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1、学年七宝中学高二年级第二学期月考卷上海市七宝中学2017学年高二第二学期5月月考试卷II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the

2、other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)Does City Living Hurt Mental Health?People often move to cities (1)_ better jobs and more cultural activities. But are they putting (2)_ at risk? Maybe.Experts at the American Psychiatry Association say that “natural environments or green space

3、s” do much for good our mental health and (3)_(experience) nature helps people recover from the mental tiredness that comes from day-to-day work.On the other hand, (4)_ they cannot say exactly why, mental health experts say some research suggests that city living might hurt our mental health. Andrea

4、 Mechelli is a doctor with the Institute of Psychiatry at Kings College, London. There have been studies (5)_ people were taken out of an urban environment into a rural environment, and their symptoms would improve. And we also see that the greater the city the greater the risk. Kings College resear

5、chers, along with city planners and land and building designers hoped (6)_(learn) more about city living and mental illness. So, they created a smartphone app called Urban Mind. They say they wanted to understand (7)_ different parts of the urban environment affect mental wellbeing. The Urban Mind a

6、pp (8)_(measure) your experience of city living in the moment. Researchers collected real time information from 108 people, who answered just over 3,000 questions during a one-week period. The researchers found that being outdoors, seeing trees, hearing birdsong, seeing the sky, and feeling in conta

7、ct with nature (9)_(associate) with higher levels of mental well-being. They also found that these seeming effects of nature were especially strong in those individuals at greater risk of mental health problems. The Urban Mind Project team says it hopes the results will inform future urban planning

8、and social policy (10)_(intend) to improve design and health.【答案】1.for 2.themselves 3.experiencing 4.although/though 5.where learn 8.measures 9.were associated 10.intended【分析】1. 考介词。人们经常为了更好的工作和更多的文化活动而搬到城市,表目的,所以填for。2. 考代词。首先句子缺宾语,所以判断填代词。根据意思可知:他们搬到城市可能把自己置于危险中,所以填themselves。3. 考动词。动名词

9、作主语,所以填experiencing。4. 考连词。根据意思可知:虽然他们说不出具体原因,但是精神专家说有些研究表明住在城市可能会伤害精神健康。所以填although/though。5. 考连词。首先判断该句是定语从句,因为从句不缺主要成分,先行词表抽象的地点名词,所以填where。6. 考动词。固定搭配,hope to do。7. 考连词。根据句义:他们说他们想知道城市不同的环境是如何影响(人的)精神健康的。表方式,填how。8. 考动词。首先判断该空填谓语动词,陈述事实,所以用一般现在时measures。9. 考动词。首先判断该空填谓语动词形式,因为主句时态是过去时,从句主语是五个动名词

10、短语,所以填复数were associated。Be associated with:和.相关。10. 考动词。首先判断该空填非谓语形式,intend“打算”跟逻辑主语是被动关系,所以填intended。(B)Worst man extinctions may have been caused by rising mountainsThe birth of a mountain range in (1)_ is now South Africa may have helped to drive one of the most severe mass extinctions In Earths

11、history. The Permian extinction (2)_(strike) about 252 million years ago. It is traditionally thought (3)_(wipe) out at least 80 percent of species in the sea and on land. But in the put five year, we have discovered that another mass extinction happened not long before, with most of the land extinc

12、tions happening during the (4)_(early) period, roughly 260 million years ago at the end of the Capitanian Age by leaving ecosystems depleted of species, (5)_(make) them vulnerable to disruptions from the volcanic eruptions. The extinction on land was huge, says Spencer Lucas at the New Mexico museum

13、 of Natural History. The team he led studied the fossilized teeth of Diictodon Felikeys, (6)_ plant-eating, mammal-like reptile that was common at that time. But there was no sign (7)_ temperatures rose during that period. The team was puzzled (8)_ they realized the fossils (9)_(date) back to that p

14、eriod belonged to South Africas Cape Fold mountains, which may once have been as the Himalayas are today.The mountains could have stopped moisture (10)_ the sea reaching Pangaeas interior, thus leading to drying and ultimately die-offs - without a corresponding increase in temperature.【答案】1.what 2.s

15、truck have wiped 4.earlier 5.making 6.a 7.that 8.until 10.from【分析】1. 考连词。首先判断该句是宾语从句,因为从句缺主语,所以填what。2. 考动词。首先判断该空填谓语动词,因为后面有时间标志ago,所以填struck。3. 考动词。首先固定搭配be thought to do(被认为做.),又动作已经发生,所以填to have wiped。4. 考形容词。根据句义:大多数陆地上的灭绝活动发生在早期,所以填earlier。5. 考动词。介词by引导的并列动词,所以填making。6. 考冠词。该句是D

16、iictodon Felikeys的同位语,一种食草的哺乳类爬行动物,所以填a。7. 考连词。首先判断该句是同位语从句,从句不缺主要成分,所以填that。8. 考连词。根据句义:这个团队感到很困惑,直到他们意识到这些化石来自南非的折角山,这里可能曾经是喜马拉雅山脉。所以填until。9. 考动词。该空是非谓语,跟逻辑主语fossils是主动关系,所以填dating。date back to:追溯到.10. 考介词。根据句义:山脉可能阻止了来自海洋的水气到达Pangaea内部,所以填from。Section B Directions: Complete the following passage

17、 by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need. (A)A. deliveredB. managementC. overlookedD. productsAB. ruralAC. shiftedAD. strategiesBC. sufficientBD. tremendousCD. urbanizationABC. worstNational governments neglecting development nee

18、ds of citiesNational governments around the world are neglecting the needs of their major cities with non-existent or inadequate development policies, a new report has found. National governments are key to making cities more sustainable, because cities are limited distinctly in the policy measures

19、they can take for themselves, the report points out. However, only a quarter of the worlds governments have urban development policies at all, and most of those that do exist are far from (1)_ to make cities sustainable. The report looks at the key measures of energy production, transport, waste (2)

20、_ and infrastructure(基础设施). For instance, putting in adequate public transport can transform the lives of citizens and the carbon footprint of the cities they live in. Encouraging the use of electric vehicles above petrol-driven cars can also have a(n) (3)_ effect, not just on greenhouse gas emissio

21、ns but also on removing some of the key causes of air pollution. The report, from the Stockholm Environment Institute and the Coalition for Urban Transitions and funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, suggests national governments have (4)_ the needs of their major cities even when they have in place n

22、ational policies on issues such as climate change and greenhouse gas emissions. Derik Broekhoff of the Stockholm Environment Institute, the lead author of the study, said: Now is the time for national governments to put cities at the heart of their national development (5)_. Countries must consider

23、what policies need to be (6)_ in order to ensure their countries and cities are prepared for the unprecedented (7)_ and climate challenges the world is facing. Cities around the world are facing rapid population growth, and are likely to be among the areas (8)_ by dramatic climate change, in part be

24、cause many are at risk of rising sea levels, floods and droughts. For most of human history, the (9)_ population was greater than those of cities, and it is only in just over the last decade that this balance has (10)_, with most of the worlds populations now living in urban centres, a trend that is

25、 expected to speed up even further.【答案】BC B BD C AD A CD ABC AB AC【分析】1. 根据词组far from+adj(远远不的)可知,这里需要一个形容词,根据句意是“这些政策是远远不充分的”,所以填BC,sufficient意思是充分的,充足的。2. 根据句意是关于能源生产,交通和废物的一些措施,所以应该填名词B, 意思是废物管理。3. 根据词性搭配,可知需要一个形容词,表示有一个的影响,再根据句意,可知是产生巨大的影响,选BD。4. 根据词性搭配,可知这里是have done的形式,这句话的意思是“政府了大城市的需求”,再联系文章

26、标题,可知是忽视了他们的需求,所以填C,overlook忽视。5. 根据句意是“政府应该把城市放在他们国家发展的核心”,所以这里需要一个名词和发展搭配,即stategies,翻译为“策略”。6. 根据need to be,可知此处填done的形式,句意是“国家应考虑什么样的政策应该被”所以这里填delivered本意是“传达”。7. 根据句意是“为空前的做好准备”,可知需要一个名词,填urbanization,城市化。8. 根据句意是“城市是最糟糕的地方之一”,所以填worst。9. 根据句意“在人类历史上,的人口比城市人口多”,可知应该填AB,乡村的。10. 根据词性搭配have done可

27、知这里V-ed 形式,据句意可知是“这个平衡转变了”。(B)A. alternativeB. assumedlyC. attemptD. changeablyAB. collapsedAC. regulatedAD. soughtBC. splittingBD. tradingCD. undecidedABC. virtualAre cryptocurrencies about to go mainstream?Cryptocurrencies, also digital currencies, are under the microscope as never before. On Tues

28、day the blockchain(区块链) supporting bitcoin(比特币) is (1)_ in two, as members of the bitcoin community unhappy with the digital currencys direction set up a(n) (2)_ called Bitcoin Cash. However, Bitcoin Cash will likely only be worth a part of bitcoin. The original digital currency is (3)_ at around $2

29、,778.39, but future values for Bitcoin Cash are just $288.35, or 0.103 of a bitcoin. Last week the Russian national Alexander Vinnik, who (4)_ cheated early adopters of millions of pounds worth of bitcoins, including funds obtained from the hack(非法侵入) of failed bitcoin exchange Mt Gox, was arrested

30、in Greece.Vinnik was described by the US Department of Justice as the operator of BTC-e, an exchange used to trade bitcoin since 2011, which was used to transfer more than $4bn for people involved in crimes. Greek police claimed that the 38-year-old was an internationally (5)_ mastermind of a crime

31、organisation.US authorities also linked him to the failure of Mt Gox, the Japan-based bitcoin exchange that (6)_ in 2014 after being hacked. Vinnik obtained funds from the hack and transferred them through BTC-e and Tradehill, another San Francisco-based exchange he owned, according to court documents. The Russian authorities have become progressively concerned about the potential for digital currencies to be used for illegal means, but remain (7)_ about whether i

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