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Unit 3 Celebration Lesson 4 Christmas北师大必修1精品.docx

1、Unit 3 Celebration Lesson 4 Christmas北师大必修1精品Unit 3 Celebration Lesson 4 Christmas导学案目标:To build up an area of vocabulary related to ChristmasTo read and understand a passage about memories of ChristmasTo develop reading strategies to answer multiple-choice questions;To talk about their childhood me

2、mories of an important festival.To know about and respect the different culture in foreign countries.课前 自主预习I 词汇认知 根据首字母及英文释义写出单词1. a_: take part in, be present2. s _ : move food/drink down the throat from the mouth3. d_: sth. added for a special holiday4. s_: a close-fitting covering for the foot a

3、nd leg5. p_: the sweet dish in a meal6. a_: a fully grown person7. c_: a list showing days and months of a year8. c_: a holly song of joyII根据提示完成下列短语1. 竖起;建造 put 2. 尽可能长地 as long 3. 嘲笑,讥笑 laugh 4. 穿上;增加体重;上演 put 5. 继续,坚持 carry 6. 做礼拜 go to 7. 在圣诞前夕 _Christmas Eve8. 在尽头 the end of9. 在底部 at the of10.

4、入睡 to sleep III必背句子1. At the bottom of the end was stocking, now full of all kinds of small presents and sweets.2. Lunch was always late, but what a lunch!3. My sister, Alison and I sat down in front of the fire and wrote a letter to Father Christmas telling him about all the presents we wanted4. Af

5、ter lunch, the adults slept on the sofas in front of the Queens speech on television while we all played cards.5. With December our excitement grew each day6. Enough snow to make snowmen, and to have exciting snowball fights in the school playground7. On Christmas Eve, the whole family helped to dec

6、orate the house, put up the Christmas tree, the decorations and the balloons.8. We tried to stay awake as long as possible to see Father Christmas9. A big turkey with all the vegetables followed by Christmas pudding.10. I put so much food in my mouth sometimes that it was hard to swallow.课堂 互动探究核心词汇

7、 讲练悟1. put up建造,搭起e.g. Theyre planning to put a hotel up where the museum used to be. 他们打算在原来的博物馆那里建一个宾馆 【拓展】 put up还可作 举起,抬起(raise);挂起,张贴(与take down相反);住宿,留宿;提高,提升。 He put up his hand to draw the teachers attention.他举起手以引起老师的注意。A new notice has been put up on the board.木板上张贴了一张新通知。Will you put me u

8、p for the night? 今晚能留我住下吗?【辨析】build/put up/set up (1)build最广泛的用语,可以建造各种东西,如大楼、桥梁、道路等。(2)put up搭建高出的东西,如大楼、帐篷、铜像等。(3)set up建造高出的东西(put up),还可组建一种无形的东西,如组织、公司、制度等。A new station has been put up/set up/built here recently.一座新发电站最近在这儿建成了。A new government was set up after the Civil War.新政府在内战之后成立了。应用:(1)(

9、2011辽宁)The exam results will be _ on Friday afternoon。Aput down Bput off Cput up Dput away (2)(2010全国)My mother opened the drawer to _ the knives and spoons.Aput away Bput up Cput on Dput together 2. as long as possible尽可能长地;长久地asadj./ possible是固定结构,表示“尽可能地”。Please come as soon as possible.请尽快

10、来这里。eat as much as possible尽可能多吃as far as possible尽可能远地【拓展】 (1)as long as意为“达之久”,后常加时间段。far,much等也有此用法,表程度,距离、时间等。He kept me waiting as long as 2 hours.他让我等了长达两个小时。(2)as long as (惯用语)只要,作连词,用于条件句。You can use my car as long as you give it back to me tomorrow.你可以用我的汽车,只要你明天能够还给我应用:(2010江西) Our holiday

11、 cost a lot of money. Did it? Well, that doesnt matter _ you enjoyed yourselves.Aas long as Bunless Cas soon as Dthough3. in front of在前面 Theres parking space in front of the hotel. 旅馆前有停车的地方。Please dont swear in front of the children.当着孩子们的面请不要骂人。注意in front of“在的前面”与in the front of“在的前部”比较:There is

12、a big tree in front of our classroom.There is a teachers desk in the front of our classroom.句“教室前面有棵大树”,大树只能是在教室外。句“教室前部有讲桌”,讲桌肯定是在教室内。由此不难看出in front of sth 指在某物外部的前面;in the front of sth 指在物体内部的前部。应用:用in front of和in the front of填空 We sat _the fire,enjoying the beautiful scenery _the window. No one n

13、oticed a dog came in and lay _our room. 4. carry on继续【搭配】 carry on doing sth/carry on with sth 继续做某事Carry on working/with your work while Im away.我不在的时候你要继续工作。 【拓展】 carry out 贯彻,实施,执行carry out the new plan 实施新计划应用:(2010江苏)The experiment has _ the possibility of the existence of any life on that plan

14、et, but it does not mean there is no life on other planets.Afound out Bpointed outCruled out Dcarried out 5. go to church做礼拜 go to church 做礼拜go to the church 去教堂They go to church every Sunday. 他们每个星期天都去做礼拜。【拓展】类似的短语还有:Go to college 上大学Go to the college 去这所大学Go to prison 入狱Go to the prison 去监狱In hosp

15、ital 住院In the hospital 在医院里应用:(1)(2011陕西)As is known to all,_ Peoples Republic of China is _ biggest developing country in the world.Athe;不填 B不填;the Cthe;the D不填;不填 (2)(2011重庆)In communication, a smile is usually _strong sign of a friendly and _ open attitude.Athe;/ Ba;an Ca;/ Dthe;an 6. turn off 关掉

16、 Lets turn off the TV. Id rather read a book.咱们把电视机关掉吧,我宁愿看本书。 【拓展】 turn on 打开turn against 背叛turn in 上交turn out 结果是,出来turn to 转向,求助turn down 关小 turn up 开大 turn around 转身 turn over 转翻 switch on 打开 switch off 关掉 应用:(1)(2011江苏) You look upset. Whats the matter? I had my proposal _ again.Aturned over Bt

17、urned on Cturned off Dturned down(2)(2010辽宁)Thousands of people _ to watch yesterdays match against Ireland.Aturned on Bturned inC. turned around Dturned out 重难句导学1. My sister,Alison and I sat down in front of the fire and wrote a letter to Father Christmas telling him about all the presents we want

18、ed.我和妹妹Alison坐在炉火旁给圣诞老人写信,告诉他我们想要的一切礼物。【句式分析】 句中sat down.与wrote a letter为并列的谓语。telling him about.为现在分词短语作状语,主语与tell为主动关系,故用现在分词;若为被动关系,用过去分词短语。比较:He came in,carrying a gun.他进来了,拿着手枪。He came in,unnoticed.他神不知鬼不觉地进来了。第一句he与carry之间为主动关系,“他拿着枪”。第二句he与unnoticed为被动关系,“他没被注意到”。应用:(2011全国)Sarah pretended to

19、 be cheerful, _ nothing about the argument.A says Bsaid Cto say Dsaying2. At the bottom of the bed was the stocking,now full of all kinds of small presents and sweets.床头上的袜子里现在已装满了各种各样的糖果和小礼物。【句式分析】 (1)at the bottom of the bed为介词短语提前,其后要用倒装语序,且为不加助动词的全部倒装。Under the tree is a wolf.树下面是一只狼。On top of t

20、he hill stands a tall tree.山顶上有棵大树。(2)now full of all kinds of small presents and sweets是形容词短语充当伴随状语,表示状态。形容词表示伴随状态时,通常用逗号与其它成分隔开。Angry with him,she complained all day.由于生他的气,整个一天她都在抱怨。I hurried home,hungry and thirsty.我匆匆忙忙地赶回家,又饿又渴。应用:In front of the farmhouse_.Adoes a small boy sit Bdid a small b

21、oy sitCsit a small boy Dsat a small boy 3. Lunch was always late,but what a lunch!午餐总是很晚,但可真够丰盛的!【句式分析】 what a lunch为感叹句式。 【拓展】 感叹句的几种常用形式Whata(n)单数可数名词!Whata(n)adj.单数可数名词!What复数可数名词/不可数名词!Whatadj.复数可数名词/不可数名词! Howadj./adv./v.!Howadj.a(n)单数可数名词! How句子! What a lovely girl(she is)!(她是)一个多么可爱的女孩啊!What

22、satisfactory explanations he gave!他给出的解释是多么令人满意啊!How time flies!时光飞逝!应用:(1)Why!They have left their air tickets!Just imagine in _they left just now!Aa rush how anxiousBa how anxious rushChow an anxious rushDwhat an anxious rush(2)_!Is anything burnt?Look!The pan catches fire!AHow much smoke BWhat a

23、lot of smokeCHow many smokes DWhat smokes 4. After lunch,the adults slept on the sofas in front of the Queens speech on television while we all played cards.午饭后大人们躺在沙发上聆听女王的电视讲话,而我们却打牌。【句式分析】 while conj.(1)而,却(表对比)You like sports while I like reading.你喜欢运动而我喜欢读书。(2)尽管,虽然(表让步)although/thoughWhile I a

24、dmit that the problems are difficult,I dont agree that they cannot be solved.虽然我承认这些问题很难,但我并不同意无法解决它们。(3)当时候(表时间)Please be quiet while I talk to you.在我跟你说话时请保持安静。【拓展】 (1)while当作“虽然,尽管”讲时,一般位于句首。(2)while表示“当时候”时,所引导从句的谓语动词必须是延续性动词。应用:(1)They were surprised that a child should work out the problem _th

25、ey themselves couldnt.Aonce Bthen Cwhile Dif(2)Im going to the post office._youre there,can you get me some stamps?AAs BWhile CBecause DIf 达标同步检测.语境填词1You should treat it s_,for its very important.2After writing the address on the e_,we posted the letter.3He hang up a s_ at the bed to receive gifts

26、from Father Christmas.4I cant _ (吞咽) this kind of food.5Every child is always dreaming of being an _ (成年人)6Nowadays,all the cell phones can be used as _ (日历)7The two teams started a race to the south _ (极)8People wear clothing for warmth and _(装饰).选词填空1As soon as we _ the light,we all fell into a de

27、ep,happy sleep.2Well _ our discussion tomorrow.3At the meeting,the students _ many good suggestions.4There is a big tree _ our classroom.5A lot of balloons have been _ to decorate the room.6You cant _ her promises _;she never keeps her word.单项填空1The officer made his men _ his orders at once.Acarry o

28、ut Bwork out Cmake out Dact out2_doesnt seem to have been any difficulty over the money problem.AIt BThat CThere DHe3At the foot of the mountain_.Aa village lies Blies a village Cdoes a village lie Dlying a village4Dont sit there _nothing. Come and help me with this table.Ado Bto do Cdoing Dand doin

29、g5Some people respect him,_others look down upon him.Awhile Bas Cwhen Das soon as6When you leave,make sure _the lights.Aturn off Bfor you to turn offCturning off Dyou turn off7In Disneyland,every year,much of the grass is replaced because Disney refuses to _signs asking his visitors not to step on them.Aput on Bput up Cput down Dput out8Im sorry youve been waiting so long, but itll still be some time _

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