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1、浅析英文民生新闻标题中的反语本科论文广师天河学院毕 业 设 计(论 文)题 目: 浅析英文民生新闻标题中的反语 (英文): An Analysis of Irony in English Civic News Headline 系 别: 外语学院 专 业: 英语 姓 名: 冯淑婷 学 号: 2012073243408 指导教师: 沈悦英 日 期: 2016年5 月 An Analysis of Irony in English Civic News Headline English Contract ABSTRACT With the dramatic development of econo

2、mic globalization, Chinas communication with outside world has become more frequent than ever before. Meanwhile English news is one of the most important resources for people. With the living standard continually being improved, people pay more and more attention to their civic situation and problem

3、s. For the whole piece of the news, the headline is crucial, and it determines whether readers will read the whole piece of news. So the headline is the eye of the whole news which brightens the news. As a kind of rhetorical device, pun is not only widely used in literary works, but also accounted f

4、or a place in the news headlines. Simple to say, irony can make news headlines become more humorous, more real, and closer to life. In order to be able to understand the real meaning expressed by the news headlines, it is necessary for people to be familiar with irony. So this paper is going to stud

5、y irony in English civic news headline. The first part of this paper is a brief introduction to the research object of the paperthe irony in English civic news headlines. The second part is to introduce the basic definition of irony and the relationship between irony and English news headlines. The

6、third part is to analyze the characteristics of irony in English civic news headlines. The fourth part is to analyze the functions of irony in English civic news. The last part is to summarize the whole paper.Key Words: irony; English civic news headline; characteristics; functions浅析英文民生新闻标题中的反语摘 要随

7、着经济全球化快速发展,中国与世界的交流越来越频繁了,英文新闻成为了最重要的信息来源之一。 随着人们生活水平的不断提升, 他们越来越关注民生状况和其问题。新闻标题对于一整篇新闻来说是至关重要的,它决定了读者是否会查阅一整篇新闻,所以说标题是新闻的眼睛,它点亮了整篇新闻。反语作为一种修辞手法,除了被广泛地运用在文学作品中,在新闻标题中也占了一席之地。简略的说,反语能够实让新闻标题更加幽默,更加真实,更加贴近生活。为了能够很好的理解新闻标题所表达的真正意义,熟知反语是非常的重要的。所以本论文浅略地研究分析英文民生新闻标题中的反语。本论文的第一部分是简略的介绍了论文要研究的对象,也就是英语民生新闻标题

8、中的反语。 第二部分是介绍反语的基本定义和反语与英文新闻标题的关系。第三部分是分析反语在英文民生新闻标题中的特征。第四部分是分析反语在英语民生新闻中的作用。最后的一部分就是总结全文。关键词:反语; 英文民生新闻标题; 特征; 功能 Contents. Introduction 1.The Relationship between Irony and English News Headline .2 2.1 Definition of Irony 3 2.2 The Role of Irony in English News Headline.4 . The Characteristics of

9、 Irony in English Civic News Headline 4 3.1 Criticize Civic Problems with Ironic Humor 5 3.2 Express the Civic Situation Impressively 6 3.3 Describe the Civic Events Obligingly 7. The Functions of Irony in English Civic News Headline 9 4. 1Dispense the Inherent Vapidity 134.2 Ironically Highlight th

10、e Prevalent Peoples True Feelings 14V. Conclusion 15Bibliography 17Acknowledgements 19 I. Introduction News headline is one of the most important parts of the news. It is eye-catching highlight which attracts readers attention and previews the whole news. Compared with other English news, English ci

11、vic news is ignored by scholars. The same as the English civic news, irony is not taken seriously by scholars compared with other English rhetoric devices. When people want to know more about irony, and they search the information of English rhetoric devices, the first thing which shows up is always

12、 not irony. In order to find out what is really needed, digging harder for irony is always the important thing. At the end of it, frustration shows up after finding out the truly situation about irony. Although irony is commonly used in our daily life, but it seems that people dont really care about

13、 it. Such being the case, paying more attention to irony and English civic news is extremely necessary, because they are common in daily life and are very important. This paper is going to study on the irony in English civic news headline. The definition of irony in Websters New World Dictionary is

14、“a method of humorous or subtly sarcastic expression in which the intended meaning if the words used is the direct opposite of their usual sense.”(Michael E. Agnes 284). Actually, irony is commonly used in the English civic news headline. Irony in English civic news headline seemed quite immaterial

15、to scholars so that people started to neglect the importance of irony. Therefore, it is high time to pay attention to it for its development. This paper works on analyzing the characteristics and functions of irony in English civic news headline. Meanwhile, this paper will provide some unique charac

16、teristics and functions on irony in English civic news headline to serve the readers and provide some information to figure out the significance of irony in English civic news headline. The characteristics will help to criticize civic problems with ironic humor, express the civic situation impressiv

17、ely and describe the civic events obligingly. And the functions dispense the inherent vapidity, ironically highlight the prevalent peoples true feelings and trenchantly expose the civic problems.II. The Relationship between Irony and English News HeadlineWith the high speed development of the Intern

18、et, people gather information more easily. Living in an era full of all kinds of information, people need to get valuable information through all sorts of media. And as the widespread information resource media, news is one of the most popular sources for people gathering information. In one hand, a

19、s news headline is the highlight for the whole news, news headline seems to be the widespread media for reader to absorb the information quickly. In the other hand, as the official languages of the most populous countries, English is the worlds most widely-used language. So on the whole, English new

20、s is easier to spread. Above all, English news headline is the most effective way to convey information. In this part of the paper, it concentrates on the relationship between irony and English news headline.2.1 Definition of IronyIrony (from Ancient Greek (eirnea), meaning dissimulation, feigned ig

21、norance), in its broadest sense, is a rhetorical device, a literary technique, or an event in which what appears, on the surface, to be the case, differs radically from what is actually the case. Irony may be divided into categories such as verbal, dramatic, and situational. Muecke, DC described iro

22、ny in his book The Compass of Irony: “Verbal, dramatic, and situational irony are often used for emphasis in the assertion of a truth. The ironic form of simile, used in sarcasm, and some forms of litotes can emphasize ones meaning by the deliberate use of language which states the opposite of the t

23、ruth, denies the contrary of the truth, or drastically and obviously understates a factual connection.” (Muecke 80) Henry Watson Fowler, inThe Kings English, says “any definition of ironythough hundreds might be given, and very few of them would be acceptedmust include this, that the surface meaning

24、 and the underlying meaning of what is said are not the same.” (Henry 126) The use of irony may require the concept of a double audience. FowlersA Dictionary of Modern English Usagesays:Irony is a form of utterance that postulates a double audience, consisting of one party that hearing shall hear &

25、shall not understand, & another party that, when more is meant than meets the ear, is aware both of that more & of the outsiders incomprehension.(Fowler 156)TheAmerican Heritage Dictionaryssecondary meaning forirony: “incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs”. (Houghton 21

26、5) This sense, however, is not synonymous with incongruous but merely a definition of dramatic or situational irony.It is often included in definitions of ironynot onlythat incongruity is presentbut alsothat the incongruity must reveal some aspect of human vanity or folly. Thus the majority ofAmeric

27、an Heritage Dictionarys usage panel found it unacceptable to use the wordironicto describe mere unfortunate coincidences or surprising disappointments that suggest no particular lessons about human vanity or folly. On this aspect, TheOxford English Dictionary(OED) also says:A condition of affairs or

28、 events of a character opposite to what was, or might naturally be, expected; a contradictory outcome of events as if in mockery of the promise and fitness of things. (James Murray 403) Its difficult to give irony a perfect explanation. In Samuel Johnsons Dictionary, irony is defined as a mode of sp

29、eech in which the meaning is clearly contrary to the words.(Samuel 147) Now according to the Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary, irony is the expression of ones meaning by saying the direct opposite of ones thoughts in order to be emphatic, amusing, sarcastic, etc. D. Sperber and D.

30、 Wilson published On Verbal Irony and it claimed “an ironical utterance is traditionally analyzed as literally saying one thing and figuratively meaning the opposite. Thus the ironical remark what lovely weather would have the figurative meaning what awful weather, and so on.” (Sperber Wilson 60).Al

31、though irony has so many definitions there is no integrated definition for irony. However, the present research of English irony seems to describe the meaningful idea instead of definition.2.2 The Roles of Irony in English News Headline Irony is in a particular language environment. The functions of

32、 irony are to satirize and to create humorous atmosphere. Sometimes irony is more powerful. Adopting opposite words to express real intention is the feature of irony. It is more interesting for readers to read.News headline is the eye of the news. The most important function of it is to reveal the main content of the news to the readers concisely. And let the readers in the shortest possible time to obtain as much information as possibl

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