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1、全中考英语长难句分析详解+译文中考英语-长难句分析详解+译文To a psychologist, the most interesting thing about earworms is that they show a part of our mind that is clearly outside of our control. Earworms arrive without permission and refuse to leave when we tell them to. They are parasites (寄生虫) living in a part of our minds.

2、词汇突破:1. psychologist 心理学家;2. earworm 耳朵虫;3. clearly 显然;4. outside of our control 我们无法控制;5. without permission 未经许可;6. refuse 拒绝;7. mind 头脑,思想;拆分句子:To a psychologist, the most interesting thing about earworms is that they show a part of our mind that is clearly outside of our control.本句话拆分后:1. To a p

3、sychologist;2. the most interesting thing about earworms is that ;3. they show a part of our mind;4. that is clearly outside of our control;that指代的是a part of our mind;参考译文:对心理学家来说,关于“耳朵虫”的最有趣的地方是:它们证明我们头脑的一部分明显是不受我们控制的。“耳朵虫”未经允许就来了;我们让它们离开时,它们却拒绝了。它们是寄生虫,住在我们头脑的一部分之中。Our inner ear has become infecte

4、d with an earworm. This is a part not under our control, so just sending in instructions to shut up is unlikely to be of much help (and has been shown to make it worse). Much better is to employ the inner ear in another task.词汇突破:1. inner ear 内耳;2. infect 感染;3. under control 处于控制之下;4. instruction 命令

5、,指示;5. shut up 闭嘴;6. is unlikely to 不大可能;7. be of much help 很有帮助;8. employ 使用,运用;雇用;9. task 工作,任务;拆分句子:This is a part not under our control, so just sending in instructions to shut up is unlikely to be of much help (and has been shown to make it worse).本句话拆分后:1. This is a part not under our control;

6、2. so just sending in instructions to shut up is unlikely to be of much help;3. and (sending in instructions to shut up) has been shown to make it worse;参考译文:我们的内耳已经被“耳朵虫”感染。这是不受我们控制的部分,所以仅仅发出“闭嘴”的指令不太可能有很大帮助,并且会让事情更糟糕。更好的方法是:让内耳去做其他的事情。A study shows that obesity (肥胖)rates in Arkansas have stopped i

7、ncreasing since 2004. But not everyone supports schools in reporting students BMIs. Some parents have complained their kids worry that they are being “graded” on their weight, although Dr. Joe Thompson, who helped plan the BMI program, gave the explanation at the start of the program, “Just like a s

8、chool check for vision or hearing, this is a way to raise awareness (意识)about a health risk. 词汇突破:1. rate 速度,比率;2. stop increasing 停止增长;3. support 支持;4. complain 抱怨;5. grade 分等级,评分;6. explanation 解释;由动词explain变化而来;7. check 检查;8. vision 视力,视觉;9. raise awareness 提高意识;10. health risk 健康风险;拆分句子:Some par

9、ents have complained their kids worry that they are being “graded” on their weight, although Dr. Joe Thompson, who helped plan the BMI program, gave the explanation at the start of the program, “Just like a school check for vision or hearing, this is a way to raise awareness (意识)about a health risk.

10、 本句话拆分后:1. Some parents have complained;2. their kids worry that;3. they are being “graded” on their weight;4. although Dr. Joe Thompson, gave the explanation at the start of the program;5. who helped plan the BMI program;who指代的是Dr. Joe Thompson;6. Just like a school check for vision or hearing, thi

11、s is a way to raise awareness (意识)about a health risk;参考译文:研究表明,自从2004年开始,阿肯色州的肥胖率已经停止增长。但是,并不是所有人都支持学校报告学生的体重指数。一些家长已经在抱怨,他们的孩子担心自己按照体重被分等级;虽然Joe Thompson博士(他协助规划了BMI计划)在计划开始的时候就给出了解释:“和学校的视力或听力测试一样,这是一种提高健康风险意识的方式。”By using this visual format (形式), according to Buzan, your mind will begin to make

12、associations that will help you remember more information for longer periods of time.Buzan believes that traditional note-taking methods, such as lists and summaries, do not stimulate the brains recall capacity or ability in the same way.词汇突破:1. visual 视觉的,视力的;2. mind 头脑,思想,思维;3. association两个事件、想法、

13、局面之间的联系;4. information 消息,资料,信息;5. period of time 一段时间;6. believe 相信,认为;7. traditional 传统的;8. note-taking method 做笔记的方法;9. summaries总结;summary的复数形式;10. stimulate 促进,刺激;11. brain 大脑;12. recall 回忆;13. capacity 能力,才能;14. ability 能力;15. according to 按所说,根据;拆分句子1:By using this visual format (形式), accordi

14、ng to Buzan, your mind will begin to make associations that will help you remember more information for longer periods of time.本句话拆分后:1. By using this visual format (形式);2. according to Buzan;3. your mind will begin to make associations;4. that will help you remember more information for longer peri

15、ods of time;拆分句子2:Buzan believes that traditional note-taking methods, such as lists and summaries, do not stimulate the brains recall capacity or ability in the same way.本句话拆分后:1. Buzan believes that ;2. traditional note-taking methods, such as lists and summaries, do not stimulate the brains recal

16、l capacity or ability in the same way;参考译文:按Buzan所说,通过使用这种视觉形式(思维导图),你的思维开始建立联系。这种联系会帮你记住更多的信息,并且记忆时间更长。Buzan认为,传统的笔记方法,如列表或总结,不能以同样的方式促进大脑的回忆能力。A study shows that obesity (肥胖)rates in Arkansas have stopped increasing since 2004. But not everyone supports schools in reporting students BMIs. Some par

17、ents have complained their kids worry that they are being “graded” on their weight, although Dr. Joe Thompson, who helped plan the BMI program, gave the explanation at the start of the program, “Just like a school check for vision or hearing, this is a way to raise awareness (意识)about a health risk.

18、 词汇突破:1. rate 速度,比率;2. stop increasing 停止增长;3. support 支持;4. complain 抱怨;5. grade 分等级,评分;6. explanation 解释;由动词explain变化而来;7. check 检查;8. vision 视力,视觉;9. raise awareness 提高意识;10. health risk 健康风险;拆分句子:Some parents have complained their kids worry that they are being “graded” on their weight, although

19、 Dr. Joe Thompson, who helped plan the BMI program, gave the explanation at the start of the program, “Just like a school check for vision or hearing, this is a way to raise awareness (意识)about a health risk. 本句话拆分后:1. Some parents have complained;2. their kids worry that;3. they are being “graded”

20、on their weight;4. although Dr. Joe Thompson, gave the explanation at the start of the program;5. who helped plan the BMI program;who指代的是Dr. Joe Thompson;6. Just like a school check for vision or hearing, this is a way to raise awareness (意识)about a health risk;参考译文:研究表明,自从2004年开始,阿肯色州的肥胖率已经停止增长。但是,并不是所有人都支持学校报告学生的体重指数。一些家长已经在抱怨,他们的孩子担心自己按照体重被分等级;虽然Joe Thompson博士(他协助规划了BMI计划)在计划开始的时候就给出了解释:“和学校的视力或听力测试一样,这是一种提高健康风险意识的方式。”

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