descending from on

7、 high to mingle with the commoners.大哥怎么会屈尊到普通百姓这儿来?Mufasa: Sarabi and I didnt see you at the presentation of Simba.Sarabi和我在辛巴的庆典上没有见到你。Scar: That was today? Oh, I feel simply awful. Must have slipped my mind.是今天举行吗?噢,太可怕了。肯定是我搞错了。Zazu: Yes, well, as slippery as your mind is, as the kings brother, y

8、ou should have been first in line!没错,是你太滑头了。作为国王的弟弟,你应该站在队伍的第一位。Scar: Well, I was first in line.until the little hairball was born.我一直是第一位,直到这个小毛头出生。Mufasa: That hairball is my son.and your future king.那小毛球是我的儿子,也是你们未来的国王。Scar: Ohh, I shall practice my curtsy.噢,我应该练习自己的礼仪。Mufasa: Dont turn your back

9、 on me, Scar.不要给我脸色看,Scar。Scar: On, no, Mufasa. Perhaps you shouldnt turn your back on me.噢,不,Mufasa,也许是你不该给我脸色看。Mufasa: Is that a challenge? 想挑战我吗?Scar: Temper, temper. I wouldnt dream of challenging you.别发火,别发火,我从未想过挑战你。Zazu: Pity! Why not? 真遗憾,为什么不?Scar: Well, as far as brains go, I got the lions

10、 share. But, when it comes to brute strength, Im afraid Im at the shallow end of the gene pool.论聪明才智,我有狮子的天分。但说到残忍的力量,恐怕我没有多少狮子的基因。Zazu: Theres one in every family, sire.two in mine, actually. And they always manage to ruin special occasions.每个家族都有这么一个的,陛下。事实上,我们家有两个。他们总是想破坏一些特殊场合。Mufasa: What am I

11、going to do with him? 我该怎么处置他?Zazu: Hed make a very handsome throw rug. 他做条地毯很不错。Mufasa: Zazu!Zazu: And just think! Whenever he gets dirty, you could take him out and beat him.想一想,无论何时只要他弄脏自己,你就可以把他拖出去打。Rafiki: Hmmm.heh heh heh.Simba.Simba: Dad! Dad! come on Dad, we gotta go. Wake up! Oops! Sorry. D

12、ad? Dad. Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad,.爸爸,爸爸,快点儿,爸爸,我们得走了,醒醒。Sarabi: Your son .is awake.你儿子醒了Mufasa: Before sunrise, hes your son.太阳升起前,他是你的儿子。Simba: Dad. Come on Dad. 快点儿,爸爸。Simba: You Promised! 你答应过我的。Mufasa: Okay, okay. Im up. Im up.Simba: Yeah!Mufasa: Look Simba. Everything the light touches is our k

13、ingdom.看,辛巴,有阳光的地方都是我们的王国。Simba: Wow.Mufasa: A kings time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king.国王作为统治者,总是像太阳一样升起落下。有一天,辛巴,我会像太阳一样落山,而你就会作为新国王,像太阳一样升起。Simba: And this will all be mine? 那这都会成为我的?Mufasa: Everythin

14、g. 一切。Simba: Everything the light touches. What about that shadowy place?所有阳光能抵达的地方。那么黑暗的地方呢?Mufasa: Thats beyond our borders. You must never go there, Simba.那是我们的边界。你绝对不能去那儿,辛巴。Simba: But I thought a king could do whatever he wants.但是我觉得国王可以做任何他想做的事。Mufasa: Oh, theres more to being king than gettin

15、g your way all the time.做国王不止这些,不能单凭勇气。Simba: Theres more? 不止这些?Mufasa: Haha. Simba. Everything you see, exists together, in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures; from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.你所见到的事物,都存在一种非常微妙的平衡关系。作为国王,你要懂得

16、这种平衡并尊重所有生物。不管是蚂蚁还是羚羊。Simba: But Dad, dont we eat the antelope?可是,爸爸,我们不是吃羚羊吗?Mufasa: Yes, Simba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass. And the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the great circle of life.没错,辛巴,我解释给你听。我们死后身体会变成草,而羚羊吃草,所以在生命循环中,我们大家是相互联系的。Za

17、zu: Good morning sire!Mufasa: Good morning Zazu.Zazu: Checking in with the morning report.汇报上午报告。Mufasa: Fire away. 开始吧。Chimps are going ape, giraffe remains above it all. Elephants remember, through just what, I cant recall. Crocodiles are snapping up, fresh offers from the bank, shown interest in

18、my nest egg. But I quickly say no thanks. We havent paid the hornbills, and the vultures have a hunch. Not everyone invited, will be coming back from lunch. This is the morning report, gives you the long and the short. Its every grunt, and snort. Its not a tale I distort, on the morning report, 黑猩猩在

19、疯狂,长颈鹿仍是高高在上。大象们想的是什么?我已经记不起了。鳄鱼们正在争抢河岸上的新鲜礼品,对我的鸟蛋产生了兴趣,但我马上拒绝了。我们还没有付犀鸟们钱,秃鹫有了预感。没有邀请大家,但是午饭后会回来。这是上午报告,有长的也有短的。又烦又闹不寻常。不是我编的故事,上午报告。Mufasa: What are you doing, son?Simba: Pouncing. 扑击Mufasa: Let an old pro show you how its done. 让老手教你怎么做吧。Mufasa: Stay low to the ground. 离地面低点儿。Simba: Okay, stay l

20、ow to the ground, right yeah.Mufasa: Not a sound 不要出声Mufasa: Thats very good.Zazu: Sire! Hyenas! In the pride lands! 陛下,鬣狗到荣誉大陆来了!Mufasa: Zazu! Take Simba home.Simba: Aw dad, cant I come?Mufasa: No, son.Simba: I never get to go anywhere. 我总是哪儿也不能去。Zazu: Oh, young master, one day you will be king; th

21、en you can chase those slobbering, mangy, stupid poachers from dawn until dusk.殿下,你将来要做国王的。那时你就可以去驱逐这些贪婪、肮脏、愚蠢的偷猎者了,从早到晚。Simba: Hey Uncle Scar! Guess what! 嘿,Scra叔叔,猜一猜。Scar: I despise guessing games. 我讨厌猜谜游戏。Simba: Im gonna be king of Pride Rock. 我将会成为荣誉石国王。Scar: Oh, goody. 很好Simba: My Dad just sho

22、wed me the whole kingdom. And Im gonna rule it all. Heh heh.爸爸刚才带我看了整个王国,我要成为它的统治者。Scar: Yes. Well, forgive me for not leaping for joy- bad back, you know.好,原谅我没有高兴得跳起来。背不好,你知道。Simba: Hey Uncle Scar. When Im king, whatll that make you?Scar叔叔,如果我做了国王,那你做什么?Scar: A monkeys uncle. 一只猴子的叔叔。Simba: Heheh.

23、 Youre so weird. 你真怪。Scar: You have no idea. So, your father showed you the whole kingdom, did he?你不会了解的。那么说,你父亲给你看了整个王国,是吗?Simba: Everything.Scar: He didnt show you whats beyond that rise on the northern border.他没带你去北部边界以外看一看吗?Simba: Well no. He said I cant go there.Scar: And hes absolutely right!

24、Its far too dangerous-only the bravest lions go there.他是对的,那儿太危险了。只有最勇敢的狮子敢去那儿。Simba: Well Im brave. Whats out there? 那儿有什么?Scar: Im sorry Simba, I just cant tell you.Simba: Why not?Scar: Simba, Simba- Im only looking out for the well-being of my favorite nephew.我要照顾我亲爱的侄子的健康。Simba: Yeah, right. Im

25、your only nephew.Scar: All the more reason for me to be protective! An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince. Oops!还有许多要保护你的原因,象冢不是王子去的地方Simba: An elephant what?!? Whoa. 象的什么?Scar: Oh, dear! Ive said too much . Well, I suppose youd have found out sooner or later,you being so clever and a

26、ll. Oh, just do me one favor. Promise me youll never visit that dreadful place.噢,我已经说得太多了。我觉得你迟早会知道的。你这么聪明。帮我一个忙,答应我你永远不会去那恐怖的地方。Simba: No problem.Scar: Theres a good lad. You run along now and have fun. And remember- its our little secret.好孩子。出去玩玩吧。这是我们之间的秘密。Simba: Hey Nala.Nala: Hi Simba.Simba: Co

27、me on. I just heard about this great place. 来,我刚听说一个好地方。Nala: Simba, Im kind of in the middle of a Bath. 辛巴,我正在洗澡。Sarabi: And its time for yours. 你也该洗了。Simba: Mom! Mom, youre messing up my mane. 妈妈,你把我的头发弄乱了。Simba: Okay, okay. Im clean. Can we go now? Nala: So where are we going? It better not be an

28、yplace dumb. 最好不是无聊的地方。Simba: No, its really cool.Sarabi: So where is this really cool place? 那么这个很酷的地方在哪儿?Simba: Oh. around the water hole. 喔,在水坑周围。Nala: The water hole?!? Whats so great about the water hole?水坑周围?水坑周围有什么好?Simba: Ill show you when we get there. 到那儿我就告诉你。Nala: Oh! Uh. mom, can I go w

29、ith Simba?Sarafina: Hmm. what do you think, Sarabi?Sarabi: Well.Nala and Simba: Pleeeease. Sarabi: Its all right with me我没意见。Simba: Yeah!Nala: All right.Sarabi: -as long as Zazu goes with you. 只要Zazu和你一起去。Simba: No! Not Zazu!Zazu: Step Lively. The sooner we get to the water hole, the sooner we can l

30、eave.走快点儿,我们越早赶到水坑,就可以越早离开。Nala: So where we really going? 我们要去哪儿?Simba: An Elephant graveyard. 象冢Nala: Wow!Simba: Shhh! Zazu.Nala: Right. So how we going to ditch the Dodo?对了,那我们怎么甩掉这个糊涂蛋?Zazu: Oh, just look at you two. Little seeds of romance blossoming in the savannah. Your parents will be thrill

31、ed, what, with your being betrothed and all.看你们俩个,浪漫的种子在大草原上开花,你们的父母会感到惊喜的,为你还有你的未婚妻。Simba: Be-what? 什么?Zazu: Betrothed. Intended. Affianced. 婚约。订婚。Nala: Meaning? 什么意思?Zazu: One day you two are going to be married. 将来你们要结婚的。Simba: Yuck. Nala: Ewww.Simba: I cant marry her. Shes my friend. 我不能娶她,她是我的朋友。Nala: Yeah. Itd be so weird. 对,感觉很怪。Zazu: Well sorry to bust your bubble, but you two turtle doves h

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