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Unit 6 Countries练习题.docx

1、Unit 6 Countries练习题Unit 6 CountriesLesson 1Period One1. Review to understand(温故知新)According to the picture compete the sentence.(根据图片完成句子)3年级3班1. Whats your name? I am _ the USA2. How old are you? I am _years old.73.Which class are you in ? Im in _Peter4.Where are you from? Im from_ 看图连线。The UK Aust

2、ralia the USA China Canada 二.Warmup (热身活动)看图选单词( )1. A. the UK B. China ( )2 . A. Australia B. China( ) 3. A. Big Ben B. the USA ( )4. A.the UK B. the USA三. Self check (自学检测)Read and match.(读一读,连一连)1. I am from China. 2. She is from Japan. 3. My grandparents are from America. 4.He is from the canada

3、 4、 翻译.加拿大 _ 澳大利亚 _ 英国 _ 美国_中国 _ be from _ do the housework _ go camping _go skating _ Australia _ play the violin _四. Consolation(巩固练习)Talk about yourself with your classmate.(与同伴之间相互做个简单的自我介绍)For example(例如): I am Edward. I am from China. I like singing.Bill, Canada skateboarding Yaoyao the USA pl

4、ay the piano Andy the UK collecting the erasers Mike Australia making modelsUnit 6 CountriesLesson 1Period Two学习内容1. 单词: Canada,Australia, (复习China,the UK, the USA)2. 句型:Where are from? I am from.3. Lets write.学习目标1.能运用所学单词操练句型。2.学生能规范书写所学单词和句子。学习重难点学生能熟练地使用所学句型。一. Review to understand (温故知新)Listen

5、and number(听音标号)1.( ) 2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( )二Warmup (热身活动)Fill in the blanks.(比比谁单词填得又快又准)1. Eng _ _sh A. li B. en C. un2. Ch _ n _ A. o,o B. i,a C. o,or3. fr _ _ A. ee B. uit C. ont4. _ _ stralia A Au. B. Ao C. bo 5. P_cni_ A. i c B. o c C. u o三. Self check (自学检测)Read and put the sentence in corre

6、ct order.(读一读,给下面句子排序。)( )Where do you come from?( )I live in New York.( )Whats your name?( )My name is tom.( )Where do you live?( )I come from the USA.四Consolidation(巩固练习)1. 连词成句are you where from (?)am from the I UK (.)Is from she Australia (.)Bill am i .2. 在B组中找到A组答案,并将答案写在题前括号内。 A. B.( )1.Where

7、are you from? A. I like taking photos.( )2What are your hobbies? B. I often play the violin( )3.Where does Grace from? C. Im from the USA.( )4.Who are you? D. She is from Australia.( )5.What do you do in your free time? E. Im Max. Im a beaver from Canada.读一读,对同伴做出评价( ) ( ) ( )Unit 6 CountriesLesson

8、2Period One学习内容lesson 2 的A部分对话。1. 单词:koalas, maple leaves, Big Ben, the Great Wall, Disneyland 2. 句型:Where are from? I am from.You can .学习目标1. 能听懂、会说用来询问他人来自哪个国家的功能句,能够在情境中口头运用上述功能句。2. 根据语境或自己的实际情况写出答句,做到书写正确、规范。学习重难点1.正确流利的读出以上单词2.掌握并能运用句型一.Review to understand ( 温故知新)Listen and number.(听音标号)1.( )

9、2.( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 二. Warm up (热身活动 )Look and match.(把下面的国家与名胜连起来)1. 2. 3. A. the UK B. Australia C. China D. the USA E. Japan三. Self check ( 自学检测 )Read and choose.(根据答语找问句)( )1. My hobby is collecting stamps.A. Whats your hobby? B. What do you like?( )2.Im going to a supermarket.A. Where are y

10、ou going this weekend? B. What are you going to do this weekend?( )3. She is from China.A. How is she ? B. Where is she from?( )4. I can visit the Great Wall.A. Can you go there ? B.what can you do in China?( )5. I want to go there by plane.A. What do you want to do? B.How do you want to go there?四C

11、onsolidation(巩固练习)翻译。See koalas _ see maple leaves _ visit Big Ben _Visit the Great Wall _ visit Disneyland _5 仿写句子。Unit 6 CountriesLesson 2Period Two学习内容1. 复习A部分对话。 2. lesson 2 的B、C部分。3. Lets check. P64A学习目标学生能够正确流利的读出课文部分,并进行角色扮演。学习重难点熟读理解对话并运用所学知识与同伴交流。1. Review to understand ( 温故知新) Read and mat

12、ch.(读一读,连一连)1.koalas 2. Big Ben 3.Great Wall 4. DisneylandA. China B. the UK C. Australia D. the USA2. Warmup (热身活动)Look,read and choose.(看图选择) ( )1. A.maple leaves B.koala ( )2. A. Disneyland B. Big Ben ( )3. A. sing B.take photos ( )4. A.make models homework ( )5. A.swimming B.drawing 三. Self

13、 check (自学检测)Look and choose.(单项选择)( )1.-Where are you from? - I am from_. A. China B. Canada C. the UK ( )2.-There are _in his country.A. cute koala B. maple leaves C. kangaroo( )3.-I like _and swimming.A. run B. drawing C. make( )4.-You can _in the USAA. visit Disneyland B. visit Big Ben C. visit

14、the Great Wall四. Consolidation(巩固练习)1)Look,listen and repeat (work in pairs)2)Fill in the blanks(补全对话)A. What can I do in your country? B. Where are you from?C. I like skating. D. That is a good idea.Tom: Hello, Im Tom. Whats your name?Mike: My name is Mike.Tom: 1 Mike: I am from Australia.Tom: 2 Mi

15、ke: You can see koalas here.Tom: Thats great! What are your hobbies?Mike: 3 Tom: Me,too. We can skate together in Australia.Mike: 4 对同伴作出评价 ( ) ( ) ( )Unit 6 CountriesLesson 3学习内容lesson3 A、B 部分学习目标1. 能读懂Binbin 写给妈妈有关夏令营新朋友的短信,总结其中的关键信息,用所提供的结构He/She is from. You can.表达出来。2. 能够比较流利地朗读短信。3. 能够简单介绍某人来自

16、哪个国家和在该国家可以做的事。学习重难点对书信的理解和运用。一.Review to understand ( 温故知新)Look and match(连一连)1. maple leaves 2. make model 3. Big Ben 4. campfire二. Warm up (热身活动 )Try to write the words about counties.(试着写出你学过的所有国家,比比谁写得多)三. Self check ( 自学检测)Read and write “T” or “F”.(阅读P62 的A部分,判断下面句子是否正确。)( )1.Cindy is a beautiful girl. She is from the USA.( )2.Binbin is writing to his mum by the light of the campfire.( )3.There are cute koalas in Australia.( )4.Edward likes collecting maple leaves.( )5.Tom is from Canada. He likes making models.四.Consolidation(巩固练习)完成课本练习P62,B部分。 对同伴作出总评价 ( ) ( ) ( )

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