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1、unit6Unit Six What are they doing?Teach ing Aims and Requests:Appr ehe nd the Passage One in the text and lear n to describe each family people in details.En able Ss to use the P rese nt Continu ous Tense to rep rese nt the persons acti ons.Expand Ss vocabulary correct “ doing ”1.2.3.and enrich more

2、 verbs with their forms.Teach ing Imp orta nt Poin ts: 1.2.3.Grasp the four-skilledsing/ p lay (with)/ daughterMaster some p hrases as: a picture of/ at the table/ p lay withComprehend the passage well and memorize the new words and exp ressi ons.words as: sit/ read/ write/ stand/Teach ing Difficult

3、 Poin ts:1.Get familiar with the Present Continuous Tense and learn touse “ be + v. ing ” form in sentences.2.Enlarge more verbs with their “ doing ” forms and regulateverbal expr essi ons in conv ersatio ns.Teach ing Methods:Situati on, Com mun icatio n, Activity, ExpansionTeach ing Realias:Coursew

4、are, cassette tape, cards, p ictures about acti onsTeach ing Procedures:I.Greeti ngsII.Warm-up1.Sing a song2.Picture show on the computer” form.A. Review some words with “ ingSs: Make sentences with the given words.B. Ask and answer about the familySs: Use diverse questions to ask about each family

5、member, after then let the individuals make a speech on it.III. Presentation1. Initial ListeningA. T: Illustrate the article by computer.Then supply the following questions: eg: 1) Is this a picture of Ann2) When is it now?3) What s Mr. Hill doing?4) What about Mrs. Hill?5) Who s singinWg?here s she

6、? 6) Is Jim Ann s brother? What B. Describe the picture freely.Ss: Try to use the “ ing ” s family? s he doing?form properly.“ ” ring ” formsdoing ” forms2.Touch-readingA. Searching game T: Instruct Ss to look for the and some prepositional phrases in the text.B. Fill in the blanks accordingly T: Ge

7、ts Ss notice the difference in“ ing ” forms. eg: singing/ writ ing/ sit ting, etc. T: Mention some key phrases as below: at the table, in a chair, play with sth or sbIV. Practice1.Picture showSs: Enjoy some pictures about and try to have a match in teams.T: Check Ss memory and let them write outthe

8、words on the Bb as many as they sitting/reading/writing/standing/singing2. Rules of “ doing ” forms T: Show a chart for the class to clarify the kinds of “ doing ” forms.Ss: Name more examples.3. Guessing gameT: Let Ss play chain actions. Choose four Ss out to play it. Hand out 3 pictures an

9、d let the last one guess all the other S1 acts as “ eating sth action and adds hi s own, like then so does the S3 who actions. Only S4 will use relate all his guesses.” , S2 repeats that drinking sth ” ll finish three“ ing ” form to4. “ Follow me ” gameT: Show the pictures and let Ss onl

10、y repeat“ v. +ing ” sentences of Ss will keep quiet when they hear“ They do their homework. imitate this sentence as their homework. ” while they“ They are doingllV. Check-upT: Complete some exercises on the computer if time permits.Feedback:Unit Six What are they doing?2.3.“ ” 1-1in ” , li

11、ke3.Teaching Important Points:1. Memorize the four-skilled words as: wash/ cook/ clean/ eat/ drink/ busy/ garden2.Get to know more prepositional phrases by family/ in the garden/ in the kitchen, etc.3.Understand the article and use the patterns to describe pictures freely.Teaching Difficult Points:1

12、.Express the pictures with the Present Continuous Tense properly.Increase Ss verbs and improve their oral English. Develop their observations through comparisons on two passages.Teaching Methods:Illustration, Communication, Activity, Expansion, Comparison Teaching Realias:Courseware, cassette tape,

13、cards, picturesTeaching Procedures:I.GreetingsII.Warm-up1.Retell the Passage OneT: Show the related picture on the computer.Let Ss review some key points on the computer. Check their spellings then.2.Lead-inT: What do your family often do on Sunday morning? Are you busy at weekends?Ss: Have a brief

14、discussion.III.Prese ntati on1.Initial ListeningA.T: Illustrate the text by compu ter. The n s their Sun day?pro vide some questio ns as below: eg: 1) Whose family is it? How2)What s Mr. White doi ng?3)Where s Mrs. White? Is she cook ing?4)What about their childre n?5)Is their dog Brow nie slee ping

15、?B.Descri pti onT: Let Ss describe the p ictures freely byusing the new words and exp ressi ons.2.Touch-readingT: Let Ss read after the tape and un derl inethe new verbs with “ doing ” form and othernew words.1)Ss: Recite the words by recog nizing theirsp ecial soun wash/ c ook/ cl ean/ eat/

16、dri nk/ g arden/ b usy2)P lay touchi ng gameT: Supply the follow ing senten ces and let p airs touch the right words on the We d bettwash our hands before eating . My mum is a good cook We all enjoy her meals. If your room is dirty, you should clean it soon. Do you like drinking yogur

17、t?We ll build our country as pretty as a garden . Let s play together if you aren busy .IV. P ractice1.Complete the computer exercisesT: Fill in the blanks about the Passage2 anddistinguish each key point well.2. Compare the two passagesT: Instruct Ss to look for the differences between Passage One

18、and Two. Let them create their new articles accordingly.3.Sentence chainT: Let Ss d o it in four pupils. Ss express othersactions and add their own. Such as the last oneadd different places with prepositional phrases.V. Check-upResponse GameT: Say a verb and let Ss show the action andalso spell thed

19、oing ” form correctly. The onewho can respond fast will get the points.Feedback:Unit Six What are they doing?close/do/think/ game tense properly in general orTeaching Important Points:4.Grasp the four-skilled words as:5.Use the present continuousspecial questions and negative ways to make conversati

20、ons.3.forms.Memorize the new words and accurate “ doing Teaching Difficult Points:1. Comprehend the supplementary article and grasp the exactuse of present continuous tense.2.Improve Ss creativity and verbal expressions.Teaching Methods:Illustration, Expansion, Communication, ActivityTeaching Realia

21、s:Courseware, cassette tape, cards, picturesTeaching Procedures:I. GreetingsII.Warm-up1. Texts review2. Divide the class into two teams and let Sscompete to go over the words and two dialogs in the texts. T shows the hints in courseware.Ss: May act out in groups as they like.3.Quiz showdoing ” forms

22、:T: Supply some questions with1)What are you doing now?2)Can you guess what s your mother doingat this time?3)Is your father still slee ping at home?Are you sure? Why?4)Can you make any sentences with theseyou say it in a n egative way?III.Prese ntati ons 1. Look and SayPart OneT: Supp ose a boy n a

23、med Mike and ask him to open two win dows in class. Lead Ss to comp lete the dialogs on the compu ter accord in gly. Then let Ss acco mp lish the others after the model.Ss: Describe the p ictures and make their owndialogs with some acti ons.Part TwoT: Show Picture One and let Ss compi ete thedialog

24、accord in gly. Then lead Ss to switchthe senten ces with the related pictures.Ss: Finish the other four p ictures and createtheir own dialogs by p lay ing guess ing game.2.Supplementary articlememories.T: Show the article on the computer and let Ss try to read it first. Then ch eck SsSs: Act out dif

25、ferent families.IV.Practice1. Guessing gameand use sentences to guess the picture actions.Ss: They are encouraged to act out and guess their own actions, too. If they can guess correctly, they ll get marks.2. Additional WordsT: Show the pictures and let Ss make dialogs.V.Check-upSpell all the words

26、correctly.Feedback:Unit Six What are they doing? Teaching Aims and Requests:1. Get Ss compare the sounds and recognize their phonetic symbols.2. Learn to read the rhyme and comprehend some new expressions.the wordsthe dialogwithwith4.Consolidate the present continuous tense and ensure Ss to use the

27、proper forms in sentences. Teaching Important Points:1.Distinguish the sounds as2. Perceive the meanings of the new expressions as “ church/ vicar/ choke/ frown/ Dear me. “Teaching Difficult Points:1. Enlarge Ss vocabulary and promote them to express the present continuous tense with the exact form.

28、2. Accomplish the whole exercises correctly. Teaching Methods:Comparison, illustration, action, drill Teaching Realias:Cards, courseware, pictures, tape Teaching Procedures:I. GreetingsII. Warm-up1. Sing a song2. T: Let Ss learn a song on P66 of BookA “Are you sleeping? ”Remind Ss to go over the gen

29、eral questions and prepositional phrases in the song.Ss: They can create their own lyrics with the same tune.2. Complete the blanksT: Use the courseware and check the answers.III.Presentation1. Sounds Present each sound by showing some old words on the computer A. girl/ thirty/ her/ nurse/

30、 work dirty/ firm/ learn/ fur/ driver/ father/ mother/ sister dirtier/ firmer/ learner/ further/ murmurC.home/ road/ so/ closed/ only/ know/ rowD.E.F.G.rose/ coat/ woke/ both/ drove house/ now/ mouth/ how/ cow rouse/ cow/ wow/ bows/ drow n she/ fish/ shirt/ wash/ En glish shee p/ sho

31、p/ shi p/ shows/ shut China/ Chin ese/ match/ watch/ which chea p/ cho p/ chi p/ chose/ chug oran ge/ large/ George/ Jack/ Joh n jee p/ job/ gypsy/ joke/ judge2.Read the rhymeT: Illustrate the rhyme with the courseware. Ss: Read and compr ehe nd its meaning.*church: a build ing made for Christia n worshi p*choke: become hard to breathe sudde niy*frown: wrin kle brows to show dis pleasure*vicar: a p riest in charge of a church in the UK3.Read a

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