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1、宾语从句复习课教学设计说课讲解宾语从句复习课教学设计 会理县通安中学教师:张庭菲课型中考复习教材分析 本节课是语法复习课,主要复习宾语从句的用法, 是初中学生必须掌握的语法内容。宾语从句的掌握直接关系着学生对阅读中带宾语从句的复合句的理解。写作训练中,学生若能恰当使用宾语会使文章增色很多,因此,状语从句的学习非常重要,近几年来宾语从句的连接词,语序,时态都成了中考命题考查的知识点。因此在本节课的教学中我们要通过讲解练习使学生把握这些知识点,能够熟练运用宾语从句从而为 高中打下良好的基础。学情分析本课是复习课,宾语从句相关知识,学生已经学过,若重复讲解,学生会厌烦,效果也不好。教师应该根据教学重

2、难点设计适合学生的习题,让学生通过练习,思考并总结宾语从句的用法及解题技巧。Teaching aims1.掌握引导宾语从句的引导词;2.掌握引导宾语从句的语序;主句+引导词+主语+谓语;3.掌握引导宾语从句主句与从句在时态上的呼应。Teaching focus and difficultiesTeaching focus1.宾语从句的概念2.宾语从句的引导词3.宾语从句中的语序4. 宾语主从句在时态上的呼应Teaching difficulties 1.特殊疑问词+动词不定式的用法2.if与whether的区别3.when与if 引导的宾语从句和状语从句4.宾语从句与简单句的互换教学策略分析分

3、组学习提问讨论分析总结中考点拨达标练习归纳总结Teaching process:Step1Warming-up Ask students to pay attention to the words that the actor said ,the let them turn it into a Object Clause like this .The actor says that it is important for everyone to be healthy . 设计理念:本环节让学生复习如何转述别人说的话,引出本节课的复习内容宾语从句,为下一步的教学作好铺垫。 Step2:Discu

4、ssion and summeryTeacheraskstheSstogoovertheObjectClausein pairs,thenSsdiscussandsummarysomeusagesoftheObjectClauseorally.设计理念:本环节通过学生小组的讨论,复习原有的宾语从句的知识,并作口头归纳,通过生生互动的形式,有助于在愉快的氛围下巩固所学知识。1.Thinking: What is the ObjectClause?e.g.We know him简单句主s+ 谓v +宾o We know that he likes English.宾语从句2.Find out th

5、e Object ClausesA.Do you know who is the first Chinese astronaut?B.Our teacher told us that the earth goes around the sun.C.Please tell me where she has gone.D.I dont know if he will come tonight.E.Lets find out whats on tonight .总结:宾语从句就是由一个句子来构成主句的宾语。Step3:FinishthetasksoftheObjectClause1宾语从句的引导词1

6、.陈述句作宾语从句,由 that 来充当引导词连接主从句。I hear _ he will be back in an hour.She hopes _ she can pass the exam.The teacher told us _ Tom didnt tell a lie.2.特殊疑问句作宾语从句, 由 充当引导词来连接主从句。由连接代词who,whom,whose,which,what和连接副词 where,how,why,when引导的宾语从句,这些连词既有词义又充当句子成份。1)Do you know _ book it is (这是谁的书) ?2)Could you tell

7、 me _ the train is late(火车为什么迟到)?3)He asked us _ we left (我们什么时候离开 ). 3.一般疑问句作宾语从句, 由 if/whether充当引导词来连接主从句。1)Is she right? I want to know . I want know _ she is right .2) Can you swim? She asked me. She asked _ I could swim.Step4:师生互动1.If 与whether 的区别I dont know _ he will come or not.与or not 连用只能用w

8、hetherI dont care of _ he is handsome.介词后的宾语从句只能用whetherHe wondered _ to stay here the next week.与to do 不定式连用只能用whether2.陈述语序“主语在前,谓语在后”的顺序 将下列问句变成陈述句。 1. Can he swim ? _ _swim . 2. Does he have a pen ? _ _ a pen . 3. Where did he go ? where _ _.练一练:A. What is he doing?He asked me _B. Where does Jim

9、 go?Everyone wants to know _C.Who is he waiting for?Could you tell me _ D. Who is waiting for her?Please tell me _宾语从句要用陈述语序。 “主语在前,谓语在后”的顺序。3.宾语从句中时态的变化 .当主句是一般现在时,宾语从句的时态不作限制,我们可以根据句子的需要使用 。(需要性原则) Jim _ ( be ) an English teacher now . Jim _( cook ) dinner tomorrow .I hear (that) Jim _( sing )a po

10、pular song now. Jim _( be ) to the Great Wall twice . Jim _ ( be ) a worker two years ago . 当主句是一般过去时的时候,宾语从句必须运用相应的过去的某一种时态,从而达到主句和从句的相互一致。(呼应性原则) 辨一辨1)He will go to Hong Kong .2) He is sick.3) He is reading a book . 4) He has finished his work. .1) He would go to Hong Kong .He said 2) He was sick.

11、 3) He was reading a book . 4) He had finished his work. 当宾语从句说明的是客观存在的事实或者是客观存在的真理时,就不用受到主句时态的限制,仍用一般现在时。(特殊性原则)He told me (that) Summer is after Spring .I was told (that) the sun is much bigger than the moon.My parents told me (that)no news is good news.确定从句的时态(根据主句时态)主句时态 从句时态连接前连接后一般现在时 时态保持不变 一

12、般过去时一般现在时did一般过去时had done一般将来时would do现在进行时was/were doing一(孔 )石桥 一(只 )船 一(颗 )枣 一( 把 )伞过桥 过河 高原 原因 桃园 送别 跳远 学习 高兴 香气 秀气现在完成时10、用两个字组新字:(如课本133页)had done火 火字旁 (炒 烧 ) 口 方框(国 园 圆)4.5.6.减一笔:王(土 )(干)(工)(三)(18)青蛙小的时候叫蝌蚪。否定前移( )月( )日是儿童节。青青的假山( 小虾、草地) 绿绿的草地( 小草、叶子 )He wont go swimming. I think.一年级语文下册部分知识点归

13、纳I dont think that he will go swimming.通过把句子写完整的训练,让学生明白什么是完整的一句话,以达到让他们写一句完整话的目的。全册共有以下9种练习句式。么(什么)无(无法)高(高兴)跟(跟着)以(以后)问(问好)各(各种)气(生气)当宾语从句表示否定的意义、主句为第一人称、动词为think 、 expect 、 believe 、 guess 、 imagine 、 suppose时,常将从句的否定移到主句上。7.8.9.四、反义词女字旁:奶、妈、姑、妹if/when具有双重意义1.2.( 平翘舌、 前后鼻、 二三声调 )I want to know if

14、 he _ (come) tomorrow.空满 干湿 今古 闲忙 天地一(竿)翠竹 一(方)鱼塘 一(列)火车 一(道)小溪5、相对应的内容连线或填空本册要求学生积累掌握的词语主要有下面这些类型:深浅 快慢 回去 反正 外里If he _ (come). Please tell me.3.4.5.长 乐 只 空春回大地 万物复苏 柳绿花红 欢歌笑语 冰雪融化 泉水丁冬Could you tell me when he_ (come)?他是你的朋友吧? 天要下雨了吧?阝双耳刀 (陪 队) 八 八字头(谷 分 公) Please take him to school when he _ (com

15、e).鲜艳的红领巾 轻巧的桥 美丽的衣裳 快乐的时光if :引导宾语从句或条件状语从句;花儿真香啊! 我们学校多美啊!(13)只有自己(种),才有(吃不完)的菜。原(草原)(平原)(高原)(原来)(原因)when:引导宾语从句或时间状语从句。方 方字旁(放 旅) 石 石字旁(砍 码 )当if/when引导宾语从句,根据实际情况选用时态; 当if/when引导状语从句,应遵循“ 主将从现 ”原则。我帮老师收作业。 我为大家扫地。阝双耳刀 (陪 队) 八 八字头(谷 分 公)一朵花 一颗心 一条毛巾Step5:SummaryStep6.Exercise A.Find out the mistake

16、s and correct them.1 Could you tell me where do they live? 2 She knew that Danny is a student.3 He told me that winter was colder than autumn. 4 Do you know who car it is?B.Choose the right answers.1. Could you tell me_B_ ? A. where the twins wereB. where the twins are C where are the twins 2. A: Do

17、 you know_D_ ? B: Yes , he came here by train . A. when he came hereB. if he will come here C. why he came here D. how he came here3.She says she_B_ English for ten years .A.learned B. has learnedC. was learning D. have learned4. The teacher told us that the earth_B_ round .A. was B. is C. will be D. would be 5. Tell me_D_ .A. what wrong is with him B. whats wrong to him C. what the matter is with him D. whats the matter with him .

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