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仁爱版七下教师用书 Unit7 Topic1.docx

1、仁爱版七下教师用书 Unit7 Topic1Unit 7 一 、教学目标语 言 知 识类别内容课次要求语音/e/I/掌握词汇birthday,thirteenth,Saturday, celebrate,party, fun,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,twelfth,twentieth,date,January,February,March,April,May, June,July,August,September,October,November,December1A掌握were,be born,was1Bpresent,do

2、ll,shape,square,circle,camel ,look up, word, dictionary,tape, object1Ctour,sweater,special,candle Surprise1Dtake photos, row, skate2Asmart,count,hen,jump,frog,climb,everyone,tennis,table tennis2Bago,be good at, have a good time2Cdid,recite,poem,magic,rock,recitation,yesterday3Afall,dirty,happen, him

3、self,night, video game, daddy,tell a lie3Bsilent,blow out,breath,lose3Cbet,eleventh1A理解Toronto,Havana,Spain,birthplace1Baha, triangle,rectangle,oval,centimetre,player1Cdisco,perform,ballet,bone2Aarrot,plus p2Btrick,Kung fu3Aouch,washroom3B语法1.数词基数词(cardinal numbers):one,two,three序数词(ordinal numbers)

4、:fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth,eleventh,twentieth2.情态动词can/cant,could/couldnt3.一般过去时(the simple past tense)I fell down.I didnt hear you.Did you play the guitar?Yes, I did./No, I didnt.Why did you come back so late?掌握功能用语与话题1.谈论日期Whats the date today?Its May twelfth.2.谈论生日When is your

5、 birthday?May thirteenth.3.描写物体形状特征Whats the shape of your present?Its round.How long is it? How wide is it?4.谈论责备与抱怨Why did you come back so late?How could you lie to me?掌握语 言 技 能听1.能听懂课堂用语并做出相应的反应。2.能听懂有关生日话题的语段和简短的故事。3.能从有关生日话题的听力材料中提取信息,解决问题。说1.能结合日期表达法就有关生日的话题交流信息和简单的意见。2.能用英语描述物品的颜色、形状等特征。3.能用





10、寿星在最好的朋友帮助下,身着艳丽的服装为全班分发巧克力。爱尔兰生日举办仪式。小寿星被头朝下高举起再放在地上。有几岁就被举几次,外加一次求好运。意大利揪耳朵。一岁揪一次。尼泊尔用彩色的rice yogurt在额头上做记号。南非授予21岁的钥匙。在孩子二十一岁时,父母授予孩子一把钥匙,可以由任何材料制作,从纸的到金的银的,代表着准备打开未来之门。美国蛋糕、蜡烛和生日歌。做蛋糕,蛋糕上是生日蜡烛,有几岁就有几根。大家齐唱生日歌,歌声结束,寿星吹灭蜡烛。如果蜡烛被一口吹灭,寿星的愿望就会实现。还有些家庭用气球(Balloons)、打水仗(Water fight)、生日海报(Birthday poste

11、r)等庆贺。Additional MaterialBirthday Traditions in Different CountriesPeople around the world celebrate their birthdays. Some traditions are quite similar in many parts of the world. For example,birthday candles carry wishes up to God. Some traditions are more specific to certain countries.ArgentinaDan

12、ce the waltz at 15. When girls turn 15, they have a huge party and dance the waltz with their father and other boys.BrazilPulls on the earlobe. The birthday child receives a pull on the earlobe for each year they are alive. The birthday person also gives the first slice of cake to his/her most speci

13、al friend or relative, usually Mom or Dad.CanadaGreasing the nose with butter. The greased nose makes the child too slippery for bad luck to catch them. In Quebec the birthday person receives a punch for each year they are alive and plus one for good luck.ChinaNoodles for lunch. They wish the birthd

14、ay child a long life.CubaFood, music and lots of people. The celebrations are very similar to the United States:food,decorations,gifts,cakes,candles,“Happy Birthday” song and games. But a lot of people are invited including neighbors, friends, co-workers and family even if they don thave kids around

15、 the birthday childs age.EnglandFortune telling cakes. Certain symbolic objects are mixed into the birthday cake as it being prepared. If your piece of cake has a coin in it, then you will be rich.GermanyCandles left burning for the day. A member of the birthday persons family wakes up at sunrise an

16、d lights the candles on the birthday cake. There are as many candles as the years of age of the birthday person, plus one for good luck. The candles are left burning all day long. After dinner that night, everyone sings the birthday song and the birthday person blows out the candles. If all of the c

17、andles are blown out in one try, the wish of the birthday person will come true. Presents are then opened and the party starts.IndiaColored dress and chocolates. At school, the birthday child wears a colored dress and passes out chocolates to the entire class, with the help of a trusted friend.Irela

18、ndBirthday bumps. The birthday child is lifted upside down and “bumped” on the floor for good luck. The number of bumps given is the age of the child, plus one for extra good luck.ItalyPulling ears. The childs ears are pulled as many times as how old they are turning. NepalMark on the forehead. A ce

19、rtain mixture of rice yogurt and color is placed on the birthday childs forehead for good luck.South AfricaPresentation of a key at age twenty-one. On the twenty-first birthday a key made of anything from paper to silver to gold is presented by the parents as a sign that the child is ready to unlock

20、 the door to their future.United StatesCake, candles and song. A cake is made, and candles are put on top based on how old the person is. Then everyone sings the “Happy Birthday” song, and at the end of the song, the birthday child blows out the candles. If they blow them all out with one blow, thei

21、r birthday wishes will come true.二、教材分析本单元教学内容的三个话题分别是:第一个话题中Section A和Section B通过生日这一主题,呈现话题,谈论日期中的基数词和序数词及出生日期、地点的学习。主要句型为:When is your birthday?Whats the date today?When were you born?Where was she born?Section C主要学习如何描述物体的形状、颜色等特征,掌握计量的表达法。主要句型为:Whats the shape of your present?Its round.How long

22、 is it? It is 20 centimeters long.How wide is it? Its 15 centimeters wide.Section D是对日期、出生时间、地点及物体形状特征描述的综合语言运用。第二个话题通过形式多样的对话、短文及project,谈论人们现在或过去能做或不能做的事情,并深入涉及能做的程度。主要句型为:Can you dance?Yes, I can.Can you play the guitar?No, I cant.He can speak it very well /a little.She couldnt fly a kite at all.

23、She could only dance a little.Michael is good at basketball.第三个话题通过生日聚会这一主题谈论过去发生的事件,进一步学习一般过去时的动词规则及不规则变化形式。其中生日聚会中歌曲、课堂活动、游戏等都激发了学生学习的兴趣,寓教于乐,学生在玩乐中就学到知识。整个单元由The Birthday Party串联起来,各项活动都围绕着生日聚会展开,给学生运用新词汇的练习提供了一个很好的发展空间。由一个同学的生日呈现基数词、序数词、日期的表达法,自然又巧妙。由对同学生日聚会的描述引出一般过去时的教学,生动而有趣,大大提高了学生的学习兴趣。而课本中穿

24、插的大量的学生独立完成练习、小组练习及游戏对学生知识的巩固、知识的拓展都起到了很好的帮助作用。在整个教学过程中,教师应注意发挥教材的优势,使学生变被动学习为主动参与,让学生去亲身体验,互动交流,创造性地去学习。三、教学建议Topic 1 Section A主要活动:2,3a和3b课时建议:12教学目标:1.基数词和序数词1100。2.月、日、星期的表达法。教学过程:第一步:复习1.学生活动,两人一组,就双方掌握的地点进行提问:Could you tell me the way to ?2.教师课前准备一些写有交通法规和交通警示牌的纸片出示给学生,并引导学生进行讨论。如:“No parking”

25、,让学生讨论它的意思和它所出现的场合。第二步:呈现1.教师提出问题:Could you tell me the way to Kangkangs home? We want to celebrate his birthday.推出新单词:celebrate2.教师提出问题:When is Kangkangs birthday?学生听录音1,找出问题的答案。(May the thirteenth)3.再放一遍录音,学生听录音跟读,并找出关键词。4.两人一组练习对话1。5.让学生由1数到100,可以找几个学生来数,也可分为几组,进行接力赛。6.学生看书,播放录音 2,学生跟读几遍。7.引导学生找出

26、基数词变序数词的规律,提醒学生注意first,second,third,fifth,eighth,ninth,twelfth,twentieth。8.放3b录音,学生跟读,反复几次,确定每一个学生都会读一年的十二个月。第三步:巩固1.快速问答:A:Whats the first month of the year?B:Its January.A:Whats the second month of the year?B:Its2.双人活动A:January!B:Its the first month of the year.A:September!B:Its the ninth month of

27、 the year.3.学生两个人一组练习3a。4.听录音3b,学生跟读,反复几次确定每一个学生都能熟练地读出月、日。第四步:练习1.用所学的数字、月份,对1部分做替换练习。2.游戏数字接龙:全班同学参加。从1到100,遇到7,7的倍数或带7的数字,说“pass”。如five,six,pass,.sixteen,pass,eighteen.说错的站起来。数数时可用基数词也可用序数词。“pass”也可用学生感兴趣的词代替。下课前或下节课让说错的同学表演节目。第五步:综合探究活动1.总结知识点。2.课堂活动Lets chant,让学生稍微放松一下。3.布置作业:让学生自制日历或月历,标出自己和全家

28、人的出生日期。如:Feb. 4th, 2006SaturdaySection AMain activities:2,3a and 3bTeaching periods:12Teaching aims and demands:1.Learn cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers from one to one hundred.2.Learn the expressions of “day, week and month”.Teaching procedure:Step 1 Review1.Ask the students to act out how to a

29、sk and show the way. Make dialogs in pairs.Ask like this:Could you tell me the way to .?2.Teacher prepares some cards with some traffic rules and traffic signs before class. Show them to the students to make some discussions. For example, “No parking”, let students discuss its meaning and where you

30、can see it.Step 2 Presentation1.Teacher:Could you tell me the way to Kangkangs home?We want to celebrate his birthday.Learn the new word:celebrate2.Teacher: When is Kangkangs birthday? Listen to the tape and find out the answer to the question: May the thirteenth.3.Listen again and repeat. Then find

31、 out the key words.4.Practice in pairs.5.Ask the students to count from 1 to 100. And ask several students to count in groups to form a contest.6.Listen to the tape and follow it.7.Lead students to find out the rules of turning cardinal numbers into ordinal numbers. Remind students of paying attention to: first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth.8.The students listen to 3b and read for several times.

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