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届外研版必修3Module3The Violence of Nature单元学案15页.docx

1、届外研版必修3Module3The Violence of Nature单元学案15页2018届外研版必修3Module 3 单元学案重点识记单词1.disaster n.灾难2.flood n.洪水;大量;v.淹没;泛滥3.cause vt.引起;导致;n.原因;事业;目标 4.bury vt.埋葬5.wave n.波浪;v.挥(手);挥动 6.ruin vt.毁坏7.precious adj.以前的 8.earthquake n.地震9.worldwide adj.全世界的 10.damage n.& v.损失;损害 n.家具furnish vt.布置;提供 12.

2、violent adj.猛烈的;激烈的violence n.暴力13.luckily adv.幸运地;幸亏lucky adj.幸运的luck n.运气 14.warning n.警告warn v.警告15.experience vt.经历;n.经验;经历experienced adj.有经验的16.occur vi.发生occurrence n.发生;出现(过去式、过去分词occurred)17.strike vt.& n.(雷电、暴风雨等)袭击(过去式struck;过去分词struck/stricken)18.possibility n.可能;可能性possible adj.可能的proba

3、ble adj.(近义词)可能的19.terrifying adj.吓人的;可怕的terrified adj.害怕的terrify vt.使害怕20.thankfully adv.感激地;满怀感谢地thankful adj.感激的;满怀感谢的thank vt.感谢21.hopefully adv.满怀希望地;有希望地hopeful adj.有希望的hope vt. & n.希望22.sadly adv.伤心地;不幸地sad adj.伤心的;不幸的sadness n.悲伤23.fortunately adv.幸运地;幸亏fortunate adj.幸运的fortune n.运气

4、 adj.积极的;活跃的activity n.活动;活跃inactive adj.(反义词)被动的重点识记短语1.catch fire着火2.take off去掉;起飞;突然大受欢迎3.on average平均起来 4.set fire to放火(焚)烧5.put out扑灭(火) all总共;总计7.take place发生 8.end up结果为,以结束必背经典句式1.They can destroy houses,but leave the furniture inside exactly where it was.它们能毁掉房子,却把房内的家具留在原处。2.On averag

5、e,there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year,causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries.平均来说,美国每年发生800次龙卷风,造成大约80人死亡,1 500人受伤。3.By the time it ended,more than 700 people had been killed and 2,700 had been injured.等到风停时,已有700多人死亡,2 700多人受伤。4.When the lava reached the sea,there was the possibility of

6、 a huge tidal wave which could flood half the island.当岩浆蔓延至海面时,有可能会激起一个能够淹没半个岛屿的大浪潮。单元词汇练练一 语境填空(用所给词的适当形式填空)Nowadays,many 1.adventurous (adventure) activities,such as bungee jumping and rocking climbing,are becoming 2.unbelievably (believe) popular,especially among teenagers.Such activities often t

7、ake place in some 3.scenic (scene) spots.People say adventures help us to build up courage as well as 4.patience (patient)But I am worried about them,because any 5.faulty (fault) operation may cause injuries or deaths.Worse still,some facilities are set up without gaining 6.permission (permit),leadi

8、ng to potential safety risks. 二 原创语境填空(用所给词的适当形式填空)One day while 1.wandering (wander) along the street with my wife,I suddenly 2.spotted (spot) a middleaged man dressed in rags at a corner,holding a piece of paper that said,“3.Seeking (seek) a job to feed my family.” I came over to him,4.stared (sta

9、re) at his face for a moment and asked what had happened.He said he had been out of work for years,which 5.accounted (account) for his current poverty.He had five children at home,6.screaming (scream) for food and clothing.I sighed,deciding to offer some help.三.原创语境改错A young woman was killed in her

10、house last night.A detective is stared at her body,lost in thought.No other people can enter the house without being permitting.So far,no clue had been spotted at the crime scene that can account for how the murder occurred.A policeman is questioning the neighbors,trying seek useful information.One

11、neighbor says he seemed to hear a woman screamed at about 11 oclock,when he wandering around because he was a bit drunk.【答案】A young woman was killed in her house last night.A detective is at her body,lost in thought.No other people can enter the house without being.So far,no clue been spotted at the

12、 crime scene that can account for how the murder occurred.A policeman is questioning the neighbors,trying seek useful information.One neighbor says he seemed to hear a woman at about 11 oclock,when he wandering around because he was a bit drunk.while doing sth.“当在做某事的时候”。spot sb.doing sth.“发现某人正在做某事

13、”。seek sth.“寻找/谋求”;seek ones fortune“寻求发财的机会;寻求发展”;seek after/for“寻找;探索”;seek to do sth.“试图或企图做某事”。permit do sth.“允许某人做某事”;permit doing sth.“允许做某事”;time permitting“时间允许的话”。scream是不及物动词,没有被动语态形式。四语境填空(填入一个适当的词)Wang Wei was brought 1.up in tough conditions,which accounts 2.for his strong,brave c

14、haracter.He is not afraid of any challenges.On 3.the contrary,he enjoys 4.taking (take) chances to experience something new.When meeting setbacks,he never loses heart.Instead,he 5.goes (go) ahead with more courage.He is always finding fault 6.with himself.Whatever he does,he tries to fulfill it

15、 a perfect manner and to the best of his ability. 五.原创语境改错Bob went to California to seek his fortune many years ago.Contrary with his expectation,he failed in his business and became very poor.He was on rags and wherever he went,he was treated by a rude manner.Chances were which he would end up in p

16、overty.However,things changed beyond peoples imagination.One day he took chance and explored a mountain,where he found a gold mine quite by the accident.Without any doubt,he was able to make large amount of money eventually.【答案】Bob went to California to seek his fortune many years ago.Contrary his e

17、xpectation,he failed in his business and became very poor.He was rags and wherever he went,he was treated a rude manner.Chances were he would end up in poverty.However,things changed beyond peoples imagination.One day he took / and explored a mountain,where he found a gold mine quite by accident.Wit

18、hout any doubt,he was able to make large of money eventually.即时演练.原创语境填空When he came to,he found himself 1.carried (carry) downstream to a hillside by the flood.He struggled to his feet and found some fruit to eat.He didnt mind 2.having (have) a good sleep in a cave nearby.When he regained his stren

19、gth,he began walking back home.Two days later,he returned to his village,only find (find) it completely destroyed.4.What was left of the village after the flood 5.were (be) merely piles of stones.原创语境改错She was slept heavily in bed when she found herself being trapped in a big fire.She got up qu

20、ickly and rushed out of the house.She just left the house when it fell apart,burned to the ground.The fire lasted two hours when firefighters arrived.Seeing that was left of her house after the fire,she burst into tears.To her relief,an iron box was found lay under the ruins,which contained her diam

21、ond rings,gold necklaces and some other jewels.【答案】She was heavily in bed when she found herself trapped in a big fire.She got up quickly and rushed out of the house.She just left the house when it fell apart,burned to the ground.The fire lasted two hours firefighters arrived.Seeing was left of her

22、house after the fire,she burst into tears.To her relief,an iron box was found under the ruins,which contained her diamond rings,gold necklaces and some other jewels. 【导学号:11470051】冷知识详单查缺补漏.单句填空1As for your ability to fulfill the target,I never had the slightest doubt.2Try on this red skirt;you will

23、 look great in it.3Lost (lose) in thought,he almost ran into the car in front of him. 4As many as five courses are provided,and you are free to choose whichever suits you best.单句改错1He likes summer,but as about me,I like winter much better.aboutfor/to2If you happen to get losing in the wild,youd bett

24、er stay where you are and wait for help.losinglost3My brother would like to buy a good watch but nothing was available from that shop.nothingnone.原创语境改错A woman on a red coat came into the supermarket.Soon she found herself was lost in the broad range of items.She seemed to be looking for a pair of s

25、hoes,but neither was satisfactory.Women tend to have no specific target when they are shopping around.As with this woman,there was no exception.She walked round the market,stopping here and there for whichever interested her.Although she was tired after 2 hours,she lost nothing of her enthusiasm abo

26、ut shopping.【答案】A woman a red coat came into the supermarket.Soon she found herself lost in the broad range of items.She seemed to be looking for a pair of shoes,but was satisfactory.Women tend to have no specific target when they are shopping around.As this woman,there was no exception.She walked r

27、ound the market,stopping here and there for interested her.Although she was tired after 2 hours,she lost of her enthusiasm about for/to“关于;至于”,用于介绍所谈论的话题。介词in有“穿着;带着”之意,后接衣帽、颜色等名词。(be/get) lost in是习惯用法,意为“迷路;着迷;全神贯注于;沉湎于”。代词none和neither一般表示特定指代,none表示“(三个或三个以上的人或事中的)没有一个”,neither表示“(两个人或

28、事中的)没有一个”,但neither只能指代可数名词,none既可指代可数名词,也可指代不可数名词。none与no one和nothing的区别在于,前者表示特指,后两者表示泛指。whatever,whichever都可引导名词性从句,但whatever指没有特定范围的“任何事物”,whichever是指特定范围内的“任何一个”。单元综合测试第一部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAllow me to introduce you to Terry,

29、a window salesman from England. If I could take you back about 20 years, youd know Terry as a complete green hand, who was wet behind the ears in just about everything he attempted. A person couldnt sell false teeth to his own Granny, let alone he could compete with the other salespeople in the indu

30、stry. You know, the kind who could sell snow to Eskimos.Terrys boss decided to send him out on a practical field trip on his first day. So off he went, but he was extremely nervous. With his hands and his knees shaking, he approached the front door and knocked at is. And old woman appeared. After do

31、zens of cups of tea and pieces of biscuits, the woman signed a contract and purchased over $7,000 worth of windows.The woman had already talked with 6 excellent salesmen that week, all of whom offered her cheaper ones! Thats right-Terrys price was the most expensive and he was also the most inexperi

32、enced salesman there ever was.So, what happened then? Here comes the secret. The woman said she liked the young lad more than the others. Thats all there was to it. She didnt care about the extra expense. Even the other salesmen couldnt persuade her to pay less than this young lad was asking for.The truth is that the

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