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1、大学英语教案Unit 2 Deer and the Energy CyclePreview: 1. Learn the vocabuary and read through the text2. ScanningDirections: Scan the text and discuss in pairs, list the facts about the life of deer in four seasons. Summer: adult males: adult females: fawns: Fall: Winter: Spring: Period 1-2 Background Info

2、rmation and Global Reading . Warm-up and Background Information2. 卡尔达舍夫等级 1964年,俄罗斯天体物理学家尼古拉-卡尔达舍夫提出了这样一个理论:他认为人类文明的技术进步与将其国民可控制的能源总量息息相关。根据这条思路,他从低到高确定了银河系中文明发展的三种类型:类型I :该文明是行星能源的主人,这意味着他们可以主宰整个世界能源的总和。类型II :该文明能够收集整个恒星系统的能源。类型III :该文明可以利用银河系系统的能源而为其所用。. Global Reading2. Questions and Answers part

3、 2-3 18-20Period 3-4 Detailed Reading Part One (1) It is energy, not love or money, that makes the world go round. Some persons say that love makes the world go round. Others of a less romantic and more practical turn of mind say that it isnt love; its money. But the truth is that it is energy that

4、makes the world go round. Energy is the currency of the ecological system and life becomes possible only when food is converted into energy, which in turn is used to seek more food to grow, to reproduce and to survive. On this cycle all life depends.1. 2. turn n. a natural tendency; inclination 3. c

5、urrency n. 4. ecological a. ecology n. 5. convert vt. change (from one form, use, etc. into another); cause (a person) to change his beliefs, etc. convert into; convert from; convert to 改信6. 1) in due course or succession 2) one after another He that shuts Love out, in turn shall be shut out from Lo

6、ve. (Tennyson) by turns at the turn (of the century 7. paragraph 2-6It is fairly well known that wild animals survive from year to year by eating as much as they can during times of plenty, the summer and fall, storing the excess, usually in the form of fat, and then using these reserves of fat to s

7、urvive during the hard times in winter when food is scarce. But it is probably less well known that even with their stored fat, wild animals spend less energy to live in winter than in summer.1. times of plenty: 2. What is the grammatical function of “eating ., storing ., and then using.” ?3. excess

8、: n.过量,过度 exceed v. 超过 in excess of 超过4. reserve v. n. 储备(物) reserve, preserve & conserve 保持,保存 reserve 正式用词 preserve conserve 5. scarce: adj. 缺乏的 scarce, rare & uncommon 稀罕的,很少发生 scarce rare uncommon A good case in point is the whiter-tailed deer. Like most wildlife, deer reproduce, grow, and store

9、 fat in the summer and fall when there is plenty of nutritious food available. A physically mature female deer in good condition who has conceived in November and given birth to two fawns during the end of May or first part of June, must search for food for the necessary energy not only to meet her

10、bodys needs but also to produce milk for her fawns. The best milk production occurs at the same time that new plant growth is available. This is good timing, because milk production is an energy consuming process it requires a lot of food. The cost can not be met unless the region has ample food res

11、ources.1. a good case in point: a good example of what is being talked about in point in case in case of in any case in no case 2. A physically mature female deer in good condition mature a. full grown and developed female a. of the sex that gives birth to young a female person, animal or plant male

12、 n. 3. conceive vt. become pregnant with (young); form (an idea, plan, etc.) in the mind 4. give birth to5. 6. Paraphrase the second underlined sentence.7. meet vt. satisfy; make (both) ends meet; meet the need of8. consume: eat or drink, use, use upAs the summer progresses and the fawns grow, they

13、become less dependent on their mothers milk and more dependent on growing plants as food sources. The adult males spend the summer growing antlers and getting fat. Both males and females continue to eat high quality food in the fall in order to deposit body fat for the winter. In the case of does an

14、d fawns, a great deal of energy is expended either in milk production or in growing, and fat is not accumulated as quickly as it is in full grown males. Fat reserves are like bank accounts to be drawn on in the winter when food supplies are limited and sometimes difficult to reach because of deep sn

15、ow.1. progress: 进展,进步 2. “High quality food” 3. deposit: vt. put or store for safe keeping; keep (money) in a bank She had just deposited a large sum of money in her account. 4. In case of:5. expend: vt. expend, spend & cost expend spend cost 6. accumulate: v. make or become greater in number or qua

16、ntity; collect or gather little by little He quickly accumulated a large fortune.7. draw on 利用,动用 As fall turns into winter, other changes take place. Fawns lose their spotted coat. Hair on all the deer becomes darker and thicker. The change in the hair coats is usually complete by September and max

17、imum hair depths are reached by November or December when the weather becomes cold. But in addition, nature provides a further safeguard to help deer survive the winteran internal physiological response which lowers their metabolism, or rate of bodily functioning, and hence slows down their expendit

18、ure of energy. The deer become somewhat slow and drowsy. The heart rate drops. Animals that hibernate practice energy conservation to a greater extreme than deer do. Although deer dont hibernate, they do the same thing with their seasonal rhythms in metabolism. Deer spend more energy and store fat i

19、n the summer and fall when food is abundant, and spend less energy and use stored fat in the winter when food is less available.1. 2. in addition 3. a further ssafeguard: Deer have another natural means of protection against the threat of the cold winter. safeguard n. a means of protection against s

20、th. unwanted 预防措施3. 4. expenditure n. 5. What are the sight of “an internal physiological response”?6.somewhat: adv. more than a little but not very Shes somewhat more confident than she used to be.7. Rate: speed, rate& pace 速度、速率 speed rate pace 8. abundant: adj. more than enough China has abundant

21、 natural resources. We have abundant proof of his guilt. When the energy crisis first came in 1973-1974, I was living with my family in a cabin on the edge of an area where deer spend the winter in northern Minnesota, observing the deer as their behavior changed from more activity in summer and fall

22、 to less as winter progressed, followed by an increase again in the spring as the snow melted. It was interesting and rather amusing to listen to the advice given on the radio: Drive only when necessary, we were told. Put on more clothes to stay warm, and turn the thermostat on your furnace down. Me

23、anwhile we watched the deer reduce their activity, grow a winter coat of hair, and reduce their metabolism as they have for thousands of years. It is biologically reasonable for deer to reduce their cost of living to increase their chance of surviving in winter. Not every winter is critical for deer

24、 of course. If the winter has light snow, survival and productivity next spring will be high. But if deep snows come and the weather remains cold for several weeks, then the deer must spend more energy to move about, food will be harder to find, and they must then depend more on their fat reserves t

25、o pull them through. If such conditions go on for too long some will die, and only the largest and strongest are likely to survive. That is a fundamental rule of life for wild, free wandering animal such as deer.1. Why should people drive only when necessary?2. 3. amusing a. funny amuse vt. cause to

26、 laugh or smile4. not every: not each or all members of a group Not every student in the class passed the examination. 请看下面例子: 1. All is not lost. 2. All that glitters is not gold. 3. Not all criminals can be reformed. 4. Not every President is a leader. 5. Everything is not perfect. 6. Both the uni

27、versities are not ideal. 5. move about: travel around; go from one place to another6. pull through: survive or help (sb.) survive a period of danger or crisis 7. fundamental: adj. basic; very importantPart Three (10-11) Life depends on energy, thus the cycle continues. Yes, lifeand death, too - is a

28、 cycle that goes round and round, and when animals die their bodies become food for other life forms to use by converting them into energy. And the cycle continues.Period 5-6 PracticeP40 英语部分否定归纳 Partial Negation英语中的部分否定(即不完全否定)有如下一些表示方法:一、 all 的否定式:not all(或:allnot)表示并非都、不是所有的都例如:Not all men can be

29、 masters. (= All men cannot be masters.) Not all bamboo grows tall. 二、 both 的否定式:notboth (或:both not) 并非两个都 例如:I dont want both the books. Both (the) windows are not open. 三、 every的否定式:不是每都 例如:Not every book is educative. (或:Every book is not educative.) Not everyone likes this book. This flower is

30、not seen everywhere. 四、 always的否定式:并非总是(并非一直) 例如:He is not always so sad.五、 entirely, altogether, completely 和quite 的否定式:不完全,并非完全 例如:The businessman is never to be entirely trusted. He felt not altogether satisfied. I dont agree completely. What he did was not quite proper. 六、 all the time 的否定式:并非一直

31、、未必老是 例如:A foolish man doesnt make a mistake all the time. 七、 notand的否定式,被否定的往往是and后面的那一部分。 例如:He did not speak clearly and correctly. This film is not interesting andinstructive. She cannot sing and dance. 如果将and 换成or,not 对其后面的两部分就全盘否定了。He did not speak clearly or correctly. 如要对上述的all, both, every, always, 以及entirely, altogether, completely, quite 和 all the time 等词作完全否定,那就分别要用与之相对应的全否定词, 例如:All of them can do it.- Both are good.-Everybody likes it. -He is always late. - We dont trust them entirely. -

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