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河北省武邑中学届高三英语一轮复习55分钟课堂练习29 Word版含答案.docx

1、河北省武邑中学届高三英语一轮复习55分钟课堂练习29 Word版含答案 第一部分 阅读理解 A Since 2004,Time magazine has six times made a survey to name the l00 most influential people in the world. Only one person has appeared on it for six times, Oprah Winfrey. Born in l954 in Mississippi,Oprah Winfrey spent her early years living in povert

2、y with her grandmother and later her absent mother, followed by unfair treatment by her unfriendly relatives. Worse still,she was addicted to drugs and at the young age of l4,she gave birth to a baby, who died after a few months. Finally she was sent to live with her strict father in Tennessee. Amaz

3、ingly though,her fathers rules did make sure she received a good education and finally overcame her problems. Oprahs media career began at age l7.She became the co-author of local news in Baltimore in her early 20s.Her first local talk show, People Are Talking, was first performed in l978,when she w

4、as 24. In l986,Oprah moved to Chicago to host a low-rated half-hour morning talk show, AM Chicago. Oprah talks like a family member in your and my house. Within months she took over,the show became the highest rated talk show in Chicago. It was renamed The Oprah Winfrey Show. Only two years after ho

5、sting the show, she was able to set up her own production company Harpo, and buy the full rights to The Oprah Winfrey Show. She is also involved in magazine publishing,books,education and a lifestyle channel for women with the aim of improving peoples lives, inspiring and praising good honest values

6、,making the world a better place for present and future generations. As her business grew, so did her wealth and power, and she became the first ever black billionaire in 2003 and the most powerful woman in media broadcasting. The amazing influence she has over a large part of the American public me

7、ans that anything she promotes on her shows is guaranteed to succeed.1. What do we know about Oprahs childhood?A. She lived with her mother for 14 years. B. She married young and brought up a baby.C. he was lack of concern and care. D. She couldnt stand her fathers rules.2. According to the text, wh

8、ich field didnt Oprah set foot in?A. magazine publishing. B. education C. a TV channel for females D. filming3. Which of the following is true according to the text?A. Oprah Winfrey was the most influential woman in America.B. Oprah Winfrey hosted her first local talk show in her 20s.C.AM Chicago be

9、came the highest rated immediately after Oprah hosted it.D. Oprah Winfrey was the first billionaire in media broadcasting.4. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?A. Oprah was a quite successful woman. B. Oprah aimed to be wealthy and powerful.C. What Oprah promoted was sure to succeed. D. Opr

10、ah became the most influential woman.B University of Maryland student Ben Simon and his friends couldnt stand to see good food thrown out on their campus. We basically noticed that some of the extra food from the dining hall was going to waste at the end of the day. And we met with the dining servic

11、es and asked them whether it would be okay if instead of throwing out the food we would donate it. And they were on board, he said. Some 18 months ago, the students began what they call the Food Recovery Network. Each night, volunteers would show up at a campus dining hall to pick up leftovers and d

12、eliver them to area shelters and food banks. So far, they have donated more than 23 000 kilos of food that would otherwise have been thrown out. Nationwide, $ 165 billion worth of food is wasted each year, according to the National Resources Defense Council. Spokesman Bob Keefs says that is about 40

13、% of the countrys entire food production. If we can reduce our waste in this country by 15%, we can feed 25 million hungry Americans. That is a huge benefit. That is what programs like this Food Recovery Network are doing, he said. Christian Life Center is one of the beneficiaries ( 受益者) of the stud

14、ents efforts. Ben Slye, the senior pastor (牧师) ,said, It has been just amazing to see these students take their own time, their own vehicles and own gas money and be able to make an effort like this. Each week we are able with this food probably to feed over hundred people. The University of Marylan

15、d s Food Recovery Network now has 200 volunteers and the program has expanded to 18 schools across the country. I want to grow 18 chapters to a thousand chapters within five years. And once we get to the Food Recovery Nation being at every college campus in America, we want to expand to restaurants

16、and farms. said Simon.The volunteers are committed to making that happen.5. The dining services in University of Maryland .A. threw out good food on the campus B. enjoyed the talk with the studentsC. supported the volunteers job D. donated their leftovers to the poor6. Volunteers from the Food Recov

17、ery Network .A. started the Food Recovery Network two years ago B. delivered leftovers as well as money to sheltersC. donated leftovers to avoid food waste D. helped to solve the hunger issues in America7. Ben Slye s attitude toward the volunteers effort was that of .A. unconcern B. appreciation C.

18、doubt D. opposition8. What can be the best title for the text?A. Battles Against the Problem of Hunger B. College Students Rescue Leftover FoodC. How to Pick up Leftovers on College Campuses D. Waste Problems in University of Maryland C Tears are natures way of making us feel more comfortable. When

19、our eyes is made uncomfortable by some small pieces of pollution , or when we are cutting onions, or when we are exhausted and “red-eyes” from over work and late hours, tears form in our eyes to clean and refresh them. Tears are also a sign of strong emotion. We cry when we are sad and we cry when w

20、e are happy. And tears seem to be uniquely human. We know that animals also experience emotion fear, pleasure, loneliness, but they do not shed (流) tears. Biologically speaking, tears are actually drops of saline fluid, which is a little bit salty, produced by a gland (腺) in the body. Because salt i

21、s an important component, tears may actually constitute the most conclusive evidence that the human animal is the end product of a long evolutionary process that began in the sea. And it is clear that, in addition to the emotional benefits, the shedding of tears has a specific biological function as

22、 well. Through tears, we can eliminate from our body certain chemicals which build up in response to stress and create a chemical imbalance in the body. Crying actually makes us feel better by correcting that imbalance and making us feel good again. And thus the emotional and the biological function

23、s of tears merge(合并)into one and make us even more human than we would otherwise be.9. According to the passage, human beings may have originated(起源于)in_.A. the sea B. the salt C. chemicals D. animals10. Which of the following is NOT a function of tears?A. Biological B. Emotional C. Political D. Che

24、mical11. According to the article, which of the following is unique to humans?A. The feeling of loneliness. B. The state of feeling good.C. The ability to shed tears D. The feeling of fear12. The underlined word “eliminate” probably means_.A. add B. produce C. replace D. remove D Yum! Brands Inc., o

25、wner of the KFC fast food chain, said fourth-quarter same-store sales fell more than projected in China as demand was hit by a government investigation into one of its former chicken suppliers. Industry experts had predicted the negative impact of the probe, which is expected to be felt in the long

26、term. KFC sales in China in the last two weeks of December were affected by the release of the information associated with the probe into Chinese poultry(家禽) suppliers, the US company said. China same-store sales fell by 6 percent year-on-year in the fourth quarter, compared with a previous estimate

27、 ( 估计) for a decline of 4 percent, the filing said. Shanghais food safety authority said that tests conducted by a third-party agency from 2010 to 2011 found that chicken supplied to the company by Liuhe Group Co. ltd. contained too much antibiotics. Yum said it stopped all supplies from Liuhe in Au

28、gust 2012. The revelation caused heated debate among Chinese consumers. The negative impact will stay for a long time for KFC, which relies heavily on domestic chicken suppliers, said Gao Jianfeng, general manager of the Shanghai-based Bogo Consultants. With a huge number of restaurants demanding la

29、rge quantities of chicken-the main substance on their menus-KFC wont be able to rebuild its supply chain in the short term, Gao said. He added that food safety issues in the Chinese supply chain, from chicken to todder(草料) , are widespread. No single company can preserve its reputation in such an in

30、dustrial chain, he said. An increasing number of fast food consumers have started to go to other Western chains such as McDonalds or Burger King, he said. Zhao Ping, a researcher at the Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, said that due to their rising income levels, an increasin

31、g number of Chinese people are paying more attention to healthy eating, bringing new attitudes toward foreign fast food brands and reducing their trust and appreciation of those chains.13. The underlined word probe in the second paragraph probably means A. analysis B. investigation C. charge D. decl

32、ine14. We can inter from the text that A. there are fewer chicken suppliers in China now B. with more money Chinese people are turning to foreign fast food C. domestic chicken suppliers refuse to supply chicken to KFC D. foreign fast food brands are facing crisis of confidence15. The best title of the passage would be A. Foreign food, safe food? B. Business affected worse than expected C. Foreign fast food brands are more popularD. KFC VS MacDonald

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