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1、进出口贸易商务函件实例六、进出口贸易商务信函实例 Section 1 查询资信状况 (一)例信 敬启者: 最近我方收到了来自卡拉奇的 Messrs E.A.Sheen & Co.公司的大量订单。因此,我方希 望贵行能够给我方提供一些有关上述公司的财务和商业资信状况的信息,我方将非常感谢。 皇家银行卡拉奇分行向我方推荐贵行作为资信证明人。请提供我方所需要的信息。 贵行向我方提供的任何信息我方都将严格保密。 谨上 (二)参考译文 Private & Confidential Dear Sirs, We have received a large order from Messrs E.A.Shee

2、n & Co., we would therefore appreciate it if you would provide us information about the financial and business standing of the previously mentioned firm. The reference we have obtained is the Royal Bank, Karachi. Will you please be good enough to obtain for us the information we need. Any informatio

3、n that you may provide us will be treated in strict confidence. Yours faithfully, (三)文本特点 这是一种查询资信状况的信函。当买卖双方初次建立业务关系时,有必要了解对方的 财务和商业资信状况。通常,我们可以从下列渠道得到这方面的信息: 1银行(banks); 2中国或国外的商会(Chambers of Commerce in China and in foreign countries); 3中国驻国外大使馆商务参赞处(Chinese Commercial Counselors Office in foreig

4、n 第五章 商务信函 101 countries); 4外国驻中国大使馆商务参赞处(Foreign Commercial Counselors Office in China); 5同业协会(Business Houses of the same or similar trade); 6咨询机构(inquiry agencies)。 这类信函一般包括下列内容: 1你所询问的公司名称(the name you inquired); 2写信的目的,即具体想要查询什么问题(purpose of writing the letter (be specific about what you want)

5、); 3要确保对所得到的信息严格保密(to make sure that all the information you have obtained will be treated in strict confidence)。 (四)相关同类表达 1We shall appreciate it if you will let us know their financial position. 如能告知我方该公司的财务状况,将不胜感激。 2We shall appreciate it if you will give us your frank opinion on these points r

6、egarding the company. 如能坦率告知我方有关该公司的情况,将不胜感激。 3Will you please be good enough to obtain for us the information possible respecting the financial standing and mode of business of ABC Company? 能否为我方索取有关 ABC 公司财务状况和贸易方式的资料? 4We should appreciate it if you would provide us with reliable information resp

7、ecting Messrs of J.C. Maxwell Company. We wish to know if their financial standing is considered strong. 如能为我方索取有关 JC马克士威公司的可靠信息该公司的财务运作能力是否 很强,我方将不胜感激。 5The Subject company is now offering to present us in the sale of our Sewing Machines, and has referred us to your Bank for detailed information ab

8、out its credit standing, business capacity and character. 标题公司提出要为我公司代理销售我方的缝纫机,并介绍我公司向贵行了解该公司的 信用、业务能力和声誉的详细情况。 6The firm under mentioned in your city, who have written to us, state that they are the leading importers in your place dealing in chemicals and they now wish to switch to us for the supp

9、ly of the similar item. 贵市下述公司告知我方,他们是贵地化工产品的主要进口商,目前希望我方能够供应 给他们同样的化工产品。 102 商务英语沟通与技巧 7We are at present negotiating with the firm named below about the question of agency. They have given us your name as a reference. Will you please inform us frankly whether you consider a credit to the extent of

10、 $ 5,000,000 as a risk? 我方正在与下述公司协商有关的代理问题,他们介绍贵公司作为他们的资信证明人。 请贵方坦率告知我方,给他们最多五百万的信贷是否有风险? 8We are glad to enter into business relations with you and hope you can give us the names of two banks as a reference. We hope to negotiate further for the specific transactions. 我方很高兴与贵公司建立业务关系,并希望贵公司能提供两个银行资信

11、证明人,以便 与贵方进一步洽谈具体业务。 9Please note that this information is furnished without any responsibility on our part and should be held strictly confidential. 请注意,我方对所提供的材料不负任何责任,并请对该材料严格保密。 10. The above information is given confidentially and without responsibility on this bank. 以上情况请注意保密,对此信息该行不负任何责任。 Sec

12、tion 2 建立贸易关系 (一)例信原文 敬启者: 承蒙我经商处提供了贵公司的名称和地址,现在我方给贵方写信并希望同贵方建立贸 易关系。 多年来,我方一直在进口插管、面罩等医用输氧设备,目前我方对各种呼吸系统疾病 治疗仪器和产品感兴趣,很想了解贵公司的目录和报价。 如果贵方的价格做得开的话,相信我们能够做成大生意。 盼望早日收到贵方的来信。 谨上 (二)参考译文 Dear Sirs, Having obtained your name and address from our Economic and Commercial Counselors Office in your country,

13、we are writing to you in the hope of establishing business relations between us. We have been importers of oxygen delivery systems including cannulas and masks for many years. At present, we are interested in various kinds of respiratory therapy products and apparatuses and would appreciate your cat

14、alogues and quotations. If your prices are in line, we trust important business can materialize. We are looking forward to receiving your early reply. 第五章 商务信函 103 Yours faithfully, (三)文本特点 这是一种希望与对方建立贸易关系的请求性询函。 这类信函一般包括下列内容: 1首先,先告诉对方你得到对方的名称和地址的方式(opening sentence: how the writer obtained the nam

15、e and address of the company); 2其次,告之对方你写信的目的(purpose of contacting the company); 3然后,向对方作简要的自我介绍(a self-introduction, such as the nature of the companys business (agent, exporter, importer or manufacture, and your commercial standing)); 4最后,向对方表示感谢(complimentary closure)。 (四)相关同类表达 1Your name and a

16、ddress have been given to us by the Belgium Chamber of Commerce in Brussels, we are writing to establish business relations with you. 我方从布鲁塞尔比利时商会获悉贵公司的名字和地址,现去信以期与贵公司建立业务 关系。 2The American Consulate in Shanghai has advised us to get in touch with you concerning the establishment of business relatio

17、ns with you. 美国驻上海领事馆告知我方与贵方联系,以期建立业务关系。 3Your Commercial Councellors Office has referred us to you for establishing business relations with your firm. 贵方商务参赞处告知我方与贵方联系,以期建立业务关系。 4We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a state-opened corporation dealing exclusively in light industrial goods, hopin

18、g that you would like to enter into business relations with us. 我方有幸自荐。我们是一家独家经营轻工业产品的国有公司,希望能与贵公司建立业 务关系。 5With a view to expanding our business at your end, we are writing to you in the hope that we can open up business relations with your firm. 为了在贵地扩大我方业务,我们写信希望与贵方建立业务关系。 6We are glad to send yo

19、u this introductory letter, hoping that it will be the prelude to mutually beneficial relations between us. 我方很愿意寄去自荐函,希望这是双方互利关系的前奏。 7We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to building up business relations with your company. 104 商务英语沟通与技巧 我方冒昧写信以期与贵公司建立业务关系。 8Through the courtesy of Mr.

20、 Gates, we have learned that you are one of the leading importers of Light Industrial in your area. 承蒙盖茨先生介绍,获悉贵公司是贵地轻工业产品的主要进口商。 9We are willing to enter into business relations with you on the basis of equality, mutual benefit and exchanging what we one has for what one needs. 我方非常乐意在平等互利、互通有无的基础上

21、与贵公司建立业务关系。 10. We are pleased to learn from your letter of. that you wish to enter into trade relations with us. 从贵方来信获悉贵方希望与我方建立业务关系。 11As this item falls within the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you. 由于这些产品属于我方经营范围,我方很高兴与贵方建立业务关

22、系。 12Much to our regret, we are unable to do business with you directly, as we are represented by Mr. King in your area. 非常抱歉,我方不能与贵方建立直接业务关系。因为我方已委托金先生作为贵地的 代理。 13We are sorry to say for not accepting your request for establishment of business relations with us, as the items named in your letter ha

23、ve been exhausted. 非常抱歉,我方不能与贵方建立业务关系,因为贵方信中所提货物已告罄。 14We thank you for your letter of expressing your desire to trade with us directly, which coincides with ours. 感谢贵方来函,希望与我方建立直接业务关系,这与我方的想法一致。 15We are indebted to Mr. Jackson for your name and address and should be pleased to open up business rel

24、ations with your firm in the near future. 承蒙杰克逊先生介绍,我方获悉贵公司名字和地址,我方非常高兴在不久的将来与贵 公司建立业务关系。 16Your letter expressing the hope of entering into business connections with us has been received with thanks. 十分荣幸收到贵方希望与我方建立业务关系的信函。 Section 3 进口商询盘 (一)例信 敬启者: 贵公司 5 月 6 日所寄的石化分析、数据管理软件报价单和图片册已收到。 第五章 商务信函 10

25、5 经联系,本地不少客户对这套软件感兴趣,为此请即报 500 套(PADM-3456 号)CFR 天津最低价。 我方认为,此地市场竞争激烈,要想成功销售,贵方报价需具有吸引力,否则将有困 难。希望用形式发票进行报价。 谨上 (二)参考译文 Dear Sirs, Thank you for your brochure for Petroleum Analysis & Data Management Software dated May 6 and the photo booklet enclosed. We have approached a number of our customers in

26、 this area and many of them take an interest in the application software. We therefore ask you to make us your best offer on CFR Tianjin basis for 500 Petroleum Analysis & Data Management Software packages (No. PADM-3456). We would like to point out that unless your quotation is attractive to the bu

27、yers here, it would be difficult for us to push successfully the sale of your software products in this competitive market. We shall appreciate your offer in the form of a proforma invoice. Yours Sincerely, (三)文本特点 这是一种买方向卖方提出的询盘信函。询盘信函一般都由买方发出。 这类信函一般包括下列内容: 1询函了解的内容主要包括:货物质量、货号、规格、买方所要总数、单价、交货方 式、

28、交货时间以及支付方式(List the names and specifications about the product you are enquiring about, including quality, Art Nos, specification, the amount the buyer wants, unit price, mode of delivery, delivery time and terms of payment.); 2如果还未得到产品目录、价目单和样品,可向对方索取(Ask the seller to send you the catalogue, price

29、 list and samples if you havent obtained these before.); 3简要介绍你方市场和你方销售能力,同时强调对方报价应合理并具有竞争力(Short introduction about your market and your ability to sell the goods. Emphasize that the price should be made reasonable and competitive.); 4询问对方是否有折扣,说明你方能接受的支付方式和你方希望的交货时间(Enquire about the discount the

30、seller can offer and say clearly about terms of payment you can receive and the delivery time you expect.); 5表达订货的可能性(Express the possibility for ordering the goods)。 106 商务英语沟通与技巧 (四)相关同类表达 1We have an importer enquiry for Woolen Blankets and would like to obtain a catalogue, price list together wi

31、th the samples as soon as possible. 我们是一家进口商,询问有关羊毛毯的情况。希望贵方尽快向我方提供产品目录,价 格表以及样品。 2We are very much interested in importing your Forever Bicycle displayed at Guangzhou Trade Fair. 我方对贵方在广州交易会上展出的永久牌自行车很感兴趣,并有意进口。 3Your advertisement in todays China Daily interests us and we will be glad to receive samples with your lowest prices. 我方对贵方今天刊登在中国日报上的广告很感兴趣。希望贵方能寄来样品并附上最低 价格。 4From the latest issue of Computer World we have learned about your Business Guide software package for IBM-compatible PCs. We

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