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1、高二英语下册Unit20总复习高二英语Unit20 Archaeology知识点总复习教案Section I 课前准备、听力、口语1. Practise expressing curiosity. 联系表达好奇心。(p.73 Goals)curiosity n. 好奇心; 求知欲;珍品, 古董; 奇人事、物 奇特性He is full of curiosity. 他充满了好奇心。be on tiptoe with curiosity充满好奇心from curiosity (=out of curiosity) 在好奇心驱使下in open curiosity 公然出头过问与自己无关的事Curi

2、ous killed a cat. 好奇伤身。2. Describe the life of people in China during the periods above. 描绘一下上图那个时期中国人的生活。(p.73 Warming Up 1) describe(1) vt. 形容,描写搭配:describeas 把描绘成,把说成Words cant describe my joy. 语言不能形容我的快乐。He described himself as a teacher. 他说自己是老师。(2) vt. 画(图形),制(图) He described a circle within a

3、 square. 他在一个正方形内画了个圆。(3) 短语 beyond description 无法用语言形容的The play was boring beyond description. 这出戏枯燥得难以用语言来形容。巧记:-scribe 动词后缀;-scription 名词后缀; -scriptive 形容词后缀联想:(派)description n. 描写,形容;种类,性质descriptive 描述的,说明的3. what did their homes look like? 你的家乡看上去是什么样子的? (p.73 Warming Up 1) 怎么样像什么什么

4、样子?What is he like? 用来询问人的性格、能力、成就或给人的印象,亦可询问外表。用于指物时,What is it like? 用来询问事物的性质、质量、特征等,有时候要求作详细的描述。What does he / it look like? 仅仅用于询问人或事物的外部特征。- Whats her mother like? 她母亲是什么样的人? - Oh, she is quite nice. 噢,她相当好。- Whats the new teacher like? 新老师是什么样的人? - Hes got a red beard and he makes stupid mist

5、akes. 他留着红胡子,犯一些愚蠢的错误。What is the tea like? 这茶怎么样? (指质量) - What was the concert like? 音乐会怎么样? - It was excellent. 太妙了。Whats the weather like this morning? 今天上午的天气怎么样? - What does it look like? 它是什么样子? - Its small and square. 它很小,是正方形的。- What does he look like? 他是什么样的人? - He is tall and thin and very

6、 badly dressed. 他又高又瘦,穿戴很糟。注意:What is he? 用来询问职业、职务、社会地位等。How is he? / How are you? 通常对身体状况的询问。- What is your brother? 你哥哥是做什么工作的?- He is a worker. 他是个工人。- How are you? 你好吗?- Fine, thank you. And you? 很好,你呢?4. Im curious about 我对感到好奇。(p.75 Useful expressions) curious adj. 好奇的;有求知欲的 A good student sh

7、ould always be curious to learn. 好学生应有求知欲。Dont be too curious about things you are not supposed to know. 对于不要你知道的事别多去打听。It is curious that he should have failed to win the race. 他竟然没赢得比赛,真是奇怪。注意:be curious about 对好奇;It is curious + that. 是奇怪的;be curious to do sth. 渴望去做某事(强调好奇心态)辨析:curious,anxious 与

8、eagercurious 强调好奇心态,anxious 侧重“忧虑”,eager作“渴望的,热切的”强调一种积极向上的心态。The boy is curious about the origin of mankind. 这个男孩对人类起源感到好奇。We are anxious about his safety. 我们为他的安全而忧虑。He is eager to join the PLA. 他渴望参加人民解放军。联想:(派) curiously adv. 好奇地 curiosity n. 好奇(心)Section II 阅读5. On May 3, 2002, archaeologists i

9、n England found a grave of a man dating back to around 2300 BC. 2002年5月3日,英国考古学家发现了一座约公元前2300的男人墓穴。(p.75 Reading 第一段 第1行)date back to追溯到 date此处作动词用,意为“确定的年代”“计算的日期”通常与from或back to连用,意为“追溯到” 如: The castle dates back to the 14th century. 这城堡可以追溯到十四世纪。 The prosperity of the family dates from the war.这个

10、家族的富裕可追溯到战争年代。 This custom dates back to the Tang Dynasty.这习俗可追溯到唐朝。 【注】 date作动词时,可引申为“(开始)变得过时”之意。如: Some James Bond films have dated more quick- ly than others.有些007电影比其他的过时得快。 This sort of style never dates. 这种流行式样永远不会过时。 【注】 date还有“显示人的年龄”之意。如:That suit dates you so much. 你穿那套衣服使你显得很老。6. That wo

11、uld have made him a man of distinction. 这能显示出他地位的卓越。(p.75 Reading 第二段 第3行)distinction n. 区别; 差别; 不同之处;特征; 特性; 个性;优越; 卓越; 盛名;功勋; 荣 誉; 勋章the chief distinction of Chinese food中国食品的主要特征a writer of distinction 一位卓越的作家academic distinctions学术上的荣誉There is no appreciable distinction between the twins. 在这对孪生子

12、之间看不出有什么明显的差别。His distinc- tion of sound is excellent. 他辨别声音的能力很强。His style lacks distinction. 他的文体缺乏个性。7. Next to them lay a cushion stone, upon which the man could work metal. 在它们的旁边放着一块垫东西的石头,这个人有可能在上面锻造金属。(p.75 Reading 第三段 第2 3行) 本句是一个倒装句,主语是a cushion stone,谓语是lie的过去式lay,整个谓语都提前,为全部倒装。这种倒装结构主要是为

13、了句子的平衡,在宾语中,有时句子的主语过长,又没有宾语,为了使句子较为平衡,同时也为了使句子更生动,常将状语提到句首,将主谓倒装,这种倒装是直接把谓语动词放到主语之前,不需要加 助动词。请阅读下面的倒装句,体会这种倒装句的结构。 Over the wall came a shower of stones.从墙上飞来一阵石块。 On every - side stretched fields of green wheat.四周都是葱茏的麦田。 At the top of the hill stood a tiny temples.在山顶上有一座小小的寺庙。 Next to it stood a

14、pile of paper cups.它旁边立着一堆纸杯。 In the distance could be seen the green hills.能看到远处绿色的群山。 In the doorway stood a man with a gun.门道里站着一个拿枪的人。 work在此处作及物动词用,意为“制作”“锻造”“塑造”。如: He worked a silver dollar into a bracelet. 他把一枚银元铸成一只手镯。 They worked a piece of copper into a tray.他们把一块铜铸成一个盘子。【注】work作及物动词时有多种意

15、思,请阅读下列句子,体会work的含意。 He worked his farm with success. 他成功地经营着他的农场。 Our teacher works us very hard. 我们的老师对我们抓得很紧。 The wounded man worked his way across the fields on his hands and knees. 这受伤的人靠手和膝盖爬过田野。 Can you work the stone into place? 你能慢慢挪动石头使它就位吗? The landlord almost worked his farmhands to deat

16、h. 那地主迫使雇农们累死累活地干。 Do you know how to work the machine? 你知道这机器怎么开吗?8. It was all that a person would need to survive clothing, tools, weapons, pottery and spare materials to make new tools. 这些全都是一个人赖以生存的必需品衣服、工具、武器、陶瓷、以及制造新工具用的备用材料。(p.75 Reading 第三段 倒数第1行) spare(1) adj. 备用的 Please stay with us, we h

17、ave a spare room for you. 请住下吧,我们有给你的备用房间。Each car should have a spare tyre. 每辆车都应有个备用轮胎。(2) adj. 多余的,空闲的What do you like doing in your spare time. 在空余时间,你喜欢干什么? Have you got a spare moment? There is something Id like to discuss. 你有空吧? 我有事要跟你讨论。(3) v. 出让,抽出(时间) 让给He said he could spare me 5 minutes.

18、 他说他能为我抽出5分钟的自由活动时间。Can you spare me this book for a while? 这本书你能让我看一会儿吗?(4) v. 节约,省用We hope that readers will not spare their comments. 我们希望读者无保留地提出意见。No trouble was spared to make sure the guests enjoyed themselves. 不惜一切代价确保客人们玩得尽兴。(5) v. 省掉,用不着We can spare you for tomorrow. 明天我们可以不要你帮忙了。Use the t

19、elephone and spare yourself a visit. 打个电话,用不着你亲自去一趟。注意:spare no effort(s) 不遗余力;spare no expense 不惜工本9. The discovery is important for a variety of reason.这次发现非常重要,其原因是多方面的。(p.75 Reading 第四段 第1行) variety(1) n. 多样化,变化She doesnt like the work because it lacked variety;she was doing the same thing all t

20、he time.她不喜欢这项工作因为它缺乏变化,她过去一直做同样的工作。(2) n. 种类Everyone arrived late at the party, for a varie- ty of reasons. 由于种种原因,所有人到会都迟到了。拓展:a variety of = varieties of 各种各样a lot of = lots of 大量,许多a mass of = masses of 众多,大量 都既修饰可数名词也修饰不可数名词联想:(派) vary v. 变化;改变 various adj. 不同的,各种各样的10. Archaeologists tend to b

21、elieve that this man was a member of a powerful class 考古学家倾向于认为这个人是有权阶级中的一员。(p.76 Reading 第一段 第1行) 动词tend的用法(1) tend在本课中作“倾向于”“有某种趋势”解,后接不定式。如: My mother tends to get tired in the evenings.我母亲在晚上容易疲劳。 His novels tend to be pessimistic.他的小说有悲观倾向。 A problem for manufacturers is that lighter cars tend

22、to be noisy. 制造商所面临的问题是较轻型的轿车往往噪音很大。 It tends to rain a lot in summer here.这儿夏天常常下雨。 I tend to think that members of parliament do a good job.我常常以为议员们的工作总是做得很好。 (2) tend也可作“有助于”解。如: These measures tend to improve working conditions.这些措施有助于改善工作条件。 (3) tend在正式用语中有“照管”“照例”“护理”之意,相当于look after。 He tends

23、 the flower beds and evergreens that he has planted in the driveway. 他总是细心呵护着种植在车道边的花圃和常青树。 She tended her husband carefully during his illness.丈夫生病期间,她悉心照顾他。11. But the smaller blue stones, still weighing four tons on average, came from west Wales. 但是,更小的蓝石头平均都有四吨重,它们是从威尔士西部运来的。(p.76 Reading 第二段 第3

24、行) weigh(1) vt. / vi. 称的重量,掂量的分量; 重量为Have you weighed yourself lately? 最近你称体重了吗? The first man-made satellite of our country weighs 173 kilograms. 我国第一颗人造卫星重173公斤。注意:weigh作及物动词,意为“称”,强调动作;用作不及物动词,意为“重”,没有被动语态。(2) v. 考虑,权衡 You have to weigh the costs of the new system against the benefit it will brin

25、g. 你必须权衡新体系的花费和它将带来的利益。weigh the advantages and disadvantages 权衡利弊拓展:by weight 按重量计算;put on weight 体重增加;lose weight 体重减轻; weight lifting 举重They are sold by weight. 它们是按重量出售的。Shes lost weight / put on weight since I last saw her. 从我上次见到她,她已经变瘦胖了。12. It is not yet known how these were conveyed over a

26、distance of 380 kilometres. 至今还不知道这些石头是如何从380公里以外的地方运来的。(p.76 Reading 第二段 第4行) 谈谈动词convey的用法 (1) 本课中convey作“搬运”“运送”解。如: This ship conveys oil from the Middle East.这艘船从中东运输石油。 This train conveys both passengers and goods. 这列火车既载客又运货。 A taxi conveyed us to the railway station. 一辆出租车将我们载到火车站。 A chimney

27、 conveys smoke to the outside. 烟囱将烟排到室外。 (2) convey可作“表达”“传达(思想感情)”“转达”解释。 Really? I said, trying to convey that it did not really matter. “真的吗?”我说,意思是说那并非真的要紧。 Convey my congratulations to your brother. 代我向你弟弟表示祝贺。 His manner conveyed a slight nervousness. 他的态度透露出一点紧张。 I couldnt convey my feelings

28、in words at that time.当时我的心情无法用语言表达。 Words cannot convey how happy I am. 言语无法表达我是多么幸福。 (3) convey亦可作“传导”“传播”“传染”解。如: Air is the medium by which sound waves are conveyed.空气是声波传播的媒质。 A wire conveys an electric current. 导线输送电流。13. It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones: 这可能

29、与巨石王有关(p.76 Reading 第二段 倒数第2行) link(1) v. 用环连接;连接,联系The road links all the new towns. 这条路联通所有新城镇。Our struggle against imperialism is closely linked to that of the worlds people. 我们的反帝斗争是同全世界人民的反帝斗争紧密联系的。(2) n. 环节,链环 Research has established a link between smoking and lung cancer. 研究已确定了吸烟与肺癌的关系。The

30、links in a chain of development. 发展过程中的各个环节 Cultural links 文化联系Keep close links with the masses 密切联系群众辨析:link (up) with,connect with 及 join (to) 与 adjoin to link (up) with = connect with 与相连接:通常“水域”相连用link (up) with,“车辆 (道路,交通)”相连用connect with join (to) 指直接连接(两个以上的东西) adjoin to 与毗邻 There the irrigat

31、ion canal links up with the reservoir. 这条灌溉渠道在那儿与水库连接起来。The trolley bus connects here with a bus for the airfield. 这辆无轨电车在这儿衔接去机场的公共汽车。The new highway has joined our commune to the city. 这条新高速公路把我们的公社与城市连接起来了。The cotton field adjoins to the rice field. 棉田与稻田相接。14. he may have had a hand in planning

32、the monu- ment , or in helping transport and pull up the stones. 他可能参与策划建立这个纪念碑,或者帮助运输和竖起巨石。(p.76 Reading 第二段 倒数第12行) have a / ones hand in (1) 也可以用take a hand in,意为“参与”“介入” “对负责一部分责任”。如: I had no hand in arranging the meeting. 我不负责安排这次会议。 I doubt John had a hand in this. 我怀疑约翰参与此事。 This matter is in Mr Wilsons charge. I cant have a hand in it.这件事由威尔逊先生负责,我不能插手。 Tom has s

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