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Unit 5 教案8.docx

1、Unit 5 教案8Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?Period One一、 教学目标:词汇方面要求掌握tennis racket, baseball, bat, soccer, volleyball, basketball, television等。句型和语法方面要求学会Do you have a baseball bat? Yes, I do. Dose he have a tennis racket? No, he doesnt等。二、 能力目标:能熟练运用本部分所学语言,了解他人的有关信息,相互进行交流。通过学习运动的词汇,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,增强

2、学生的自信心。三、 教学重点:运动项目词汇与一般疑问句。四、 教学难点:使学生学会交际用语:Do you have? Yes, I do. No, I dont. 五、 教学设计:Step1.Warming up: A song (Is this your key?)Step2.Presentation: 1)TS1 Do you have a pen? What color is it ?TS2 Do you have an English book? I have a picture.(Turn to page25):Do you have this picture. Yes, I do.

3、 Lets have a look.(把1a的图片投影出来) 2)Talk about the picture by Ss.What can you see in the picture?Ss: The T-shirt is on the bed.The socks are on the floor.T: Its Tommys bedroom. Do you like it? Why ? S: Its not clean.T: Is your bedroom clean?S: Yes/ No3) As we know, Tommy has many things. How about you

4、? Do you have a computer? Yes, I do . No, I don.t. Step3:.Drills T&SSs drill: ask and answer “ Do you have?” (from the things in the bedrooms to school things) Step4.Practice&Presentation (Sports things on Ts desk)1) T: Do you have a Ping-Pong ball?I have a Ping-Pong ball. (Show to the Ss)(用幻灯片形式投影出

5、几种球类运动,根据音标学生进行学习)tennis racket/soccer ball/volleyball/basketball/ping-pong bat.2) Read and pay attention to the phonetics.3) Boys& Girls Game: Ask a boy and a girl to the front. Listen to what T says and see who catch the sports things first .Step5. PracticeSB 1a : Listen and mathchSB 1b: Listen an

6、d circle.Step6. ConsolidationMake up dialogues freely by Ss with a slide Do you have ? Where is it/ are they? Etc.Step7 HomeworkWrite a short dialogue as above.Do exercises in exercise books.Period Two一、教学目标:词汇方面复习上部分的运动名称.句型方面要求掌握Does he/she have a soccer ball? Yes, he/she does. No,he/she doesnt.等.

7、二、能力目标:能听懂对话,从中获取信息,能提出建议,培养学生用英语交际的能力.三、教学重点:Does he /she have a soccer ball?Yes, he/she does. No, he / she doesnt.Lets play soccer.四、教学难点:as above六、 教学过程:Step1: Warming up: a flash about soccerStep2: Revision of “ Do you have?”T&SSs: ask and answer in chainStep3: PresentationT: So, does have ?Yes,

8、 he does. /No, he doesntStep4:DrillsLook, this is Jims living room.He has many things.What does he have?Look at the picture for 30 seconds. Then turn off the slide. Then ask one student to come to the front, look at the picture and answer questions by Ss with” Does he have ?”This is Jims bedroom. Wh

9、at does he have? Guessing game as above .Step5: 2a. Listen to the conversation and number the pictures.Step6: 2b. Listen and match.Step7: Read after the tape and pay attention to the phonetics.Step8: Make up similar dialogues freely by Ss with a slide.Step9: Do exercises in exercises books.Period Th

10、ree一、 教学目标: 词汇方面要求掌握sports club, many, we , and more等。句型和语法方面要求掌握I dont have a soccer ball. That sounds good. Lets play soccer ball.二、 教学重点:I dont have a soccer ball. That sounds good.Lets play soccer.三、 教学难点:I dont have a soccer ball . Lets play soccer.四、 教学过程:Step1:Warming up: A songT: Do you like

11、 the song?That sounds good. Lets listen to the song again.Step2:Revision:T takes a S pencil-box and say :This is xxs pencil-box. He has many things. What does he have?T:Yes, he hasand more.This is my handbag.I have many things. What do I have , do you know?Guess.S: Do you have ?T: Yes, I do. I have

12、and more./ No, I dont . I dont haveStep4:DrillsT: I have many things.I haveand more .But I dont haveHow about you?Answer by Ss.Step5:SB 3aStep6:SB 3b. drills A :Lets play soccer B: I dont have a soccer ball. A: Well, lets play volleyball. B: That sounds good.Lets go.Step7: Practice eg. A: I dont hav

13、e a soccer ball. B: Do you have a soccer ball? A: Yes, I do. B: Ok, lets play soccer. A: Thats sounds good. Lets go. Step8:T: We all like sports. Lets join the sports club. SB4 Fill in the chart and introduce yourselves. Step9:HomeworkMake a club cardDo exercises in exercise booksPeriod Four一、教学目标:主


15、其是单三形式的变化。四:教学过程;Step1: Warming upA flash about a football game It sounds interesting.Step2: Revision & PresentationT: As you know, I like to watch sports. I join the football fan clubWhat about you?S1: I join the basketball club.T: Oh, I dont like basketball games.Thats sounds boring. What do you t

16、hink of basketball games?. fun, interesting, difficult, relaxing, boringStep3: Drills T: (with the books on Ss table) What do you think of your subjects ? Do you like Chinese? S1: Yes, I do./ No, I dont. That sounds. T: What about you , S2 ? S2: I like/ I dont likeThat sounds Step4: Drills SB sectio

17、n B 1a, 2a, 3b Step5:Practice T: Hi,XX. Do you have a basketball? S: No, I dont. T: Oh, I have a ping-pong ball. Lets play ping-pong. S: That sounds boring. T: Then, what about? S: That sounds Ok. Lets go. Make up similar dialogues by Ss Step6: A long dialogue T: Do you like movies? Lets have a look

18、. (with a slide : Movie Club and club card) T&S1 are members of the movie club. S2 is a receptionist of the movie club. Model: T: Excuse me. This is my club. S2: Oh.Good morning, Miss Zhang. Nice to meet you . T: Nice to meet you . I want to see a movie. S2: Ok. Do you like ? T: Oh, I dont like it.

19、That sounds boring. What about you, S1? S1: Well, that sounds Lets go and watch it. Practice by Ss.Step7: Homework:Do exercises in exercise books.Write the dialogue “ Movie Club”.Period Five一、教学目标:复习词汇tennis,racket,bat,volleyball,basketball,television,interesting,boring,fundifficult,relaxing;引导学生巩固、

20、掌握关于球类运动的名词和一些描述性形容词,并运用它们谈论自己对球类运动的喜好以及原因。同时继续复习使用动词have 对物品的所属进行询问和回答,以掌握行为动词一般现在时一般疑问句的结构。学习词汇:sports collecting, but, play sports, only, everyday句型:He/She has a soccer ball.He/She doesnt have a soccer ball.二、教学重点:He/She has a soccer ball.He/She doesnt have a soccer ball.三、教学难点:He/She has a socce

21、r ball.He/She doesnt have a soccer ball.Sports collection五、 教学过程:Step1:Warming up & Greetings1) T: Hello,class. Do you have a doll?S1: Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 2) T: I have many dolls. What do I have ?Guess!S2: Do you have ?T ( Present a doll collection slide) I have but I dont have 3) What do you kn

22、ow about S2? (Present a chart about S2)She/He hasShe/He doesnt haveStep2: DrillsLet them talk about their classmates.She/He hasShe/He doesnt haveStep3: Presentation & Drills1)T: As you know. I like dolls. I have many dolls. I have a doll collection.( A slide)I have one Mickey, and 2 Winnie, 4 Teddy.

23、What you Ed Smith?2) Do SB 3a Read and circle the sports things.3) Follow the tape Do SB 3bStep4: Practice ( A slide about different collections )T: What about you?Do you have a collection?Talk about your collections.Step5: A surveyAsk you classmates, “ Do you have CDs/ dolls/ sports things ?” Fill in the chart and draw A conclusion. girls have . boys have .I think girls like and boys like in our class.Step6: Homework1) Finish off Self Check 2) Do exercises in exercise books.3) Write about your collection or your classmates.

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