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1、外研版选择性必修二 写作题型专练写作题型专练.读后续写A阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。“What do you think about my audition (试奏) yesterday? My trill(颤音) should have been better,dont you think?”Abbie asked Mel and closed the lid of her violin case before school.“Its no big deal,Abbie,” Mel said as they walked out the door

2、.Mel didnt have time to worry about her little sisters mood.It turned out to be a busy day.She had a test in science class.She hit two home runs in softball.After school,she and her friends talked about their summer plans.She forgot about the audition results until Abbie dragged her to the music roo

3、m.Mel thought shed probably be in the first violins.Mel and Abbie found the list of names on the board.Abbie.Concertmaster.Abbie screamed,“I cant believe it!” “I cant wait to tell Mum and Dad!” Abbie rushed toward home.Mel kept reading.Mel.Second violins.What? There had to be some mistake.Shed figur

4、e out tomorrow.When Mel got home,Abbie was playing her audition piece there.Music poured from Abbies bow like water from a teapotpure and perfect.And the trill sounded like a bird singing.Abbie was goodreally goodbut that wasnt the point.“Mr.Benson must have made a mistake,” Mel thought.The next mor

5、ning,Mel slipped into the music room.Gathering her courage,Mel said,“Mr.Benson,I want to talk to you about the orchestra (管弦乐队) seats.”“Yesyou must be proud of your sister,” Mr.Benson smiled.“Abbie is a rare student.If she continues to practice hard and grow as a musician,she could become a professi

6、onal.Then well look back on our little orchestra and think about how lucky we were.”注意:续写词数应为150左右。Mel froze as there wasnt any mix-up.After school,Mel found Abbie on a bench outside,playing the violin.【文章大意】姐姐梅尔爱打垒球,会拉小提琴,而妹妹艾比对小提琴十分专注,勤加练习。姐妹二人同时参加了管弦乐队的试奏,在音乐教室的公告栏前查看结果时,妹妹艾比惊喜地发现自己被选为管弦乐队的首席小提琴手

7、,而姐姐梅尔本以为自己会进入第一小提琴行列,却没想到自己仅被录入第二小提琴组。梅尔怀疑是本森老师搞错了。她内心虽然被艾比的琴声打动,却仍固执地认为是老师搞错了。第二天,梅尔来到音乐教室见本森老师,本森老师夸艾比是不可多得的人才,说梅尔一定很为自己优秀的妹妹感到自豪。【写作指导】根据Paragraph 1的开头“梅尔僵住了,因为这没有任何差错”可以推断出,本段应该描述梅尔在得知真相以后,进行了自我反思,肯定艾比在小提琴方面付出的努力。写作时可用关键词语:mistake,Mel,walked,practice,Abbie等。根据Paragraph 2的开头“放学后,梅尔看到艾比坐在外面的长椅上拉小

8、提琴”可推知,接下来的情节走向很有可能是两人会面交谈,梅尔为自己的行为向艾比道歉,并真诚祝贺艾比,肯定她的优秀。写作时可用关键词语:proud,Concertmaster,trill等。【参考范文】Mel froze as there wasnt any mix-up.She realized she was the one whod made a mistake.Her little sister had earned the first chair through effortsand she hadnt even congratulated her.Mel walked down the

9、 hall.Most days,she spent her time thinking about softball,her classes and her friends.Every day was so full that she didnt always practice her violin while Abbie played every day.Determined to make a change,Mel decided to have a talk with Abbie.After school,Mel found Abbie on a bench outside,playin

10、g the violin.Mel made up her mind to apologize to Abbie after a brief inner struggle.She cleared her throat and started,“Im so proud that youre concertmaster.Im sorry Ive been so mean.I guess I was jealous.”Abbie was surprised.“But youre popular,Mel.You get better grades.Youre better at sports.You c

11、an do everything.” Mel shook her head.“I cant make a trill like you can.” “You can if you keep practicing.” Abbie smiled and asked if Mel would like to play with her.Mel agreed delightedly.B阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。When my parents were in trouble at Christmas,our neighbors taught me the

12、true value of kindness.I grew up on a 50-acre farm in the small country community in Missouri,as the sixth of seven children.My parents were hard-working farmers and paid regular visits to the farm growing such crops as potatoes,oats and corn.During meals,they often talked about how everything on th

13、e table except the sugar and flour came from the land.Although we were not rich,they were eager to help others and would make donations to the needy every year.Besides running the farm,Dad was also a carpenter.However,unfortunately,in the fall of 1970,as he was working on a house,the ladder broke.He

14、 fell from the ladder and his back was fractured (使断裂) in two places.He suffered from great pain.Misery and worry took over our family as well.He stayed in the hospital for three weeks with his head and feet down,permitting his back to be straight again.On Thanksgiving,Dad was still in the hospital.

15、We always butchered pigs the day after the holiday,and that year my uncle showed up with a couple of cousins to help my three older brothers prepare our years supply of pork.After Dad returned home,he was not in a good situation and unable to work.I was too young to realize our family had no money c

16、oming in and could hardly make ends meet as Christmas approached.One night we heard a car coming up the long driveway.Growing up in the faraway farm,we kids were curious about who was visiting.As it turned out,Peggy,one of our neighbors,was at the door,holding an envelope filled with money.She told

17、my dad she had collected money in the community and was there to deliver it.注意:续写词数应为150左右。Dad rejected the money when Peggy handed it to him.At Peggys insistence and persuasion,Dad finally accepted.【文章大意】作者一家遭遇了不幸,作为家中支柱的父亲受伤无法劳作,家里经济拮据。庆幸的是,父母一直以来乐于助人、处处行善,因此在陷入困境的时候,亲人和邻居向作者一家伸出了援助之手。【写作指导】Paragr

18、aph 1的开头是“当Peggy把钱递给父亲时,父亲拒绝接受”,再结合Paragraph 2的开头可知,父亲最终接受了这笔钱,所以Paragraph 1应侧重描写Peggy是如何坚持和说服父亲收下这笔钱的。再结合最后一段中的“Growing up in the faraway farm,we kids were curious about who was visiting”可知,Paragraph 1也可适当描述一下孩子们的心情或动作。写作时可用关键词语:Dad,Peggy,help,money等。Paragraph 2的开头是“在Peggy的坚持和劝说下,父亲最终接受了这笔钱”,故本段可以描

19、述作者一家是如何利用这笔钱顺利过圣诞节的,以及他们得到帮助后的心情;而且结合短文第一段第一句中的“our neighbors taught me the true value of kindness”来看,本段也可以描述作者对善意的理解与感恩。写作时可用关键词语:my parents,Christmas,meals,neighbors,kindness等。【参考范文】Dad rejected the money when Peggy handed it to him.But she insisted that Dad should keep it.Peggy patted Dads shoul

20、ders softly and said,“Whenever someone in the community needs help,you reach out your hands to help him.Were like brothers and sisters.Now its our turn to help you.” Upon the words,not only Dad but also we kids felt a burst of warmth spreading over our body,and all of us were moved to tears.Peggy ca

21、me over and hugged every one of us,saying that everything would be all right.Then she came towards my dad again and put the money in his hand.At Peggys insistence and persuasion,Dad finally accepted.My parents were used to being the givers and therefore found it hard to receive such generosity.But a

22、t Christmas that year,with the money we received from our neighbors,we purchased some basic necessities and had a full Christmas meal,which really warmed our hearts during the freezing winter.As I grew older,I realized that because my parents were good neighbors,their kindness would be returned.More

23、 importantly,I understood what being a good neighbor meant and what true kindness was.C阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。There was once a boy in ragged clothes running to ask a building contractor who wore elegant clothes in a construction site of a skyscraper(摩天大楼),“How could I become as rich as

24、 you when I grow up?”With a glance at the boy,the tall and strong-build contractor replied,“I would like to tell you a story first about three diggers.The first digger liked holding a spade(锹) without doing anything but saying that he wanted to be a boss in the future.The second digger liked complai

25、ning about the long-time work and his low salary.The third digger always quietly devoted himself to digging without making any claims.Several years later,the first digger was still holding his spade in the original place and the second took an excuse of work injury for early retirement.Only the thir

26、d digger became the boss of the building company.Do you understand the moral of this story? Just go to buy a red shirt and work hard.”The little boy was puzzled and could not figure out the implication of the story.So he asked the contractor to explain further.Pointing to the builders who were worki

27、ng on the scaffold(脚手架),the contractor talked to the little boy,“Look at those people! They are all my workers.I cant remember all of their names,and even I have no impression of some of them.But if you look carefully,you will notice a sunburned man in red among them.I notice him very early.He seems

28、 to be working harder with higher spirits than others.He is always the first one to work every day while the last one to leave.It is exactly his red shirt that makes him stand out among all the workers.Now I am about to ask him to be my taskmaster and I believe he will work even much harder from now

29、 on.Maybe he will soon be promoted to my assistant.”注意:续写词数应为150左右。The contractor told the boy that was also how he had got where he was then.After hearing his words,the boy thought a lot.【文章大意】一个小男孩跑到建筑工地询问建筑承包商怎么样才能像他一样富有,承包商告诉他要想出人头地必须要努力工作,并通过分享工人的实际经历说明努力的重要性。【写作指导】Paragraph 1的开头是“然后承包商告诉小男孩他自己

30、也是这样走过来的”,可知本段讲的应该是承包商分享自己的奋斗过程,应在这段中侧重描写承包商的努力以及他成功的细节。写作时可用关键词语:building contractor,work hard,devoted,boss,red shirt,promoted等。Paragraph 2的开头是“听了承包商的话,小男孩思索良多”。显然接下来的内容应该是描写小男孩的心理活动,即他明白要想人生成功,唯一的道路就是不懈努力。写作时可用关键词语:stand out,boy,skyscraper等。【参考范文】The contractor told the boy that was also how he had got where he was then.Actually the building contractor had once worked hard and outperformed others through his own constant efforts.If he had worn the same shirt just like other worke

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