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研究生公共英语听说下LESSON 9B.docx

1、研究生公共英语听说下LESSON 9BLesson NineCollege Life1. W: Do you want to go on a trip with us to Florida this spring? It will cost about 300 dollars a person. M: Three hundred dollars? Do you think I just inherited a fortune? Q: what can be inferred about the man?2. W: My watch stopped again, and I just got a

2、 new battery. M: Why dont you take it to Smiths Jewelry? They can check it for you. And they are pretty reasonable. Q: What is the mans suggestion to the woman?3. W: Were going to change our meeting from Monday to Tuesday. M: Its all the same to me. Q: What does the man mean?4. M: We planned to go t

3、o the beach after class. Want to come? W: Id love to. But Professor Jones wants to speak with me. Q: What will the woman probably do? 5. W: Janet sounds worried about her grades. M: But shes getting As and Bs, isnt she? Q: What does the man imply about Janet?6. M: Im really having trouble with this

4、calculus course. If I cant start doing better soon, Im going to have to drop it. W: Why dont you get some help from the graduate assistant? Thats what he is there for. , Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?7. W: Hey, dont forget to drop that book at the library on your way home. M: Oh, thanks

5、for reminding me. Im on my way. Q: What will the man probably do next?8. W: I sure wish I had a metric meter with me. I need the measurements in millimeters not in inches, and Im tired of converting. M: Would it make things go faster if you borrowed mine? Q: What is the man saying?9. M: Good news. I

6、m not going to need surgery after all. The doctor says I can start working out again soon, and maybe play soccer again in a few weeks. W: Thats terrific. It would be great if you could get back in shape in time for the tournament. Q: What does the woman mean?10. M: I already know what I want to take

7、 next semester, so why do I have to make an appointment to see my advisor? All I need is a signature on my call sheet. W: Im afraid it doesnt work that way. She has to talk with you to make sure everythings on the right track. Q: What should the man do according to the woman?11. W: Prof. Smith sure

8、was acting strangely today. M: I noticed that, too. She was talking so quietly and then not giving us any homework. Can you believe that? Q: What can be inferred about Prof. Smith?12. M: Its been pouring for three days now. I begin to wonder if itll ever stop. W: And tomorrow was gonna be my day at

9、the beach. But if it doesnt clear up by then, Ill just have to forget about that.Q: What does the woman imply?13. M: What a boring speaker! I could hardly keep from falling asleep. W: Oh, I dont know about that. In fact, its been a long time since Ive heard anyone as good. Q: What can be inferred ab

10、out the woman?14. W: Gee, Tom, I hear you are working as a house painter this summer. Its got to be awfully hard working up there on a ladder in the blazing sun all day.M: Well, its hard, but I get to be outdoors and the pay is decent. Q: What does the man think of his job?15. W: Ive been working on

11、 this report all day and Ive still got twelve papers to write. At this rate, Ill never get it done by tomorrow. M: Oh, thats right. You werent in class today, so you probably havent heard the deadline has been extended a week. Q: What do you learn from the conversation?Passage I:College searchStuden

12、t: Dear Professor, can you tell me what is the first thing that I should do to start my college search? Thank you.Professor: Finding the best college for you begins with you. With thousands of colleges and universities out there; the best way to choose the one for you is by process of elimination, F

13、irst, ask yourself some very important questions: What are you looking for in a school? Do you want to attend a large university or a small private college? Or would you rather go to a junior college or a technical college? Do you want to stay close to home? Or is it time for a change a new city, a

14、new state? What can you afford to spend on education? How much can your parents afford to pay? Are you going to receive any scholarships? Are you willing to take out a student loan if needed? What are you thinking about as a major? If you change your mind, will your School of choice have a wide rang

15、e of majors for you to choose from? This list could go on and on but I hope you get the idea Start looking at those schools that have characteristics that are important to you! Once youve narrowed the search, take advantage of college representatives who visit your school by asking them questions an

16、d getting literature from them. Finally, visit your top choices. Seeing the campus, its students and some of its faculty should give you a good idea if its right for you. Hope this helps. Good luck.Sudent: Thanks a lot, professor.I.1. According to the professor, if a student wants to find a best col

17、lege, what is the first thing he should do?2. What kind of college is NOT mentioned?3. How many ways are mentioned for a student to pay for tuition?4. When it comes to the choice of majors, what kind of school should a student apply to?5. Which school of the following is the best choice for a studen

18、t?II.1. begins with you 2. colleges and universities , elimination 3. close, change, new city 4. college representatives , literature 5. campus, students, faculty , good ideaPassage II:How to get a master degreeMary: Do you know how many credits are required to get a masters degree?Peter: Usually ab

19、out 36 credits. If you take five courses per term, youll have enough credits after just two semesters of work. Usually each course is worth three credits. To get the remaining credits you either prepare a thesis or take two more courses.Mary: I am afraid I might find that course load a little too he

20、avy.Peter: Well, many foreign students carry a light load especially in the first termMary: Whats the rule about auditing courses?Peter: As a full time student, you have the right to audit whatever courses that might interest you.Mary: Is there any credit given for audited courses?Peter: No, no cred

21、it is given and no record is kept of your audited courses. But you have to pay the same fee as the regular students and the professor counts you in the roll call too. You dont have to do any assignments or take any tests.Mary: Is there anything else besides 36 credits for the masters?Peter: You have

22、 to take an oral examination.Mary: What is an oral exam? Peter: Well, usually three of your professors make a committee. This committee is called by your advisor. They ask you different questions about your thesis if you submit one. If not, they ask you questions about the courses you took.Mary: How

23、 long does that take?Peter: About two hours. If you dont pass that test, youre not allowed to graduate.Mary: Sounds terrible. Do they need to do the same thing for a doctorate degree?Peter: Yes, but you have to submit a dissertation.Mary: Thank you for being so helpful.Peter: Dont mention it. Lots o

24、f luck to you.I.1.How many credits are required to get a masters degree? 2. How many credits is each course worth usually?3. Which of the following is true about audited courses?4. What can be inferred from the passage?5. What should a student do to get a doctorate degree?II.1. (F) A student will ha

25、ve enough credits for a masters degree after two semesters of work if he takes five courses per term.2. (T) Many foreign students carry a light course load, especially in the first term.3. (F) Part-time students have the right to audit whatever courses that interest them.4. ( F ) The professor will

26、not count a student in the roll call who is auditing the course.5. ( T ) Whether a student can pass an oral exam or not is decided by a committee made up of three professors.Passage IIIFinancial Aid for Graduate StudentsThe most common forms of aid at this lever are scholarships, fellowships, and as

27、sistantships. Scholarships are usually partial awards, generally for no more than tuition and fees, while fellowships usually cover at least partial tuition and fees and provide a stipend for living expenses. The stipend may be partial or full. Assistantships are of different kinds. Some provide for

28、 tuition and fees plus an allowance for living expenses but require 15-20 hours a week of teaching or research on the part of the recipient. Others provide a precisely stipulated amount of money for research, teaching, or other services. No living allowance is included, but at state-supported univer

29、sities there may be a provision for paying resident rather than nonresident tuition. Other forms of aid are long-term, low-interest loans and campus jobs. A packageof aid is less likely than at the undergraduate level, but sometimes a loan may be offered in connection with a scholarship or with a fe

30、llowship or assistantship that offers only a partial living stipend. Decisions on financial aid applications entail two steps. First, whether or not to award aid, and second, how much to award. The decision to award aid may be based solely on academic merit, solely on financial need, or a combinatio

31、n of reasons. The combination of merit and need has traditionally been the most common basis for financial aid decisions at the undergraduate level, while merit alone has most often been the deciding factor at the graduate level. Recently, however, as financial aid funds have decreased in many institutions relative to students needs, need has become a factor in graduate aid awards also.PART D1)search 2)winter 3)river 4)voices 5)silence 6)street 7)violent 8)face 9)mouth 10)soul 11)Fever 12)faint 13)wisdom 14)heavens 15)planets 16)flowers 17)universe 18)drunk 19)mystery 20)loose

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