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1、应急工况下英文“常规和应急工况下,轮机长、轮机员之间的协调与配合”脚本Script of the Coordination and Coopration between Chief Engineer and Engineers during Normal and Emergency Conditionsthe Coordination and Coopration between Chief Engineer and Engineers1.PSC检查1.PSC inspection船长 您好 这是PSC检查官管先生Hello captain! This is PSC inspector Mr.

2、 Guan.您好 您好Hello!我是PSC检察官 我到你们船来检查一下I am PSC inspector. I am going to inspect your ship.咱们先检查一下你们的油水记录簿 可以吧Lets first check your oil record book.好的 好的 我叫轮机长给你把油水记录簿拿过来Ok. I will call the chief engineer to take over the oil record book for you.轮机长 轮机长 船长叫Chief engineer, chief engineer! This is captai

3、n calling.轮机长收到 船长请讲Chief engineer get it, please speak, Captain.现在上我们船的 PSC检查官在我房间Now the PSC inspector is in my room.请你把油水记录簿带到船长房间来Please take the oil record book to the captains room.好的 明白Ok, get it.轮机长一会过来Chief is coming now.好的 没问题Thats ok.二管轮 PSC检查官上船3rd engineer, the PSC inspectors on board.通

4、知机舱其他人员下机舱待命Inform the other engine members enter the engine room on standby.好的 轮机长Ok, chief engineer.大管轮 大管轮 机舱呼叫2nd engineer, 2nd engineer, engine room calling.大管轮收到 机舱请讲2nd engineer get it, please speak.检查官在我船the PSC inspectors on board.轮机长指示请你通知其他人员下机舱待命Chief Engineer instruct you notify other e

5、ngine crew on standby under the engine room.报告完毕Over.好的 通知其他人员下机舱 完毕Ok, notify other engine crew on standby under the engine room. Over.PSC检查官 欢迎您来我船检查Welcome you to inspect my ship, Mr. Guan.这是你需要的材料These are the materials you need. 你看看 你来检查Please check them.PSC上船啦Is the PSC inspector on board?上船了

6、好Yes. 在船长房间He is in captains room.恩 记录不错 挺好Ok, good record.不错不错 挺好Very good.好的 谢谢Ok, thanks.那样吧船长 我想到机舱去检查一下Then, captain, I want to check the engine room.应急设备什么的 可以吧To check the emergency equipments, thats ok?可以 没问题Ok, no problem.请轮机长领着一起去吧Chief engineer, please go together with Mr. Guan.好的 跟我来Ok,

7、follow me, please.这是PSC检查官 大家欢迎This is PSC inspector.这样的话 我想看一下应急设备 好吧 I want to check the emergency equipments, is that ok?看这个油水分离器 再看应急舵 好不好First to check the oily water separator, then the emergency steering gear, ok?好的 这样的话 大管轮 三管轮 电机员No problem. 2nd engineer, 4th engineer and electrician office

8、r,跟我一块陪同PSC检查官对设备进行检查Please follow me to accompany the PSC officer to inspect the equipments.二管轮 在集控室负责应答警报3rd engineer, please acknowledge the alarms in engine control room.明白Get it.这个警报给应答一下Acknowledge this alarm now.欢迎过来检查Welcome to our ship.这是我们的油水分离器This is the oily water separator.都是按照正常的维修保养进

9、行处理It is maintanenced normally. 好 挺好的Ok, thats fine.这样 老轨我想再看一下你们的应急舵Then ,chief engineer, I want to check your emergency steering gear.好的 大管轮Ok, 2nd engineer.带领着我们PSC检查官到舵机房 检查一下应急舵Please take us to steering gear room to check the emergency steering gear with PSC officer.好的Ok.这就是我们的应急舵This is our e

10、mergency steering gear.这就是我们的应急舵This is our emergency steering gear.现在我们从正常舵转成应急舵Now I am going to swich to emergency steering gear from normal condition.然后我们做一个Then we will take恩 做一个左舵右舵试验一下En test is by turning to port ide then to starboard side.先转换下Firt to switch我来个右舵实验First turning to starboard

11、side.好 挺好Ok, good.好的Ok.老轨 你们这个船是个新船 设备不错Chief engineer, it is a new ship, and all the equipments are in good condition. 恩 我们这个是条新船 刚下水的Yes, it is a newly built ship.各个设备都是新的All the equipments are new.我们的轮机员 水平都很高And also we have the high level engineers. 确实不错 Very good.好 过来给我们点评一下Ok, please review.看

12、看机舱有什么需要改进的地方Is there any items need to improve in engine room?大家欢迎PSC检查官Welcom PSC officer.给我们看看有什么需要改进的地方 Piease give us some advice. 你们这个船 船况不错 你们保养的也挺好Ok, the ship condition is good, and the maitanence work is good too.我通过试验你们的应急设备 我看出来了Im sure your ship condition is good by testing the emergenc

13、y equioments.不错 我很满意Very good, I am very satisfied.好的 谢谢PSC检查官Thank you. Mr. Guan.那我们回船长房间吧 Lets go back to the captains room.好 到船长房间 这边 Ok, to captains cabin, this way, please.船长 PSC检查官对机舱已经检查完了Captain, PSC officer has checked the engine room.现在到船长房间来Now, were coming to captains cabin.怎么样 咱们的检查效果挺好

14、的吧Ok, how about the inspection result?PSC检查官对我们机舱表示非常的赞赏The PSC officer is very appreciated to our engine room.你们确实是管理有方 保养的船舶非常的不错Yes, the maintanence work is good, and your management is in good order.我非常的满意I am very satisfied.谢谢 PSC检查官Thank you, Mr. Guan.好 就这样吧 Thats OK.我叫我们代理送一送你Our agent will s

15、end you.好的 再见Ok. Good bye.管先生Mr. Guan.我们刚才演练的是PSC检查项目We have just exercise a PSC inspection item.这个项目我们刚才配合挺默契We have quite tacit understanding during the exercise.大家对PSC检查官提出的要求模拟的非常到位All of you simulated very well as the requests of the PSC officer.大家也都配合默契 通讯沟通都很顺畅All of you act in harmony, and t

16、he communication of you is very smooth.行 我的点评就到这里Ok. Thats all of my review.大管轮 2nd engineer.刚才在PSC检查的演练过程中 During the PSC inspection exercise just now,我感觉我们的沟通不错I think we have made a good communication.我们跟驾驶台的沟通 我们跟PSC间的沟通Such as the communication with bridge, the communication with PSC officer.我们

17、跟轮机长 我们的上级的沟通 The communication with chief engineer, our header.我们的执行力做的很到位Our execution is good job.轮机长安排我们配合PSC检查这块For the chief engineers arrangement of meeting the PSC inspection,执行力这块我们做的挺好Our execution is very good.我们配合PSC检查应急设备We checked the emergency equipments with the PSC officer.好 我就讲这么多O

18、k, thats all.好 二管轮Ok, 3rd engineer.本次演练的任务是PSC检查 The task of the exercise is PSC inspection.场面特别多 可以说场面很大Particularly great number scenes and large scenes各方面的配合也非常完美The cooperation of all of us is perfect.沟通方面也比较有效Also we have good and effective communication.好 三管轮Ok, 4th engineer.本次PSC来检查 我感觉我们进入状态

19、比较快I feel we enter the state more quickly during the PSC inspection.比较认真 沟通比较到位 Everyone is serious and the communication is good.好 电机员Ok, electrician engineer.我们这次在模拟任务中情景意识比较强We simulate this in a stronger situational awareness of this mission.模拟的比较到位 我们之间的配合比较好We simulate this very well and the c

20、oordination is good.好的 我们自评结束 请评委老师进行点评 Ok, thats all for the self-evaluation. Next, judges review, please!好 我们对刚才这个PSC检查项目做一些讲评、Ok, we do some commenting on the PSC inspection of this project.通过我们模拟PSC检查Through our simulation of PSC inspection,我们首先发现我们这个团队的情景意识比较好 Firstly we find the situational aw

21、areness of this team is very good.首先我们知道 这个PSC检查是船舶的一项重要工作As we know, the PSC inspection is an important work of ship.我们在模拟的时候能充分的意识到检查官的重要性During the simulation we are fully aware of the importance of the PSC officer.并且我们知道检查主要是对船舶的应急设备And we know that checks mainly for the ships emergency equipmen

22、t.我们每一个人的情景意识比较到位The situational awareness of everyone of you is good.这是第一个方面This is the first aspect.第二个方面Secondly,我们的轮机长对人员分工Personnel division of chief engineer能够做到知人善任 分工的比较合理is more clear and reasonable.对轮机员主管的设备能做到合理分配Every engineer is incharge of his own equipments and has a reasonable alloca

23、tion.第三个方面 Thirdly,我们在和PSC检查官以及船长进行沟通的时候When you communicate to captain and PSC inspectors, 沟通的比较好You have made a good communication.再一个 我们的团队协作意识不错Further more, team spirit of us is good.相互之间能够相互补台 互相配合Every one can make complement each other and the cooperation is good.把检查做到圆满完成We complete the tas

24、k successfully.最终的我们的自评也是不错的 And finally the self-review of you is perfect.能够根据自己的优点和不足做了比较好的自评You can do a good self-assessment according to your advantages and disadvantages. 总体来讲 我们模拟的PSC检查项目完成的不错We simulate the PSC inspection successfully overall.这次PSC检查做的非常的不错The PSC inspection work is good.整个流

25、程上 PSC检查就是这个样子PSC inspection on the process is like this.先到船长房间 跟船长进行一些交流First PSC officer will come to captains office and make some communication.包括礼貌礼让 这些情景意识 全部都在里面The situational awareness such as courtesy and comity are reflected.可以说都表现出来了The situational awareness is completely showed to us.我觉

26、得这次大家做的都非常不错I think all of you have done a good work.我说一句 By the way.蒋老师和管老师也都说过了 Teacher Jiang and Guan said just now,我们的情景意识确实非常不错The situational awareness of us is good.非常逼真的模拟我们在船上的时候 You simulate the working condition on board realistically.PSC检查官来的整个一个过程The whole process of the PSC inspection.

27、轮机长在这方面配合PSC检查模拟的非常逼真The coordination with PSC inspection by chief engineer is simulated realistically.PSC检查官很满意 The PSC inspector is satisfied with it.确实不错Really good.各位老师都说了 这次做的确实不错All the judges said we have done a good job.因为让人感觉到PSC检查的重要性和严肃性 Because it makes people feel the importance and ser

28、iousness of PSC inspection.2.船舶搁浅2. Ship Grounding驾驶台呼叫机舱Bridge calling engine room!我们现在可能是搁浅了 We probably grounding now.好的 机舱收到Ok, engine room get it.轮机长 轮机长 请立即下机舱 船舶搁浅Chief engineer, chief engineer, please come into engine room now. Ship is grounded. 好的 轮机长收到 轮机长收到Ok, chief engineer get it.立即通知其他

29、人员下机舱 完毕Notify other engine crew come into engine room on stand by.收到 机舱收到Ok, engine room get it.大管轮 二管轮 电机员请立即下机舱 船舶搁浅2nd engineer, 3rd engineer and electrician officer, please come into engine room now. The ship is grounded.什么情况Whats the matter?驾驶员说船头搁浅 Bridge officer inform that the ships bow is

30、grounded.轮机长呼叫船长 轮机长呼叫船长 完毕Chief engineer calling captain, chief engineer calling captain, over.船长听到 请讲Captain get it, please speak.我们现在什么情况 我们听说发现搁浅 Whats the matter now? I am informed ship is grounded.我们建议主机由驾控转为机控 完毕I suggest change over from bridge control to engine room control, over.是的 我船现在已经搁

31、浅 转机控 Yes, our ship is grounded, change over to engine room control now.马上按照搁浅程序执行Carry out the emergency procedures of ship grounding now.好的 收到 Ok, get it.大管轮 立刻操作主机 2nd engineer, operate the main engine according to bridges order right now. 是Yes sir.三管轮检测排水系统及主机的相关设备 4th engine, check the water di

32、scharge system and relavent equipments of main engine.是Yes sir.二管轮 检查机油油位 机舱油位情况 3rd engineer, sounding the related sump tank and other fuel oil tanks.电子电气员 检查电站设备Electrician officer, inspect the equipments of power station.是Yes sir.轮机长呼叫船长 轮机长呼叫船长 完毕Chief engineer calling captain, chief engineer calling ca

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