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人教版八年级英语上册Unit 4 知识点.docx

1、人教版八年级英语上册Unit 4 知识点人教版八年级英语上册Unit 4知识点Unit 4 How do you get to school?1. How do you get to ?是用来询问对方如何到达某地的常用询问方式,常用回答方式如:I walk to school./I get to school on foot.I ride my bike to school./I get to school by school.I take the subway to school./I get to school by subway.2. 辨析: get to/reach/arrive牢记:

2、 相同点:都是“到达“的意思不同点:get to+地点/reach+地点arrive at+小地点(车站等)/arrive in+大地点(国家等)注意:若他们后面要加地点副词here,there,home等,则不需要加介词。3. hundred 数词,意为“百”必须牢记:1)具体的“几百”:用“基数词+hundred” hundred不加s. 如:two hundred2)“hundreds of” “数以百计的”4 .Well,I usually walk but sometimes I take the bus.1)walk to school=go to school on foot,

3、foot前不用冠词,下列短语都不用冠词:by bus at night at noon go to school have breakfast play football go to bed2)辨析sometimes, some times, sometime, some timesometimes:有时。用于一般现在时 He sometimes goes to the cinema on Sunday.some times: 几次,几倍 We have been to Beijing some times.sometime:某个时候 用于过去或将来 Maybe well meet somet

4、ime next week again.some time:一段时间 Itll take me some time to walk there.5. It takes about 25 minutes to walk.牢记句型:It takes sb. +一段时间+to do sth.“做某事花费某人多长时间”注意:spend和take的用法区别6 -How long does it take? It takes 20 minutes.-How far is it from his home to school? About 10 kilometers./Its about five minu

5、tesbike ride.7 have a quick breakfast 迅速地吃完早餐8every day “每天”,做时间状语。 everyday:形容词做定语,“日常的”9. He leaves for school at around six thirty.1) leave for 去某地 2)at six thirty=at half past six10. Then the early bus takes him to school.1) taketo意为“把带到”to后+地点。2)辨析take, bring, fetchtake:带走,拿走。从说话的地方带到别的地方。bring

6、:带来。强调从别的地方带到说话地来。fetch: 去拿,去取。强调一去一回。11.Thomas wants to know what she thinks of the transportation.托马斯想知道她对交通有什么看法。1)what she thinks of the transportation.是宾语从句。牢记:宾语从句用陈述句语序。注意:疑问语序和陈述语序的对比:How does she get to school?她怎么样到学校?Thomas wants to know how she gets to school. 托马斯想知道她怎么样到学校。Where does Nin

7、a live?尼娜住在哪里?He wants to know where Nina lives.他想知道尼娜住在哪里。2)Whatthink of意为“。认为。怎么样” other parts of the world 在世界其他地方辨析 another, other, the other, others, the others1) another指三个或三个以上人或事物中的另一个,只能修饰单数名词。The T-shirt is too small.Can you show me another (one)?2) (the)other有两种用法:a. one,the

8、other用来指已知的两个人或事物中的另一个。b. 其他情况:other用作形容词+复数名词,当指一定范围内的其他人或物,可在其前+theOne of my parents is an engineer,and the other is a teacher.The visitors come from Beijing,Shanghai,Xian and some other big cities of China.3)(the)others相当于(the)other+名词,There are many people in the park.Some are walking,some are p

9、laying games,and others are boating.13. although和but不能同时使用14. In China, it depends on where you are.1)depend on 视。而定,决定于,依靠2)where you are宾语从句,用陈述句语序。15. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus!1)must be 十分肯定的推测 而cant be 表示否定的推测(中考热门考点)2)a lot “.得多”+形容词比较级。 类似的还有:even, much, a little等 dif

10、ferent from 与。不同 反义词组:the same as17. .have to 不得不 强调客观上 must 必须 强调主观上18. A small number of students take the subway. 少数学生乘地铁。a small number of 少量的 a great number of 大量的辨析:a number of+名词复数+复数谓语。意为:“ 许多,很多”the number of+名词+单数谓语。意为:“的数量”例句:A number of students are on the playground. 很多学生在操场上。The number

11、 of students in our school is about 2000. 我们学校的学生人数大约是2000人。19. When it rains I take a taxi.When it rains是时间状语从句。遵循主将从现原则。20. I need to see my friend.need to do sth. 需要做某事。 注意这里的“need” 是实义动词。注意:need当情态动词的用法。一般用在否定和疑问句中。“需要”/“不必”need+动词原形例句:You neednt finish the work today. 你不必今天完成这项工作。-Need I type t

12、he letter again? Yes,you must./No,you neednt.我需要重新打印这封信吗? 是的,你必须。/不,你不必。21. I have a map but its in Chinese.and I only speak English.辨析:say speak talk和tellsay 意为:“说,讲”,它针对的是说话的内容。What did you say?speak意为:“说,讲话”不强调说话的内容,但有时讲某种语言,(在会上)发言,要用speak.The baby is learning to speak./Speak more slowly,please.

13、talk意为“谈话,交谈”常与with,about,to 搭配。tell意为“说,告诉”,侧重于“告诉”的含义多一些。tell to do sth./tell not to do sth.22. .Dont worry. 别担心。 be worried about意为“为。担心”23. .Let me look at your map.1)牢记:let sb. do sth.2)辨析:look look at see与watchlook与look at 强调看的过程。 see强调看的内容和结果。watch意为:“观看”+“展览,球赛”等Look!They are flying kites./P

14、lease look at the picture carefully.-What can you see in the room? I cant see anything because its dark now.I like to watch dolphins swim in the water./Father is watching.24.ill“病的”形容词做表语,sick“生病的”做定语He is ill,/He is a sick person.25. unit4的语法:how的用法:一是构成感叹句。二是构成特殊疑问句。必须掌握:1)how表示“如何,怎么样”对交通方式,身体状况和

15、程度等进行提问。2)How often表示“多久一次”对频率提问。例如:twice a week. three times a day3) How long表示“多长时间”就“for+一段时间” 或“一段时间”提问。 例for 2 days4)How soon表示“多久以后”就“in+时间段”提问。例如:in two days5)How far表示“多远”,就“路程,距离”的提问。例如:10 kilometres. /five minutes walk6)How many times表示“几次” 就次数提问。例如: three times7) How many表示“多少” 就可数名词多少提问8

16、)How much 表示:“多少” 就不可数名词多少提问9)How old 多大 几岁10)How tall 多高 用于询问“某人、某物的高度”11)How heavy 多重12)How about=What about 意为“怎么样?”用以询问对方的意见。3A 3B知识点:How do students around the world get to school.世界各地的学生们是怎么样去上学的?Around the world 是介词短语作后置定语,相当于all over the world 拓展:Around 表示 大约,常和数字连用。He goes to school at arou

17、nd 8 oclock. 他大约在八点去学校。表示场所,意为 在四周 Around the world 在世界的四周 就是全世界There are many trees around the playground(操场).In north America, most students go to school on the school bus. 在北美洲,大多数学生乘坐校车去上学。 North America 北美洲,是专用名词,故各词的首字母都必须要大写 North China 华北 in the north of China 在中国的北部 north south west east so

18、utheast southwest northeast northweston the school bus 为介词短语,意为乘坐校车,表示交通方式,相当于by bus,但比by bus表达的更具体。I went to school by bike this morning.I went to school on my new black bike this morning. (更为具体)In Japan, most students take trains to school, although others also walk or ride their bikes.在日本,虽然有一些人也

19、步行或者骑他们的自行车上学,但是大多数学生坐火车去上学。本句是一个复合句,主干是students take trains . although 引导让步状语从句,表示虽然,尽管。Although 和 though 不能和but连用。常和still(仍然),yet(也)连用。 Although与thought可以互换。E.g. Although it is rainy today, he still works outside. rainy reni 形容词 多雨的 尽管今天的天气是多雨的,他仍然在外面工作。 Although /Though he was over sixty, he bega

20、n to learn English.begin 开始 着手,动词。 过去式:began 现在分词:beginning 第三人称单数:begins尽管他已经有六十多岁了,但仍开始学习英语。most 在句中是大多数的,大部分的,多半的, the most 意为最多数,最大量,最大限度Most people want to own their own houses. 大部分人都想拥有他们自己的房子。This is the most I can do for you. 这是我能帮助你的最大限度。most of 作主语的时候 谓语动词的单复数取决于of后面的名词,of后的名词是复数,谓语动词用复数,否

21、则用第三人称单数形式Most of us are going to the zoo.Most of the mooncake is bad.And in places where there are rivers and lakes, like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao, students usually go to school by boat. 在有河流和湖泊的地方,像红山湖和开山岛,学生们通常是乘船去上学。这是一个复合句,由where引导的定语从句,修饰前面的名词places。在复合句中,修饰名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。被定语从句修饰的名词或代词叫做先行词。E

22、.g. That is the place where I was born. 那是我出生的地方。That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.那一定比坐公共汽车要有意思。a.这是一个含有比较级的句子,more fun 是fun的比较级,than是连词,是比较级的标志。 Eg. I have more books than you. 我的书比你的书多。b. must 是情态动词,在句中是“一定的”意思,与be连用表示十分肯定的推测,表示推测,判断 用may be,意为“或许是”,如果表示否定的判断要用cant,表示不可能。 That man mus

23、t be a teacher. 那个男的一定是一个老师。 He must have a sister. 他一定有一个妹妹。 He cant forget my name.他不可能忘掉我的名字。c. a lot 是副词词组,意为得多,用来修饰形容词比较级. much 只能够修饰形容词或副词的比较级. a little 修饰形容词或副词的原级,又可以修饰比较级。The boy is much taller than Tom. The boy is a little taller than Tom.d. than 是介词,所以介词后面的动词要变成动名词。所以是taking.In north Amer

24、ican, not all students take the bus to school. 在北美,并不是所有的学生都乘公共汽车去上学。这是一个部分否定句,not all 表示部分否定,意为“不都”,并不是所有都。 在英语中 not 与 all,every,many,much,both,连用时,都表示部分否定。 All the students are not boys. 并非所有的学生都是男孩。 Not every student likes watching TV.并不是每一个学生都喜欢看电视。 Not many of us have a healthy lifestyle. 我们当中并

25、不是很多人拥有健康的生活方式。Not every answer is right. 不是每一个答案都是正确的。Other parts of the world are different from the United States. 世界上其他地方和美国不同。(1)Be different from 表示 与不同。Chinese is different from English.汉语与英语不同。(2)Other 表示 别的,其他的。常常做定语,修饰名词 Some students are watering the flowers, and the other students are cl

26、eaning.有一些学生在浇花,另外一些在打扫卫生。In Japan, The three most popular ways of getting to school are bus, train and bike. 在日本,最受欢迎的三种上学方式是做公共汽车,坐火车和骑自行车。 In China, bikes and buses are the most popular means of transportation. 在中国,自行车和公共汽车是最受欢迎的交通方式。(1)the most popular 是 popular 的最高级。(2)means 意为“方法,手段,工具”,单复数同型。

27、同义词是way There are many means / way of keeping healthy. 有许多方法可以保持健康。Students in Hongshanghu and Kaishandao have to take a boat to get to school. 红山湖和开山岛的学生不得不坐船去上学。(1)in Hongshanghu and Kaishandao 介词短语修饰students 要后置。(2)have to 与 must have to 表示 不得不,强调主语不得已而为之,后面加动词原型。 must 表示 必须,强调主语主观愿意,要求自己为之。 I ha

28、ve to leave now. I must study hard.A small number of students take the subway. 少数学生乘地铁。A number of 表示 许多,若干。后面加 可数名词的复数。如表示程度多少,可以和large或small 连用。A number of 许多,若干A small number of 少量的 A large(great) number of 大量的The number of 的数量 A number of students in our class are boys.A small number of students

29、 can answer this question.The number of students in our class is 60.Take/ridethe/地点=goto+地点+by.Walkto+地点=goto+onfoote.g.Heoftentakesthesubwaytowork.=Heoftengoestoworkbysubway.IntheeveningMrSmithtakesacarhome.=IntheeveningMrSmithgoeshomebycar.=Inthe eveningMrSmithdriveshome.当home, here, there 作地

30、点时 to 不要。1、How do you get to school?(1) how是疑问副词,意为“如何,怎样,用什么手段”。本句为how引导的特殊疑问句,用以询问交通工具。 take + a/the + 表示交通工具的名词,是动词短语,在句中作谓语。 by + 表示交通工具的单数名词或on/in + a/the +表示交通工具的单数名词,是介词短语,作方式状语。eg: I walk./ I get to school on foot.I ride my bike./ I get to school by bike./ I get to school on my bike.I take t

31、he bus./ I get to school by bus./ I get to school on the bus.【注意】by + 表示交通工具的单数名词时,名词前不能加任何冠词或者其他修饰词。(2)get 在句中为不及物动词,意为“到达”,常与to连用,但是表示目的地的词是副词here、there、home等时,则不需要用介词to。eg: Theyll get to Beijing at six tonight.Ill get there on time.2、It takes about 25 minutes to walk.It takes sb sometime to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间【辨析】spend, cost, pay 与 take(1)spend 的主语必须是人。常用于 spendon sth或 spend(in) doing sth.意为“某人花时间/金钱做某事”。e

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