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1、西餐英语西餐英语关于西餐的英语Setting the silver doesnt require a road map. Place the pieces in the order theyll be used, working from the outside in. Heres how the items shown are traditionally used: 摆放银餐具没什么难的,你没有必要像做地图一样将他们摆放得那么精确。只要按使用的顺序摆放,由外及内即可。现在我们来看看这些餐具传统上是怎么摆放的。 Cocktail fork: seafood or fruit cocktail,

2、 lobster, and for serving pickles or olives. 开胃食品餐叉:吃海鲜、开胃水果、龙虾时用,吃泡菜、橄榄的时候也可以用它。 Salad fork: salads, fish, pies, pastries, and cold meats. 沙拉餐叉:吃沙拉、鱼肉、馅饼、点心以及冷盘时用。 Fish fork: in place of the dinner fork when fish is served. 餐叉:吃鱼的时候,鱼餐叉是用来替代正餐叉的。 Dinner fork: all entrees except fish. 正餐叉:除了鱼之外,适用于吃

3、所有的主菜。 Steak knife: for cutting meats. 牛排刀:用来切肉。 Fish knife: in place of dinner or steak knife when fish is served. 食鱼刀:吃鱼的时候用来替代餐刀和牛排刀的。 Butter knife: butter pats, soft cheeses, chutneys and relishes. 黄油刀:用来切小黄油块、软奶酪、酸辣酱以及开胃小菜。 Dinner knife: all entrees except fish. 正餐刀:适用于除了鱼之外的所有正菜。 Soupspoon: de

4、sserts, cereal, soup. 汤勺:用于甜点、麦片粥以及汤。 Teaspoon: coffee, tea, fruits, and some desserts. 茶匙:用于咖啡、茶水、水果以及某些甜点。 Iced beverage spoon: any tall beverage or dessert. 冰饮料勺:用于高脚杯的饮料或甜点。 Demitasse spoon: condiments, and caviar and after-dinner coffee. 小咖啡勺:用于调味品、鱼子酱以及餐后咖啡。如何点菜: 不知道要从哪里吃起?餐具要从最外面的色拉叉salad for

5、k往里面吃。 I dont know where to start! Could you show me, please? 我不知道从何点起!请你告诉我好吗? 然后服务生会告诉你要点前菜appetizer、主菜、 main course、配料side dish、沾酱dip、甜点dessert、饮料 beverage or drink,但你看看旁边那张桌上,每个盘子都大如脸盆,忽然有点担心吃不完,于是妳问: Isnt that a little too much? 会不会点太多吃不完? 服务生大概会跟妳说点得刚刚好,但最后终于证实吃不完,于是妳得请他帮妳打包: Please wrap this

6、up for me. 请帮我包起来。 Id like a doggie bag, please. 麻烦一下,我需要一个打包用的袋子。 顺便就可以说: Id like the check now, please. 我要结帐。 一般来说,消费总额的百分之十到十五,是妳应该另外给服务生的小费这就解释了服务生所谓刚刚好的意思。临走之前,别忘了在桌上放小费再离去喔! 以下是其它在餐厅用得到的话? Could I have a glass of water, please? 请给我一杯水好吗? How many pieces are in an order of chicken wings? 一份鸡翅有几

7、支? Thatll be it for now. Well order more later if its not enough. 我们先点这些,不够再点。 Could I have a menu? Id like to order more. 请给我菜单。我要加点。 Could I have a refill please? 请帮我续杯好吗? 关于烹调的一些term,原来菜还有这么多种做法。 Bake - To cook in an oven. Barbecue - To cook on a grill over a charcoal or seasoned wood fire usuall

8、y with a tomato based sauce. Customarily outside. Beat - Combine vigorously with the intent to force air into the mixture. Blanch - Cook or dip quickly into very hot water to remove external material. Blend - Mix together gently until the consistency is the same throughout. Boil - Cook in hot water.

9、 Braise - Cook over an open flame with the flame touching the food. Bread - To dip or roll food in a liquid and then breadcrumbs until covered. Brew - Verb used to describe the process of making a potable flavored mixture. (tea, beer) Broil - To cook with the heat source above the food. Brown- Cook

10、only until there is a light brown color. Chop - Cut into small pieces. Combine - Mix together. (Usually used with dry ingredients) Cube or dice - Cut into small squares. Cut in - Mix together gently with the edge of the mixing tool. Deep-fry - With enough oil to cover the food. Fold in - Mix togethe

11、r gently with the flat of the mixing tool. Form - Mold into a certain shape. Fry - Cook in hot oil. Grate - To use a grater to shred food. (Usually vegetables or cheese) Knead - Work dough with the hands, constantly folding. Marinade - The liquid used to marinate. Q.v. Marinate - Soak (especially me

12、at) in a spiced liquid. Usually but not always overnight. Mince - Chop into small pieces. Smaller than cubed. Q.v. Pan fry - With just enough oil to keep the food from sticking. Pare - To remove the peel. Pure - Reduce to a watery consistency. Roast - Cook in a covered pot either on the stove or in

13、the oven. Saut - Cook in a small amount of oil until browned. Scald - To pour hot water over something or dip it in the water. Sear - To drop food (usually meat) in a very hot pan to seal in juices. Separate (eggs) - Remove the egg yolk from the albumen. Simmer - Cook over a low flame. Steep - To le

14、t sit in hot water. (For example tea) Stew - A very thick soup with a flour base. Toast - Lightly brown. Toss - To gently mix a salad. Whip - Beat rapidly to force air into a mixture. Whip up (something) - Informal term for preparing a quick meal.Some Breakfast Dishes 早餐食谱 Breakfast in a restaurant

15、is a very enjoyable experience. If you order eggs in a restaurant, the waiter/waitress will ask you how you want them . You can reply that you want them “scrambled(炒)” or “boiled”. It is not sufficient, however, to ask for them “fried”; you will have to specify whether you would prefer them “sunny-s

16、ide-up” (煎一面), “over”(两面煎), “over-easy/easy-over”(两面煎,但蛋黄仍然呈流体状). American sausage(香肠) comes in slices and is quite spicy. But you can also have link sausage. American bacon comes in small strips, can be rather fat, and is served crispy. It is usually very tasty, and you can eat it with your fingers

17、. “Hash brows”(油炸土豆片) are shredded(切成碎片的) and fried potatoes. They are wonderful, especially with fried eggs and ketchup(蕃茄酱). “Pancakes”, sometimes called“hot cakes”, are made with baking power. They are normally served in a pile, and you are supposed to put butter and syrup(果浆) on them. “Jelly”(果子

18、冻) is jam and includes grape jelly, which is very tasty. Toast is often served already buttered. “English muffins(松饼)” are like small crumpets(烤饼) without the holes and are served toasted. You put jam on them. A “biscuit”(软饼) is a snall, scone-like bread roll, often served hot. Orange juice and coff

19、ee are often serced with breakfast.西餐与日本料理: menu 菜单 French cuisine 法国菜 todays special 今日特餐 chefs special 主厨特餐 buffet 自助餐 fast food 快餐 specialty 招牌菜 continental cuisine 欧式西餐 aperitif 饭前酒 dim sum 点心 French fires 炸薯条 baked potato 烘马铃薯 mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥 omelette 简蛋卷 pudding 布丁 pastries 甜点 pickled veg

20、etables 泡菜 kimchi 韩国泡菜 crab meat 蟹肉 prawn 明虾 conch 海螺 escargots 田螺 braised beef 炖牛肉 bacon 熏肉 poached egg 荷包蛋 sunny side up 煎一面荷包蛋 over 煎两面荷包蛋 fried egg 煎蛋 over easy 煎半熟蛋 over hard 煎全熟蛋 scramble eggs 炒蛋 boiled egg 煮蛋 stone fire pot 石头火锅 sashi 日本竹筷 sake 日本米酒 miso shiru 味噌汤 roast meat 铁板烤肉 sashimi 生鱼片

21、butter 奶油西餐资料 第一章 一般理論(General Theory)一、專業知識(Professional Knowledge)安全(safety) 製作法(recipe) 共衛生(sanitation) 菜單(menu) 二、廚房組織編制(The Kitchen Organization)廚房員工(Kitchen Staff)行政總主廚(Executive Chef) 副領班(Demi chef) 行政副主廚(Executive Sous Chef) 廚師(commis) 料理主廚(Chef de cuisime) 練習生(Kit assisant) 副主廚(Sous chef) 幫

22、廚(Kit help) 領班(Chef de parti) 廚房設備(Kitchen equipment) 廚房器具(Kitchen Utensils)廚房準備部門(Kitchen Department)冷廚房(Garde Manger) 甜點(Pastry) 熱調味(Soucier) 麵包(Bakery) 肉類調製(Rofisseur) 蘇打房(Pantry) 海鮮(Poissonnier) 切肉房(Butcher) 湯、配菜(Entremetier) 宴會廳(Banquet) 三、食物(Food)採購(Purchasing)、驗收(Receiving) 五穀雜糧(Plant Food) 海

23、鮮(Seafood) 濕貨(Dairy Good) 肉類(Meat)牛(Beef)、羊(Lamb)、豬肉(Port)、小牛肉(Veal) 乾貨(Dry Good) 禽(Poultry) 料理酒、冷飲(Beverage) 野味(Game) 餐飲部(Food and Beverage) 四、西餐十四種基本烹調法(Cooking)Basic 14th川燙(Blanching)過水(In Water)-Cold Water骨頭(Bone)-ot Water蔬菜(Vegetable)、魚(Fish)、肉(Meat)、麵條(Pasta)-過油(In Oil)炸薯條(French Fries)、肉(Meat

24、)、魚(Fish)、部分蔬菜(Vegetable)煮沸(Boiling)*In Cold Water豆類Dry Bean、骨Bon、蛋 EggSkimming(撈掉浮在上面的雜質)*In Hot Water蔬菜Vegetable、麵Pasta、肉MeatSkimming(撈掉浮在上面的雜質)*Mirepoix(調味蔬菜)=Carrot(胡蘿蔔)、Onion(洋蔥)、Celery(西芹)、Leek(蔥、蒜)Shacet(香料包)=Thyme(百里香)、Bay Leaf(月桂葉)、Peppercorn(乾胡椒) Bouget Garni(香料素)=ShacetMirepoix Shocking(急

25、速冷卻)川燙蔬菜水與菜比率1:10,蔬菜川燙後需以冰塊急速冷卻。 低溫煮(Poaching)-蛋白質耐溫8565In Water水潑蛋水加熱85,加醋(醋vinegar1:10 水 water)則蛋與蛋白不會分散。熱狗(Sausage)培根(Bacon)In Stock 淺盤 With Stripi 隔水加熱攪拌Without Stripi 不需要絞拌,但要隔水加熱攪拌蒸(Steaming)-保持物品完整,並縮短烹調時間2/3*Dry Steam(with pressure)需要壓力*Wet Steam(without pressure)蒸鍋,加水油炸(Deep Fat Frying)豬油(P

26、ort Fat) 油炸油(Fry Oil) 玉米油(Corn Oil) 葵花油(Sun Flower Oil) 花生油(Peanut Oil) 沾麵糊(Fritter)麵糊(蛋白+麵粉+冰塊;蛋黃+麵粉+冰塊 清炸(Doughnut) 沾麵包粉(Beginet)麵粉(Flour)+蛋液(Egg Mixed)+麵包粉(Bread Crumb) 炒(Sauteing) 煎(Panfrying) 煎鍋(Fry Pan) 炒鍋(Saute Pan)炒(S) 開火+油+爆香料+食物+去雜質(酒)+高湯+調味+續加熱(濃縮) 煎(P) 開火+油+食物+爆香料+去雜質(酒)+高湯+調味+續加熱(濃縮) 碳烤

27、Grilling燒烤Broiling 醃(Marnitated)半小時前醃燒烤180-需要油 碳烤(包鋁箔紙)原味牛排熟度以3.5.7.10分稱之生Rare(鮮紅色)2530 七分熟Medium Well(淺紅)55 三分熟Medium Rare(紅色)3540 熟Well Down 60, 以手接觸感覺肉的熟度。 五分熟Medium(粉紅色)4550 焗(Gratinating) 著色(上色過程叫做焗)器具上火烤箱(Saladmander)Egg,Egg Mixed 蛋液 Butter 奶油 Cheese 乳酪 Oil 油 Cream 牛奶+麵粉 Bread Crumb 烘焙 BakingP

28、uff Pastry 酥皮 Pizza 義大利脆餅 Quiche 乳蛋餅 Pie 派 Pasta 千層派 Pate 凍肉 Tart 奶油蘑菇、塔 Fann 水果、洋蔥派 Terrine 陶製派 Souffle 蛋白牛奶酥 烤 Roasting Spit 烤乳豬 Oven 烤牛排*Purme Rib 表面先煎,加酒、胡椒、鹽,置烤箱預熱後烤,烤好後不可馬上 切,先置爐上保持55,約1015分鐘再切,避免血水失。燜 Braising *Red Meat 紅肉+Red Wine 紅酒*Beef牛、Lamb羊*牛肉先煎+紅酒+1/4蔬菜(Vegetable No Sweet)+檸檬汁(或醋Vinega

29、r)淋*不含糖蔬菜(No Sweet)-磨菇(Mushroom),甘藍菜(Cabbage),花椰菜 (Cauliflower)淋、燉(Glazing)*White Meat 白肉WhiteWine 白酒魚(Fish)、豬(pork)、小牛之肉(Veal)、火雞(Turkey)、雞(Chicken)*雞肉先上色+白酒+1/6含糖蔬菜+糖*含糖蔬菜-馬鈴薯(Sweet Potato)、胡蘿蔔(Carrots)、菜栗(Chestnut)鍋燒(Popeler)-Pot-Roasting*Game(野味) *Bard(包油片)*兔肉(白肉)+Brandy、Poit Wine、Sherry、Mardira

30、+Larder(穿油條) 不需要加蓋子燴(Stewing=Simmering)=文火慢燒 *雞+紅酒-鍋上燴,可加蓋 *伯朗寧(Browning)先上色,再燴,視肉類份量決定高湯之多寡。*熱源(Heat) 瓦斯爐(Contact)、 微波爐(Radiation) 、對流式烤箱(Convection)(一)(四)軟化作用;(五)(十)焦化作用; (十一)(十四)焦軟化作用 影響烹調方法有四:Food食物Protein蛋白質、Carb碳水化合物、Vitamin維他命、維生素、礦物質、Fut去油 Utensils 設備 Basic Cooking 烹調方法 Heat熱源接觸、對流、幅射 第二章 基本刀工(Cutting)一、蔬菜的切法(Vegetable)切片(Slicing);胡蘿蔔(Carrots)切五公分長度 切絲(Julienne) 切條(Stick) 切丁(Diced):Small(0.8)、Medium(1分分)、.Large(1.5公分) 有規則小方塊(Brunoise):大小一致,裝飾用。 切碎(Chopping):洋蔥(Onion)先對切,去頭切碎。 切碎肉(Coarse Chopping)較粗粒、爆香、炒菜用 剁碎(Mince) 細切絲蔬菜(Chiffonade):裝飾用 斜切片(Diagon

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