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1、届高三英语一轮复习强化练习44Word版含答案Unit 4Body language.单项填空1Was the proposal passed at yesterdays meeting?Yes, but some members at the committee expressed_.Aassociations Bauthority Ccorporations Dreservations解析考查名词词义辨析。association社团;联盟;authority权力;权威;corporation公司;法人;reservation(保留)意见;异议。答案D2At the class meetin

2、g, some top students introduced several_to the study of English.Aapproaches Bmeans Cmethods Dways解析 考查名词与介词的搭配。approach to sth/doing sth做某事的方法;by means of/by this means/by that means通过某种方式;with the method of.用的方法;way to do./of doing 做的方式或方法。答案A3At the conference, political leaders from many countrie

3、s promised to work together to defend the world_terrorism and other threats.Afor Bwithout Cbeyond Dagainst解析考查动词与介词的搭配。defend against/with.保护免受的伤害。答案D4When the headmaster spoke out his plan,the_of the students in the 来源:Z,xx,k.Comclass_against it.Amajority; were Bmost; wereCmost; did Dmajority; did解

4、析考查固定搭配和主谓一致。the majority of“大多数的”,修饰可数名词复数作主语时,谓语动词用复数。故选A。答案A5_,I can see that those terrible events shaped me into the person I am today.AHaving looked backBLooking backCBeing looking backDTo be looking back解析考查非谓语动词用法。look back与句子的谓语动词see同时发生,故应用现在分词的一般式作状语,表时间。looking back相当于when I look back。答案

5、B6These children had no idea_they should go,so they had to stop to ask the way.Ahow Bthat Cwhat Dwhere解析考查名词性从句。where引导同位语从句,可根据后面的so they had to stop to ask the way判断。答案D7A lot of countries have gained excellent achievements in space technology,China,来源:学#科#网_.Asuch as Bfor example Cnamely Dand so

6、on解析句意:许多国家在太空技术方面取得了杰出的成就,比如说,中国。such as列举同类中的几个例子;for example可列举一例;namely把内容全部列举出来;and so on表示“等等”。答案B8We had an anxious couple of weeks_for the results of the experiment.Await Bto be waitingCwaited Dwaiting解析由句意可知,A、B、C三项均不符合题意,故选D。答案D9_in the queue for half an hour,the old man suddenly realized

7、he had left the cheque in the car.AWaiting BTo waitCHaving waited DTo have waited来源:1解析考查非谓语动词的用法。根据the old man与wait之间的关系,应该 选择ing形式,再根据句意可知“他”是在主句谓语动词“realized”前就“等 了(wait)半个小时了”,有明显的先后关系,故要用ing形式的完成式。答案C10Running a company is not_a matter of hiring people they also need to be trained.Asimply Bpart

8、ly Cseriously Dequally解析句意:经营一家公司不仅仅就是雇人的事情他们还需要被培训。A项simply表示“仅仅,只不过”,符合句意。答案A11What are you reading,Tom?Im not really reading,just_the pages.Aturning off Bturning aroundCturning over Dturning up来源:1ZXXK解析turn over意为“使翻转”,符合句意。答案C12Do you know Annas telephone number?_.As a matter of fact,I dont kno

9、w any Anna,either.AI think so BIm afraid notCI hope so DId rather not解析根据下文“.,I dont know any Anna,either.”可判断出应该选B,Im afraid not我恐怕不知道。答案B13Students are warned of not being too_about things they are not supposed to know.来源:Z_xx_k.ComAstrange Bcurious Cconscious Damusing解析考查形容词词义辨析。句意:学生们被警告不要对不应知道的

10、事追根问底。be curious about对好奇,符合句意。strange陌生的;conscious有知觉的,有意识的;amusing有乐趣的,好笑的。均不合句意。答案B14By hiking,people can_nature and experience another kind of life.Aclose to Bclose Cget close to Dget closed to解析句意:通过徒步旅行,人们可以亲近大自然,体验另一种生活。get close to走近,接近,符合句意,故选C。答案C15He managed to_at the last moment.You mean

11、 he has a narrow escape?Aturn away Bturn up Cturn out Dturn in解析考查短语辨析。句意:他在最后一刻设法避开了。你是说他九死一生?turn away避开;解雇;不准入内;走开;转过脸;turn up出现;开大;出现;turn out生产;结果是;turn in交上;归还。答案A.阅读理解About this time every year, I get very nostalgic(怀旧的)Walking through my neighborhood on a fall afternoon reminds me of a time

12、not too long ago when sounds of children filled the air,children playing games on a hill, and throwing leaves around in the street below. I was one of those children, carefree and happy. I live on a street that is only one block long. I have lived on the same street for sixteen years. I love my stre

13、et. One side has six houses on it, and the other has only two houses, with a small hill in the middle and a huge cottonwood tree on one end.When I think of home, I think of my street. Only I see it as it was before. Unfortunately things change. One day, not long ago, I looked around and saw how diff

14、erent everything has become.Life on my street will never be the same because neighbors are quickly grown old, friends are growing up and leaving, and the city is planning to destroy my precious hill and sell the property to contractors.It is hard for me to accept that many of my wonderful neighbors

15、are growing old and wont be around much longer. I have fond memories of the couple across the street, who sat together on their porch swing almost every evening, the widow next door who yelled at my brother and me for being too loud, and the crazy old man in a black suit who drove an old car. In con

16、trast to these people, the people I see today are very old neighbors who have seen better days. The man in the black suit says he wants to die, and another neighbor just sold his house and moved into a nursing home. The lady who used to yell at us is too tired to bother any more, and the couple acro

17、ss the street rarely go out to their front porch these days. It is difficult to watch these precious people as they near the end of their lives because at once I thought they would live forever.The “comings and goings” of the younger generation of my street are now mostly “goings”as friends and peer

18、s move on. Once upon a time, my life and the lives of my peers revolved around home. The boundary of our world was the gutter at the end of the street. We got pleasure from playing night games or from a breathtaking ride on a tricycle. Things are different now, as my friends become adults and move o

19、n. Children who rode tricycles now drive cars. The kids who once played with me now have new interests and values as they go their separate ways. Some have gone away to college like me, a few got married, two went into the army, and one went to prison. Watching all these people grow up and go away m

20、akes me long for the good old days.Perhaps the biggest change on my street is the fact that the city is going to turn my precious hill into several lots for now homes. For sixteen years, the view out of my kitchen window has been a view of that hill. The hill was a fundamental part of my childhood l

21、ife; it was the hub of social activity for the children of my street. We spent hours there building forts, sledding, and playing tag. The view out of my kitchen window now is very different; it is one of tractors and dump trucks tearing up the hill. When the hill goes, the neighborhood will not be t

22、he same. It is a piece of my childhood. It is a visual reminder of being a kid. Without the hill, my_street_will_be_just_another_pea_in_the_pod.There was a time when my street was my world, and I thought my world would never change. But something happened. People grow up, and people grow old. Places

23、 changes, and with the change comes the heartache of knowing I can never go back to the times I loved. In a year or so, I will be gone just like many of my neighbors. I will always look back to my years as a child, but the place I remember will not be the silent street whose peace is interrupted by

24、the sounds of construction. It will be the happy, noisy, somewhat strange, but wonderful street I knew as a child.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇记叙文。秋日午后,“我”漫步街头,回想起孩提时的欢笑;而今许多邻居在变老,朋友长大成人并离“我”而去,街道也将面临开发:屋后的山已经被人承包,整个街道将不再是“我”以前的街道。1The writer calls up the memory of the street_.Aevery year when autumn comesBin the af

25、ternoon every dayCevery time he walks along his streetDnow that he is an old man解析细节理解题。难度中等。根据第一段第一、二句“About this time every year,I get very nostalgic(怀旧的)Walking through my neighborhood on a fall afternoon reminds me of.”可知, 作者每年秋天这个时候都来这里回忆往事,故A项正确。来源:Z_xx_k.Com答案A2The writer finds it hard to acc

26、ept the fact that_.Amany of his good neighbors are growing oldBthe lady next door who used to yell at him and his brother is now a widowCthe life of his neighbors has become very boringDthe man in his black suit even wanted to end his own life解析细节理解题。难度中等。根据第二段第一句“It is hard for me to accept that ma

27、ny of my wonderful neighbors are growing old and wont be around much longer.”可知,作者难以接受他的许多好邻居在变老的事实,故A项正确。答案A来源:学。科。网3The writer thinks of the past all the more when he sees those who had grown up with him_.Acontinue to consider home to be the center of their livesBleave the neighborhood they grew u

28、p inCstill enjoy playing card games in the eveningsDdevelop new interests and have new dreams解析细节理解题。难度中等。根据第一段最后一句“.neighbors are quickly grown old,friends are growing up and leaving.”可知,B项正确。答案B4The biggest change on the writers street is_.Aremoving the hill to make way for residential development

29、Bthe building of new homes behind his kitchen windowCthe fact that there are much fewer people around than in the pastDthe change in his childhood friends attitude towards their neighborhood解析细节理解题。难度中等。根据第四段第一句“Perhaps the biggest change on my street is the fact that the city is going to turn my pr

30、ecious hill into several lots for now homes.”可知,最大的变化是山的改变,故答案为A项。答案A5What does the writer mean by saying “my street will be another pea in the pod”?AHis street will be very noisy and dirty.BHis street will soon be crowded with people.CHis street will have some new attractions.DHis street will be no different from any other street.解析句意理解题。难度中等。根据该句前文“When the hill goes,the neighborhood will not be the same.It is a piece of my chidhood.It is a visual reminder of being a kid.”可以推出,没有山,街道将和其他街道没有两样,故D项正确。答案D6Which could be a good title for the passage? AThe Past of My Street Will Liv

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