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1、死亡诗社英语阅读讨论题目及答案死亡诗社英语阅读讨论题目及答案死亡诗社1. Whats the running theme of the film?2. Do you like Keatings educational ideas and his special ways of teaching and why?3. Do you think we can imitate Keatings way of teaching? What difficulties are we facing if we do?4. Why is the tradition so powerful and how ca

2、n we break it out?5. What do you think of Neils death? Is it avoidable?6. How do comment on Neils parents? Are they so familiar to us? How do you deal with such parents?7. What do you think of the major members of the Dead Poets Society, particularly Cameron, the fink? 8. Make comments on the realis

3、tic situation of our education and point out the similarities and differences.一、电影的主题是什么?This story talks about a famous school, a group of rich students, a great teacher and the dead poets society. A sad one that can move anyone and cause one to think of our life we are leading.The plot is about a

4、number of students who are taught by Williams about life. They are taught how to enjoy themselves. This ends up causing great controversy among the heads of the school. The students are terrific and even the dialogue is great.What this film showed me was that we have the responsibility and the joy o

5、f being alive in this planet. That we are dust, and we will go back to it, so we have precious little time to make a difference. That we have a moral obligation to seize the day, and make our lives extraordinaryThat the world, basically is ours. That the only limitations are within ourselves, and th

6、at we owe it to us to fight, to rebel against conformity, to change what we hate and keep what we love. That living in this world is a beautiful responsibility, and that only cowards dare not to change it for the better. This is the story of students at the respected “Welton academe”, a preparatory

7、school in Vermont. Such schools in Vermont. Such schools were(and often still are ) very conservative institutions that serve as high schools for parents who insist on sending their children to the best university. Welton, like many prep schools, admitted only boys. The movie takes place in 1959.Mr.

8、 Keating, a young and exciting English and poetry teacher, who is determined to teach his students to life with absolute passion. Mr. Keating , using poetry as his vehicle teaches his students to challenge the institutions around them. The energetic man asks his student to call him Mr. Keating or O

9、Captain My Captain! Its written by a poet named Walt Whitman about Abraham Lincoln. The private Welton Academy is a lifeless, completely cut off the world school.You will find the freedom of spirits ,the revelation of souls and the complicated story happened between the young students The movie was

10、only a group of rebellious students rebelling against traditional education. Right in this time, a non-traditional person happened to become their teacher. The conclusion was that the non-traditional yielded to the traditional , and the really prevailed against the romantic. The amazing behavior at

11、the end of the movie was not shallow affectation, but a great shock of audiences hearts. The boys standing on the desks bid the most formal farewell to their best teacher with the firmest expression in their eyes. The kettledrums ringing, the bagpipes playing, the movie reached its climaxThe second

12、view of the movie left me a clear train of thoughts and a clear tenet. Every class given by Keating was a wonderful performance, greatly inspiring his adolescent students to emancipate themselves from such ideas as the study only and study for a good school. He knew what they needed most was to unde

13、rstand life and broaden their mind and vision so that they could shake off worldly affairs as fame and wealth and enjoy the life, love and poetic purity. His romantic enlightenment had no doubt wielded a profound influence on the boys mind and soul.二、你喜欢基廷的教育方式吗?为什么?The plot is about a number of stu

14、dents who are taught by Williams about life. They are taught how to enjoy themselves. This ends up causing great controversy among the heads of the school.这种教育方式不是简单地传授知识,而是在告诉学生要怎样去认识自己,认识这个世界。任何知识不是灌输给学生的,而是被激发出来的。人们天生就有一些才能,这些才能在教育的过程中被逐渐挖掘出来,这个过程漫长且不确定。当基廷这样的老师出现时,这些学生并幸运地被挑选了出来,他们度过了少年时期一个充满激情的

15、难忘岁月,尽管故事的结局有些遗憾。This education is not simply to impart knowledge, but to tell the students to acknowledge themselves, understanding the world. Students are not been taught any knowledge, which can be stimulated out . Some people are born to talent that can be gradually Been excavated in the educati

16、on process, but process seems long and uncertain . When this teacher -Keating -appears, the students had been luckily singled out, with a passionate and memorable teenager terms, despite the end of the story with some regrets.三、基廷的教育方式可以被我们模仿吗?如果模仿了,我们会遇到什么困难?这种教育方式可能很难被复制,因为这是一个特定时期的产物。是正确的人遇上了正确的时

17、间。在一个保守而古老的学校里,这种特别的教育方式显得难以捉摸,我们不能脱离于这个社会单独地思考问题。在一个传统教育背景的束缚下,很多事情不是一个人所能左右的。守旧意味着顽固,而反抗旧的制度意味着要与统治力量作斗争,这种斗争必然要带来牺牲,或者也可能被压制。新生力量势必要遭到打击和痛苦。This education may be difficult to replicate, because its the product of a particular period. When the Appropriate people attend at the right time, this form

18、 of education will happen. In a conservative and old school, this particular form of education seems extraordinary to achieve , we can not think beyond society . On the background of a traditional educational, many things can not been controlled by people. Old-fashioned means stubborn, and if we wan

19、t to resist it , we must conflict with the old institution , that needs sacrifice .But we may still fail to overcome them or may be suppressed by them. New force may be hit and suffering will come to us.四、为什么传统如此强大,我们该如何打破它?因为传统有一大批人在守护,这些人无法接受新的事物,新的东西。当新生力量开始背离了传统的要求时,一些人就会打压新势力,认为他们是破坏原有和平安定的不良因素

20、。而且,传统的形成也是经过漫长的发展过程的。经过长期的积累,这些传统已经被固定化了,变得不可更改。人们熟悉于那些不变化的模式,因而对于打破传统感到无比的恐慌。尽管要打破传统十分艰难,但我们仍要坚信一点,那就是坚持真理。只有坚定这种信念,用真理打动人们,才有可能打破传统。守旧的东西势必要被新生力量代替,那些不合时宜的顽固也会因为时代的发展而被淘汰。Because a large number of people who guard the traditional society can not accept new things and new views. When the new force

21、s began to deviate from the traditional society and depart its requirements, some people will suppress the new forces , which are destroying the peace and stability. Moreover, the tradition needs a long process to be established. After a long-term accumulation , these traditions have been fixed, and

22、 becomes irrevocable. Its insufferable to face the changing for people who habit the traditional pattern, thus feeling panic when the tradition is broken.Although its very difficult to break tradition, we still firmly believe to uphold the truth. Only do believe that truth ,we can persuade people wi

23、th the truth, and be possible to break the tradition. We believe that old-fashioned stuff must be replaced by new forces, That outdated must be eliminated with the development of the times.五、你怎样看待尼尔的死的,它可以避免吗?尼尔正是因为他无力打破传统,或者说他在传统面前怯懦,导致他选择了一条极端的路。虽然他用死亡来诠释他对自由的向往,对父母的反抗,但这种方式太过激烈了,他伤害了很多人的情感。在捍卫自己的


25、亲情,那些一切都能迎刃而解。Because of his inability ,Neil failed to break tradition, and he was cowardice in front of tradition, that led him to choose a radical path. Although he used the death to stress his yearning for freedom , and confliction with his parents, this approach was too intense, even hurting the

26、 feelings of people who loved him. In defending our faith and truth, we must define what our pursuit is . And then make it clear that when we choose a road, there are also many other ways you can achieve, without choosing this cruel way to do. Neils death tells us that even he shocked his parents, b

27、ut still did not yield any results. Because the parents still can not understand his ideas, even the death of his blamed Mr. Keating, that led directly Mr. Keating to be expelled. Thus, the pursuit of liberal education had to stop at that time, and Neil made things worse. I do not advocate this appr

28、oach, in the event of a conflict with family, I think communication is still the most important. If the parents can not understand the childrens practice, well ,children can make some good results to let parents know that we can rely on this way live well. In fact, parents love their children, altho

29、ugh conflicts will occur between the two sides, this does not affect love parents show on the children. We just find the meaning of family, all conflicts can be solved.六、怎样评价尼尔的父母,你是否觉得他们很熟悉,你会怎样和这样的父母相处?同上Seeing the student named Neil dying for his dreams, I was reminded that my parents seldom aske

30、d me to do things I really had no interest or gave up my interest though they sometimes made decisions I didnt like in the past of my life .So when I saw Neils father ,a stubborn man ,never allow Neil to act in the play which Neil likes most, I got shocked .We are human ,not products .How can we sta

31、nd being made into shapes as products? We human have thoughts and emotions .No one is born to make another happy .We are born to make ourselves happy and enjoy the sweet of the dreams we have in our heart. Neil was not born to be a doctor as his father thought. Neil killed himself in the end .No ,it

32、s his father that killed his poor son .Without hope and dreams ,only with an arranged future ,Neil ended his young life . I do not know how despair he was when shot to himself . And I am not sure how sad when his parents saw their son died in the study. I saw they cried .七、你怎样看待死亡诗社的成员的,特别是那个卡梅隆。A young life was disappeared . Whose fault ? One of his classmate called Carmon said the teacher encouraged Neil should seek for his dream ,Mr. Keating should be blamed. But it is not the truth. The teacher just wanted the young to be happier and live a rich life . I like his words “I went to the

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