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1、文秘英语试题2002年11月 国家涉外秘书四级英语真题(一) 填空题(共10题,每题2分,满分20分。请将适当的单词或词组填入题中的划线处)1. In order to make a good _during a job interview, you need to prepare yourself for the interview.2. If you are the one caller wants, instead of answering _ like “yes, I am”, it is better to say “speaking please”.3. Home calls de

2、mand _ rules of manners as business calls.4. Sometimes words with the same meaning produce _ in the listeners.5. Westerners _ to be frank and direct.6. Foreigners dont consider “excessive modesty” a great _.7. Memos, along with the telephone, are the tools of _within any writing.8. What _ should be

3、included depend on the memo youre writing.9. Some filing folders have a note on them for cross _. a meeting the secretary should type the minutes up, and keep proper records of the business_ and resolutions passed.(二) 单项选择题(共10题,每题2分,满分20分。请将正确的答案以相应的字母填入题中的划线处)1. She is one of the most _secretaries

4、 of that company.A. accomplished B. fulfilledC. finished D. achieved2. This secretary is remembered for her many good _.A. acts B. deedsC. actions D. activities3. Over 1000 people visited the trade fair _ those who were present at the opening ceremony on the first day.A. except B. except forC. with

5、the exception of D. in addition to4. Most people who travel in the course of their work are given traveling _.A. income B. allowancesC. wages D. pay5. The chairman _ that this years prize winner is Ms. Wang.A. announced B. declaredC. stated D. pronounced6. After discussing this among ourselves, we w

6、ill have to submit it for _ by our leadership.A. approval B. agreementC. permission D. approach7. In English, one rank below the full professor is the _ professor.A. under B. associateC. assistant D. deputy 8. Can your company _ that the silk shirts will be delivered in timeA. insure B. ensureC. ass

7、ure D. secure9. Visitors were asked to write their names in the _ space at the top of the page.A. empty B. hollowC. blank D. vacant10. Money is often the _ of many divorces.A. motive B. causeC. reason D. ground(三) 翻译题(共4题,每题5分,满分20分。请将英语译成汉语,汉语译成英语)1. You may run your chances for a job by wearing th

8、e wrong sort of clothes to the interview.2. Memos can be often served as reminder of the jobs you should do at particular time.3. 如果他们想批评人,他们总是当面批评,而不是靠第三者传话。4. 含混不清的或毫无助人诚意的电话答语说明你没有合作的诚意。5. 写作题(共1题,满分20分。请根据下面的内容,用英文起草一份通知)因紧急业务的原因,今接到ABC公司的通知,该公司的总裁Vincent先生必须在2002年5月15日出席董事会,所以不能按约定的时间来京。原定于2002

9、年5月16日召开的技术座谈会因故推迟到2002年6月5日下午2时举行。地点仍在我公司会议室。 总经理办公室 2002年5月12日(一)听写(共2题,每题5分,满分10分。此题是两段话,请将听到的内容用英语记录下来。录音播放两遍)1.2.(二)判断题(共10题,每题1分,满分10分。请在题号旁,根据听到的内容,正确的打“”,错误的打“”。录音播放两遍)1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 标准(参考)答案及评分标准笔试部分一、填空题标准答案:1. impression 2. crudely 3. similar 4. different feelings 5. tend6. virtue 7

10、. communication 8. features 9. reference 10. transacted评分标准:每题2分,满分20分,错答与不答均不得分二、单项选择题标准答案: 评分标准:每题2分,满分20分。错答与不答均不得分。三、翻译题参考答案:1. 你可能因为面试时的着装不得体而失去这项工作的机会。2. 备忘录可以随时提醒你再特定的时刻干什么事情。3. If they want to criticize someone, they usually do it to his face rather than using a third person to pass on the r

11、emarks.4. An unclear or unhelpful phone answer suggests you lack the honesty of cooperation.评分标准:每题5分,满分20分。错答与不答均不得分。句子大体符合愿意,可酌情加分.四、写作题参考答案Notice As informed by ABC Company, Mr. Vincent, the President of ABC company wont be able to come Beijing at appointed time owing to the reason that he will h

12、ave to attend a board meeting for some urgent business on the 15th of May, 2002. In such case, our technical seminar which was be held on the 16th of May, 2002, will have to be put off to the 5th,June2002, at 2:00 PM. The location of the meeting will still be in the meeting room of the company.May12

13、, 2002 General Manager Office评分标准:格式5分,语法5分,内容表达10分,满分20分。大体符合愿意,可酌情加分.一、听力部分标准答案:1. Wang Hong is approving for a secretary job in a joint venture company in Beijing. She is being interviewed by the manager.2. At first, the secretary should prepare a detailed itinerary and consult the boss about it.

14、 The itinerary must include as much information as possible. 评分标准:每题5分,满分10分。内容大体符合愿意,可酌情加分.二、判断题标准答案:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 评分标准:每题1分,满分10分,错答与不答均不得分2007年5月 国家涉外秘书四级英语真题 Test【注意:本试卷听力部分录音在“秘书英语听力录音四级01中。】I . Directions: True or false .(5 questions , 2 marks each question , 10 marks altogeth

15、er. )Put T(true) or F(false) in the brackets in front of each question. On the tape you will hear a telephone conversation between a hotel guest aned the receptionist at the hotel. The tape will be played twice . 判断对错。在每题的前面的括号中画T(对)或 F(错)。下面你将听到酒店顾客和接待员的哦对话,录音将播放两遍。(每题2分,共10分) Smith works for the h

16、otel. hotel can only provide 12 room because its fully booked tonight . waitress didnt remember John Smith s reservation. hotel booked 8 rooms for in another hotel far away. . Smith got all the rooms he needed at last.II . Directions: In this question you will hear a conversation . The tape will be

17、played once for you to get used to it and then again for you to write down what you hear . Complete the sentences according to what you hear. You MAY need to write down MORE THAN ONE word if necessary . After the tape has been played the second time you will be given two more minutes to finish writi

18、ng the dialogue and to check spelling , grammar and neatness.(2 marks each , 10 marks altogether) 请根据听到的内容填空,如果需要,一个空可能填写不止一个单词。(每题2分,共10分)1. She has to write _ about a product.2. Then they use them to get _about what people think of the product , how often they buy it , where they buy it and why th

19、ey buyt it and so on.3. Well , in _to the answers the public gives , it could change its _,or reduce the price of the product of change the _.B .Written TestI. Directions :Please put the correct preposition in the blank space for each question (2marks each question , 6 questions , 12 marks altogethe

20、r)在每题的空格中填写恰当的介词,每空一词。(每题2分,共12分)Susan Lee has come to Manchester (1)_a trade fair. She arrived this evening , Monday , June the second, and is staying for three days. She has a reservation for a double room (2)_ a bath (3)_the Grand , a big hotel (4)_the center of Manchester. Maria is (5)_Argentina

21、 in South America, and she lives and works in Buenos Aires where she is the managing director (6)_ Luxa Glasware Limited.II. Directions: Vocabulary . Please put the right answer (A,B,C, or D ) in the blank space for each question. (1marks each question , 8 marks altogether). 词汇:请选择正确的答案填在横线上(A,B,C 或

22、D,每题只有一个正确答案)。(每题1分,共8分)1. The _ of the pound has gone down . Consequently , our British customers are having to pay more for our goods.(A) amount (B) price (C)money (D) value2. Over the past ten years they have _ their accounts very promptly.(A)finished (B )paid (C)settled (D)done _ of this , I thi

23、nk we can safely raise their credit limit to $5,000.(A) surprise (B) view (C) joy (D) thoughts you are a(n)_customer, we will give you a 20 percent discount.(A) regular (B) ordinary (C) normal (D) often costs have _ considerably ;in the last six months.(A) raised (B) rised (C) rose (D) risen 6. Neve

24、rtheless , we should avoid _ up prices.(A)put (B) to put (C) putting (D) have put omitted to send us the necessary documents to _customs.(A)declare (B) go (C) through (D) clear realize we are not allowed andy _ in Companyy Policy.(A) speak (B) talk (C) say (D ) tellIII. Reading Comprehension: 阅读理解Di

25、rections: Section A. True or False questions , fill in T for True or F for False in the bracket .( 2 marks each question , 5 questions , 10 marks altogether ). 判断对错。在括号中对的填T, 错的填F(每题2分,共10分)。Problems may arise when your boss is away , and you must decide what action to take .Should you deal with the

26、m yourself Contact your boss by cable or cable of telephone Get in touch with his deputy or partner of another member of the board of directors Or simply leave them unsolved until your boss returns Experience and common sense will help you to decide ; no one can lay down hard and fast rules to cover

27、 all situations. A word of caution might come in useful at this stage . While initiative and enterprise are the necessary attributes of a good secretary , so are good judgment and awareness of ones limitations. Be clear in your own mind just how far your anthority goes; get your facts straight ; whe

28、re possible , seek a second opinion . Then when you decide on a course of action , see it through hard , if is should misfire , be ready to take the consequences. should be cautious when problems arise and your boss is away. 2. You should contact your boss when problems arise and he is away. 3. Noth

29、ing can help you decide , not even experience and common sense . can lay down hard and fast rules to cover all situations. 5. Initiative and enterprise are the necessary attributes of a good secretary , good judgment and awareness.Section BDirections : Read the following passage and fill in the blan

30、ks fwith appropriate sentences from the list to make it whole meaningful article . Note that there are more sentences than the blanks in the passage. ( 2 points each question, 10 marks altogether.) 要求: 选择正确选项,将其前面字母填入文章空白处。注意:给出的选项多于文章中的空格。(每题2分,共10分)(1) huge hard drives and computer faxes, the volu

31、me of paper in the average office has continued to grow. It may be that the final copy needs to be on paper , but the first give drafts should not be.(2) _a lot of older people are not happy with a document draft unless thy have a printed copy of it. There used to be good reason of this. “Older” computer programs were generally not capable of producing screen previews of what to be printed , and you simply had to see a draft copy. This draft would then need to be corrected for layout several

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