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1、10浙江师范651综合英语含英汉互译浙江师范大学2010年硕士研究生入学考试初试试题科目代码:651科目名称:综合英语(含英汉互译)适用专业:050201英语语言文学、050211外国语言学及应用语言学提示:1、请将所有答案写于答题纸上,写在试题上的不给分;2、请填写准考证号后6位:_。Part One Vocabulary (45%, 1.5 points each)Directions: In this part you must complete the following sentences by choosing one suitable word or phrase from th

2、e four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.1. I know nothing about the mans background _ hes got a Ph. D. degree in chemistry. A. except B. except that C. besides D. besides that2. _ the harmful effects of smoking, he decided to give it up. A. Convinced of B. Convin

3、cing C. Convincing of D. Convinced by3. In a state of crisis, it is usually the weak that goes _. It goes _ nations as well as individuals. A. down, for B. under, to C. out, for D. under, for4. After graduation he decided to go _ business. But as time went _ he began to find it boring. He couldnt im

4、agine himself spending all his life going _ money. A. in for, off, for B. after, along at C. in for, on, after D. into, on, upon5. I dont go _ hard rock. Its much too noisy _ my taste. A. after, with B. for, for C. with, with D. with, for6. Can you help me _ my paper? I dont know how to go _ it. A.

5、with, about B. on, about C. for, with D. at, for7. The news of this killing in broad daylight got _ very quickly. But the murderer was not at all afraid. He thought that because he was the son of the police chief, he could get _ with it. A. round, on B. about, way C. round, away D. back, on8. I hear

6、 you subscribe _ South China Weekend. Which section are you particularly fond _? A. from, at B. in, off C. at, of D. to, of9. They were just _ you. They meant no harm. A. ridiculing B. teasing C. mocking D. laughing at10. The two sisters always have a lot to tell each other, either over the phone or

7、 _ person. A. in B. with C. under D. of11. As soon as she got home, she set _ preparing dinner. A. to B. forth C. about D. out12. Many observers believe that a new economic recession has set _ for that country. A. out B. off C. down D. in13. These rare birds are _ illegally and exported for big prof

8、its. A. caught B. captured C. arrested D. seized14. May I _ you to turn down that air-conditioner a little bit? A. annoy B. disturb C. trouble D. bother15. _ to the funeral of a big shot in show business, the couple tried to get a chance to be seen there. A. Invited not B. Not having invited C. Were

9、nt invited D. Not having been invited16. A month ago, at Giza, just outside Cairo, construction workers unearthed some flat stones _ were written the rules for training school-leavers. A. where B. on which C. there D. in which17. Stand together, yet not too near together: For the pillars of the temp

10、le stand apart and the oak tree and the cypress grow not in _ shadow. A. their B. the C. one another D. each others18. Some first-generation college students carry _ hopes and dreams of _ parents for a better life than they have had. A. /, their B. their, the C. the, their D. the, /19. My grandmothe

11、rs eyelids _ and she dozed peacefully, with the clock ticking rhythmically and the logs crackling cheerfully. A. dangled B. drooped C. sagged D. stooped20. As the final examination was drawing near, Theresa spent the rest of the day with her books, trying to _ with some reading. A. make up B. pick u

12、p C. catch up D. hurry up21. The speech he made about the preservation of beauty spots and the sites of special scientific interest was beyond _. A. reproach B. blame C. scold D. reprimand22. Be careful! The _ of your glass is cracked. A. edge B. verge C. fringe D. rim23. According to the director,

13、these new actresses, expressionless and indifferent, are simply _ the lines. A. executing B. murdering C. killing D. slaughtering24. Its a good thing to spend some time seeing your own country from the outside: it helps you to get a sense of _. A. ratio B. symmetry C. proportion D. relation25. In Sh

14、anghais employment system reforms, many experienced Party secretaries have become contracted employees just like their subordinates, _ themselves to new conditions. A. adopting B. adapting C. adept D. abdicating26. When they were evicted for not paying the rent, they wept, wailed and _ their teeth.

15、A. gnashed B. bit C. chewed D. nibbled27. At the football match, the _ were thoroughly aroused by the flexibility of the players. A. audiences B. on-lookers C. spectators D. crowds28. You can rest _ that the talented young secretary has been able to confirm what he said in the original report. A. re

16、assured B. ensured C. insured D. assured29. One the fight was over; he had to start learning how to run the hotel from _. A. scratch B. nothing C. ignorance D. blank30. Its impossible to _ these two points of view because they are too different. A. compromise B. unite C. reconcile D. combinePart Two

17、 Reading Comprehension (45%)Section A (30 points, 2 points each)Directions: In this part there are three passages followed by a total of 15 multiple choice questions, each with four suggested answers marked with A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE you think is the best answer and then write your answers o

18、n the ANSWER SHEET.Text AIn nature as in culture, diversity can be a difficult concept. Understanding it is one thing, accepting it another, especially when diversity means not only acknowledging a pre-existing mixture of difference - the very ampleness of the world but also accommodating an adjustm

19、ent to the existing state of things. A case in point is the reintroduction of gray wolves in Yellowstone National Park. Thirty-three wolves were released in 1995, and their number has now reached 97. Population expansion is one measure of the wolf programs success, but a better one is the wolves imp

20、act on the natural diversity of the park.Typically, a pack of the Yellowstone wolves kills a big deer every few days. But over the remains the wolves abandon, a wonderful new diversity has emerged. Since their arrival, wolves have killed many of the parks coyotes, a smaller kind of wolf. The reducti

21、on in coyotes has caused an increase in rodents such as mice, rabbits and squirrels, which also benefits a wide range of predators. Even the coyotes that live at the margins of wolf country have prospered, thanks to the leftovers the wolves leave behind. So do grizzly bears, which feed on wolf-kille

22、d deer before beginning hibernation or winter sleep.What has interested scientists is the swiftness, the dynamism, of this shift in diversity. There has been, however, no matching dynamism in the opinion of humans who oppose the wolf reintroduction. That was made plain by a Federal district judges r

23、ecent order to “remove” the wolves, the result of a legal process that is the offspring of inflexibility. Several livestock groups, including the Wyoming Farm Bureau, had filed a suit that urged, in slightly cleverer terms, the old proposition, no wolves, no problems. Several environmental groups ha

24、d filed a separate lawsuit - unconnected to the Yellowstone wolves protesting the dropping of legal protection for wolves that were recolonizing Idaho. The two suits were unfortunately merged.Though Judge William Downes stayed his own decision pending appeal, his judgment is a sad encouragement to t

25、he mistaken defensiveness of most ranchers or cattle farmers. It is also a misunderstanding of the purpose of the environmentalists suit. His decision needs to be swiftly and decisively overturned on appeal. It is no exaggeration to say that since the return of the wolves, Yellowstone has witnessed

26、an economy of diversity from which human culture including the culture of ranching can directly profit, if only it chooses to do so. 31. By saying “diversity can be a difficult concept”, the author implies that _.A. natural diversity is more difficult to explain than cultural diversityB. people dont

27、 understand what natural diversity means, let alone accept itC. its hard for people to get rid of old concepts, much less create new onesD. people dont see the difference between cultural and natural diversity 32. Since the arrival of 33 wolves in the Yellowstone National Park, _.A. a dynamic biolog

28、ical chain has started to functionB. animals kept in the park have had enough foodC. some animals that are not wanted have been vanishingD. the attraction of the park is greatly increased 33. The author believes that Judge William Downes was obviously on the side of _.A. The Yellowstone Park B. live

29、stock groupsC. environmental groups D. Federal laws 34. According to the author, the protection of wolves will _.A. bring about an economic boom to the surrounding farms and ranchesB. cause bigger losses of livestock to the Parks neighboring farmsC. lead to a number of controversies in the societyD.

30、 prove to be beneficial to all parties concerned 35. The best title for the text would be _.A. Natural Diversity Versus Cultural DiversityB. Human Dynamism Needed for a Balanced EcosystemC. The Controversy over the Yellowstone WolvesD. The Cost of Raising Wolves Versus Its BenefitsText BHow should o

31、ne read a book? In the first place, I want to emphasize the note of interrogation at the end of my beginning sentence. Even if I could answer the question for myself, the answer would apply only to me and not to you. The only advice, indeed, that one person can give another about reading is to take no advice, to follow your own instincts, to use your own reason, to come to your own conclusion. If this is agreed between us, then I feel at liberty to put forward a few ideas and suggestions because you wi

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