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高中英语新教材外研版必修第一册学案+作业Unit 1 A new start Period Ⅲ.docx

1、高中英语新教材外研版必修第一册学案+作业Unit 1 A new start Period Period Developing ideas课前自学导引高中提示采访者:大家好,欢迎来到学校访谈。今天和我一起主持节目的是我们学校之前的一个学生,莉莎奥斯本。莉莎去年六月从我们学校毕业,即将去纽约上大学。莉莎,谢谢你来和我们分享你的高中建议。莉莎:嗨,大家好,我很高兴回来。我觉得高中就像昨天一样!采访者:你刚上高中的时候,什么对你有帮助?莉莎:迎新日真的很有帮助。对于新生来说,这是一个了解学校和其他学生的绝佳机会。我甚至交了一些新朋友! 只要保持开放的心态,尽可能多地参与。采访者:这绝对是个好建议。但


3、,我给你们的最重要的建议是作家玛雅安杰洛写的这些精彩的话。她说:“试着做别人云里的彩虹。”所以,当你的朋友需要帮助的时候,拉他们一把。这也会让你感觉很好。采访者:太棒了!莉莎,再次感谢你来和我们分享。祝你大学生活一帆风顺!莉莎:谢谢你。课堂合作探究1opportunity n. 机会(P8)归纳拓展(1)an/the opportunity to do sth. 做的机会 take the opportunity to do sth. 利用机会去做某事(2)当被修饰的词为抽象名词time, way, reason, chance, ability, courage, wish等时,常用不定式作

4、后置定语。Mothers Day is an opportunity to express thanks and send best wishes to our mothers.母亲节是一个向母亲表达感谢和祝福的机会。I took the opportunity to visit Jack while I was in Rome.我在罗马的时候利用这个机会去拜访了杰克。单句语法填空This is a great opportunity (improve) ourselves.Hurry up! There is no time (get) changed.Graham worked very

5、hard to improve her ability (dance)答案:to improveto getto dance2graduate v. 毕业;获得学位(尤指学士)n. 毕业生,学位获得者(P9)归纳拓展(1)graduate from 从毕业graduate in 毕业于专业(2)graduation n. 毕业,毕业典礼These graduates all graduated from Oxford University. 这些毕业生都毕业于牛津大学。I graduated in English and have been an English teacher for 20

6、years.我毕业于英语专业,当英语老师已经有二十年了。Have you kept in touch with your classmates after graduation? 你毕业后和同学们还保持联系吗?单句语法填空He has graduated physics. And now he is looking for a job.Her parents are flying to Canada to attend her (graduate)After graduating university, Mary spent two weeks travelling abroad.My sis

7、ter is graduate of Peking University.答案:ingraduationfroma3frightened adj. 害怕的(P9)归纳拓展(1)fright n. 惊吓,恐怖(2)frighten vt. 使害怕,使惊吓(3)frightening adj. 令人惊恐的,骇人的I was frightened at the sight of the test paper.我一看到试卷就害怕了。The little girl was frightened at the sight of the frightening snake and shook with fr

8、ight.这个小女孩一看到这条令人恐怖的蛇就感到很害怕,吓得浑身发抖。名师点津frightening和frightened同为形容词,但用法却不相同。frightening表示“令人害怕的”;frightened表示“感到害怕的”,修饰人以及人的表情、眼神、声音等。单句语法填空Its (frighten)to think it could happen again.The little girl was (frighten) that her mother wouldnt come back.My hair stood on end with (frighten)答案:frighteningf

9、rightenedfright4figure n. 数字;身材;人物;人影;图表vt. (经过考虑后)认为,以为;计算;估计(P9)归纳拓展figure on 计划;打算;期待figure sth. out 弄懂;弄清楚;弄明白I figured the sensible thing to do was wait.我认为明智的做法是等待。He was a key figure in the independent struggle.他是那场独立斗争中的关键人物。I saw a figure approaching in the darkness.我看见黑暗中有个人影走过来。She is on

10、a diet to keep her figure.她在节食以保持体形。Its difficult to figure out why she did it.很难理解她为什么那么做。写出下列句中figure的含义My uncle has an income of seven figures a year. He has become a figure known to everyone. She does exercise every morning to keep her figure. The wall was covered with figures of birds and flowe

11、rs. We figured that youd want to rest after your trip. 答案:数字人物身材图案认为in particular 尤其,特别(P9)归纳拓展(1)be particular over/about 对过于讲究/挑剔(2)particularly adv. 特别,尤其We should pay attention to this problem in particular.我们应该特别注意这个问题。Dont be too particular about others.对别人不要太挑剔。Weve been particularly busy the

12、se days.这些天我们特别忙。(1)单句语法填空There are so many books here. Why do you like that one particular?WeChat is very popular in recent years, (particular) among young people.答案:inparticularly(2)单句写作她已经尽力了。请不要对她的工作太挑剔。She has already tried her best. Please dont her job.答案:be too particular aboutYou must have h

13、ad some moments when you were disappointed. 你一定有过失望的时候。(P9)剖析本句中must have had是must have done结构,表示“过去一定做过”,是对过去发生的动作的肯定推测。归纳拓展其他“情态动词have done”的用法:(1)should/ought to have done两者均含委婉的批评、责备之意。肯定式表示过去应该做某事而未做,意为“本应该做”;否定式表示做了不该做的事情,意为“本不应该做”。(2)can/could have donecan/could 用于疑问句或否定句中,表示对过去行为可能性的推测。could

14、 have done用于肯定的陈述句中,表示“本能够去做却没有做”。(3)may/might have done此结构表示对过去情况的肯定推测,但语气稍弱,意为“也许;可能”,常用于肯定句,不用于疑问句;另外might have done还可表示委婉的责备,意为“其实(本来)可以”。(4)neednt have done此结构表示一种不必要的过去行为,意为“做了本来不必做的事情”。The road is wet. It must have rained last night.路是湿的,昨天晚上一定下雨了。I told Sally how to get there, but perhaps I

15、should have written it out for her.我告诉萨莉怎么去那儿了,但或许我应该为她写出来。He cant have worked at the office last night, for he had to go to a party at 6:00 pm.昨晚他不可能在办公室工作,因为(昨天)晚上六点他得参加一个聚会。I stayed at a hotel while in New York.Oh, did you? You could have stayed with Barbara.在纽约时我住在一家旅店。哦,是吗?你本可以和巴巴拉待在一起的。You mig

16、ht have given him more help, though you were busy.其实你本可以更多地帮助他,尽管你很忙。There was plenty of time; she neednt have hurried.时间很充足,她本不必着急的。单句语法填空Bill (go) too far. His coffee is still warm.Sorry, Mum! I failed the job interview again.Oh, its too bad. You (make) full preparations.I (worry) before I came to

17、 the new school, for my classmates here are very friendly to me.答案:cant/couldnt have goneshould have madeneednt have worried.单词拼写1We (交换) gifts at Christmas.答案:exchange2I was impressed by the teams (表现)答案:performance3The movie has won a number of (奖项)答案:awards4Working in the cafe is a valuable (机会)

18、for people who expect to develop their skills in a friendly customer service environment.答案:opportunity5She is s to bring up a family alone.答案:struggling6The school opened a new course for students wishing to i their English.答案:improve7He studied his map, trying to m the way to Roses street.答案:memor

19、ise8The environmental health c will meet again next Wednesday.答案:committee.单句语法填空1Mr Howarth gave us very (specifically) instructions.答案:specific2The article made no (refer) to previous research on the subject.答案:reference3Miriam was too (frighten) to tell her family what had happened. 答案:frightened

20、4If you are not a (subscribe), you can subscribe today.答案:subscriber5.This job provides them with an opportunity (develop) new skills and enrich their experience and knowledge. 答案:to develop6True friends always share their sadness and happiness each other. 答案:with7The judges have made their final (s

21、elect)答案:selection8Eating fish can provide health benefits, (particular) to the heart.答案:particularly.选词填空make friends; take part in; at the end of; in particular; at the sight of; deal with; for sure; go all out1During the summer holiday, college students are encouraged to social activities.答案:take

22、 part in2I think hell be back on Monday afternoon, but I cant say .答案:for sure3 the class, we all stood up and thanked the professor for his wonderful speech.答案:At the end of4You should with a person who is easy to get along with.答案:make friends5We are sure to win the match as long as we . 答案:go all

23、 out6The little girl screamed a snake.答案:at the sight of7It is a good concertI enjoy the last song .答案:in particular8We are considering how to this difficult situation.答案:deal with.单句写作1看看这些乌云,看起来好像要下雨了。(as if)Look at these black clouds. It it is going to rain.答案:looks as if2我正要出门,天开始下雨了。(be about t

24、o do when)I it began to rain.答案:was about to go out when3从你的话看,她一定告诉了你所有的事情。(musthave done)From what you said, she all about it.答案:must have told you4听起来汽车的发动机好像出了毛病。如果这样的话,我们最好把它立即送到修理厂。(状语从句的省略)It sounds like something is wrong with the cars engine. , wed better take it to the garage immediately.答

25、案:If so5这是一个年轻人加深对世界了解的机会。(its an opportunity for sb. to do sth.) deepen their understanding of the world.答案:Its an opportunity for young people to课后课时作业In April 1952, I was 11 years old and in the sixth grade at an elementary school. My teacher was Miss Pemberton. It was spelling bee time in our ci

26、tystudents were issued with brochures of words to study in 1 for the class spelldowns (比赛). They would lead to a schoolwide contest and 2 qualification for the citywide spelling bee, where school 3 competed for the 4 of being the spelling champion of Houston.The day 5 the class spelling bee, my youn

27、gest brother was playing with matches and 6 set a fire in our apartment. My mother made sleeping arrangements for all of us and 7 the school in the morning to inform Miss Pemberton of the accident, 8 that the class spelling bee was that day.When I arrived at school, Miss Pemberton 9 me aside. She as

28、ked if I wanted her to 10 the spelling bee to another day because of my 11 about the fire. I told her no. That day, I won the spelling bee for my class.The next week was the school spelling bee, with class champions 12 . I won again! The 13 spelling bee was one month away.Every Sunday afternoon, Mis

29、s Pemberton would pick me up, and we would go to her house, where she would help me 14 by calling out spelling words. After a couple of 15 , Miss Pemberton would 16 me to Rettigs icecream parlor, where I could 17 a hot chocolate sundae (圣代冰激凌) which Id never had. We practiced every 18 until the city

30、wide spelling bee. I did not win the citywide spelling bee, but I still felt 19 to have participated. I also felt grateful that I had such a 20 teacher in elementary school. 篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述了十一岁时“我”参加拼字比赛的故事。1A.need Bexchange Cpreparation Dreturn答案:C根据该句中的“students were issued with brochures of words to study in 1 for the class spelldowns (比赛)”可知,老师给学生们分发了单词手册,以便他们为班级拼字比赛做准备。in preparation for为固定搭配,意为“为做准备”,故C项正确。2A.actual Bfinal Chop

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