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3104 sample questions.docx

1、3104 sample questions7(a) What does manpower planning involve from the firms perspective? Why is it important?Manpower plan represents a response of the personnel function to ensure that the necessary supply of people is forthcoming即将来临的 to allow the target to be met. In theory, a manpower planning

2、should show how the demand for people and their skills within an organization could be balanced by supply.Manpower planning significance linked to business strategy and planning. The plans is solution to defined problem, and it linked to the organisations strategy taking into account factors that ma

3、y impact performance. During this process, it may conduct a SWOT analysis, which assess the organisations strengths and weakness, and assess opportunities and threats affecting it. 3104 sample questions 2013Critically evaluate the developments in Human Resource Strategies that occurred after scienti

4、fic management. Do these approaches resolve any of the problems inherent in the scientific management approach? Justify your answer.After the widespread application of scientific management which just focus on improving the profits by the methods of precise designing tools and equipment, systematic

5、attention to the workshop layout and control of labour cost,the environment, which includes market segments, competition, inflation rates, unemployment had changed. People began to pay attention to the affection on the philosophy of labours, and translate their beliefs to the labour management. The

6、Hawthorne experiment studied the relationship between working condition and workers performance. The resource proved that workers performances are related to the nice treatment. Sequentially, other theories, such as Maslows hierarch of needs and Douglass Theory X and Y appeared to divide the managem

7、ent style. During this time, job evaluation and systems of payment were considered preciously. The companies began to installed employee involvement programme, quality circles and flexitime job to improve the productivity. These aspects made the workers more motivated and improved the efficiency of

8、the company. Meanwhile, companies stressed on strategic integration-organization and personnel structures and systems should be designed to support or “fit” the strategy of the organization, and staff were managed and treated so that they are committed to the organization and its goals. Nowadays, hu

9、man resource strategies have become one of the most important factors in the entrepreneurial planning.These approaches resolved several problems inherent in the scientific management. The employers changed their attitudes to the labour force. Instead of compelling workers, the organization adopted m

10、ore flexible methods which reduced the contradiction between the employers and employees. Reward and promotion systems motivated the workers to be more efficiency and energetic, therefore reduced the absenteeism and high turnover. For instance, the Japanese company, which adopted technological contr

11、ol flexible system that all workers can participant in the direction of the company, had been expanded rapidly proved the issue.1.(a) Explain what is meant by the term job design?Work refer to the physical and mental activities that are carried out at particular places and times, according to the in

12、stitutions, in return for money. Job design is a process which combines the tasks and responsibilities to form complete jobs and relationships of jobs in the organization. Job design is a specification for work and work is the object of job design. (b) What is Taylorism and explain it advantages and

13、 disadvantages.泰罗在20世纪初创建了科学管理理论体系,他这套体系被人称为“泰罗制”,泰罗认为企业管理的根本目的在于提高劳动生产率,他在科学管理一书中说过:“科学管理如同节省劳动的机器一样,其目的在于提高每一单位劳动的产量”。而提高劳动生产率的目的是为了增加企业的利润或实现利润最大化的目标。泰罗制的主要内容包括:1、管理的根本目的在于提高效率。2、制定工作定额。3、选择最好的工人。4、实施标准化管理。5、实施刺激性的付酬制度。6、强调雇主与工人合作的“精神革命”。7、主张计划职能与执行职能分开。8、实行职能工长制。9、管理控制上实行例外原则。 (c) Discuss other

14、developments in Human Resource Strategies that occurred since Taylorism and their advantages. 2. (a) Explain what is meant by manpower planning人力策划? (b) Outline the main features of scientific management and explain the advantages and disadvantages of the approach to the organisation of work. (c) Wh

15、at is re-engineering? Does this approach resolve any of the problems inherent in the scientific management approach?3. (a) With the aid of a diagram, critically evaluate the competitive labour market approach to recruiting workers and outline its contribution to understanding the remuneration of lab

16、our. (b) In what ways does the compensating differential model provide a more realistic view of the labour market? (c) Describe the features of any two models of efficiency wages. How do models of efficiency wages differ to the model of compensating wages?4. (a) Outline any three theories of motivat

17、ion. (b) Explain the implications of each of these motivation theories for reward strategy. (c) “The problem is not that incentives cant work but that they work all too well” (George Baker, Rethinking Rewards, Harvard Business Review, Nov-Dec, 1993: 44-45). Discuss this statement.5. (a) Explain the

18、incentive conflicts that can arise within a firm in relation to owners and managers/workers. (b) Can contracts play a role in controlling the incentive problem in firms? (c) Discuss various compensation schemes that can be used by a firm, outlining their potential advantages and disadvantages.6. (a)

19、 Explain the following types of compensation schemes (i) Team bonuses (ii) Profit sharing (iii) Tournament pay (b) It is suggested that ideally workers should be involved in designing compensation strategies. What other principles should a Human Resource Manager be mindful of in designing compensati

20、on strategies for workers? (c) Discuss when a performance related pay system is likely to be most effective and when it is likely to be least effective.7.(a) What does manpower planning involve from the firms perspective? Why is it important? (b) Describe the components of Smiths Theory of Net Advan

21、tages. (c) How does this model of compensating wages differ to the efficient wage model in explaining wage differences? Topic3 Labor Supply8.(a) Distinguish between income and substitution effects in labour supply.Income and Substitution EffectsAn increase in the wage rate causes both income and sub

22、stitution effects, which alter an individuals demand for leisure and supply of labour.Income effectI dont need to work as many hours nowAn increase in income enables the individual to purchase more of all goods and if leisure is a normal good more will be purchased and fewer hours are worked.The inc

23、ome effect captures the individuals reaction to the change in real income caused by the change in the wage rate.More of any good can be purchased Captures the individuals reaction to the change in real income caused by the change in the wage rate, holding constant the change in the relative price of

24、 leisureIf leisure = Normal GoodMore of it purchasedLess work (must be undertaken if more leisure consumed)Substitution effectits worth my while to work more hours nowWorking in the opposite direction, the substitution effect of a wage increase causes the individual to demand less leisure and work m

25、ore as an hour of leisure is now more expensive.The substitution effect captures the individuals reaction to the change in the relative price of leisure holding constant the individuals utility.SUBSTITUTION EFFECT: works in opposite directionCaptures individuals reaction to the change in the relativ

26、e price of leisure holding constant real incomeThe Opportunity cost of leisure = W/P If W/P increase (wages rise)Cost of leisure increaseBuy less of leisure (as it is now more expensive)This means person must do MORE WORK(左图的分析如下 substitution effect dominant)There has been a rise in the wage rate fr

27、om W1/P to W2/PBy drawing an imaginary budget line that is tangent to the original indifference curve, but with the slope of the new wage, we can analyse the impact of both effectsMove from A to BA C = Substitution Effect (buy less leisure)A rise in the wage rate means a rise in the opportunity cost

28、 of leisure C B = Income Effect (less work, because individual is better off)A rise in the real wage, increased the individuals utilityFrom the theory of labor supply, we can know there are two tendencies, substitution effect and income effect. These two occupy different proportion at different inco

29、me. The employees who at the lower wage rate will increase their labor supply when improve their wage rate. At this moment, substitution effect dominates. 右图的分析 income effect dominantBut it does not work for the employees having high enough wage rate. Increasing the wage rate will make them decrease

30、 their labor supply, because it will let the employees achieve a target wage with fewer hours and persuade people to work less and enjoy more leisure time. The income effect at this moment dominates.Therefore, this theory tells us that raising wage rate can enhance labor supply, but increasing it co

31、nstantly will have opposite effect. (b) What is the Laffer curve? Discuss its usefulness.拉佛曲线,税收的关系There may be any other incentive factors influencing income. For example, increasing taxes will encourage labor to substitute away from the market work hour in favor of untaxed activities- leisure.In e

32、conomics, the Laffer curve is a representation of the relationship between possible rates of taxation and the resulting levels of government revenue. It illustrates the concept of taxable income elasticity.i.e., taxable income will change in response to changes in the rate of taxation. It postulates that no tax revenue will be raised at the extreme tax rates of 0% and 100% and that there must be at least one rate where tax revenue would be a non-zero maxi

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