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仁爱版英语八下《Topic 2 What would you like to wear》word教案.docx

1、仁爱版英语八下Topic 2 What would you like to wearword教案Unit 8 Our Clothes Topic 2 What would you like to wear? Section ASection A needs 12 periods. Section A需用12课时。The main activities are 1a, 2 and 3. 本课重点活动是1a, 2和3。. Aims and demands目标要求1. Learn some new words and phrase: allow, interview, policewoman, pl

2、ain clothes, carry out, tie2. Learn the pattern of“It is + adj. + that ” .Its true that suitable uniforms can show good discipline.Is it important that you wear uniforms at work?3. Talk about uniforms. I dont like uniforms because they will look ugly on us.We usually wear uniforms on weekdays.Our un

3、iforms may stop some people from doing bad things.Uniforms can show good discipline and make you look important. Teaching aids 教具图片/一些有关制服的图片/录音机/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 10分钟)复习有关服装词汇,呈现本课有关生词。1. (呈现一些衣服图片,复习旧知识。) T: Nice to see you again. Today well go to a new

4、 topic. First, lets look at the pictures. Are they beautiful or ugly? Ss: They are very beautiful. T: OK! Can you say something about the pictures? Begin with Picture 1. S1, please. S1: Its a nice coat! It looks perfect. T: Good! Next, please. What is it made of? S2: I think its made of cotton. T: T

5、hanks. Next, please. Can you tell me what size it is? S3: Let me see. Its size M. T: OK! Next, please. What color is it? S4: Its blue. (导入一张学校制服图片。)2. (头脑风暴。让学生尽量开动脑筋,多说一些要穿制服的职业人员。)T: In this picture, there are some school uniforms. There are many kinds of uniforms. Well, who should wear uniforms?

6、(板书) S5: Police. S6: Doctor. T: Great! How smart you are! But why do they need to wear uniforms? (学生可能会有一些恰当的答语,要及时予以肯定和表扬,教师也可以帮助学生回答。) Ss: The most important thing is to show good discipline. T: Yes. Its true that suitable uniforms can show good discipline. (板书画线部分并解释,让学生跟读。)discipline n. 纪律,风纪Its

7、 true that suitable uniforms can show good the uniforms (by the school or the students themselves )由学校或学生自己设计校服 T: I think wearing uniforms shows good discipline. What about you? S7: I dont like wearing uniforms because its too ugly. T: You have different ideas about wearing clothe

8、s. What about you, S8? S8: Id like to wear my own clothes. I dont like to look the same as others. T: If we have to wear the school uniforms, what should we do? S9: Maybe we can try to design the uniforms by ourselves.(解释画线部分。) T: Good idea! Youd better make a survey about the styles of school unifo

9、rms. (教师和学生交谈中,提示引入1a。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间: 10分钟)呈现本课活动1a内容并引入宾语从句。1. (呈现1a内容。) T: We have talked so much about school uniforms. Kangkangs classmates are talking about them, too. Do you want to know what they said? Ss: Of course! T: OK, please listen to 1a and answer the following question

10、. (板书)Can Miss Wang allow her students to design their own uniforms? (给“allow”画线,领读并写出句型allow sb. to do sth., 给学生解释并举例子。)2. (播放1a录音。) (听完录音后,教师叫学生回答问题。) T: Well, tell me your answers. Volunteer? S1, please. S1: Yes, she can. T: Do you think its a good idea? S1: Yes, then they can wear their favorite

11、 school uniforms. T: Thank you! Lets listen to 1a again.3. (让学生阅读并理解对话。) T: Then read the dialog and find out the key words. (学生阅读完毕,教师与学生共同板书关键词,讲解一些难点。)make uniformsMiss Wang sayslook ugly on uswear my own clothesallowdesign our own uniformsshow good discipline agree withmake a surveybe glad to St

12、ep 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间: 5分钟)巩固1a,完成1b和3。1. (根据关键词复述1a。) T: Please look at the key words. Then retell 1a.2. (学生找出1a中含有宾语从句的句子,然后根据1b中的图片和例子分组练习1b。)T: Lets find out object clauses in 1a, then practice 1b in pairs according to the picture and example.3. (双人活动。根据3中例子,让学生双人做对话。选出不同的工作场合应穿的衣服。完成3。)

13、T: People should wear different clothes for different jobs. Now, work in pairs to make dialogs according to the example. (例如:简的爸爸在办公室工作,他应该穿什么呢?他应该穿制服/套装) Example: S1: Can you tell me what Janes father should wear at the office? S2: Yes. I think he should wear uniforms / a suitStep 4 Practice 第四步 练习

14、(时间: 15分钟)完成本课活动2,练习重点词句。1. (给学生创设一种游戏情境,制造一种宽松融洽的学习氛围,为本节课注入新的学习兴奋点。)T: Im pleased with your dialogs. Im sure you can do better next time. Lets play the“go and stop”game. T: Ill ask one of you in each group to interview the other members. The interviewers should ask the other members of your own gr

15、oup a question. (利用动作呈现生词interview。) Ss: What question? T: You should ask“How do you like school uniforms?”. Understand? Ss: Yes. G1: We think school uniforms are important, because they can show G2: We think T: Well done! Now can you tell me when a policeman should wear his uniform?(出示图片教单词policema

16、n。) Ss: He should wear the uniforms when he is at work. T: Good! Is it important that he wears uniforms? S1: Sure. People can find him easily when theyre in danger. S2: It may stop some people from doing something bad. T: Quite good! You know a lot.2. (完成2。) T: Now Kangkang is interviewing a policew

17、oman. He is making a survey. Go! Lets see what is happening. Listen to 2 and read after it. (学生跟读录音,找出难理解的句子,教师出示小黑板。)Could you tell me when you usually wear your uniforms?Is it important that you wear uniforms at work?Our uniforms may stop some people from doing bad things.Uniforms can also show go

18、od discipline and make you look important. (教师解释这些句子,重点注意画线部分。让学生齐读一遍。) T: Now do you think it is important for policeman to wear uniforms? Ss: Sure. Then we can find them for help easily. T: Youre right. Now please practice in pairs, one acts as Kangkang, and the other acts as the policewoman. (学生两

19、两操练后,准备模仿表演。) T: Stop here, please! Now act it out. Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 5分钟)通过讨论让学生掌握制服的重要性。1. (四人一小组调查讨论: 通过采访医生、厨师和战士来说明制服的重要性。)T: Now, lets make a survey in a group of four. One acts as an interviewer, and the other three act as a doctor, a cook and a soldier. Lets talk about how import

20、ant it is to wear uniforms.JobWhy to wear uniformsDoctorCookSoldierExample: Interviewer: Is it important that you wear uniforms? Doctor: Yes. The patients can find me easily. Cook: Sure. It is clean. Soldier: Of course. It shows good discipline. G1: We think its important that they wear uniforms. Th

21、e patients can find doctors easily. It is clean for cook in uniforms. It can show good discipline when a soldier wears it2. Homework: (1) (设计一套你喜欢的校服。)T: Try to design a school uniform that you like.(2) (你的父母是做什么工作的?采访一下你的父亲/母亲,然后做一个对话。)T: What do your parents do? Interview one of them and make a di

22、alog. (3) (预习Section B。) T: Preview Section B. Section B Section B needs 1 period. Section B 需用1课时。The main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。. Aims and demands目标要求1. Learn new word: business2. Go on learning the pattern “Its + adj. + that ”.It is important that you wear suitable clothes on every

23、 occasion.Its impolite that the man wears jeans to go to the formal party.3. Go on learning the pattern “It is +adj.+(for sb.)+to do sth.” and object clauses. Its necessary for us to wear sports shoes on the playground.Can you tell me what I should wear here?Could you tell me where the special shoes

24、 are?4. Talk about the suggestions of dressing on different occasions.You should wear a suit.You have to change your leather shoes.You should take off your shoes when you enter someones home in Japan.You should wear your sports shoes.People should dress correctly. 5. RegretIm so sorry. Teaching aids

25、 教具录音机/图片/小黑板. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 10分钟)复习Section A 导入新课。(方案一)1. (检查作业,复习上节课内容。)(1) (学生复述他们的采访内容。)T: Boys and girls, you have interviewed one of your parents about the uniforms. Lets share your ideas.(对采访效果好的、有代表性的学生,可把他们的对话表演一遍以示鼓励。)(2) (检查上节课学生设计校服的图片。)T: Pleas

26、e show us the school uniform you designed yesterday.(展示一些设计有特点的、有代表性的图片,把他们设计的服装张贴在学习园地,以示鼓励。)2. (引入1a。)T: Im pleased with your homework. But does a doctor wear uniforms after work?Ss: No.T: So people should wear different clothes on different occasions.(板书画线部分,让学生跟读句子。)People should wear different

27、clothes on different occasions.T: That is to say, its important that you wear suitable clothes on every occasion.(板书画线部分,让学生跟读句子。)Its important that you wear suitable clothes on every occasion. (教师在黑板上贴上如下三幅图片。)图1 图2 图3T: OK, please look at the pictures on the blackboard. Then answer my questions.T:

28、 Picture 1. Where is the student?Ss: He is in the classroom.(教师手指着图1中学生的帽子。)T: Whats he wearing?Ss: He is wearing a hat.T: So we can say, its wrong that a student wears a hat in class.(教师说出句子并板书画线内容,把这个句子写在Its important 句子下面,以便归纳。)Its wrong that a student wears a hat in class.T: Please give the stud

29、ent some suggestions.(帮助学生用I think 回答。)S1: I think he should take off his hat in class.(板书画线部分,呈现于黑板的这句话是为下面课文练习作铺垫的。)I think he should take off his hat in class.T: What about next picture? Where is the man?Ss: He is in the office.T: Whats he wearing?(教师手指图2中该男士所穿套装,并帮助学生回答。)Ss: He is wearing a busi

30、ness suit. Its suitable that he wears a business suit in the office.(板书画线部分并解释生词,把该句写在同类句子下边,以便学生归纳。)Its suitable that he wears a business suit in the office.T: Now look at this picture (Picture 3). Do you think where they are?Ss: I think they are in Japan.T: Can you tell me what the girl should do?

31、Ss: She should take off her shoes.T: Right. You should take off your shoes when you enter someones home in Japan.(板书画线部分,另选一处板书该句。)You should take off your shoes when you enter someones home in Japan.T: Now we know that we should dress correctly, is it right?Ss: Yes, its right.T: But if some people dont know it, what will happen to them? Lets listen to 1a carefully.(自然过渡到下一步。)(方案二)1. (教

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