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1、Unit+Two四年级英语学科电子备课第二单元 单元备课教学目标Hobbies1. 7个听说读写(四会)单词:run,come, dance,well,uncle,aunt, cook ;5个听说读(三会)单词:skip,piano, drum,hobby ,paper cutting。2. 3个主干句型:Do you like.?Yes, I do. / No, I dont. “He/She likes Whats your hobby? My hobby is?I like. 3. 一个主题活动:Fun time. (走迷宫)4. 4个单词的书写: run,sing,cook,dance

2、5. 3个字母k, g ,e在单词中的读音。教学重难点教学重点:“Do you like?” “Yes, I do. / No, I dont.” “He/She likes” “Whats your hobby?” “My hobby is?”“I like.”等句型。教学难点:“Whats your hobby?” 及其两种不同的答语“My hobby is. ”和“ I like”。学情分析学习了第一单元后,孩子们的口语有了很大的提高,并且对动作短语掌握很好,本课主题兴趣也非常有吸引力,相信孩子一定有坚定的信心能学好本单元。课时安排There are three periods in t

3、his unit. 四 年级 英 语 学科电子备课课题Lesson 1 Do you like running?中心发言人肖谨修改人郑金姬课时 1授课时间2017.9课型新授课程目标知识与技能1能听懂、会说、认读、规范书写单词:run, come, dance skip2能够听懂、会说句型:“Do you like?”“ Yes, I do. / No, I dont.” 3能运用所学句型简单谈论自己和他人的爱好。教具学具recorder pictures word cardscassette过程与方法1. 利用已学知识Do you like? Yes, I do. /No, I dont.

4、学习新句型Do you like basketball / running/ skipping?及其两种回答。2. 利用肢体语言、图片、简笔画或实物等教学新单词run,skip3. 创设不同的活动让学生练习有关爱好的问答句型,如:扮演小记者采访,记忆大比拼,自制卡片,做调查等。情感、态度、价值观培养学生学会交流,在交流中增进了解,从而更加尊重和关爱他人的情感。重点难点Key Points:“Do you like?” “Yes, I do. / No, I dont.” What do you like?学情分析The pupils now can learn English well.The

5、y have learned Unit One. “Do you like?” “Yes, I do. / No, I dont.”This sentence pattern they have learned before, they will no problem to learn the lesson.教学过程(表格描述)教师活动学生活动设计意图Warming-up 1. Greetings.Hello, boys and girls.2. Listen and dowatch TV/sing/dance/read/write/draw/run/play basketball/make

6、things/swim3. Free talk.What day is today?What subjects do you have today?I like reading. What about you?What do you like?Presentation. Leading inOur friends are talking about their hobbies. Today we are going to learn Unit 2 Hobby Lesson 1 Do you like running?. Text1. Watch and answer: Do you like

7、basketball, Tom?2. Listen, point and repeat, then choose the answer.Do you like running, Tom?A. Yes, I do. B. No, I dont.Do you like skipping, Tom?A. Yes, I do. B. No, I dont.1) Listen, point and repeat.2) Ask some students to choose the answers.3) Learn the new skip-skipping4) Say

8、 a chant.Do you like running? Do you like running?Yes, I do. Yes, I do.Do you like skipping?Do you like skipping?No, I dont. No, I dont.5) Ask students to make a new chant. (singing/dancing/drawing/reading/)3. Listen and imitate.4. Do a role play in groups.5. Perform the dialogue.Practice1.Lets talk

9、1) Listen and repeat.2) Pair work.2. Lets do1) Watch and repeat.2) Ask and answer in groups.ConsolidationDo a survey. Ask and answer in groups.NameskippingdancingDo you like ?What do you like?SummaryWhat have you learnt today?Homework1. Listen and repeat for 3 times.必做2. Talk about your favourite sp

10、ort with your family and friends. 选做一起作业:选做。板书设计:Lesson 1 Do you like running?Do you like running? Yes, I do.Do you like basketball? No , I dont.Ss: HelloSs: Say the verbs with actions.Ss: Its Ss: We have Ss: I like Ss: Follow teacher to read the topic together.Ss: Watch the CD-ROM, then answer the

11、question.Yes, I do.Ss: Listen, point and repeat.S: Choose the correct answer.Ss: Read the new words together.Ss: Say the chant together.Ss: Make a new chant in groups. Then show it.Ss: Listen and imitate.Ss: Practise the dialogue in groups.Ss: Act it out.Ss: Repeat the dialogue.Ss: Practise in pairs

12、. Then show it.Ss: Repeat the dialogue.Ss: Practise in groups.TPR教学法缓解学生的紧张情绪,轻松进入课文学习。联系学生生活,激活相关知识,自然引入本课教学情境中。第一遍观看课文动画,通过问题引领,帮助学生初步了解课文大意。第二遍听音跟读,也是通过问题来帮助学生更进一步了解课文,再次夯实基础。Chant的设计涵盖本课的重点词汇和重点句型,让学生在朗朗上口的韵律诗中夯实基础。课文角色扮演,激发学生的参与热情,并结合小组评价,帮助学生进一步掌握目标语句。根据图片机械操练目标语句。新旧知识滚动复习,为大量输出做好准备。结合生活实际,让学生

13、运用目标语句操练,体现用中学、学中用的教学理念。教学反思:注意纠正 No, I dont.的写法, 很多孩子写成了No, I dont. 四 年级 英 语 学科电子备课课题Lesson 2 She likes dancing.中心发言人肖谨修改人郑金姬课时 1授课时间2017.9课型新授课程目标知识与技能1能听懂、会说、认读、规范书写单词: well,能听懂、会说、认读单词:skip,piano, drum,2能够听懂、会说、认读句型: “He/She likes” 3能运用所学句型简单谈论自己和他人的爱好。教具学具recorder pictures word cardscassette过程与

14、方法在游戏中激活已学知识,培养学生表达能力情感、态度、价值观培养学生学会交流,在交流中增进了解,从而更加尊重和关爱他人的情感。重点难点Key Points: new wordsDifficulties: 第三人称后面动词要加S学情分析The hobbies are very familiar to the Pupils. So they will have no any problems to learn this unit.教学过程(表格描述)教师活动学生活动设计意图Warming-up 1. Greetings.Hello, boys and girls.2. Guess and say.

15、Run, run, I like running.Skip, skip, I like skipping.3. Free talk.What day is today?What subjects do you have this morning?Do you like English?Do you like reading?* likes reading.Presentation. Leading inJust now we talked about our hobbies. What about our friends Guo Yang, Wang Hong, Jenny and Danny

16、? Today we are going to learn Lesson 2 She likes dancing. Text1.Watch, then match the pictures.Guo Yang play the drumsWang Hong play the erhuJenny play the pianoDanny dance2.Listen, point and repeat, then fill in the blanks.This is Guo Yang. He _ playing the piano.This is Wang Hong. She _ _ the erhu

17、.This is Jenny. She _ _.This is Danny. He _ _ _ _.1) Listen, point and repeat.2)Find out the answers, then underline the sentences.3)Read the answers in groups.4) Check them out.3.讲解第三人称单数。 like likesWe have PE today. We _ PE.Tom _ playing basketball.This is my classmate. She _ reading.I _ singing.T

18、om and Wang Hong _ skipping.4.Listen and imitate.5. Do a role play in groups.6. Perform the dialogue.Practice1.Lets talk1) Watch and repeat.2) Pair work. 2.Lets do.1)Watch and repeat.2)Practise in groups.ConsolidationPlay a game: good memories.Introduce their hobbies. Then guess who she/he is.Summar

19、yWhat have you learnt today?Homework1. Listen and repeat for 3 times.必做2. Introduce your friends hobbies to your family.选做一起作业:选做。板书:Lesson 2 She likes dancing.Guo Yang: He likes playing the piano.Wang Hong: She likes playing the erhu.Jenny: She likes dancing.Danny: He likes playing the drums.Ss: He

20、llo, Miss Wang!Ss: I like S: Its Tuesday.S: We have Chinese S: Yes, I do. No, I dont.Ss: Follow teacher to read the topic together.S: Watch the CD-ROM, then match the characters and their hobbies.Ss: Listen, point and repeat the text.Ss: Underline the sentences.Ss: Practise in groups.S: Answer the q

21、uestions.Ss: Fill in the blanks.Ss: Listen and imitate.Ss: Practise the dialogue in groups.Ss: Act it out.Ss: Repeat the sentences.Ss: Practise in pairs.Ss: Repeat the dialogue.Ss: Practise in groups.Ss: Introduce their hobbies in groups. S: She likes dancing. Who is she?S:I learnt new words/ senten

22、ces TPR复习动词和动名词形式,既活跃课堂气氛,又为本节课的学习做了铺垫。以旧带新,联系学生生活,激活相关知识,自然导入本课情境。第一遍观看课文动画,通过人物和兴趣爱好连线,既帮助学生初步了解课文大意,又培养了学生获取关键信息的能力。第二遍听音跟读,并让学生划出答案,并小组内交流,帮助学生进一步掌握本课目标语句,再次夯实基础。集中讲解本节课难点,并给出练习题及时考查学生的掌握情况。课文角色扮演,激发学生的参与热情,并结合小组评价,帮助学生进一步理解并运用目标语句。根据图片进行机械操练目标语句,达到熟练的目的。小组合作交流并汇报,为下个活动做铺垫。仿照书上的游戏,结合学生生活实际,培养学生用

23、英语做事情的能力。教学反思:Pay more attention to the verb, like. We should add “s” after she he and it. 四 年级 英 语 学科电子备课课题Lesson 3 Whats your hobby?中心发言人肖谨修改人郑金姬课时 1授课时间2017.9课型新授课程目标知识与技能1能听懂、会说、认读、规范书写单词:uncle,aunt, cook ;能听懂、会说、认读单词: hobby ,paper cutting 。2能够听懂、会说、认读句型:“ Whats your hobby?”“My hobby is”“ I like

24、”。3能运用所学句型简单谈论自己和他人的爱好。4初步学习与了解字母k, g, e在单词中的发音规律。教具学具recorder pictures word cardscassette过程与方法单词摹写要打下良好的基础。 初步渗透语音教学,让学生知道错误的发音会影响交际,了解字母k, g, e在单词中的发音规律,并能找出其它具有相同发音规律的单词,设置游戏巩固单词的发音情感、态度、价值观培养学生发展自己的爱好,在生活中多多练习,从而使自己的生活丰富多彩。重点难点Key Points and Difficulties: The sentence pattern: Whats your hobby?

25、My hobby is.学情分析The pupils like to learn English now. They all got a good point in the test of unit one.教学过程(表格描述)教师活动学生活动设计意图Warming-up 1. Greetings.Hello, boys and girls.2. Guess and say.Run, run, I like running.Skip, skip, I like skipping.3. Free talk.What day is today?What subjects do you have t

26、his morning?Whats your favourite subject?Do you like English?Do you like reading?What do you like?I like ing.* likes reading.4. Show pictures, review Lesson 2This is _. He/She likes _.Presentation. Leading inOur friends talked about their hobbies. What about grandpa, grandma, uncle and aunt? Today w

27、e are going to learn Lesson 3 Whats your hobby?. Text1.Watch, then match the pictures.grandpa readinggrandma doing taijiquanuncle paper cuttingaunt cooking2.Listen, point and repeat, then answer the questions.What your hobby, grandpa?What your hobby, grandma?What your hobby, uncle?What your hobby, a

28、unt?1) Listen, point and repeat.2)Find out the answers, then underline the sentences.3)Read the answers in groups.4) Check them out.3. Listen and imitate.4. Do a role play in groups.5. Perform the dialogue.Practice1.Lets talk1) Watch and repeat.2) Ask and answer in pairs. 2.Lets copy.Copy the words.

29、ConsolidationDo a survey.NameHobbiesWhats your hobby?My hobby is I like SummaryWhat have you learnt today?Homework1. Listen and repeat for 3 times.Read the words cards.2. Copy the words for 2 times.3,一起作业 选做。Lesson 3 Whats your hobby?Whats your hobby?My hobby is doing Taijiquan.My hobby is paper cutting.My hobby is reading.I like cooking.Ss: HelloSs: Guess the words and say the sentence. I like

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