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1、雪莱经典英语诗歌集锦双语雪莱经典英语诗歌集锦双语(最新版)编制人:_审核人:_审批人:_编制单位:_编制时间:_年_月_日序言下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如诗词歌赋、教学资料、作文大全、总结计划、党团报告、活动方案、制度手册、名言警句、祝福语、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope th

2、at after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!In addition, this shop provides you with various types of classic sample essays, such as poems and songs, t

3、eaching materials, essays, summary plans, party reports, activity plans, system manuals, famous sayings, blessings, other sample essays, etc., I want to know Please pay attention to the different format and writing styles of sample essays!雪莱经典英语诗歌集锦双语雪莱,出生于英格兰苏塞克斯郡菲尔德庄园,诗人、思想家、改革家。其一生见识广泛,不仅是柏拉图主义者,

4、更是个伟大的理想主义者,创作的诗歌节奏明快,积极向上,主要代表作有麦布女王伊斯兰的起义致英国人民等。下面就是本店铺给大家带来的雪莱经典英语诗歌,希望能帮助到大家!雪莱经典英语诗歌1Oh! there are spirits of the air,哦,天地间有大气的精灵,And genii of the evening breeze,有儒雅而斯文的鬼魅,And gentle ghosts, with eyes as fair有吹拂晚风的仙妖,眼睛As star-beams among twilight trees: 像黄昏林间星光一样美。Such lovely ministers to meet

5、去会见这些可爱的灵物,Oft hast thou turned from men thy lonely feet.你常踽踽而行,离群独步。With mountain winds, and babbling springs,和山间的清风与淙淙流泉,And moonlight seas, that are the voice和月下的海洋,和这类Of these inexplicable things,不可理解事物的喉舌交谈,Thou didst hold commune, and rejoice得到一声应答便感欣慰。When they did answer thee; but they然而,像摒弃

6、廉价的礼品,Cast, like a worthless boon, thy love away.它们却摒弃你奉献的爱情。And thou hast sought in starry eyes你又在明亮如星的眼睛里Beams that were never meant for thine,搜寻并非为你发的光辉Anothers wealth: tame sacrifice那财富另有所归;妄想的To a fond faith! still dost thou pine?牺牲!仍在为相思憔悴?Still dost thou hope that greeting hands,仍在期望热情相迎的双手、V

7、oice, looks, or lips, may answer thy demands?音容和唇吻满足你的企求?Ah! wherefore didst thou build thine hope啊,为什么要把希望建立On the false earths inconstancy?在虚伪世界的无常之上?Did thine own mind afford no scope难道你的心灵就不能留些Of love, or moving thoughts to thee?余地给爱和动人的思想?That natural scenes or human smiles以致自然的景色人的颦笑Could stea

8、l the power to wind thee in their wiles?竟能使你落入它们的圈套。Yes, all the faithless smiles are fled是啊,不贞的笑已经消失,Whose falsehood left thee broken-hearted;它们的虚伪已使你心碎;The glory of the moon is dead;明月的华光已死,黑夜的Nights ghosts and dreams have now departed;梦和鬼魅也都远走高飞;Thine own soul still is true to thee,你的灵魂,仍然忠实于你,Bu

9、t changed to a foul fiend through misery.但是历尽酸辛已化为厉鬼。This fiend, whose ghastly presence ever这厉鬼将以它的恐怖永远Beside thee like thy shadow hangs,像影子伴随着你,切勿Dream not to chase; the mad endeavour梦想驱除:这疯狂的愚念Would scourge thee to severer pangs.会陷你于更难堪的痛苦。Be as thou art. Thy settled fate,安份吧既定的命运虽阴暗,Dark as it is

10、, all change would aggravate.改变却只会加深你的灾难。雪莱经典英语诗歌2Thy look of love has power to calm你含情的目光有力量平息The stormiest passion of my soul;我灵魂中最狂暴的激情,Thy gentle words are drops of balm你温柔的话语,是一滴滴In lifes too bitter bowl;滴入这人生苦杯的芳醇,No grief is mine, but that alone我仅有的悲哀,独独因为These choicest blessings I have known

11、.我体验过这种珍贵的恩惠。Harriet! if all who long to live哈莉特!倘若要活在你那In the warm sunshine of thine eye,温暖的目光下,就必须That price beyond all pain must give,付出超过一切痛苦的代价Beneath thy scorn to die;就该在你的轻蔑中死去;Then hear thy chosen own too late请听你心上人过晚的供认:His heart most worthy of thy hate.他这颗心,只配你的憎恨。Be thou, then, one among

12、mankind即使你是在那种人类中间Whose heart is harder not for state,他们不为国事而心如铁石,Thou only virtuous, gentle, kind,即使在一个充满恨的世界,Amid a world of hate;你也只该温良而且正直:And by a slight endurance seal请稍许再用些微一点忍耐A fellow-beings lasting weal.成全一个同伴恒久的欢快。For pale with anguish is his cheek,他的面颊已因苦恼而憔悴,His breath comes fast, his e

13、yes are dim,他呼吸急促,目光模糊,Thy name is struggling ere he speak,他的肢体抖颤,虚弱疲惫,Weak is each trembling limb;你的名字,他难从口出;In mercy let him not endure请发慈悲,别再让他承受The misery of a fatal cure.一次痛苦而且致命的疗救。Oh, trust for once no erring guide!哦,请听一次不谬的规劝,Bid the remorseless feeling flee;快让那冷酷的感情离去;Tis malice, tis reveng

14、e, tis pride,那是怨懑、报复,是傲慢,Tis anything but thee;是别的一切而不该是你;Oh, deign a nobler pride to prove,请为一种高尚的骄傲证明:And pity if thou canst not love.当你不能爱时,还能怜悯。雪莱经典英语诗歌3Away! the moor is dark beneath the moon,去吧!那月光下的荒野阴郁暗淡,Rapid clouds have drank the last pale beam of even:疾驰的云朵已吞没尽落日的余晖;Away! the gathering wi

15、nds will call the darkness soon,去吧!越刮越紧的风将召来黑暗,And profoundest midnight shroud the serene lights of heaven.深沉午夜将包裹天空恬静的光辉。Pause not! The time is past! Every voice cries, Away!别停留!时刻已过!每一声呼唤Tempt not with one last tear thy friends ungentle mood:都催你归去,别用泪水招惹朋友Thy lovers eye, so glazed and cold, dares

16、not entreat thy stay:哀愁,本份和疏懒都指引你回返Duty and dereliction guide thee back to solitude.孤独,连恋人都不敢恳求你不走。Away, away! to thy sad and silent home;去吧去吧!去你悲哀寂静的家园,Pour bitter tears on its desolated hearth;把辛酸的泪水倾注给荒凉的炉灶,Watch the dim shades as like ghosts they go and come,坐视灰暗的阴影像幽灵来去往返,And complicate strange

17、 webs of melancholy mirth.用悲怆的欢乐把奇异的蛛网织造。The leaves of wasted autumn woods shall float around thine head:秋林的落叶将飞舞在你头的周遭,The blooms of dewy spring shall gleam beneath thy feet:带露珠的春花将在你的脚下开放;But thy soul or this world must fade in the frost that binds the dead,不待夜颦、晨笑,你和安宁拥抱,Ere midnights frown and m

18、ornings smile, ere thou and peace may meet.你今世的灵魂便会在寒霜中消亡。The cloud shadows of midnight possess their own repose,午夜的云影自有它们休息的时刻,For the weary winds are silent, or the moon is in the deep:由于月已沉没,或是风倦而安恬:Some respite to its turbulence unresting ocean knows;不安的海也知道动荡之后的息歇;Whatever moves, or toils, or g

19、rieves, hath its appointed sleep.操劳的、忧伤的都有规定的睡眠。Thou in the grave shalt restyet till the phantoms flee你该在坟墓中安息:然而,直到Which that house and heath and garden made dear to thee erewhile,你对庭院和荒郊的亲切错觉飞却,Thy remembrance, and repentance, and deep musings are not free你回忆、悔恨、思念都摆脱不了From the music of two voices

20、 and the light of one sweet smile.一颗甜笑、两重嗓音交织的音乐。雪莱经典英语诗歌4Thy dewy looks sink in my breast;你的泪容尚铭记在我的深心,Thy gentle words stir poison there;柔声蜜语仍在搅动毒鸩,Thou hast disturbed the only rest你打扰过我仅有的和平宁静,That was the portion of despair!那曾经是绝望的一部分;Subdued to Dutys hard control,倘若是顺从本份严厉的拘束,I could have borne my wayward lot:我原可任凭命运的摆布,The chains that bind this ruined soul禁锢我残破灵魂的枷锁似痈疽Had cankered thenbut crushed it not.折磨,却未能使它降伏。雪莱经典英语诗歌集锦双语终于写完毕了,希望能够帮助到大家,谢谢!

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