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高中英语外刊阅读语法填空June 1.docx

1、高中英语外刊阅读语法填空June 1高中英语外刊阅读语法填空(June 1)1 Archaeologists uncover 3,000-year- old gold mask in southwest China在中国西南部,考古学家掘出一张3000年前的黄金面具The 1_(remain) of a gold mask are among a huge cache of 3,000- year-old artifacts found at an archaeological site in Chinas Sichuan province.2_(weigh) about 280 grams

2、and estimated to be made from 84% gold, the ceremonial(用于礼仪的,礼仪的) mask is one of over 500 items unearthed from six 3_(new) discovered sacrificial pits, according to the countrys National Cultural Heritage Administration.The finds were made at Sanxingdui, 4.6-square-milearea outside the provincial ca

3、pital of Chengdu. Some experts say the items may shine further light on the ancient Shu state, a kingdom that ruled in the western Sichuan . basin until it was conquered in 316 BC.In 4_(add) to the gold mask, archaeologists uncoveredbronzes, gold foils and artifacts made from ivory, jade and bone. T

4、he six pits also yielded an as- yet-unopened wooden box and a bronze vessel with owl-shaped patterning.More than 50,000 ancient artifacts have been found at Sanxingdui since the 1920s. Discoveries made at the site 5_(date) back to the 12th and 11th centuries BC.Sanxingdui has revolutionized experts

5、understanding of how civilization developed in ancient China. 6_ particular, evidence of a unique Shu culture suggests that the kingdom developed independently of neighboring societies in the Yellow River Valley,7_was traditionally considered to be the cradle of Chinese civilization.Though not yet 8

6、_(recognize) as UNESCO World Heritage Site, Sanxingdui is on the organizations tentative list for possible future inclusion. Along with other Shu archaeological sites, it 9_(credit) by the UN agency as 10_outstanding representative of the Bronze Age Civilization of China, East Asia and even the worl

7、d.Keys:1 remains 2 Weighing 3 newly 4 addition 5 date6 In 7 which 8 recognized 9 is credited 10 an2 The Guardian view on recycling plastics: keep it in the UK洋垃圾禁令席卷全国,英国陷入垃圾危机The international plastics recycling market is 1_(broke). For most of the last decade, China was the worlds largest importer

8、 of recyclable materials, some of 2_ were used in manufacturing. But it banned these imports as part of beautiful China policy aimed at improving the environment.Now Turkey has rejected the role of international rubbish bin: after a Greenpeace investigation found plastics dumped in rivers, on beache

9、s and in illegal waste mountains, it announced that most plastic waste imports will 3_(ban) in six weeks time.While metal and glass are recycled 4_(relative) successfully, due to their higher value, vast quantities of supposedly recyclable plastics are worse than useless. Not only are they frequentl

10、y incapable of being recycled; the chemicals and particles 5_(release) by dumping and burning are causing harm to human health, as well as landscapes and wildlife. The over-production of plastics is global problem that will only worsen in the 6_(absent) of regulation. Boris Johnsons government descr

11、ibes the UK 7_a global leader in tackling plastic pollution and the delayed environment bill is the obvious vehicle 8_( drive) such rhetoric (花言巧语)into statute(法令,法规).The lessons of recent decades on environmental legislation are well known: inaction in the face of overwhelming evidence has placed t

12、he world 9_ grave danger. Now ministers must reject any temptation to sit back. Unless we want our planet to be engulfed by plastic, the aim must be speedy phase-out of low-grade types such as film and bags. In the meantime, the domestic reuse and recycling industries must 10_(urgent) be beefed up.K

13、eys:1 broken 2 which 3 be banned 4 relatively 5 released6 absence 7 as 8 to drive 9 in 10 urgently3 The Guardian view on declining birthrates: there may be trouble ahead 啥都不缺,就缺孩子:为何欧洲人不愿生育出生率下降:未来可能要有麻烦了Europes baby deficit(缺少,赤字) is becoming impossible 1_(ignore). According to latest figures, 2020

14、 saw the lowest number of births 2_(record) since Italian unification(统一) in 1861. Spain is ageing at similar pace, as ismuch of eastern Europe.Assuming current demographic(人口统计学) trends continue, Eurostat(欧盟统计局) has calculated that the number of European over-65s 3_(grow) by over 40% by 2050. Fewer

15、 people will be in work paying taxes when their pension and care bills arrive.Even in Scandinavia, rightly held up as model 4_ it comes to parental leave and accessible childcare, alarm bells are ringing. The Norwegian prime minister, Erna Solberg, has warned that one of Europes best -funded welfare

16、 states could only be socially and economically sustainable if people had 5_(many) children.For many under-35s, 6_(combine) of debt, stagnant wages and insecure work make starting a family seem like risk, rather than a natural step. In Britain 7_(especial), for the millions . of private renters unab

17、le to get on the housing ladder, lack ofassets compounds the problem.At the beginning of the pandemic, it 8_( speculate)(推测) that the confinement(监禁,分娩) of lockdown would lead to a Covid baby boom. Amid(在中) acute(严重的) anxiety about the future, the opposite occurred.Birthrates tend to tick upwards du

18、ring good times, not bad ones. A vaccine bounce in reopening economies may confirm that rule of thumb in the short term. But there is no escaping the underlying pre-Covid reality 9_ too few babies are being born. Without 10_ new deal for young would-be parents, a demographic crisis looms.Keys:1 to i

19、gnore 2 recorded 3 will have grown 4 when5 more 6 combination 7 especially8 was speculated 9 that 10 a4 From macaques(猕猴)to crabs, wildlife faces threat from face masks保护过我们的口罩,如今是野生动物的噩梦Masks that helped save lives during the coronavirus pandemic are proving a 1_(die) hazard for wildlife, with bird

20、s and marine creatures ensnared(使入陷阱) in the staggering (惊人的,令人难以置信的)number of discarded(丢弃) facial coverings littering animal habitats.Single-use surgical masks 2_(find) scattered around pavements, waterways and beaches worldwide since countries began mandating their use in public places.3_(wear) o

21、nce, the thin protective materials can take hundreds of years to decompose(分解).Macaques have been spotted chewing the straps (带子)off old and tossed(扔)aside masks in Malaysia. And in an incident that captured headlines in Britain, a gull 4_(rescue) by the RSPCA after its legs became tangled in the st

22、raps of a disposable mask for up to a week.The 5_(big) impact may be in the water. More than 1.5 billion masks made their way into the worlds oceans last year, according 6_ environmental group OceansAsia.Already there are signs 7_ masks are worsening threats to marine life. Conservationists in Brazi

23、l found one inside the stomach of a penguin after 8_(it) body washed up on a beach, while French campaigners Operation Mer Propre found a dead crab ensnared in a mask in a saltwater lagoon near the Mediterranean.Masks and gloves are 9_(particular) problematic(造成问题的) for sea creatures, says George Le

24、onard, chief scientist from Ocean Conservancy. When those plastics break down in the environment, they form smaller and smaller particles, he told AFP. Those particles then enter the food chain and impact entire ecosystems, he added.Campaigners have urged people to bin single-use masks properly and snip the straps to reduce the risk of animals becoming ensnared. OceansAsia has also called on governments 10_( encourage) the use of washable masks. Keys:1 deadly 2 have been found 3 Worn 4 was rescued 5 biggest 6 to 7 that 8 its 9 particularly 10 to encourage

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