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27 Bunkering.docx

1、27 Bunkering Lesson Twenty-seven Bunkering 加油Dialog A: Double Check对话1: 双保险检查Bargeman: Are you ready for bunkering operation. Chief Officer.加油船船员: 大副准备好加油了吗?Chief Officer: Yes, ready. I hope to confirm all preparations with your party.大副: 是的,准备好了。我希望和你方核对一下准备程序。Bargeman: Yes. Lets start with the fen

2、ders. Have all fenders ready?加油船船员: 好,先从防碰垫开始,准备好防碰垫了吗?Chief Officer: Yes, all fenders ready.大副: 是的,所有的防碰垫准备好了。Bargeman: Have engines been put on standby?加油船船员: 备车了吗?Chief Officer: Yes, engines have been on standby.大副: 是的,已经备车了。Bargeman: Does extinguisher remain on standby?加油船船员: 灭火器是否准备好了?Chief Off

3、icer: Yes, extinguisher remain on standby.大副: 是的,灭火器已经准备好了。Bargeman: Do oil clearance materials remain on standby?加油船船员: 清油污设施准备好了吗?Chief Officer: Yes, oil clearance materials remain on standby.大副: 是的,清油污设施已经准备妥当了。Bargeman: Have communication means been tested?加油船船员: 通信手段测试了吗?Chief Officer: No, comm

4、unication means have not been tested yet.大副: 不,通信手段现在还没有测试。Bargeman: Tested later. We will continue to check.加油船船员: 随后测试。我们现在继续检查.Dialog B: Check Oil Quantity and Quality对话2: 检查油的数量和品质Fourth Engineer: I planned to check the oil quantity and quality before we start bunkering, sir.三管轮: 先生,我准备在加油前检查油的数

5、量和品质。Bargeman: Sure. My assistant will accompany you to go to the tank.加油船船员: 当然,我的助手将陪同您到油舱去。Fourth Engineer: I must take samples from these tanks. You know, we will keep these for analysis.三管轮: 我从这些舱取些油化验,你知道吗。我们将保存这些用于化验。Bargeman2: Understood. When will you take samples?加油船船员2: 明白了。什么时候取样?Fourth

6、Engineer: I will stay here during bunkering. I will take samples before bunkering, and take samples during bunkering, and then take samples as soon as completion of bunkering.三管轮: 我在加油时候将在你船守候,我在加油前、中、后取样。Bargeman2: You ordered 300 tons of 180 cSt fuel oil and 300 tons of diesel oil, right?加油船船员2: 你

7、船预定了300吨180 cSt的燃油和300吨的柴油,对不?Fourth Engineer: Yes, thats all right. I finished sampling now. Please sign them. I will seal all bottles. Please keep one bottle of each. I will take the other samples to my vessel for analysis.三管轮: 是的,正确。我现在完成取样了。请在标签上签字,我封存了,请保留一瓶,其他我要带回船化验。Bargeman2: Sure.加油船船员2: 当然

8、。Dialog C: Discussion on Bunkering Procedure对话3: 讨论加油程序Chief Officer: Chief Engineer. Lets check the procedure before bunkering.大副: 轮机长,在加油前先核对一下加油程序。Chief Engineer: OK. Has flag B been hoisted?轮机长: 好,B旗挂起来了吗?Chief Officer: Yes, it has. One more, has main engine been standby?大副: 是的,另外,备车了吗?Chief Eng

9、ineer: Yes, of course. Have oil clearance materials been ready?轮机长: 当然,清油材料准备好了吗?Chief Officer: Yes, sawdust and oil defender have been ready for use any time. Have firefighting appliances been ready for use?大副: 是的,锯木屑和围油栏都随时可用。灭火器准备好了吗?Chief Engineer: Yes, the fire mains have been standby.轮机长: 是的,主

10、灭火系统已经准备好了。Chief Officer: Sure. Portable extinguishers have been ready on the spot. Have emergency shutdown been tested and signaling has been agreed on?大副: 当然,现场用的便携式灭火器已经备好,应急关断是否测试,关断信号是否已经商量完毕?Chief Engineer: Yes, of course. Have communication means been tested with the oil barge?轮机长: 当然,完成了。是否和

11、加油船测试了通信手段?Chief Officer: Yes, communication means have been tested. No problem.大副: 是的,通信手段已经测试,没有问题。Chief Engineer: Are watchmen arranged on deck?轮机长: 甲板安排人值班了吗?Chief Officer: Yes, watchmen have been posted on deck. OK, I think it is good time to communicate with the oil barge.大副: 是,已经安排人员在甲板值班,好了,

12、我认为是和加油船联络的时候了。Useful Expressions: 实用表达方式1. How many tons of fuel oil will be pumped in?准备加装多少吨燃油?How many tons of diesel oil will be pumped in?准备加装多少吨的柴油?How many litres of lubricate oil will be loaded in?准备加装多少吨的润滑油?2. Have all scuppers been plugged in?甲板排水孔堵上了吗?Yes, all scuppers have been plugged

13、 in.是的,甲板排水孔堵上了。No, the following plugs have not been plugged in.不,甲板排水孔没有堵上。Have the fenders been ready?防碰垫准备了吗?Yes, fenders have been ready.是的,防碰垫准备好了。No, fenders have not been ready yet.不,防碰垫没有准备好。Fenders will be ready in 20 minutes.防碰垫将在20分钟内准备好。Have the fire-fighting appliances been ready?灭火器准备

14、好了吗?Yes, the fire-fighting appliances have been ready.是的,灭火器准备好了。No, the fire-fighting appliances have not been ready yet.不,灭火器现在还没有准备好。The fire-fighting appliances will be ready in 30 minutes.灭火器在30分钟内准备好。3. Have all tanks sounded?所有的油舱都测量了吗?Yes, all tanks sounded.是的,所有的油舱都测量好了。No, all tanks have n

15、ot been sounded yet.不,所有的油舱还没有测量好。The following tanks have not been sounded yet.下列油舱还没有测量好。Have all tanks been gauged?所有的油舱都测量了吗?Yes, all tanks gauged.是的,所有的油舱都测量好了。No, all tanks have not been gauged yet.不,所有的油舱还没有测量好。The following tanks will be gauged.下列的油舱将被测量。4. Has oil been sampled?油被取样了吗?Yes, o

16、il has been sampled.是的,油被取样了。No, oil has not been sampled yet.不,油还没有取样。Oil will be sampled within 3 minutes.油在半小时内被取样。5. Has engine been standby?备车了吗?Yes, engine has been standby.是的,车备妥。No, engine has not been standby.不,车没有备妥。Engine will be standby within 30 minutes.30分钟内车备妥。6. Has flag B been hoist

17、ed?挂B旗了吗?Yes, flag B has been hoisted.是的,B旗已挂。No, flag B has not been hoisted.不,还没有挂B旗。Flag B will be hoisted within 3 minutes.3分钟内B旗将挂上。7. Has oil barge been contacted?油驳联络了吗?Yes, oil barge has been contacted.是的,油驳已经联络了。No, oil barge has not been contacted.不,油驳没有联络。Oil barge will be contacted withi

18、n 10 minutes.10分钟内和油驳联络。8. Has communication means been tested?通信手段已经测试了吗?Yes, communication means has been tested. No problem.是的,通信手段已经测试。没有问题。Yes, communication means has been tested. But it failed.是的,通信手段已经测试。通信不畅。No, communication means has not been tested yet.不,通信手段没有测试。Communication means will

19、 be tested within 30 minutes.通信手段在30分钟内测试。9. Has amount of oil bunkered been granted?加油的数量已经达成一致了吗?Yes, amount of oil bunkered has been granted.是的,加油数量已经达成一致。No, amount of oil bunkered has not been granted. We have 5of difference.不,加油数量没有达成一致,有5的偏差。10. Has the receipt been signed?收据已经签字了吗?Yes, the r

20、eceipt has been signed.是的,收据已经签字了。No, the receipt has not been signed.不,收据还没有签字。The receipt will be signed within 10 minutes.10分钟内收据将签完字。I will call the Chief Engineer to sign it.我让轮机长签字。Sorry, I cannot agree with the amount recorded by your party.对不起,我不能同意你方记录的加油量。11. The quality of the oil is belo

21、w the standard?加装油的质量低于标准。12. Have oil tankers been ready for bunkering?油舱准备好加装了吗?Yes, oil tankers have been ready.是的,油舱准备加装了。No, oil tankers have not been ready yet.不,油舱现在还没有准备加装。Oil tankers will be ready within 30 minutes.油舱将在30分钟内准备好加装。13. Are you on even keel?你船平吃水吗?Yes, I am on even keel.是的,我船平

22、吃水。No, I am not on even keel.不,我船没有平吃水。I will be on even keel within 30 minutes.我船将在30分钟内平吃水。14. How many tons of oil will you bunker?你准备加装多少吨的燃油?I will bunker 300 tons of fuel oil.我准备加装300吨的燃油。I will bunker 400 tons of diesel oil.我准备加装400吨的燃油。I will bunker 600 tons of 180 cSt heavy oil.我准备加装600吨180 cSt的重油。Here is your order. Every oil has been recorded in it.这是你的订单,每种油都记录在其中了。

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