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1、中西方餐桌礼仪的差异开题报告英文版本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告题 目Differences of Table Manners between China and the West专 业英语专业年 级10级开题日期2014,2,25学 号姓 名 指导教师一、选题的目的及意义、本课题研究的基本内容:1. Significance and PurposeTable manner is an important part of cross-cultural communication. Chinese and Western people have been deeply influenced by

2、different social cultures, historical cultures and various social backgrounds, so two different cultures between China and Western countries generate, and then table culture arises so fast at the historic moment. Table manner culture is a part of the diet culture, and the differences of diet culture

3、 composed the significant part of differences between China and western cultures. For foreign language learners, learning the differences and the origin of table manners between China and the West, not only can we enhance the understanding of the target language culture, but also can perform well du

4、ring cross-cultural communication.WiththedevelopmentofChina,moreandmoreWesternculturesgetintoour sight. As we face with unfamiliar cultures and countries, some inevitable cultural conflicts might happen in the communication, which will seriously affect the contacts being carried out smoothly. Table

5、manner has a decisive position in the communication between China and Western countries. During communication we will show our best images and avoid cultural conflicts.2. Main Content Table manner plays an important role in cross-cultural communication. China is a country which has a long history, a

6、nd has its unique charm in the etiquette culture. Table manner is quite significant, because table manner is a useful approach to introduce our own national culture. The thesis introduces the origin and development of table manner between China and the West, compares the differences of table manners

7、 between China and the West including seats arrangement, dinnerware, the order of serving, the dining atmosphere and table language. And then, the thesis exposes the reasons for the differences of table manners between China and the West, that are, the differences of Chinese and Western cultural con

8、notation, the differences of Chinese and Western way of thinking, the differences of Chinese and Western values. The thesis tells us the attitudes that we should hold to the differences of table manners between China and West. In a word, there are so many excellent cultures in China, so we should in

9、herit and carry forward our excellent culture. Of course, we also need to accept and learn foreign excellent culture, namely “get rid of shortcoming, take in advantage.” In Chinas rapid economic growth, we should improve our cultural soft power so that enhance our comprehensive national strength.二、设

10、计方案: OutlineChapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 The Origin and Development of Table Manners2.1 The Origin and Development of Chinese Table Manners2.2 The Origin and Development of Western Table MannersChapter 3 The Differences Between Chinese and Western Table Manners3.1 The Dining Atmosphere 3.1.1 Nois

11、y and Enthusiastic Atmosphere in Chinese Dinner 3.1.2 Quiet andEnjoyableAtmosphere in Western Dinner3.2 Table Language 3.2.1 The Principles of Table Language in China 3.2.2 The Principles of Table Language in the West3.3 The Use of Tableware3.3.1 The Use of Tableware in China3.3.2 The Use of Tablewa

12、re in the West 3.4 Seats Arrangement 3.4.1 Seats Arrangement in China 3.4.2 Seats Arrangement in the West3.5 The Order of Serving3.5.1 The Order of Serving in China3.5.2 The Order of Serving in the WestChapter 4 Reasons for the Differences4.1 Cultural Connotation4.2 The Way of Thinking4.3 ValuesChap

13、ter 5 Conclusion三、论文进度 (time schedule)(以下内容请勿修改)Preliminary stage: Selecting a topic & compiling a work bibliography.5th Jan. 2014Attending the meeting on the research paper6th Jan. 2014 23th Feb. 2014Searching for sources on the subject and writing thesis proposal and working outline24th Feb. 28th

14、Feb. Handing in thesis proposal (print version)1st Mar. 12th Mar.Preparing for the presentation on thesis proposal (with PPT)13rd Mar. Presentation on the proposalThe Second Stage: Writing the thesis under the guidance of the supervisor14th Mar. 27th Mar.Writing the first draft under the guidance of

15、 the supervisor28th Mar. 11th Apr.Revising the first draft & writing the second draft 12th Apr. 19th Apr.Revising the second draft & writing the final draft20th Apr. 30th Jun.Editing, printing and binding the paperThe Final Stage: Thesis Defense1st May 5th MayHanding in the paper6th May 12th MayPrep

16、aring for the Thesis Defense13th May 14th MayThesis Defense四、主要参考文献:1 Claude Levi,Strauss.The Origin of Table MannersM.University Of Chicago Press, 1990,p: 56,p:69 2 Visser, Margaret . The Rituals of DinnerM. Penguin USA,1992,p: 56,p:87 3 邓炎昌,刘润清 .语言与文化. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2000,p: 82 4 段洁. 餐桌礼仪与口才 M . 北京

17、: 中国经济出版社,2007, p: 38 5 冯玉珠, 宴之道. 职场宴请细节攻略M . 北京: 中央编译出版社, 2006, p: 204 6 玛格丽特, 维萨. 餐桌礼仪:文明举止的起源、发展与含义M . 刘晓媛,译. 北京: 新星出版社, 2007,p: 12, p:18 7 於奇. 中西饮食文化差异概论M. 北京:北京大学出版社,2008,p: 25 8 张玛莉. 成功有礼(2) 餐桌礼仪和饮食主张M . 广州: 广州出版社,2004, p: 349 冯心如,徐艳萍. The Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Table Manners from the Perspective of Crossculture CommunicationJ. 语文学刊外语教育教学, 2013, 4期,p: 32, p:4510 彭健. 浅议中西餐桌礼仪差异N.新西部12月10日,2009:B3 11 杨柳,田丹丹,宛富山.中美餐桌礼仪刍议N. 内江师范学院学报6月2日,200812 余峰. 筷子与叉子餐桌礼仪中的中西文化差异N. 赤峰学院学报,2012,33卷,4期五、指导教师意见:指导教师(签名): 年 月 日六、答辩小组审查意见:选题是否合适:课题能否实现: 负责人(签名): 年 月 日

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