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1、上外自主招生真题(试卷一)Part I Note Taking1. The reason that the speaker was invited to speak here was that he _.2. A geek is the person who _.3. There are over _ faculty members and _ different department and programs in UM.4. To cast a wide net, the speaker encourages freshmen to _.5. A nerd is the person wh

2、o _.6. To encourage students to _and _ is the purpose of a university.7. An educated person should be _ besides a geek and nerd.8. The speaker mentioned the animals to illustrate that _.9. The speaker is popular with Minnesota University students because _.10. The audience of the lecture is _.Part I

3、I Listening ComprehensionPart One11. What is the aim of Amold Schwarzenegger when he first came to America?A. He wants to be a famous actor. B. He wants to become a famous bodybuilder.C. He wants to be a politician.D. He wants to be a Mr. Universe.12. As a foreigner back in the days when Amold Schwa

4、rzenegger was a bodybuilder, what did he do to change his life?A. To go to school.B. To learn EnglishC. To make moneyD. To win championship one after another.13. What do we learn about most teenage peoples learning in Austria?A. They go to colleges and universities.B. They join the military army.C.

5、They learn trades which can help them make a living.D. They dont learn foreign languages in Austria.14. Which of the following classes is NOT included in the counselors advice to Governor Schwarzenegger?A. Economics. B. Business administration. C. Math. D. Political Science 15. Looking back on the f

6、ortune he made in the past, Governor Schwarzenegger owed much to _.A. Making movies B. investing money in real estateB. Finding the right counselor to give advice. D. having a good knowledge of math.Part Two16. What does Schwarzenegger do with the money he made from making movies?A. He put it in the

7、 park. B. He spent it.C. He donated it to school. D. He invested it.17. According to the Schwarzenegger, it is enough to go to school when you _.A. are not feeling excited. B. start another new semesterC dont know what your aim is D. dont like the classes offered.18. What do the students have to do

8、right now?A. Think about their future life B. Have the patience to read.C Achieve their goals. D. Study hard.19. How many ways are mentioned to be successful?A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four20. Freshmen can take all the following pieces of advice except _.A. Real estate investment B. great vision C. p

9、ursuit of your goal D. best educationPart III Vocabulary21. Increased _between different police forces will improve the rate of solving crimes.A. reaction B. retaliation C. interference D. interaction 22. The general arts course at the university _ a wide range of subjects.A. ensures B. encompasses

10、C. encamps D. encloses23. Their _ from the competition was a great surprise.A. elimination B. erosion C. extinction D. emancipation24. The _ of prices make businessman hesitant about investing in this area.A. fluctuations B. declines C. reductions D. discounts25. The forthcoming flood calls for the

11、_ of thousands of people.A. evaluation B. eradication C. evasion D. evacuation26. The shortage of funds and the inadequate facilities have been a _ on the researchers scientific projects.A. drain B. drag C. barrier D. source27. The scientist have three possible _ for its source.A. Prospects B. visio

12、ns C. arenas D. scenarios28. The average difference in height between men and women isnt as _ in poor countries as it is in rich countries.A. Proportional B. compelling C. pronounced D. infinite29. In medicine as in law, government, and other lines of work, the requirement of honesty often seem _ by

13、 greater needs.A. evaluation B. outweigh C. necessitated D. dwarfed30. The road is open now to facilitate the traffic flow from the capital to the coastal regions.A. assist B. distribute C. decrease D. cut 31. The reform plan of Beijing University has triggered an extensive debate among scholars rec

14、ently. A. activated B. arisen C. conceived D. ushered32. A mutation is a change in DNA, the hereditary material of life. A. reaction B. interaction C. alteration D. deviation33. The high court upheld the lower courts verdict and they got the compensation. A. devotion B. decision C. pledge D. promise

15、34. The surprise discovery overwhelmed the archaeologists with pleasure. A. dominated B. descended C. blended D. beset35. Wives say that men are invariably children at heart. A. seriously B. sometimes C. occasionally D. always36. Studies show that such verbal superiority may continue into adulthood.

16、 A. intellectual B. mental C. lexical D. physical37. Such negative attitudes can be harmful to the implementation of the language program. A. addictive B. detrimental C. vulnerable D. adverse38. There are a number of factors which tend to hinder impartial and objective investigations. A. be an obsta

17、cle to B. be a underway to C. be a stunt to a subsidy to39. The original criticisms aimed at the whole idea of the Nobel Prize have faded away. A. implemented B. disappeared C. supplemented D. submittedPart IV Reading Comprehension(1) How Do Internet Search Engines Work? Javed Mostafa It has be

18、en estimated that the amount of textual information accessible via search engines is at least 40 times larger than the digitized content of all the books in the Library of Congress, the worlds largest library. It is a challenge to provide access to such a large volume of information, yet current sea

19、rch engines do remarkably well in sifting through the content and identifying related links to queries. There is a multitude of information providers on the web. These include the commonly known and publicly available sources - sometimes referred to as the “hidden web”- is much larger than the publi

20、c web in terms of the amount of information they provide. This latter group includes sources such as Lexis-Nexis, Dialog and Ingenta. They remain hidden for various reasons: they may not allow other information providers access to their content; they may require subscription; or they may demand paym

21、ent for access. This article is concerned with the former group, the publicly available web search services, collectively referred to here as search engines. Search engines employ various techniques to speed up searches. Some of the common techniques are briefly described below.Preprocessed Data One

22、 way search engines save time is by preprocessing the content of the web. That is, when a user issues a query, it is not sent to millions of web sites. Instead, the matching takes place against preprocessed data stored in one site. The preprocessing is carried out with the aid of a software program

23、called a crawler. The crawler is sent out periodically by the database maintainers to collect web pages. A specialized computer program analyzes the retrieved pages to extract words. These words are then stored along with the links to the corresponding pages in an index file. Users queries are match

24、ed against this index file, not against other web sites.Smart Representation In this technique, the representation for the index is carefully selected with an eye toward minimizing search time. Information scientists have produced an efficient data structure called a tree that can guarantee signific

25、antly shorter overall search time compared with searches conducted against a sequential list. To accommodate searches conducted by many users simultaneously and eliminate “wait queues”, the index is usually duplicated on multiple computers in the search site.Prioritizing Results The URLs or links pr

26、oduced as a result of searchers are usually numerous. But due to ambiguities of language (for instance, “window blind” versus “blind ambition”), the resulting links would generally not be equally relevant to a users query. To provide quicker access to the most relevant records (and to place them at

27、or near the top), the search formula applies various ranking strategies. A common ranking method known as term-frequency-inverse document-frequency (TFIDF) considers the distribution of words and their frequencies and generates numerical weights whereby words signifying their importance in individua

28、l documents. It produces word weights whereby words that are highly frequent (such as or, “to” or with) and that appear in many documents have substantially less weight than words that are semantically more relevant and appear in relatively few documents. In addition to term weighting, web pages can

29、 be weighted using other strategies. For example, link analysis considers the nature of each page in terms of its association with other pages; namely if it is an authority (number of other pages that point to it) or a hub (number of pages it points to). This highly successful Google search engine u

30、ses link-analysis to improve the ranking of its search results.Context and Distance In order to identify the most relevant links quickly, certain search engines compare query terms to contextual information such as recent queries the users submitted. This technique is sometimes referred to as query

31、catching, and involves collecting the words from recent queries and using these words to disambiguate, refine or expand the current query. Another way certain information providers can speed up the delivery of search results is by using a distributed delivery model, whereby copies of the index and r

32、elated content are duplicated and moved to multiple geographical locations so as to shorten the network distance between users and content. The content providers work with third-party services to implement distributed content delivery.Limitations There are costs associated with some of the speed up technique descr

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