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1、第二学期英语考试题及复习资料一、单项选择P2701、Here,as in most other parts of the hilly county,one school served for up to four or five_ villages.A) scattered B) maintained C) outdated D) surrounded2、Work _ on the construction site last April and was completed within fifty-two weeks.A) varnished B) commenced C) departed

2、 D) projected3、As to this product, the technical obstacles to be _ for designing are much less than for manufacture.A) generated B) prescribed C) overcome D) exceeded4、The doctor told me I had to expect such things at my age and simply _ some vitamin pills.A) dissolved B) stuffed C) recommended D)ex

3、ceeded5、I _ upwards and could see a few stars twinkling in the sky; one seemed much brighter than the others.A) tuned B) gazed C) pleaded D)twisted6、Lucy stood at the gate waving to her departing daughter until the car is _.A) out of style B) in all likelihood C)out of sight D) out of place7、The Par

4、ty should be able to respond to these _ needs more effectively than any other organization and provide clear leadership.A) urgent B)characteristic C)remarkable D)arbitrary8、The weed in the pool should be left untouched until the young frogs have _.A)shaped B)departed C)soared D)detached9、The woman a

5、nd three children were now laughing and I was pleased about that, as they had looked _ when I entered their house a few moments before.A) bruised B) scared C)poised D)scrubbed 10、Few gardens are large enough to _ a full-grown tree like oak or beech.A) overtake B)maintain C)surround D)accommodate11、W

6、ith the spread of vast computer data banks, it will soon be possible to _ individuals walking along a street , whether or not they have committed a crime.A) identify B) embody C)subsitute D) picture12、In a few hurried situations I Forgot to switch on, and missed the picture opportunity while trying

7、to _ why the camera wasnt working.A)conjure up B)think up C)figure out D)make uot 13、Lack of zinc _ causes a range of problems , although little scientific evidence supports the link.A)scarcely B)supposedly C)appropriately D)definitely14、I am happy in that I have _ what you would call success and wh

8、at I consider good.A)repaid B)deserved C)attained D) witnessed15、It is a common belief that Britain _ the best university system in Europe.A)maintains B)embodies C)overtakes D)enrolls16、The mood of the conference is plainly _ to a fixed exchange rate and in favor of letting the currency float where

9、it will in free-market fashion.A)hostile B)available C)helpless D)subsequent17、Our nation has pursued for decades the policy that has _machines and technology for human lives.A)dismissed B)renovated C)substituted D)dissolved18、The statistics show that those who prefer electronic banking _ 45 per cen

10、t.A)contributed to B)amounted to C) headed for D)consisted of 19、He_ the scene in front of him and immediately called in the police.A)interfered with B)broke up C)headed for D)took in20、As the shortage of skilled workers grows ,the competition to _ new employees is likely to intensify.A) recommend B

11、)pool C)recruit D)enroll21、He turned away for a few moments and I could see that he was _ by the news.A)upset B)neglected C)overtaken D)interrupted22、There were a few so-called rooms but they were _ large enough to qualify as such.A)appropriately B)scarcely C)generally D)presumably23、The _ pressure

12、of life pushes people into having less time to communicate with each other.A)hostile B)misleading C)striking D)sheer24、Planning color schemes involves choosing and balancing colors which will _ or harmonize in a pleasing way .A)confess B)tune C)contrast D)scatter25、Nazism _the dark myths of racial p

13、urity and the glories of a supposedly great history.A)fed on B)conjured up C)contributed to D)broke up26、The _ towards milder winters is beginning to concern many fruit farmers,as research confirms that many fruit tress will be confused by the changing climate.A)trend B)concession C)gesture D)attitu

14、de27、It should be noted that the _ between marriage and the birth of the first child has lengthened since the early seventies.A)cycle B)contrast C)interval D)circle28、In this island country,tourism _ about half of its Gross Domestic Product .A)accounts B)generates C)projects D)overtakes29、The motor

15、industry people now expect the decrease in sales that showed through last month to _ in the remaining months of the year.A)maintain B)soar C)accelerate D)slide30、On land,the weight of plants far _the weight of the animals that feed on them.A)overflows B)affects C)repays D)exceeds二、阅读理解P266Passage On

16、eQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:I dont know why we are here. Ever since we came here,we have been treated very badly,and all I have heard since we have been here are people yelling in a language I dontt understand, or people screaming as they were separated from loved ones.I h

17、ave been made to lie on this hard,cold table, while strange men have taken away my crutches .When I dont come when they call,they beat me repeatedly with a thick stick,and they laugh when I cry out for help.On bare skin it hurts so horribly, and I am so covered whith bruises and cuts its a wonder I

18、have any skin left! They call me an”undesirable” ,and they keep telling me to shut up and to mind my own business.I have had to have my hair shaved off ,and I wear ill-fitting clothes; and I also have had to go around naked; and with other people looking at me,it makes me very unhappy.It is very col

19、d here in these camps,and people have gotten sick ; and disease has run rampant .There is typhus about,and I am scared that I will get it next! I have eaten but very little,and what I ate tasted nasty .Life has been very hard for all of us ,and every day, I see more and more bodies piling up. It is

20、during these times when I wish I could see my mama or papa again,and I wish I were still at home in Warsaw! I wish I were still at home in my little bed or safe in mamas arms; I still can remember her telling me that she loved me so much, and that I was her angel! I also remember her telling me that

21、 she loved me so much, and that I was her angel! I also remember papas strong arms and his big,booming laugh; but then the War came,and it changed everything ; and new I am here ,and I dont ask to be captured by the Germans or taken to this awful place! I didnt ask to be born a Jew, and I certainly

22、didnt ask to be born handicapped!Now it seems that is exactly why I am here at this camp,and I am so scared!16、We can learn from the first two paragraphs that the author of this passage was_.A)an unpleasant personB)An intelligent childC)A disabled personD)A German citizen17、The author was scared bec

23、ause_.A)he had little to eat and might be starved to deathB)He didnt know the language used in the placeC)He had to walk around naked before othersD)He was afraid of catching typhus18、According to the author,at Auschwitz_.A)children were taken care of by their parentsB)Death was a daily occurrenceC)

24、Children were treated like angelsD)People laughed at the Germans19、The author thought he was taken to Auschwitz because _.A)he was a handicapped JewB)his parents no longer cared for himC)he had said something that annoyed the GermansD)His home in Warsaw had been destroyed by the war20、It can be infe

25、rred from the passage that _.A)anyone who dared to cry in Auschwitz would be beaten up by the GermansB)Many children were left without a family after the war in WarsawC)Members of a family were separated from each other at AuschwitzD)Auschwitz was only one of the many camps where the Germans torture

26、d the JewsPassage TwoQuestions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:One of the first productive daydreamers may have been Archimedes. In the third century BC,the Greek scientist and inventor was taking a bath when he suddenly grasped a method for determining whether a gold crown was mixed wit

27、h a cheaper metal.More recently,Sigmund Freud wrote extensively about the psychological importance of dreams,Including daydreams.Scientists began investigating daydreaming as an invention and problem-solving tool about 40 years ago after they noticed famous inventors often reported making key discov

28、eries while their minds wandered in relaxed states.Daydreaming is appreciated as a valuable tool in other areas as well.Visualization,for instance,in which athletes essentially daydream their own top performances ,i s widely used used by athletes before important contests.Despite its history,however

29、,daydreaming is in poor reputation today.They are often seen by many as a waste of time.Yet many of us daydream,and productively,too.A lot of people say they have their best ideas at night,when they get up in the morning,or during a long taxi ride. Basically when people are in a semitrance state, th

30、eir mind is free to wander and come up with new ideas.You can also daydream successfully while exercising,walking or bathing.In fact, its a good idea to occupy at least part of your mind with something else while letting your daydreams spin .A typical exercise of the daydreamer is to imagine he or s

31、he is in various settings such as a tropical beach or preparing to dive into a pool of water. The idea is to provide the daydreamer with an experience that will help his or her real-world performance. For example,if a salesman has been rejected 20 times and is afraid of cold-calling,he can use daydreaming to help himself relax,so that he will experience a call with less stress and become open to learning new skills.Writing down or otherwise recording a dream session is vital.One of the problems is that you have a great idea and it pops out of your head be

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