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1、教案英语必修2 教学背景:该课程,授课对象是高一升高二的学生。文科生。授课时间是暑期,预计30天左右。授课地点:仁明教育培训机构。授课内容是,英语高一课程必修一和必修二的复习,以及后期尽量对必修三开展一定的预习。除了课内知识外,也会有关于英语五句作文和阅读理解技巧的提高。由于这是第一次课程,所以还需要和学生现场协商,根据学生的实际情况,再修订教学计划。教学内容:1必修二U1的单词,涉及到单词分类和词性转化2:必修二u1的单词,短语,课内重点句子的语言点学习 3:必修二u1的语法知识,主要是限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句教学方法:1单词方面,重点单词,以听写形式进行,选取由老师报汉语,学生拼写

2、英语单词。还有英语词性转化和派生 2:必修二u1的单词,短语,课内重点句子的语言点学习,以老师讲解,学生吸收为主,并且配套一定量的习题3:主要是限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。老师讲解,特别是之间的联系和区别,用法。之后再以典型例题让学生巩固。教学过程 Unit 1 Cultural Relics一:单词动词:survive ,select,decorate,belong,explode,sink名词:relic,vase,dynasty,ivory,amber,honey,designstyle,jewel,artist,troop,dragon,trial,castleevidence,

3、eyewitness,entrance,sailor,maid,debatedoubt,painting,reception形容词:cultural,rare,valuable,amazing,fancy former,worth,local,apart,informal,wooden一、汉译英稀罕的,稀有的,珍贵的(adj.)幸免,幸存,生还(vi.)朝代,王朝(n.)挑选,选择(vt.)设计,图案,构想(n.&vt.)风格,类型(n.)艺术家(n.)接待,招待会;接收(n.)本地的,当地的(adj.)入口(n.)下沉(vi.)属于被用作, 做用添加到中作为报答处于交战状态少于拆开看重, 器

4、重值得做某事寻找二、按要求写出派生词并译出中文culturalamaze (vt.)decoratewoodendoubt (v.) mysteriouspainting (n.)trial (n.)evidenceexplodesailorinformalII. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. It was _ (amaze) that he knew nothing about the event.2. That shop has a fine _ (select) of cakes.3. Our _ (wood) sofa seems not very comfortable.4. We

5、 havent told our friends about our _(remove) to London.5. His dream of becoming an _ (art) has come true.6. Two leaders _ (secret) flew to that country to solve the problem.7. It is _(doubt) whether he can carry on his tasks as president for the next five years.8. Why is it that he _ (rare) mentions

6、 his childhood?三,重点语言点解析1. rare: 稀罕的, 稀有的 a rare disease 罕见的病2. valuable 贵重的, 有价值的 Gold is valuable because it is a scarce metal.3. survive vt &vi 幸存 Fortunately he survived the traffic accident. Camels can survive for many days with no water. survivor (n.) 幸存者 survival (n.) 幸存 The helicopter picked

7、 up all the _. They prayed for the _ of the sailors. 4_ the Amber Room in search of = in the/ones search for 中的search是名词,意思是“寻找,搜寻”。 make a search for 搜查search vi. 搜查search sb./ sp. 搜身或搜某地 search for 搜寻 search sb./ sp. for 搜身或搜某地以寻找5. Frederick William I, the king of Prussia, _ never _ that his grea

8、test gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. 情态动词 have done may(might) have done 可能做了(对过去情况的推测)must have done一定做了(过去情况的推测,语气较肯定,肯定句中 should/ought to have done本该做而没做(对已发生事情的批评责怪 shouldnt/oughtnt to have done本不该做但是做了(同上) neednt have done本不必做但是做了(对已发生事情的批评责怪) could have done本可能做而

9、没能做(对已发生事情的后悔,遗憾) cant/couldnt have done 一定没做(对过去情况的推测,语气较肯定,疑,否句中) e.g. I may have seen the film but Im not sure. It must have rained last week.I should have told you earlier.You shouldnt have cheated in exams.You neednt have bought such a dear watch for her. It wasnt a long way, we could have walk

10、ed there. Practice:1. Im sorry I couldnt get in touch with him before he left. I _him earlier.A must have phoned B might have phonedC should have phoned D would have phoned2. Johns score on the test is the highest in the class. He _.A should study last night B should have studied last nightC must ha

11、ve studied last night D need study last nightgift n. C 礼物 (比present正式) n. C 天赋, 才能 a gift to sb. 送给的礼物 have a gift for 在方面有天赋 gifted (adj.) 有天赋的e.g. He has got lots of birthday gifts.He is a man of gifts. 他多才多艺。The boy has a gift for music. amazingI feel_ at the roomamazing amazed amaze (surprise)6.

12、 This gift was the Amber Room, _was given this name because several tons of _were used to make it.e.g. The chairman, _ spoke first, sat on my right.The speech, _ bored everyone, went on and on .On April 1 they flew to Beijing, _ they stayed several days.Im seeing the manager tomorrow, _ he will be b

13、ack from New York. They have invited us to visit their country, which is very kind of them.Usually they take a walk after supper, which does them a lot of good. were used to make be used to do sth. 被用来做 be used to doing sth. 习惯于做 used to do sth. 过去常常做 Practice: The wood will _ tables.He is quite _ (

14、live)with the farmers .She _ (come)a lot, but now we seldom see her. makebe made into 被制成be made of 用制成(看得出原材料)be made from 用制成(看不出原材料)be made for 为而制作be made up of 由组成用以上短语完成句子:1). A car _many different parts.2). The chair _wood.3). The wine _grapes.4). Im a cake my mother.5). Wood can _paper.7. Th

15、e amber which was_ had a beautiful yellow brown colour like _. The _ of the room was in the _ _ popular in those days. It was also a treasure _ with gold and jewels, which took the countrys best _ about ten years to make. select: 选择(choose carefully)design: n. 图案,设计(表具体意义)C; 设计(表抽象意义) U v. 设计,计划,构思b

16、y design 故意地,蓄意地 be designed for 供使用,为而设计的in style: 以风格=in the style ofbe decorated with: 用装饰artist: (艺术家)It is a person _ creates things _ can be considered works of art. A. who B. whom C. where D.whichThe design of the room was in the fancy style popular in those days.屋子的设计是当时流行的极富艺术表现力的建筑式样popula

17、r in those days 形容词短语作后置定语修饰 They have a house larger than yours. = a house which is larger than yours. The boys easiest to teach are in my class. = the boys who are easiest to teach.It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels, which took the countrys best artists about ten years to make.

18、点拨 本句是一个主从复合句。 逗号前为主句,其中“decorated with gold and jewels”为过去分词短语作treasure的后置定语;逗号后为which 引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词treasure。take sb. some time表示“花了某人一些时间”。这个结构也可改写为句型:it takes sb. some time to do sth.如:The job was very difficult, which took the workers ten months to do.这项工作十分困难,它花费了工人们十个月的时间。It took me quite

19、a long time to understand the meaning of the painting.我花了相当长的时间才理解了那幅画的意义。辨析:take, pay, cost 和spend1). It takes (sb.) + 时间/金钱 + to do sth.2). pay只能用人做主语 pay sb. pay for sth. pay sb. + 金钱 pay sb. for sth.3). cost只能用物做主语,不用被动语态。 sth. cost + (sb.) + 时间/金钱 sth. cost sb. 某事使某人以为代价4). sb. spend + 时间/金钱 +

20、on sth. 或(in) doing sth.8. Frederick William I , _ the amber room _, belong to 属于belong to不可用于现在进行时态或是被动语态判断正误:The computer is belonging to me. The computer is belonged to me. The computer belongs to me.Chang chun Yuan _Yuan Ming Yuan, which is made of 3 parksA is belonged to B belongs to C is belon

21、ging to D belong toto whom考点 介词+关系代词引导的非限制性定语从句。1 He was educated at the local high school, _ he went on to Beijing University. A. after which B. after that C. in which D. in that点拨 根据句子意思可知从句的动作发生在主句之后,所以用介词after, which指代的是前面的整个句子。2 Last week,only two people came to look at the house, _ wanted to b

22、uy it. (安徽2007)A. none of them B. both of them C. none of whom D. neither of whom点拨 根据句子意思可知定语从句的先行词是only two people, 这样就可以确定应选neither 或both, 根据句子结构可知后面句子作定语从句,故选D。9. In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiersin return = in exchange 回报,作为报酬e.g. What can we do for them in return for al

23、l the help they have given us? 我们将怎样来报答他们所给予我们的种种帮助呢? in return for sth. 作为的交换/回报in turn 轮流地,依次; 反过来 by turns 轮流地,时而时而10 the room served as a small reception hall for important visitors.(1). serve as表示“担任;用作;起作用” eg: This serves as my daughters room. serve sb with sth. 用某物招待某人 serve in the army 在军队服

24、役 (2). reception 接待;被接待 接待的方式;接待处eg: We are preparing rooms for the reception of guests. 我们正准备房间接待来宾。 His talk was given a warm reception. 他的讲话获得了热烈欢迎。 He is waiting for you at reception. 他在接待处等你。11. Later, Catherine had the Amber Room moved to the palacehave sth. done结构表示两种意义: 、让别人做某事,使某事被做 、遭遇某种不幸

25、。1) 我的单车坏了,需要修理. 2) 昨晚我的钱包被人偷了. do 让做 have sb. / sth. doing 让一直做 done 请人/某物遭受e.g. Mother had me clean the room.The boss had his workers working all day.have sth. done 表示 “请人做某事”e.g. I had my hair cut yesterday. I want to have my bike repaired.还可表示 “使遭遇某种(不幸的)事情”e.g. I had my watch stolen last night.

26、 He had his leg broken in the match last week.12. She told her atrists to add more details to it. addto 把添加到 add up 合计,把加起来 add to 增加,增添 add up to 合计是,总起来就意味着e.g. Add up 3,4and 5 ,and you will get 12.I didnt want to add to my mothers misery.She added some salt to the soup.These figures add up to 270

27、.All this adds up to a new concept of Mars.13 the room was completed the way she wanted it. she wanted it 是定语从句修饰 the way, 后面的关系代词可用that / in which 或都不用。the way表示“以的方式”,其前面省略了介词in, in the/ this/that/ my way 中介词通常可以省略。the way she wanted it 可以看成是方式状语从句,意为“照,据”,就相当于连词asin a way, in the way 也有类似的用法e.g.

28、她以我喜欢的方式烹调鸡肉。 She cooks chicken in the way I like.14. Although the amber room was considered one of the wonders of the world, it is now missing.consider(认为,以为) sb.(sth.) + adj. / n. sb.(sth.) + to be sb.(sth.) + as / that-clauseconsider (考虑) + n. / doing sth. + 疑问词 +to do sth.consideras. = think of.

29、as look on(upon).as.(把当作) take as. Abraham Lincoln is generally considered _ the greatest president of America.A. to be B. as C. / D. All of the above. 15. be at war处于交战状态 =fighting against each othere.g. This was a time when the two countries _. The two countries _for many years. Peo

30、ple there are suffering a lot. 介词+名词 (表状态)at war/work/home/tableon show/duty/sale/holiday/fire/watchin trouble/danger/battle/doubtunder repair/discussion/construction 16. less than 少于 The young man is less than twenty years old.这个年轻人不到 20 岁。no less than = as much as 意为:“竟有之多; 多达” 强调多not less than 意为“不少于; 至少”

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