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1、土耳其卡赞碱加工项目非标设备制作安装 非标设备制作安装施工方案Construction Scheme of Non-standard Equipment Fabrication and Installation编制 :审核 :批准 :目 录CONTENTS 1 工程概况Project Outline土耳其卡赞碱加工项目A标段非标设备的施工内容包含五个工段:卤水预处理工段(1000)、一水碱分离干燥工段(1300)、小苏打结晶工段(2200)及采集卤泵站(7000),储罐共计16台。非标设备的现场制作安装工程,这部分需现场制安的非标设备由于体积大、设备高度高、材质不一,且现场施工区域较为狭窄,施

2、工难度大等特点,为保证现场非标设备制安顺利、安全、高效的完成,特编制该施工方案。The construction of the Non-standard equipment of Bid Section A of Construction of Turkey Kazan Soda Ash Process Project is divided into 5 sections with 16 storage tanks in total: brine pretreatment section(1000) ,monohydrate centrifuge & drying section(1300),

3、bicarbonate crystallization section (2200), and solution mining pump station.This construction scheme is specially compiled because of the bulk, height and disunity of the non-standard equipment, the straitness of the site construction region and the high toughness of the construction to guarantee t

4、he success,safety and efficiency of the whole fabrication and installation. 现场制安设备具体参数见下表:序号Sequence装置代码Equip-ment Code设备名称Equipment Name设备位号Equipment Item Number规格Specification材质重量Weight(Kg)标高Scal-e Heig-ht(m)数量Quantity11000卤水罐Brine TankV1032a/bD.8000mm, L8870.5mmCS207000.75221300母液罐Mother Liquor T

5、ankV1301 1-5D.8000mm, L:8100mm;CS263100.35532200小苏打系统进料罐Bicarbonate System Feeding TankV2203D.8000mm, L:9710.5mm304L181900.7147000卤水分离罐Raw Brine Separation TankV7001a/bD=24000mm H=14924mmCS1693000.6257000原卤罐Raw Brine TankV7002a/bD=24000mm H=14924mmCS1592400.35267000注剂罐Solvent TankV7003a/bD=22000mm H

6、=16724mmCS1537200.6277000事故罐Emergency TankV7007D=16000mm H=14022mmCS848400.35187000原水罐Raw Water TankV7008D=12000mm H=9568mmCS343500.351具体排版见附件2 编制依据compilation basis2.1 中国天辰工程有限公司招标文件及设计图纸 Bidding Documents & Design Drawings of TCC2.2 立式圆筒形钢制焊接油罐设计规范 GB50341-20032.3 立式圆筒钢制储罐验收规范 GB50128-20052.4压力容器焊

7、接规程 NB/T47015-20112.5承压设备焊接用材料 NB/T47015-20112.6碳素结构钢和低合金结构钢热轧厚钢板和钢带 GB/T3274-20072.7输送流体用无缝钢管 GB/T8163-20082.8承压设备用碳素钢和合金钢锻件 NB/T47008-20102.9钢制化工容器制造技术要求 HG/T20584-20112.10 石油、化工施工安全技术规定 SH3505-1999Code for Technical of Construction Safety in Petrochemical Engineering SH3505-19992.11 石化工程建设交工技术文件规

8、定 SH3503-2007Regulation of Technical Document for Construction Completion of Petrochemical Industry Project SH3503-20073 施工顺序Construction SequenceComposing & LoftingCheck & Acceptance of MaterialsConstruction PreparationLaying off4 施工准备Construction Preparation4.1 施工前应具备的条件(Items and conditions for p

9、re-construction):4.1.1 施工图纸、规范、标准、施工方案、排版图已报审等资料齐全。图纸会审完毕,并进行技术交底(Get the construction drawings,specification,criterion,scheme,etc.prepared, and the technology transferred after the drawings are jointly reviewed)。4.1.2 材料已准备到位(Construction materials in position)。4.1.3 设备基础已验收并中间交接,施工机具、手段用料、计量器具和人员已

10、经进场。并且计量器具在检定合格期内(Equipment installation foundations have been checked,accepted & handed over.The construction conditions should be complied with the request of water supply,power supply and access road are available and the work site is leveled.Construction machines,materials,measuring instrument a

11、nd workers should have been in position.Besides,the measuring instrument should be eligible and not out of date)。4.1.4技术人员、质量检查员及施工人员应认真熟悉图纸,全面了解有关规范、标准、设计要求,审图时应对设备材质及管口方位等进行仔细核对(Technical staff, quality inspectors and constructors should have a good knowledge of the drawings and relevant regulatio

12、ns,criterion,and design requirements,check the material and quality of the equipment,nozzle orientation and so on carefully. )。4.1.5 技术人员向参加施工的所有人员进行技术交底(Technical staff convey the technology completely to all the constructors)。4.1.6 准备预制场地,预制场地应铺50mm厚碎石子,将碎石子压平,在碎石子上面铺设枕木,将不锈钢板和碳钢板分开放在枕木上。搭设预制钢平台(P

13、repare prefabrication sites,lay gravel of 50mm and get it leveled,then crosstie sleepers on it, lay corrosion resistant plates and carbon steel plates on the crosstie sleepers. Splice prefabrication steel platform. )。4.1.7为加快施工进度并确保施工质量,非标设备预制中采用气保焊机及自动埋弧焊机进行施工,确保在施工节点前完成非标设备的预制工作(In order to accele

14、rate the construction and ensure the construction quality,gas shielded and automatic arc-submerging welding machines should be used )。 4.2材料与基础验收(check and acceptance of materials and foundation)4.2.1对到货材料进行检验、确认并收集整理有关的技术证件。钢板应进行外观检查,表面不得有气孔、裂纹、拉裂、夹渣、折痕、夹层,钢板边缘不得有重皮,表面锈蚀深度不得超过0.5毫米。材料进场后必须按产品技术要求分类

15、保管不得与其它材料混放,按设计及规范要求检查核对材料质量证明书与材料标记的炉号、批号、材质、规格等是否相符,并经总包单位及业主单位检验认可后,方可使用(Carry out the tests of the arrived goods,confirm and collect relevant certificates.Appearance inspection to the steel plates,and pores,fissures,rips,slag inclusions and interlayers are not allowed.Double-skin should not be f

16、ound at the edges of the steel plates.The surface corrosion penetration is not as thick as 0.5mm. The materials on site should be classified in accordance with the technical requirements to be stored and should not be mixed up with others. Check according to the design requirements the material qual

17、ity certificates to see whether they match the stove number, batch number,material textured and specifications, and only after the test and acceptance of the main contractor and the owner could the materials be used.)。4.2.2基础验收合格交接后方可在基础上进行施工作业(Field operation on the foundations after the acceptance

18、 and hand-over of the foundations)。基础验收主要控制点为:a.基础标高允许偏差20mm。b. 支撑罐壁的基础表面高差应符合以下规定:每2m弧长内任意两点的高差不应大于5mm,且整个圆周长内任意两点的高差不应大于10mm。c. 基础标高和轴线已经明显标出。d.基础坐标位置(纵、横轴线)允许偏差为20mm。 (Main control points of the foundations acceptance:a. the allowable deviation of standard height is 20mm ;b.the appearance height

19、derivation of the base supporting the tank skin should meet the regulations below:the height difference of any two points in every arc length of 2m and the circumference should be less than 5mm and 10mm respectively;c.standard height of the foundation and axis have been marked clearly;d.the allowabl

20、e derivation of foundation coordinate position(vertical axis and lateral axis) is 20mm.5 非标设备放样号料Lofting and laying off of non-standard equipment5.1根据排板图或设计图纸,选择合适的板材放样、下料,尽量节省材料,设备排板图按照规范要求绘制(Choose suitable sheet materials to proceed lofting& laying off according to the composing or design drawing

21、s and save materials to the greatest extent. The equipment composing drawings are drawn as the requirements of JB/T47351997Steel Welded Atmospheric Pressure Vessels .)。5.2放样和下料,应根据工艺要求预留焊接收缩余量及切割磨平的加工余量(When proceed lofting and laying off,according to the technological requirements welding shrinkage

22、 and cutting& rubdown machining allowance should be pre-reserved)。5.3不锈钢材料的切割与坡口的加工宜采用等离子切割或机械加工方法、碳钢材料的切割与坡口的加工,宜采用机械加工。也可用火焰切割加工,但须将氧化层磨除(Plasma machines or machining processing methods should be used to cut stainless steel and process its bevel edges, and machining processing methods are used to

23、cut carbon steel and process its bevel edges.Oxide layers must be removed if flame cutting is used.)。5.4钢板坡口加工应平整,不得有夹渣、分层、裂纹等缺陷。火焰及等离子切割坡口产生的表面硬化层,应去除(Bevel edges processing of steel plates should be smooth,flaws such as slag inclusions,layerings and cracks are not allowed,the surface hardened laye

24、rs generated by flame cutting and plasma cutting of bevel edges should be removed)。5.5 焊接接头的坡口型式和尺寸,应按图纸具体要求施工(Style and size of bevel edges of welded joints should be constructed according to the requirements of the drawings)。5.6 预制前应绘制排板图,并应符合下列规定(Layout drawings should be drawn before fabrication

25、 and should be complied with the regulations below ):a.各设备纵向焊接接头宜向同一方向错开,其间距宜为板长的1/3,且不得小于500mm(Longitudinal welding joints of each equipment should be synclastic and stagger, the separation distance should be 1/3 of the length of the plate, or 500mm at least.)。 b.壁板的纵向焊接接头与底边缘板对接焊接接头之间的距离,不得小于200mm

26、; (The distance between longitudinal welding joints of the siding plate and butt welding joints of bottom margin plate should be over 200mm.)c.罐壁开孔接管或开孔接管补强板外缘与罐壁纵向焊接接头之间的距离。不得小于200mm;与环向焊接接头之间的距离,不得小于100mm,开孔的中心位置偏差,不得大于5mm,接管外伸长度的允许偏差,应为5mm。开孔接管法兰的密封面应平整,不得有焊瘤和划痕,法兰的密封面应与接管的轴线垂直,倾斜不应大于法兰外径的1%,且不得大

27、于3mm,法兰的螺栓孔应跨中安装。(The distance between the point of trepanning & pipe connecting to the tank or the margin of stiffening plate and longitudinal welding joints of the siding plate is no less than 200mm and the distance between they and the circular welding joints should be no less than 100mm. The cen

28、tral position deviation of trepanning should less than 5mm, and the length of extension of the pipe allowance deviation should be 5mm.The sealing surface of trepanning and pipe connecting flange should be smooth, weld beading and scratches are not allowed.The sealing surface should be vertical to th

29、e axis of connecting pipe, and incline should be less than 3mm or 1% of the outer diameter of the flange.Bolts of the flange should be tightened secantly. )d.包边角钢对接接头与壁板纵向焊接接头之间的距离,不得小于200mm。(The distance between butt joints of curb angles and longitudinal welding joints of the siding plate should b

30、e no less than 200mm.)e.直径小于12.5m的储罐,其壁板宽度不得小于500mm,长度不得小于1000mm;直径大于等于12.5m的储罐,其壁板宽度不得小于1000mm,长度不得小于2000mm。(The width of the siding plate of the tank whose diameter is less than 12.5m should be no less than 500mm, and the length should be longer than 1000mm.And those tanks with a diameter longer t

31、han 12.5m, the width and length should be no less than 1000mm and 1200mm respectively. )f.顶板任意相邻焊接接头的间距,不得小于200mm.The distance between the any two welding joints of the roof plate should not be less than 200mm.5.7 壁板加固件,图纸无要求时可用连续焊或间断焊,每侧间断焊接接头的总长不少于加固件长的 1/2。(Continuous or intermittent welding could be used when the plates to tighten the siding plate are welded if there is no requirement on the drawings. The total length of intermittent welding joints of every side should be no less than 1/2 of that of the strengthening plates. )5.8 所有预制件制作完成后,应用记号笔做出明显的标志。内容包括设备名称、零部件件号及编号等。(Visible signs i

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