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1、初中教师资格证英语面试教案模板精品文档初中教师资格证英语面试教案模板课题:Unit EngIiSh around the WOrId in hours 教学标:StUdent, S book; DiSCOVering USefUIStrUCtUreS能力U标:a. EnabIe StUdentS to tell the differences between a request and a COnlmand b EnabIe StUdentS to Iearn about the IndireCt SPeeChc. EnabIe StUdentS to USe the IndireCt SPe

2、eCh语言目标:command; request; retell; polite; bossIndireCt SPeeCh教学重难点:a. StUdentS Iearn about the differences between a request and a COmmandb StUdentS Iearn about the IndireCt SPeeChc. StUdentS Can USe the indirect SPeeCh教学方法:a. Individual, Pair Or group WOrk to finish each taskb DiSCOVering the StrUC

3、tUre through examples1 / 11精品文档c. PraCtiCe教具准备:a computer; a PrOjeCtOr教学步骤:Warnl the StUdentS UP by asking them to go OVer the DireCt SPeeCh and InClireCt SPeeCh DO SOme exercises : Change a Statement Or a QUeStiOn IntO IndireCt SPeeChSteP TaIk about ReqUeSt and COmmand1)TaIk about the POIite and Im

4、POlite tune2)Change the COmmandS into ReqUeStS3)Learn to give requests Or COmmandS according to the SitUatiOnSSteP TaIk about how to Change a request and a Command into IndireCt SPeeChask Sb to do Sthtell/told Sb to do SthSteP PraCtiSe Changing a request Or a COmmand into IndireCt SPeeChSteP USing t

5、he StrUCtUreA game: ChOOSe two StUdentS act as two robots One IiStenS to the requests, the Other IiStenS2/11精品文档to the COmmandS Other StUdentS give either requests Or COnimands, and the robots do What the StUdentS asked them to do.板书设计:1)The PreSent PerfeCt tense A new educational CD-ROM has just CO

6、meOUt When you have earned enough points, Carry you Off to aPIaCe you have neverViSited before The PIaCeS you have ViSited are marked2)The PaSSiVe VOiCeIt is designed by NanCy JaCkSOn. TheSe WOrdS Were Written On it.The PIaCeS you have ViSited are marked in bright PUrPIe 教学反思:IJnitOUr SChOOlLifeTOPi

7、C 1 I USUalIyCOme to SChOOI by SUbWay.TeaChing aims:1.EnabIe StUdentS to grasp the newords2.Make StUdentS UnderStand and USe thekey SentenCeS COrreCtIy.3.EnCOUrage StUdentS to PartiCiPate inclass3/11精品文档activities, CUItiVate students abilities OfCOmmUniCatiOn andcooperation and StimUIate StUdentSt i

8、nterests inIearning EngIiSh Key POintS1.EnabIeStUdentS to grasp the following new WOrdS: always, SUbWayJ plane, ShiP2.MakeStUdentS UnderStand and USe the following SentenCeS COrreCtIyand freely:3.InlPrOVeStUdentS PrOnUnCiatiOn andintonation.DiffiCUIt POintSLet StUdentS USe What We Iearn today to mak

9、e a role PIay based Onthe text TeaChing PrOCedUreS :SteP 1 Warm UP and Iead inTeaCher WilI do a free talk With StUdentS The COntent Of the freetalk has a IittIe COnneCtiOn to this IeSSOn.SteP PreSentatiOnTeaCher WilI Iet StUdentSliSten to the tape for two timesAt the first time, after listening, tea

10、cher WilI invite StUdentS topick OUt the new WOrdS Then teacher4/11精品文档WilI explain the new WOrdS TeaCher WilIgiVe more examples to help StUdentS UnderStand the WOrdS BefOre the SeCOnd time, teacher WilI Iet StUdentS IOOk throughqueStiOnS On lb.With the QUeStiOn On lb, StUdentS IiSten to the tape ag

11、ain. After IiSteningJ teacher WilI CheCk the answer With StUdentS Then teacher WilIPreSentfOlIOWing key SentenCeS for students:微信:mylenemeimeiqq: 364120883SteP PraCtiSeTeaCher WilI OrganiZe a COmPetitiOn.Firstly, teacher WilI tell StUdentS the rules Of the COmPetitions.Secondly, teacher WilI give St

12、UdentS five IninUteS to PraCtiCe thedialogues Then invite two StUdentS in each group to act OUt their dialogueThirdly, teacher WilI give COnlmentS On the ShOW Of each group andpock OUt the ChamPiOn group SteP : SUnImaryTeaCher WilI ask StUdentS to SUnlmariZe What We Iearnt today.SteP : HOmeWOrk5/11稱

13、品文档1 ReCite the new WOrdS and thetext2.FiniSh the homework福建省教师资格证试讲仁爱版,第三期包过班,300/人。线上培训。时间灵活。详情咨询 联系人:黄老师QQ:364120883扫描二维码加入微信微信:mylenemeimeiqq: 364120883The teaching PIan forTeaChing goals:1.EnabIe the SS to familiarwith/get .knowledge2.EnabIe the SS to Iearn how to/the Way to express3 Let the SS

14、 Iearn the reading SkilI of4.Let the SS Iearn to use HeIP the SS identify*5.Key and CiiffiCUIt teaching POintS HOW toTeaChing methods1.Skimming & SCanning methods to make the SS get a goodUnderStanding Of the text2.DiSCUSSiOn methods t make the SS Undertanci6/11精品文档What they Ve Iearnt in CIaSS3 Pair

15、 WOrk Of group to get every StUdent to take Part in the teaching and Iearning activities4.COmPetitiOn & role-play method to arouse the Ss interest eg. ROIe PIay a COnVerSatiOnTeaChing PrOCedUreSSteP I Warming UPWarming UP bydefining/describingPreSenting/discussion/quiz Meanwhile, teach themSOme new

16、WOrdSSteP II Pre-readingSamPIe DO you know.Lett S get to knowSamPIe ShOW the SS the PiCtUreS Of Pre-reading On P. and ask them thefollowing QUeStiOnSa.GiVe them SeVeraI minutes to discuss the questions;b COlIeCt answers from the class;c. CheCk answers WhiIe discussingSteP III Reading1 FaSt reading7/

17、11精品文档Get the SS to read the PaSSage QUiCkIy and meanwhile help them to form a good habit Of readingBefOre reading, IOOk through the following QUeStiOnSWrhatt S the main idea Of the text?In What Order is the text written?2 TeXt StrUCtUre analysisHaVe the StUdentS find OUt the topic SentenCeS Of each

18、 ParagraPh IStParagraPh: ASk the StUdentS to divide the PaSSage into PartS and Write down themain idea Of each PartPartI3.DetaiIed Reading1) LiSten to the reading material and Pay attention to the new WOrdS and expressions.2) GiVe them SeVeraI IninUteS to IOCate PartiCUIar information andCOmPIete EX

19、 Or answer QUeStiOnS5.DiffiCUIt WOrdS and SentenCeS1)AnaIyZe SOme difficult WOrdS and COmPliCated8/11精品文档sentences;2)Underline all the USefUI expressions Or COlIOCatiOnS in thePaSSageJ COPy them to your notebook after CIaSS as homework6.Reading and information transferringSteP IV DiSCUSSiOnWOrk in g

20、roups Of four and discuss:What do you Iearn about from?附加:ROIe-PIayWOrk in PairS to act OUt how toInterVieWingASk the SS to do an interview in PairS A is interviewing B With the following QUeStiOnS SteP V RetelIingRetelI the StOry according to the following CIUeSSteP Vl SUnmaryThiS PaSSage doesnt t

21、COntain enough information for you to PIeaSeIearn more after CIaSS DO rememberLearn about IangUage9/11精品文档TeaChing goals1.MaSter important WOrdS and PhraSeS2.a kind Of SkilI3 grammarTeaChing important and CiiffiCUIt POintSTeaChing methodsLet SS do the exercises, and then COlIeCt their answers ASk th

22、en toCOnCIUde the rules and then give them SOme expIanationTeaChing PrOCedUreSPart OneSteP one: ReViSiOnReVieW the text by CheCking the answers for EX J J On Page TheSe exercises are about the USefUI WOrdS that appear in the text SteP two: SkilI Or ruleThe teacher brings the Ss attention to, helpthe

23、m discover the differencea. give SS as many WOrdS as possible;b.guess the meaning, COnCIUdeJ exercises;c.SS WilI be interested in J and begin to use. to guide their WOrd StUdy in their daily IifePart two10 / 11精品文档SteP one: Reading, finding& thinkingRead the text and tick OUt all theSteP two: Learning about the making and USeS Of a. ShOW typical examples Of how tob GUide the SS to find OUt What ChangeS We have to make Whenc. TeaCher ShOWS the example and SS Write the SentenCeSSteP three: EXPIanatiOnSteP four: Pair WOrk11 / 11

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