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1、儿童英语一年级下册Lesson789表格教案备课时间: 上课时间:第 周 星 期 第 节课 题: Lesson7 A rhyme课 时 第1课时教学目标understand and read: Words about body2.Ss can read the rhyme教学重点Ss can understand and read the rhyme教学难点教 学 过 程设计意图1、Warm-up1. Greeting 2.A song Ten little rabbits.2、Presentation1. 教学eara) A friend : doll of rabbitT: I take

2、a friend here. Look , its a rabbit. Is it lovely?Ss: Yes!Teacher points to the rabbits ear and say :“Whats this? Ss: “耳朵”T:“Who want to pull it?”(教师作出示范拉拉兔子的耳朵)当学生拉兔子耳朵时,教师发出声音:“Oh, my ear!”连续让几个学生拉。然后问学生刚才你们拉兔子耳朵时,它说了什么?让学生自己说出来,借此教学ear,Touch your ear,并作出动作。b) Game:大小声,当教师大声说ear,学生小声说 猜拳:同桌边猜拳边说:ea

3、r,ear,touch your ear.赢的一方可以摸输方耳朵,并且边摸边说:ear,ear,touch your ear。输的一方就说:Dont touch mine.c) 教师指着自己的一只耳朵,让学生说ear,再指着两只耳朵引导学生说ears,区分ear 与ears2教学nose 教师指着兔子的鼻子教nose. 教师说:Touch your nose.让学生做动作。接着,教师边摸兔子鼻子边说:Touch your nose.再扮演兔子说:“Dont touch mine.”接着让学生边摸兔子鼻子边说“Touch your nose”,而教师就做兔子。然后再让S1摸S2的鼻子,S2说:“

4、Dont touch mine.”3同法教学mouth 重点教学生mouth的发音,特别是th的发音。然后,教师出示不同表情的脸,有哭脸,笑脸,愤怒的脸,悲哀的脸,并示范根据表情用不同的语气读mouth, 接着请学生扮演读。这样可以增加学生学习的兴趣,使学生巩固mouth的发音。4教学eye 教师指着兔子的一只眼睛说:eye,再指着两只引导学生说:eyes. 再说:Close your eyes.让学生猜猜其意思,并作出动作。Game: 击鼓传花 学生边传小兔子,边不断地说:eyes,eyes, close your eyes.当教师说stop时,小兔子传到哪位学生,那他就要站起来,做出老师所

5、说的动作,如: Touch your nose, touch your mouth, close your eyes5以chant 来让学生巩固身体部位单词(CAI) Mouth , mouth , mouth , touch your mouth. Nose , nose, nose, touch your nose. Ears , ears , ears, touch your ears. Eyes , eyes, eyes, close your eyes.1) (CAI)播放rhyme 作业或活动设计1.Listen to the tape , say the rhyme and sh

6、ow to your parents.2.Teach your parents to say the rhyme with actions.。板书设计Lesson7 A rhyme Touch and count Touch your nose , dont touch mine. Touch your ears , count to five.教学反思备课时间:日 上课时间:第 周 星 期 第 节课 题: Lesson7 A song A talk课 时 第2课时教学目标Students can sing the song教学重点The sentences of the song and t

7、he sentences of the task.教学难点The sentences of the song.教 学 过 程设计意图一.Warm up1.Greeting with the the rhyme of lesson 3.Step2:review1. The sentences of the rhyme.2. The Chinese of the rhyme.3. sing the song of unit3Step3:presentation1.write down the Chinese of the song. 2.teach the new

8、words of the song . 3.Listen to the VCD and follow to sing the song.4.A Task Step4:practice 1.Listen to the VCD and follow to sing again2.Game:play the train to practice the words and the Sentences of the song.3.sing the song group by groupStep4:homework1. sing the song.作业或活动设计sing the song.板书设计 Les

9、son7Head shouldershoulder toes教学反思备课时间: 上课时间:第 周 星 期 第 节课 题: Lesson7 A game/ A task课 时 第3课时教学目标1完成Task的任务。2会玩游戏。教学重点会说和运用task中对话教学难点教 学 过 程设计意图一、 Revision1Revise the rhyme2Revise the story3Every day English二、PresentationA Song1观察插图,跟读歌词。2Listen to the tape3跟录音唱。4小组跟唱。5个人,小组比赛唱。A task1找学生Talk about t

10、he pictures。2师生合作示范Task的内容。3Pair work and play a gameA Game1生观察插图。2一生出黑板示范玩法。 3请10个学生出黑板玩。作业或活动设计Read and use the senstense withe your friends板书设计 Lesson7Touch your nose.教学反思备课时间: 上课时间:第 周 星 期 第 节课 题: Lesson8 A rhyme课 时 第1课时教学目标1) Able to understand the rhyme. 2) Able to say the rhyme with actions.

11、3) Experience the happiness of English learning.教学重点Ss can understand and read the rhyme教学难点教 学 过 程设计意图Step2.Warm-up:(1)Greeting:T: Good morning, boys and girls.Ss: Good morning, Miss Chen.T: How are you today?Ss: Im fine.Thank you.And you?T: Im to see you.S1: Nice to see you, too.T:

12、 Whats your name?S1: ImT: Where are you from?S1: Im fromStep3.Review:Today Miss Chen goes to Macdonal. Do you know what things do I like to eat? Now please look and listen carefully. (CAI shows a situation)T: Look, here is Coke and hamburger.I like Coke and hamburger.And I also like soup and cakes.

13、Wow! So many foods I like to eat. What do you like?(Show the objects to the students and let the students to choose and say)Ss: I likeStep4.Presentation:(1) Ask and answer:(using the pictures of food)(贴词卡及图片)Using pictures (soupmeatcakessalad) and real things(Coketoast) to teach the new words and us

14、e the words in the sentences:T:I like .What do you like?S1:I likeWhat do you like,xx?T: I like .I like you like (2) Play games: (3) Lets chant together: (show with Powerpoint)(4) Use CAI to show the time 12oclock 日常口语的训练,让学生更加巩固旧利用课件创设情景(go to Macdonal,what do I like to eat?并展示实物模型提出问题(What do you l

15、ike?),利用直观实物激发兴趣的同时让学生预知新知识;为下一步教授打下基础知识。在课堂上使学生能模仿说,还能使用句型自主交际,教师设计了师生对话用于唤起旧知;在此基础上再让学生通过利用看图片俩俩说的活动一步步发展学生的听说能力。培养学生灵活运用语言的能力。作业或活动设计1.Listen to the tape once. 2.Say the rhyme and do the actions with your parents. 3.Say out the foods you can say in English at home. 板书设计 Lesson 8 Lunch time A rhym

16、e I like soup/ cake/ salad. (图片) You like coke/ toast/ meat. (图片)教学反思备课时间: 上课时间:第 周 星期 第 节课 题: Lesson8 A song A talk课 时 第2课时教学目标Students can sing the song教学重点The sentences of the song and the sentences of the task.教学难点The sentences of the song.教 学 过 程设计意图一.Warm up1.Greeting with the

17、the rhyme .Step2:review4. The sentences of the rhyme.5. The Chinese of the rhyme.6. sing the song of unit7Step3:presentation1.write down the Chinese of the song. 2.teach the new words of the song . 3.Listen to the VCD and follow to sing the song.4.A Task Step4:practice 1.Listen to the VCD and follow

18、 to sing again2.Game:play the train to practice the words and the Sentences of the song.3.sing the song group by groupStep4:homework1. sing the song.作业或活动设计sing the song.板书设计 Lesson8 An apple a day keeps the doctor away教学反思备课时间: 上课时间:第 周 星 期 第 节课 题: Lesson8 A game/ A story课 时 第3课时教学目标1完成Task的任务。2会玩游

19、戏。教学重点会说和运用task中对话教学难点教 学 过 程设计意图一、 Revision1Revise the rhyme2Revise the story3Every day English二、PresentationAstory1观察插图,了解故事情节。2Listen to the tape3跟录音说。4教师说。5扮演故事。A game1找学生Talk about the pictures。2师生合作示范Task的内容。 3Pair work and play a game作业或活动设计Read and use the senstense with your friends板书设计 Les

20、son8Would you like a cake?Yes, please.No,thanks.教学反思备课时间: 上课时间:第 周 星 期 第 节课 题: Lesson9 A rhyme课 时 第1课时教学目标1.understand and read the key words2.Ss can read the rhyme教学重点Ss can understand and read the rhyme教学难点教 学 过 程设计意图1.Warm-up / Revision ( About 10 minutes)(1) Greeting between T and Ss.( Welcome a

21、ll the teachers.)(2) ( CAI ) Sing a song-A big ball on the road 2.Presentation & Production .(1)(CAI)Watch and say the story of the rhyme (2) Teach the new words (3)Teach the sentences (4)add the action for the rhyme (5)Teach the rhyme and do the actions3.Practice (1) Read the rhyme in a group (2)Pl

22、ay the game作业或活动设计1.Listen to the tape , say the rhyme and show to your parents.2.Teach your parents to say the rhyme with actions.。板书设计Lesson9A rhymeWhat are you drawing on the wall?Is it a cat?教学反思备课时间: 上课时间:第 周 星 期 第 节课 题: Lesson9 A song课 时 第2课时教学目标Ss can sing the song教学重点Ss can understand the si

23、ng教学难点教 学 过 程设计意图一、 Warm-up / Revision ( About 10 minutes)(1) Greeting between T and Ss.( Welcome all the teachers.)(2) ( CAI ) Sing a song-A big ball on the road (Book I). 二、PresentationA Song1观察插图,跟读歌词。2Listen to the tape3跟录音唱。4小组跟唱。5个人,小组比赛唱。A game1找学生Talk about the pictures。2师生合作示范Task的内容。3Pair

24、work and play a gameA Game1生观察插图。2一生出黑板示范玩法。 3各组找学生出讲台前玩。作业或活动设计Ss can sing the song。板书设计Lesson9Come to see my picture show教学反思备课时间: 上课时间:第 周 星 期 第 节课 题: Lesson9 A game/ A story课 时 第3课时教学目标1Can understand the story2会玩游戏。教学重点Can understand and say the story教学难点教 学 过 程设计意图一、 Revision1Revise the rhyme2Revise the story3Every day English二、PresentationAstory1观察插图,了解故事情节。2Listen to the tape3跟录音说。4教师说。5扮演故事。A game1找学生Talk about the pictures。2师生合作示范Task的内容。 3Pair work and play a game作业或活动设计 Read and use the senstense withe your friends板书设计 Lesson9Do you like pigs?Yes, I do.No, I dont.教学反思

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