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1、教案一、教学内容选自课外文本阅读:We get many useful things from trees. Wood comes from trees. The woodcanbe used to make houses, desk and chairs. Rubber comes from trees. Rubber is used to make balls and boots.We also get fruit and nuts from trees. Birds and other animals like these trees, too.Trees can be helpful.

2、 Some medicines are made from tree bark. These medicines help sick people get well. Trees also give us shade on a sunny day. Many animals make their homes in trees. Birds build nests on tree branches. Owls, foxes, and other animals can live in tree holes.二、教学目标1、知识与技能目标:(1)学生能够通过各种阅读方法来读懂文本,掌握文本中出现的

3、核心词汇:useful, wood, helpful, shade, build, bark, owls, branches, hole(2)学生能够熟练运用文本核心句型:_Be used to make _./ _ be made from_.(3)学生能够在文本阅读中了解树的作用。2、语言技能目标:学生能够用核心词汇来复述故事。3、情感态度目标:能够通过阅读“树”的文本,学生对树有更加深入的了解,使学生理解树的重要作用,进一步提高学生保护树木及大自然的意识。三、教学重点:通过阅读“树”的文本故事,理解树的作用。四、教学重点:学生能够复述文本内容。五、教学过程:教学环节教学步骤设计意图Ste

4、p1 Pre-reading1.Lead-in:Drawa picture ofatreeon the blackboard andask:(1)Whats this?(2)Where can we see the trees?We can see trees on the roads/in the park/at school.Trees are everywhere.1.通过简笔画“树”引出课题,并引导学生说出“哪里有树”,让学生初步感知树的存在。Step2 While-reading1.First Reading(Whole reading)To get the main idea:Ha

5、ve Ss read and find the keysentences andwords from the text.Paragraph 1: Trees can be_.Paragraph 2: Trees can be_.2.Second Reading (Part reading)Paragraph 1:(1)Read and tick:Whatuseful things can we get from the trees?a.Wood:It is used to make houses, desks and chairs.b.RubberIt is used to make ball

6、s and boots.c.Fruit and nutsWe get fruits and nuts from the trees.Have Ss know about“NO CYCLE, NO LIFE.”(2)Retell:Trees can be useful. Wood is used to make_,_ and _. Rubber is used to make _and _. We also get _and _from the trees.Paragraph 2:1.Read and underline“What can the trees be helpful?”a.Some

7、 medicine are made from the treebark.b.Trees give usshadeon sunny days.c.Animals make homes in the trees.Birds build nests in the treebranch.Owls, foxes and other animals live in the hole.2.Retell the passageby the mind mapTrees can be helpful.It helps people and animals. _are made from_. Trees give

8、 us _on sunny days. Animals make homes in the trees. Birds build nests in_. Owls, foxes and _live in _.3.What is a good title for this text?A.Growing treesB.Animals and TreesC.Trees are important4.Trees are important.(1)Conserve soil and water(2)Clean the air(3)Prevent droughts and floods(4)Reduce n

9、oise pollution1、采取“整体”“局部”的阅读教学方法,通过略读、精读等渗透阅读策略,让学生循序渐进地理解和吸收。2、发散思维,主动思考树的作用,并利用重点句型和扩充句型表达。3、认识树对人类及动物生存环境的影响,对树的作用有更深入的认识。Step3 Post-reading1.环保倡议书(1)What should we do?We should plant trees.(2)What shouldnt we do?We shouldnt cut trees/climb the trees/engrave on the tree/pick up the leaves.Have Ss discuss and write down:Hi, Im_. Trees are very important. We shouldnt_.We should_. Thank you!通过学生讨论并完成环保倡议书,加强学生对树木的保护意识。

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